Chapter 11: Escape Plan

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Chapter 11: Escape Plan

Luckily, Taehyung and Jungkook went back alive to Jungkook's hideout. The pretty boy was relieved that he escaped from his father once again. He sat down on the couch to at least lessen his stress and nervousness because of what happened.

"Kim Taeui's son, Kim Taehyung was allegedly got kidnapped. The kidnapper was seen with Taehyung earlier while his father was trying to save him from the unknown man. Taeui will grant a person who will ever inform him where his son's whereabouts. For more information about the kidnapper, here's his picture."

The picture was shown on the screen, well, at least it was a bit blurry because he was running away and he was wearing a mask too which at least covered his identity.

"Shit" Jungkook curses under his breath while removing his mask.

He grabbed his phone to contact Namjoon to help him escape and find a new location to hide. He can't believe he was in trouble just for saving Taehyung.

"Jungkook, look what I told you! You should be careful of your movements! Why are you being so reckless?!" Namjoon scowled when he answered the calls.

"Stop scolding me, okay? You don't know what happened, find me a new place to hide now!" Jungkook grumbled.

"Fine, but make sure you won't drag me with this mess of yours. If you just listen to me, this won't happen." Namjoon ended the calls.

Jungkook groaned and threw his phone on the wall, annoyed causing Taehyung to flinch because of his sudden action.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know dad will do this. I---"

"Shut up, I don't want to hear your voice." Jungkook cut him off before he can even finish his sentence.

Taehyung mumbled 'sorry' looking down at his lap while fidgeting his fingers. He didn't expect his dad will do such a big chaos just because of what happened.

"You know what, why don't you just go back to your house so this shit will stop?! I'll be wanted just because of you." Jungkook grumbled.

But Taehyung shook his head aggressively as a 'no'. He doesn't really want to go back to that place.

"What do you want to happen?! I'm in danger and so you are too! Your father surely will do anything to arrest me!" Jungkook was frustrated.

"I-I'll go with you, but please don't send me back to him." Taehyung stood up and held the younger boy's right arm.

"Are you even hearing yourself right now? You're going with a stranger, do you even know me?" Jungkook retorted glaring at him.

"I'm begging you, please bring me with you. I don't care whether you're a stranger or not but I rather want to be with you than go back to that place. I felt safe with you, Jungkook." Taehyung begged.

And to Jungkook's surprise, the pretty boy knelt down in front of him with tears falling from his eyes.

"I'll run with you, I'll hide with you. I will do anything as long as they stop interfering with my life. I owe you my life, I will pay you back, trust me." Taehyung cried.

"Stand up"

Jungkook pushed his hair to the back while sighing.

"I told you to stand up! I didn't ask for you to kneel down!" Jungkook told him.

Biting his bottom lip and feeling his hope was lost, Taehyung stood up.

"Don't blame me if something happens to you, this is all your decision." Jungkook warned him, turning around to go to his room.

Taehyung sobbed, yet he was relieved that he won't go back to that house, that was okay for him.


Hours passed, and Taehyung sat down on the couch when he heard a car's engine behind the door. He swallowed hard hearing a loud knock. Suddenly, Jungkook came out of his room and didn't hesitate to open the door.

"What's the update?" Jungkook asked Namjoon who went inside the house.

"I already found you your new hideout, here are the documents you needed so you can go there safely. It's better for you if you hide out of the country and cool down for a while before you come back here when the news died." Namjoon said giving him the brown envelope.

The younger took it and open the envelope, they were documents about his fake certificate and also his identity.

"What about Taehyung? Did you make one for him?" Jungkook inquired looking at Namjoon.

"What? Don't tell me you're going to bring him with you?!" Namjoon was surprised and glanced at Taehyung.

"He insisted, I didn't force him. He wants to go with me." Jungkook sighed pushing his hair to the back.

"There's no way you will do that, Jungkook, you know how dangerous it will be if you bring him with you. They might be caught you!" Namjoon told him with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Just...just do what I say hyung, go and make one for him as well. I'll take care of it." Jungkook retorted defeatedly.

"Tell him to go back to his parents instead so you don't have to carry someone who will be a burden to you. Besides, it was his fault that this is happening to you." Namjoon replied shaking his head as if Taehyung can't hear him.

"Hyung please, make one for him so we can leave as soon as possible." Jungkook sough.

"Fine, but if I were you, you should listen to me. You'll regret taking care of him." Namjoon just left like that.

Taehyung fidgeted his fingers while looking down at his lap. He saw Jungkook walk passed by him as if he was some ghost in the house and went to the room again.

He knew he was being selfish but he can't help it. He understands the power of his dad, and his father will surely find a way to get him back and it might get worst. The only way he can fully escape from his dad was with help of Jungkook and he won't waste until he makes it.

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