Chapter 6: Yugi

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'A competition to test our courage. I'm surprise that Joey could even think of that. Even though it's quite unnatural for him to come up with that kind of idea. Hehe~ Shikata ga nai! *Oh well!*' I giggled a bit before I spotted the office.

I knocked the door, before hearing Mr. Pegasus said, "Come in~!"

'Wow. He sounds cheerful for some reason. Wonder why?'

I open the door to see Mr. Pegasus talking to someone.

"Oh! Mrs. Pegasus!"


Mrs. Pegasus quickly came over and hugged me. I blushed. Luckily, the hug is light so that it won't sufficates me. Unlike the other's...... I sweat drop from the past hugs that I got from my students. But it also gave me this sudden feeling that I cannot forget. Memories repeat itself through my mind as I hold on to Mrs. Pegasus.

Flashbacks: Where It All Began

I was waiting outside of class A-1. I was nervous. Really nervous.

"I hope they won't judge my appearances."

I look down at myself to see that I'm wearing a brown business clothing, along with a dark blue tie. I made sure that my small glasses won't fall down, but sometimes it would slip off my nose.

'I think I dress a bit TOO formal.' I sigh before hearing the signal.

"Sensei, you may come inside know."

I gulp. Then squeeze my bag tightly for some kind of encouragement. But it's not working. Then I heard something.

"Kuri Kuri~!"

I quickly turn to see....


The little fella started jumping everywhere around me. Happy too see me again. I quietly said a small spell so that time would slow down for a bit. This spell is not permanent, so I would have to hurry before it wears off. I put down my bag and open my arms, which Kuriboh quickly engulfs me in a sweet and caring hug.

Another Flashback: Memories

Let me start explaining. The truth is....I'm not just any normal human.

But also a Magician. A very powerful one.

My avatar enable me to do so many spells and chants. And can also let me communicate to other Spirits, as well as seeing them. In this world the people doesn't know about the many dimensions that has been created around around them. Normal eyes cannot see what they are meant to be seen from the real and the non-real. My kinds, the Magicians and Spellcasters, make the world balance by using magic. There are other kinds as well: Beasts, Machines, Witches, Plants, Knight Palatines and other kinds as well. There are categories that each of us can have.

Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Dark, and Light.

We create the balance, but the most powerful ones are the 7 Continents.

And I am one of them.

That was years ago. Everything was perfect the way it should be. Everyone knew that the 7 Continents are the ones that keep the balance of both the human world and the Spirit world and that we don't use our powers for evil.

But everything changed.

Dark Skull Archfiend of Lightning is a Dark attribute monster, and used to be part of the 7 Continents because........of an accident.

I couldn't say it was an accident. More like a murder. The others agree as well, and we believe that someone is trying to destroy us one by one. We sent out an urgent call to every land of the Spirit World to help us. But our call has not been replied until it was too late. One by one. Every members of the 7 Continents started to fall. We try to protect ourselves and to support the others, but it seems that all of our strength are not good enough to match his. We found out recently that the person who was behind this has a master that want the Spirit World and the Human World all to himself and that they are his mind slaves. In the end.

They're were only three of us left.

Both Wind Knight (Wind and Knight attribute) and Hazy Flame Cerberus (Fire and Beast attribute) are the one that do the fighting while I support them by doing healing, traps, and spells. Hazy Flames Cerberus sacrificed himself to save us, while also have time to get away. When they are about to catch us, Wind Knight also sacrifice herself but not before giving me the final good byes.

"Yugi, you must hide. You are the last one of the 7 Continents and we need you to recruit more to replace those that are lost."

"But Wind Knight, I can't! All of you are dear to me. I don't want other Continents."

I hold her in my arms as I could feel her life force fading. Along with her body. Magic creatures have life forces that sustain their bodies. Without them; we are merely a pile of golden dust. That are sent to the world where monsters may never return.

The Graveyard.

Wind Knight coughed harshly, after a major attack against our enemy, before taking out an item.

"The Book of the Spirit World. Take this with you. Read all of them. Learn from them. Find the keepers of the 7 Continents. Y-you are our last hope of sustaining this world. Our precious light. Please Yugi."

I wasn't so sure. I may be powerful, but the one that gives my courage are the 7 Continents. My friends, my family. I couldn't bear replacing them for another.

Wind Knight seem to understand as I cried in frustration, anger, and for the loss of my one and only loving families. Wind Knight touch my cheek to get rid of the falling tear before she kiss me on the forehead.

"You are never alone. This isn't good-bye. It's just that we'll never see one another again. We will always watch over you. And in your heart." Wind Knight took her last breath, but before she do so. She used a spell.

"steílte mou tis dynámeis tou anémou kai tou aéra se katharó fos as esý tha niósete tin ánesi kai tin kathodígisi esý sto fos" *Send my powers of wind and air in pure light. Let thou feel the comfort and guide thou to light*

"No...Wind Knight....don't."

Her magic of wind starts to flow into me. The feeling of gentle yet loving made me cry. I never knew that I closed my eyes. But when I open them; Wind Knight is gone. I let out a cry of agony. Tears falling down more as I yelled out for them to come back. To never leave me alone. The wind that I now processed reflect my suffer, as the rain pour down and the lightning strikes above me. The tree's that surrounds me whispers to move on. My friends have given their powers to me. So, I can protect them until the right time comes.

