Chapter 5: Yami

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Our teacher began writing the things that the other classes already came up with for the Evening Festival. And let me tell ya.

They're good.

"WHAT! But I want to do the haunted house." One of the students whined when Yugi-sensei wrote that class B-2 is going to make the haunting house for the Festival.

"Oh no! Not the Fashion Show too." One of the girls cried. Unfortunately, class C-3 have the most girls who are really good at making dresses and clothes.

'This is bad.'

All of the students are really sad and disappointed. There's no way that we will be about to come up ANY ideas if they are already been taken.

"Don't worry everyone. We'll think of something. How about we each voice out all of our ideas. Both the taken and non-taken subject. I'm sure they'd be better than the other one." Yugi-sensei said encouragingly.

"But I really want to dress up Yugi-sensei!" The same girl that whine about the 'Fashion Show', quietly. But we still heard her. Making Yugi-sensei blush. One by one we began voicing our ideas, while Yugi-sensei wrote them all down. It was Joey turn, who suddenly gave a secret smirk that he doesn't want others to see. Even thought I saw it.

'What is he up too?' I look at Joey suspiciously, until he suddenly rocket out of his chair and shouted out, "For my idea! I think we should make a contest. A contest that test your courage!"

When he presented that; the students began whispering and murmuring.

"A contest?"

"To test your courage?"

"What's he talking about?"

"Don't know. But it sounds interesting."

Yugi-sensei then asked Joey what he was trying to say.

Joey then started explaining. "Ok'ay, so I found out that a couple of years ago when this school made the Evening Festival. No one never actually thought of any competition that would reel up the students because they are either a scaredy-cat or plain boring. The teachers never really thought of it as well, so I say that we make one of our own and show this school how strong our courage is by takin' the Test Of Courage Competition!"

Joey emphasized his point by putting one foot on top of his desk and pumping his fist to the air.

'I could already imagine him being our Statue of Liberty.' (Joey: Watch your mouth, buddy! I'm trying to help you here.)

One of the student asked where the competition is going to take place.

"It's going to be at the abandon Dorms of Renka Middle school. Apparently, they close down the dorm because the students over there said that they could hear voices and other 'spooky' stuff."

"And you expect us to go there, test our self-courage, on school's property where it's illegal for us to even go in the first place." I said in a straight forward answer.


"But Joey it's, what Yami pointed out, illegal for us to trespass on other school's ground. We'll get in trouble if we do this."

"Don't worry teach! The school over there said that if we solve the mystery of the 'Abandon Dorm', then they'll be able to open it it back on for other students who live far away. So, basically we're giving them a favor."

"Y-yeah, but-"

But the other student cut him off. Saying that it'll be fun and interesting. After a while, Yugi-sensei finally sigh and said yes.

All around me, the students began cheering as Yugi-sensei wrote in the requirement sheet for our Competition tonight.

"Alright everyone. I already finish our requirement sheet for this Evening Festival. I'm going to send this to the office so please make sure you guys are behaved, until I get back. You may all go and talk to one another."

And with that, Yugi-sensei open the door and walk out. When we heard the click, Joey suddenly got out of his seat and began writing something on the board.

'So much for 'behaving'.' I sigh and asked, "Joey, what are you doing?"

Joey grinned at me and presented the class of what he had just wrote on the board. We lean towards the board, while I began reading it.

"Mission: Take Yugi-sensei's First...."


Mai stood up from her desk and asked (Yami: Actually, she was commanding.) "Joey! What is the meaning of this!?"

Joey's grin widen, before he started explaining.

"The whole "Test of Courage" is just a cover, so that we can do the REAL event for the Evening Festival."

"So, you lied to us. But doesn't that mean that Yugi will give the office the wrong requirement sheet?"

"Don't worry. I have all under control." Joey gave us a winning smile. While we all stare at him in awe and in confusion.

I just sweat-dropped. 'Is this even a good idea?'

But when Joey started explaining what we are going to do for the competition. I changed my mind already.

"Joey. You are a freaking genius."

"I know, right."

We each gave each other a smirking look.

'This time. I won't run away.'

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