Chapter 11

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Ted's P.O.V

I woke up to Scorpius bouncing on me.

"Tedddyyy! Get up, it's Christmas!" He yelled. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. He was beaming with a giant smile.

"Excited much?" I chuckled and sat up.

"I love Christmas, you know that! What did you get me?" He asked and I laughed.

"Well it's downstairs under the tree." I told him. "Now get off of me and I'll wake up the love birds." He obliged and ran out of our room. I put on some pajama pants and a t-shirt. I walked to their room and when I opened their door, they were already awake, doing what adults do. Wink Wink

"Funny I never expected Harry to top." I suppressed a chuckle. They spotted me and shrieked loudly. Harry rolled off of Mr. Draco, blushing furiously as I just smirked.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" He sneered.

"Well I thought you guys were sleeping, but I guess morning sex is good too." I smiled. "I hope that's not your only gift Mr. Draco." He blushed at this.

"You're so lucky I can't chase you right now." He snarled.

"Well get dressed because Scorpius is already downstairs probably opening all the gifts." I advised them. I walked out and made my way downstairs. Scorpius was sitting by the tree with a pout.

"What's wrong there?" I asked.

"Dad charmed them so I couldn't open them, did you wake them up?" He asked.

"They were already awake." I smirked.

"Why are you smirking?"

"Because to walked in on them... having sex."

"Ew gross.,He grimaced. "Why are you smiling at that?"

"Because I think it's funny!" I exclaimed . "Harry topping! You'd think your dad would be the one to top."

"I don't want to think about that at all!" He yelled.

"Good because you shouldn't be!" Mr. Draco yelled. I looked at them and they were sweats and T-shirts.

"So different seeing you guys in clothes." I snickered.

"Theodore Remus Lupin!" Harry yelled. "I will take away your gifts!" I bit my lip and took a seat next to Scorpius. They shuffled into the kitchen and got some coffee. When they came back, Mr. Draco took the charm off the gifts and allowed us to open the gifts. I opened all of mine, I received a few new books, a new broomstick, and some candy. Scorpius received similar gifts to mine but he didn't get a new broom stick. That was the gifts we got from our parents. Mr. Draco got me some fireworks from George Weasley's shop. And much to Harry's amusement, he gave Scorpius so much Gryffindor stuff, only to annoy Mr. Draco.

"Thank you!" I hugged them both and handed them their gifts. I had gotten Harry a new watch, which he loved. And Mr. Draco, I gave a few books.

"Thank you Ted." They gave me a hug.

"Ted I actually have another gift for you." Harry smiled. He handed me a rectangular box. I gently opened it and it was a piece of paper.

This document is the legitimate certificate of the legal adoption of Ted Remus Lupin to Mr. Harry James Potter.

I read that line and my heart sped up.

"You adopted me?" I gaped at him.

"Sure did." He smiled. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"What about grandma?" I asked still hugging him.

"She'll still be a part of your life. The day you left for Hogwarts, I asked her about it, she said she would love if I adopted you. So we went to the ministry and she revoked her guardianship." Tears spilled from my eyes, I was so overly happy.

"Thank you so much."I sniffled. I felt him laugh and he patted my back. I let go of him and wiped my eyes. He smiled and kissed my head.

"Whoa Ted this means that if Harry and Dad get married, we'll be brothers." Scorpius said. Mr. Draco's eyes widened and he turned to Harry.

"I'm sorry Harry, this won't work out." He disclosed. Harry laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Anyway, are you guys hungry?" Harry asked.

"Yes." We said in unison.

"I'll make breakfast but we're also going to grandma's today."

"All of us?" I asked.

"Yeah she's Draco's aunt."

"But that means he's my cousin?" I more so questioned.

"I don't know, I don't really think about it too much, kind of confusing really." Mr. Draco answered. 

"So technically you two are related, cousins I guess." Harry replied shrugging.

"That does sound confusing." Scorpius said. "But either way, we're related!" He high-fived me. Harry put his head on Mr. Draco's shoulder and Mr. Draco put his head on Harry's, their hands were intertwined. Harry was truly happy.


Third Person P.O.V

It was the day after Christmas. Harry and Draco were in the kitchen talking. The two boys were in their room. There was a knock at the door.

"I'll answer it." Draco kissed Harry and walked over to the door. He opened it and recalled a young woman who was very attractive. Slim figure, tall, and beautiful eyes.

"Draco!" She smiled.

"A-Astoria." Draco stuttered. "Why are you here? How did you find me?"