I never knew how much time has past. Then I heard them. They're close. With my own strength, I weakly stood up from where Wind Knight lay, and grab the book. Then quickly turn and run. I run like never before. But I knew that they will catch up to me.

'I have to make them get off my track. But how?' I hold out my hand and make my staff appear, before I chanted a spell.

Four of me started to appear, before I gave them the tasked. "Confuse my enemies. Make them believe that you are the real me. Send them off. Help give me time."

"As you wish."

I left them behind to deal with them. While they are doing that; I cast another spell. A portal of darkness appear and I quickly vanish through it. Where it will take me to the Human World. I never been to the Human World before, but I soon got used to its environment when I met these people. Their names are Mahad and Mana. But in truth, they are actually Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. They found me in the woods, while I was unconscious and took care of me. They taught me how to hide my avatar and seal away my magic so that those 'creatures' won't find me. I could only use a little bit of my magic, and not the major ones. They told me that in order for my magic to be release I would need a human skin contact.

A kiss.

So I have to be careful because once my magic is seal; my magic will get stronger. It's like containing hot air inside a balloon and if you don't release it. It'll explode. Years past, and news from the Spirit World alerted me that there are Rebellions who want to help the 7 Continents. I was so happy.

'Thank Ra.'

And over those past years, I practice and read the Book to get better. Basically, in order to find the new recruits of the 7 Continents; they must present those power whenever danger occurs. And once I find them one-by-one; I have to say these spells so that me and that person can make a contract and be an official member of the 7 Continents. In addition, they never knew about those powers because they are still contain and asleep, but once the time come. They'll appear.

Now, it is my mission to find them and teach them the ways of controlling their powers and fight the evil that plague the land of the Spirit World. I can't fail. Both for them and for my family.

Flashbacks: Memories: Ended

"Oh Kuribon...yes....yes...I miss you too. But how do you know where I am?"

"Kuri Kuri Kuri~!" *I followed you. I couldn't bear these feelings of loneliness at home.*

"But what about the other spirits? You have them as well."

Then Kuribon look sad and started explaining.

"Kuri~ Kuri Kuri Kuri~!" *Something strange is happening in the Spirit World. I wasn't so sure if it was true, but after Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl realized it. They sent me to find you.*

"What? What's happening then?"

"Kuri kuri~" *They said that the spirits are afraid of going to the Spirit World. So, they decided to move to the Human World.*

"But that would be suicide! They should know that once you're in the Human World they only have a limited time of how long that they can stay. If they stay longer; they'll vanish!"

"Kuri Kuri~!" *We know! That's why Mahad and Mana have created a spell to keep the spirits longer without them vanishing. They're trying to find more spirits to help on the other side, but they found out that there are also more spirits from where you are. They need help.*

I nodded. Understanding the situation. The reason why I want to become a teacher in the first place is because I didn't want to risk the others from getting in danger because of me. So I separated myself from them to live in a solemn, yet normal life.

"Alright. I'll try to find more spirits after this. What's the spell?"

Kuribon gave me a note that has the incantations, before leaving out of sight.

Time reverted back to the way it used to be, and I enter through the class. Never knowing that my solemn life will turn into something more.

Flashback: The End

"Yugi? Daijōbudesu ka?" *Yugi? Are you alright?*

I snap out of my thoughts, and saw Mrs. Pegasus's worry face.

"O-oh. It's nothing. Here's the requirement sheet." I gave the paper to her and was about to leave until Mr. Pegasus asked me to stay for a little bit.

"I'm sorry. Mr. Pegasus. But I must hurry back or something will happen to the students."

"Yes, but I want to talk to you about something."


I turn around so that I may listen.

"Yugi, did you ever noticed the sudden change within the air."

"No. I cannot use my full powers if they are all sealed away. I can only use small magic."

"Yugi, I can see it."

Mr. Pegasus removed some of his hair so that his golden eye can be seen clearly.

I'm not the only one who knows about the Magic World. Both Mrs. And Mr. Pegasus are actually from the Spirit World like me. But ran away because it was getting dangerous for the couples to live in. They don't really used much of their magic. Instead, they can only feel and see the magic energy coming off from someone. So, that they would know that they are from the Spirit World as well.

So I understand what he's talking about.

"Your magic is getting more aggressive than usual. You better be prepare to control them once they are released."

I put a hand on my chest and start to concentrate. Feeling the familiar warmth coming from my magic, I open my eyes to see my hand surrounding in a light glow, while wind began picking up around me. I move my hand down swiftly and quick; making the glow and the wind stop.

"You're right." I narrowed my eyes and stare down at the hand that I just used a second ago.

Mrs. Pegasus gave me a sympathy smile before giving me a pat on the shoulder.

"It'll be alright. Once you find the person who will release your powers. That person will help you overcome the many obstacles that you will face in the near future.

"Thank you. Mrs. Pegasus."

"We will always help you in time of need. For now, go back to your class. That's all we want to talk to you about."


I open the door of the office and began walking through the many hallways, so that I can get back to my class.

Location: Office

Mrs. Pegasus turn towards her husband to see a smirk on his face.

"He's close."

"I know. Soon Yugi's magic will be release."

Mrs. Pegasus walk towards her husband and wrap her arms around him.

"Joey's getting smarter. Along with his magic."

"Don't forget Yami's as well."

"Our students are growing up so fast. It'll be hard for them once they realized their true destiny."


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