Chapter 10: I'm gay

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Chapter 10: I'm gay

The next day wasn't that awkward but for Jungkook, it was. The pretty boy was still ignoring him even though he already bought what Taehyung wanted.

"What are you sulking about this time?" Jungkook started while Taehyung was sitting in front of him in the dining area.

But Taehyung didn't bother to speak or even glance at him instead, he continued to eat.

"I bought what you wanted, did you see them?" Jungkook uttered frustratedly.

"You're late, I already hate them." Taehyung simply replied without looking at him.

"Don't be such a brat, Taehyung. You're on my property, you should know how to be disciplined." Jungkook retorted.

"I was about to do that but I changed my mind. You're a real jerk and I hate you." Taehyung grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"The feeling is mutual, I never like you in the first place." Jungkook mocked.

"Then I'm leaving! I hate being with you!" Taehyung gritted his teeth, harshly standing up from his seat.

"Do it, that's what I'm waiting for. You're a pain in my ass." Jungkook told him,

Taehyung walked out, slamming the door closed. Jungkook sighed frustratedly and shooked his head.


Luckily, Taehyung was wearing his hoodie so at least he can hide his face knowing his father's guards were just in the area.

"Taehyung, finally you showed up. I've been looking for you." Hoseok said in relief when he saw the younger boy inside his shop.

However, he noticed that Taehyung's eyes were puffy and red. He just finished crying but his eyes were still teary.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Hoseok asked worriedly and cupped Taehyung's cheeks.

He barely sees Taehyung cry, the younger boy was always joyful mostly when he teases his parents.

"Tuh-that bastard, I hate him." Taehyung cried like a baby.

"Who? Tell me Taehyung." Hoseok inquired wiping off the tears.

Taehyung simply shooked his head ignoring Hoseok's question and wipe off his tears.

"Kim Taehyung"

He flinched when he heard the familiar voice. He knew it was his father behind him. He swallowed hard not knowing what to do.

"I'm right, I will see you here. Now, why don't we continue the deal with your fiance, hm?" Taeui uttered.

Taehyung turned around to look at him and gave him a stern face.

"I'm afraid, I don't want to. I'm old enough to decide for myself, dad." Taehyung retorted.

"Decide for yourself? Do you mean that running away from me and escaping from your wedding?" Taeui taunted.

"Wedding? I never agreed to any shit about that. Can you just stop forcing me to marry someone because of business?!" Taehyung growled.

"It's not just about business, it's also about you. I cared about you that's why I want to help you to fix your life." Taeui stated.

"Cared about me? No, you didn't dad. If you really care about me, you shouldn't have forced me to marry someone! Why don't you listen to my opinion?!" Taehyung grumbled.

"Your opinions are nonsense anyway. It will just ruin your future. Tell me why don't you want to marry her, huh?! She's beautiful and perfect. You will like her, Taehyung." Taeui added.

"Because I'm gay!"

Hoseok and Taeui were surprised to hear that knowing that was straight but sometimes suspicious.

"What? What did you just say?" Taeui inquired making sure he heard it right.

"I'm gay, I like guys, I like dicks!" Taehyung claimed.

"Did you fuck a guy? Did you get fucked by a guy, huh?!" Taeui asked.

"O-of course not!" Taehyung retorted with a hint of embarrassment in his tone.

"Then you're not gay until you experienced either of them, you are saying nonsense just to escape from your wedding." Taeui stated.

"That's not how it works dad!" Taehyung yelled.

"Whether you like it or not, you'll get married, Taehyung. I don't care if you're gay or not that doesn't matter anyway." Taeui spoke.

"I told you, I don't want to marry her!" Taehyung gritted his teeth.

"Get him!" Taeui suddenly ordered.

And two guards came inside the shop, however, Taehyung was fast to turn around and run to the emergency exit of Hoseok's shop. He was familiar with Hoseok's shop because he used to hide in that place. But when he opened the door, he saw a guard in front of him.

"Do you think you can escape like that again?" Taeui chuckled knowing his son's moves.

Taehyung kicked the guard on his groin and pushed him away. He started to run away from the shop. He was panting heavily, he was tired yet he can't stop because he still can hear his father's guard behind him.

He saw that he was near the familiar alley, he run faster than he can so at least he can avoid him. But when he was in the alley, someone grabbed the back of his hood, pulling him inside the alley.

"Let me go!" Taehyung squirmed around hoping that he could escape.

"Shut up"

He heard the familiar annoying voice, he was relieved when he was with Jungkook. Jungkook let him go but held his wrist instead. They started to run away but the guards were behind them. Jungkook pulled the huge trash can on his right side and kicked it causing the trash can to roll near the guards. Due to that, the guards weren't alarmed and stumbled on the trash can.

Jungkook let Taehyung go first while he was pushing those mannequins away from their way to make them a distraction for the guards.

He grabbed Taehyung's wrist once again and continued to run. He opened the door of his van to help the pretty boy to get inside and went to the driver's seat to drive. He started the engine and drive away from the place. Taehyung was finally able to breathe after the exhausting escape with his father.

He looked at Jungkook through the mirror confused about why and how Jungkook was in that place. But the younger boy was busy driving not noticing his eyes.

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