Chapter 7: Yami

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Location: Renka Middle School Dorms

Time: 7:00pm ( Night )

Finally, the time has arrived.

For the Evening Festival to be begin.

Everyone are here accounted for as they put all of their attention towards our very own speaker.

Joey Wheeler

"Alright! Welcome to the "Evening Festival Courage Test!"

Everyone scream in excitement, while I just clap. But a smirk starts to appear on my face; feeling excited as much as they do. Joey spotted me, and gave me a knowing wink. I wink back; telling him that I got his message.

"Oh my."

We all turn around to see that our main star has arrived.

Yugi look at all of us; confused.

"I thought the Evening Festival is going to start at 8:30?" 

Joey then started explaining.

"Sorry that I didn't tell you about the change of time Yugi."

Yugi-sensei just smile at Joey and said, "It's alright Joey. But, please, next time. Warn me." Yugi cutely wink at Joey just as Joey wink back at him.

"Everyone are already here, right?"

"Some of them. The others aren't feeling well, so they decided that they'll watch us through one of the cameras."

"The cameras?"


Joey pointed one of the cameras that is on top of a light pole.

"Seto installed them for us so that we can see one of the contestants' scary face on screen TV. Hehe~" Joey grin stupidly as he started imagining funny faces. 

"It'll be more entertaining if we see your funny face, mutt."

Joey snapped his head towards Seto, and started insulting him. Seto just ignore Joey, and continue typing away through his security cameras. Checking that everything are set and ready to go.

"Alright! I will now explaining the rules for the Evening Festival Courage Test."

Joey hold out a red ribbon and show it to us, before explaining.

"The rule is that one of you will present yourself and wear this red ribbon to show that you will be going inside the dorm building first. And inside the building, you would need to travel through every part of the building, until you find the Science room. There, you have to find the Science's body skeleton, and tie the red ribbon on it. After that, you would need to go and find the exit fit yourself. But be careful. I heard that something "spooky" will appear and gobble you up."

We laugh, including me. I turn towards Yugi-sensei. Expecting him to laugh along with us. But was confused when I saw the seriousness on his face, while looking up towards the building of the abandon dorm. The way he look like that made new feel concern. I also saw that Yugi-sensei's hands are clench into a fist. Worried, I began speaking to him.


I touch his shoulder to get his attention. Which he jumped a little from the sudden contract.

"Are you alright?"

Yugi look up and stare into my worry crimson eyes, while I also stare down at Yugi's amethyst eyes, and notice that he seem too be disturbed by something.

We continue to stare at each other's eyes, but Yugi broke the eye-contact and turn away.

"Y-yes. Don't worry. It's just that I'm a bit tire." He rub his eyes, so that he could make me believe his lie. But I didn't believe him, and began looking around the building. Just then, I saw something move in the shadows. I wasn't so sure what it is, but when I blinked.

It was gone.

"Weird." I muttered. Yugi heard me, and ask me what's "weird"?

"Nothing." I quickly replied. Yugi- sensei narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but shrugged it off because he knew that I'll start getting curious.

"Sorekara. Dare ga saisho ​​ ni iku tame ni kōun no hito ni narimasu ka?" *So, then. Who will be the lucky person to go first?* 

Joey put his hand over his eyes and started scanning the crowd. He grin when his eyes landed where I am.



Yugi jumped in surprise when Joey announced that he's going to go first. Joey pointed his finger at him to come over, so that he could put the ribbon on. Yugi-sensei wasn't that thrill to go inside the dorm. Alone. So.....

I carried him.

"Ah! Yami! Put me down!" Yugi was blushing really hard as I wrap my arm around his small waist and lift him up and onto my shoulder. I just gave him my devilish smirk. Causing Yugi-sensei's blush turn red as a tomato.

"Don't worry, Yugi-sensei. It'll be fun."

"Y-yeah." I put him down gently as Joey attach the ribbon on him. I gave him a flashlight, so that he can see through the dark.

Yugi look nervous, but gave a determined look.

"I'm ready."

7:30: Yugi-sensei takes off

One of the students then asked, "Teacher, will you be alright?"

"Yeah. I will."

"Yugi-sensei, try hard!"

"Faito!" *Fight!*

The students yell out all their encouragements as Yugi-sensei enters the building, and disappears.


"Is he inside?"

"Alright, he's inside."


"Well, then..."

"Yoshi!" *Alright!* Joey pulls out a pair of scissors, and cut the poster that said, "Evening Festival's Courage Test", and reveal another poster.

"Well then." Joey put on the mic again, before talking.

"Starting again, it's the Evening Festival's Special Plan, "Love-Love Kiss" with Yugi-sensei Master Plan!"

"Yea!" Everyone cheers, and clap their hands in awe.

Joey smirked. The jumpy excitement that he has been holding in has now finally come out.

"Well then! The rules will be explained again right now."

Joey then recited what he said in the classroom, before coming here for the big event.

"All athletes will be grouped in pairs, and will enter the dorm building from different entrances than the one Yugi-sensei used. Search for Yugi-sensei somewhere in the abandon dorm building, and the first team to take Yugi-sensei's lips wins! Of course interference is possible...but the only weapons allowed are pillows. And the athletes are...!"

