8. Restart

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Ash's    POV - 532 words -

It was the day after letting Serena down, and I really hoped she had at least a bit forgiven me. I put on my usual clothes and set of for school. The walk was pretty quick, past a corner shop and a few houses. Like I mentioned before, I come from quite a small and poor town. I then got the bus all the way to the train station, a long journey I'm telling you.

On the train today I sat next to Robin, the midget. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just stating fact. We didn't talk much, it was mostly coughing and sneezing, mainly from Robin. After time it became 'the norm' to sit with him, in our usual spaces at the end of the train.

I ran of the train, desperate to find Serena and apologise in hopes of becoming friends again. But I couldn't find her. Once she heard what was going on even Misty helped!

Alas, I couldn't find her anywhere. I checked all of the class rooms, the sports hall, the playground and field, even the miniature forest and pond! What is she's moved school! I wondered to myself. Misty gave me a reassuring tap on the head, and said, "Oh yeah, her mum called in and said she was sick!" She was trying hard to frown, but I could see her smile underneath.

"You made me look and you knew the whole time!" I half shouted half screamed at Misty.

"I'm sorry I just forgot!" Shouted misty, giving an annoyed pout.

All the rest of the day was miserable. Misty was ignoring me too as I shouted at her, and the only person left to talk to was Robin.

"So Robin, how was your day?" I said with a sad tone in my voice.

"Good I guess, why you wanna know...." Said Robin suspiciously.

"I I I dunno." I said stupidly.

"Remeber..." Started Robin.

"I know your secret!" He said as he ran towards the classrooms.

That kid is defo a weirdo.

I lugged my stuff to maths, my next class. I was about to walk into the classroom when I saw something horrifying.

Through the glass door, I could see one of the bigger kids, with pictures of me after the mob CRUSHED me.

Basically everyone was laughing. Even the teacher, Mr Wood!

I looked closer, to see that one girl, wasn't laughing. She was shaking her head in disappointment. When she turned around I could see her face clearly.

The girl I'd helped! Did this mean she actually liked me? I'd had a weird vibe from her before, but I guess I was wrong.

She looked at me and gave me a cute smile.

Did I just say that?

Stupid ash! You can't go liking other girls, you GOT to make it up to Serena!

I picked up my stuff and ran outside, past all the lockers, science class and art. Eventually I got outside.

I don't know why but I felt drawn to that spot we were supposed to meet. The whistle of the trees, the miniature waves splashing in the pond.... It just made me feel..... Free.

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