Chapter 18: Go back

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Chapter 18: Go back

It's been 5 years since Taehyung got married to Park Chaeshin, who is now his wife. He became the heir of his father's company after a year of his marriage to be able to learn business. His relationship with his wife felt like nothing because he was too workaholic and barely went home after his work. He usually stays in his own apartment that he bought for himself.

“How are you two together?” Rynah asked the couple.

They were having dinner together with their parents and, obviously, Taehyung wasn't interested in their topic.

“We're fine, Ma, you don't have to worry, Taehyung was taking care of me very well.” Chaeshin replied with a smile.

Lies. Taehyung never took care of her, he didn't even fully know her.

“I'm glad to hear that, I thought you two won't go along together.” Rynah giggled.

“Do you guys have any plans to have a baby? It's been 5 years now, I think you guys are ready to become a parent.” Taeui stated.

Taehyung stopped eating his food and looked at his father.

“Why would we even plan about that? We're not a real couple.” Taehyung retorted.

“Your Dad is right, Taehyung, you two have been married for 5 years, I agree that this is the right time to have a child of your own.” Dan, Chaeshin's father, agreed with Taeui.

“That's true, I'm sure you two will have a beautiful and handsome child together.” Shin, Chaeshin's mother, also agreed with that.

Taehyung slammed his utensil on the table and glared at them.

“Forcing me to marry someone I don't even love, and now wanting me to make her pregnant? The delusional.” Taehyung grumbled.

“Taehyung, watch your words!” Taeui chided him.

“What? Can't I speak for myself? I already did what you wanted, so stop asking me to do something I don't want to! It's too much now! If you wanted to make her pregnant, go and do it!” Taehyung shouted and stood up from his seat to leave.

“Taehyung, go back to your seat!” Taeui yelled, but Taehyung didn't even listen to him.

Taehyung can't help but get frustrated, he hates how his life is being controlled. He just wanted to escape, everything felt suffocating now. This is not the life he wanted, it's so uncomfortable.

“One more, please.” Taehyung told the bartender to serve him another beer.

“Okay, Sir.” The bartender poured the beer into his glass.

And without any hesitation, he gulped it down to his throat. He got wasted after drinking constantly, he couldn't even count how many glasses of beer he had drunk. Thereafter, he left the club to go to his apartment. He knew that he couldn't drive or else, he will end up in an accident. He still walks while limping and with a dizzy head.

He went to the familiar alley and sat down on the side while leaning his back on the concrete wall to take a rest for a moment.


He heard those cat mewl, he looked down on his lap and saw those familiar cats he used to see before. They are grown up now, they were kitties the last time he saw them, and they're still healthy even though Jungkook isn't there to feed them.

“I'm sorry, I don't have any cat food here with me.” Taehyung giggled, petting the cat on their heads.

The cat leaned on his touch, wanting to be petted more.

“All of you grew up healthy, hah, why? Is there someone feeding you guys? I'm sure, if he's here, he'll be feeding all of you.” Taehyung smiled, thinking of Jungkook.

His smile faded away because he realized that he never heard of Jungkook after that. He doesn't even have any idea where Jungkook must be right now.

Did he leave the country?

Is he doing okay?

Mostly, did he already find someone else?

Taehyung can't help but get hurt thinking that Jungkook would be with someone else. He's afraid that he can't be that someone else.

Tears unknowingly fell from his eyes, it still hurts him every time he remembers Jungkook. He wondered what would happen if they were able to escape that time. Will he live happily?

Because his life right now felt like a misery, he wanted to be happy too, but why can't he do that?

“Where do you think Jungkook is right now? Is he happy that he's not living with a burdened person like me? I think so, I only gave him a headache and stress. I did nothing but to make his life harder. If he finds someone else, I wish that person will be better than me.” Taehyung smiled bitterly with tears kept falling from his eyes.

“You should go home now, it's so cold here for you to stay here.”

He heard someone speak, he wiped off his tears and cleared his throat.

“Don't you hear me? I told you to go home.” The person told him once again.

“Why? Why is everyone telling me what I should do?! I'm old enough now to do what I want!” Taehyung grumbled, looking up at the person with teary eyes.

“I'm telling you to go home, so you won't get a cold! Do you know how dangerous for you to stay in this place?! If you don't get sick, you'll die!” The person shouted.

“That's better, then! I rather wanted to die than to live! I hate my life, I hate everything!” Taehyung cried.

He gasped when he was pulled up by his arms.

“Get up, I'll bring you home.” That person uttered.

“Let me go! I don't want to!” Taehyung squirmed around to get away from that person.

Since he was drunk, he was kind of strong due to the alcohol in his body.

“I don't have a home, so please let me go!” Taehyung argued.

“We're going home, together, do you understand?” That person told him, looking at his eyes.

Taehyung nodded his head while sniffling. He wiped off his tears and followed the person in front of him.

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