Joey then call out the names of the participants.

And I am one of them.

"Entry number one, Group 1! Ryou Bakura and Malik Ishtar the friendly dou."

"Continue, Group 2! Leo and Luna Emerald, the twins duo. This combination of twins is great!"

"Group 3! Vivian Wong and Rebecca Hawkins! The rival dou."

"Don't get in my way. Got it, brat!" Vivian warned Rebecca as Rebecca said, "Yeah right! I'll make sure that my darling doesn't get his first kiss stolen from you!" Those two glare at each other, until...

"Like I'll let you two take away MY sensei's first kiss! He's mine!" Mai yell at them as they all glare at each other. Me and Joey sweat-dropped. As you can almost see the intense flames coming off of them.

Joey continue speaking. "Oh~ Seem to me that Group 3 are already starting to get warm up for the competition! Now then, resuming where I have left off, Group number 3's battle power is overwhelming; they'll plow through the front and aim for Yugi-sensei's lips!"

"Not on my watch they aren't!" Mai try to get a hold of them, but is being held back by her partner.

Kisara Blue-Eyes. A young, and beautiful women, who got her name from her blue hair, and blue eyes. AKA Seto's younger sister, and have a great sense of modeling, while getting this feeling of "Big Sister"!

"Next is the underdog! Yami Sennon and Anzu Misaki, Group 4! The intelligence dou!"

(Yami: How dare you! Joey: HeHe~ That's what you get for calling me a dog.)

I glare at him for calling me a dog. Also, I'm a bit confused of why I'm being partner up with Anzu Misaki. For I already knew she is in love with Yugi-sensei as I do.

"And the last is Group 5! Class President, Mai Valentines, and Kisara Blue-Eyes! The big sister dou! We're going to be expecting a lot from the class president, who is number one at approaching Yugi-sensei."

"HOHOHOHOHO!!! Exactly, which is why I will be the one to stop all of you from getting my precious sensei's kiss!"

'This is going to be a real challenge indeed.' As I narrowed my eyes towards our class president.

Joey again caught our attention, and resume his rule.

"It'll be a challenge between these five groups, with ten people in it. So, we will see the results that is given through several video cameras that are set within the abandon dorm building, and will be carefully checked and judged by me, the moneybag, and my favorite sidekick, Triston Honda."

Both Seto and Triston have a angry mark on their forehead as they glare at Joey harshly.

Joey ignored them, before speaking.

"All athletes! Please go to your starting positions! The competition will start in five minutes!"

Groups Depart

Rebecca hold on to her pillow tightly, while giggling. "What will I do if I mistakenly win? Even though it's only Yugi's kiss, it'd be MY first kiss too!"

Mai then started punching her pillow, and said, "I WILL get Yugi-sensei's lips!" Still feeling warm up.

The twin dou are just happily chatting with each other; not really carry about taking Yugi-sensei's kiss, since they're young and have no clue what the competition was all about in the first place.

"Kissed by Yugi-kun eh..." Ryou smile; thinking that it's be really fun, while Malik believe that their group will win in taking Yugi's kiss.

"All right....we'll definitely win!"

Me and Anzu just walk behind the other groups, but then Anzu suddenly spoke up. "Yami."


"I have a favir that I want you to do for me."

"Umm.......alright. What is it?"

We pause in our steps, and when she look up. Her eyes suddenly turn cold; making me shiver.

"Will you help me get Yugi's first kiss?"

"W-what?" I was surprised. A minute ago she was just a quiet, and shy girl. But then she turned cold, and demanding.

'Guess you shouldn't take their appearances too likely.'

Anzu frowned, then said, "You heard me. I want to get Yugi's kiss. And I want you to help me."

"But-" She cut me off and said, "You will do it! Or else..."

She smirked evilly. "I'll tell everyone that you're actually 'not-straight'."

I glare at her. 'How dare she threaten me!'

I cross my arms to look intimidated, but still feeling nervous and unsure. She wasn't satisfied by me, before continuing on to catch up with the others.

'Damn it!' I clench my fist, while my blond, lightning bangs shadow my eyes.

'What do I do!?'

I wasn't really paying attention, until Joey started talking.

"All right! Contestants, once you are at you're position; I will tell you when the time is up."

'Curse her!'

I started running towards where I am supposed to be in. 'I guess I don't have a choice.'

Joey started the countdown.


I found Anzu standing under the tree.


"Well, are you going to help or not?"






"Fine." I hissed.

Mission: Take Yugi-sensei's Fisrt Kiss!: Begin!

Anzu smirked. "Excellent." We began walking towards the abandon dorm building.

'Sorry Joey.'

I clench my hands, as I tightly closed my eyes.

'I guess your hardwork have gone to waste.'

"Open the doors, Yami." Anzu ordered me.

'And it's all my fault.'

As I kick down the doors; we enter inside the dark hallways of the Renka Middle School's Abandon Dorms.

"Yugi-sensei, I'm sorry." I whispered lowly as I trail behind Anzu.

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