"I found you through your mother, still a very nice woman." She smiled. "I wanted to come see you."

"Why?" Draco asked getting annoyed. "You just dropped my son off at my manor. I haven't seen or heard from you in 13 years!" He yelled.

"Draco please, I was young and naïve, I didn't want to be a mother."

"I didn't want to be a father; you didn't even tell me you were pregnant."

"You were... preoccupied." She replied. "I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me? I want to be there for you now... for our son!" She grabbed Draco's hands who quickly pulled away.

"He's my son." He sneered. "And I don't want to be with you, I'm seeing someone, don't you read the daily prophet?"

"No I don't have time for that nonsense." She spat. "Who's this slut you're seeing?"

"Excuse me? You can't some back into my life after 13 years, when I only slept with you once, when we weren't even dating and call the one I'm with a slut."

"I was a virgin when we slept together. I kind of thought you'd sought me out after I gave you our baby. But you didn't. Can I see him?" She asked and Draco sneered even more. Draco grit his teeth and shook his head.

"No." He said.

"Please I want to meet him, he is my son."

"He's my son Astoria; you haven't been here for his whole life." By this time Harry made his way into the living room. He spotted Astoria and recognized her from his dream. He walked over to Draco and wrapped his arm around his waist. Draco instantly relaxed. "Astoria you remember Harry Potter." He mentioned and she nodded. "Well he's boyfriend."

"What?" She scoffed. "My son has been being raised by fags?"

"First of all Greengrass, he is MY son for the fucking last time and don't you dare start calling me names when you're in my house." Draco roared. "Now leave my property or you'll be sorry." He hissed. He slammed the door and he was shaking.

"Hey." Harry spoke softly as angry tears were in Draco's eyes. "Its okay baby, relax." Harry hugged him tightly. Harry hadn't seen him this angry since they were children.

"I hate her." He sneered. "I'm sorry raven, you don't deserve that." He said sadly.

"Hey if names hurt me, I'd be dead." Harry laughed. He pulled Draco for a kiss and gently kissed him. Draco kissed him back and then rest his face in the crook Harry's neck.

"I need to go talk to Scorpius." He mumbled against Harry.

"Alright go ahead, I'll keep Ted occupied." Harry kissed him and allowed him to go upstairs. Draco walked over to the door and knocked on it.

"Come in!" They called and Draco walked in. Scorpius was lying in his bed reading while Ted sat next to Scorpius.

"Scorpius I need to talk to you... alone. Ted, Harry is downstairs."

"Okie dokie." Ted said. He left the room and Draco walked in. He sat on Scorpius' bed, where Ted had been sitting.

"What's wrong dad?" Scorpius asked.

"I love you Scorpius." He started.

"I love you too dad." Scorpius said. He sat up and sat closer to his dad.

"Well y-your mother just showed up." Draco said.

"My mom?" Scorpius asked.

"Yes, she wanted to see you but-"

"I don't want to see her!" Scorpius yelled.

"You don't?"Draco asked.

"Fuck no! She fucking abandoned me! She abandoned you! I mean she made you feel so fucking low!" Scorpius yelled.

"Scorp, calm down!" Draco's eyes widened. Damn he had his temper.

"No! You had scars on your wrists dad! You're finally happy! You're the happiest I've seen you in awhile, she has no right to waltz in here, AFTER 13 YEARS AND DECIDE TO SEE ME NOW!" Draco wrapped his son in a hug and Scorpius broke down. The anger turned into frustration and he started crying.

"It's alright Scorpius." Draco rubbed his back. "You don't have to see her; I doubt she'll come back, just relax." Scorpius calmed down and looked at his father.

"I don't want to meet her."

"I know you don't have to."

"I love you dad."

"I love you too Scorpius."


A few hours later, the quiet house was erupted with a loud banging at the door. Draco swung the door open to find a few aurors and people from the ministry.

"Draco Malfoy?"

"Yes?"Draco was scared. They handed Draco the letter and ran inside.

Order from The Ministry

I, Astoria Greengrass hereby renounced the guardianship of Scorpius Malfoy, from Draco Malfoy. And to be placed in my care.

Draco's heart clenched as he looked up and Scorpius was being brought out by the aurors.

"Dad! Where are they taking me?" Scorpius cried.

"You can't just take him!" Draco yelled.

"She can't do that!" Harry yelled as he stood in fear.

"If you're unhappy with the arrangement, you can take it up with the ministry." The one ministry man told him.

"Dad help!" Scorpius cried.

"I will Scorpius, it'll all be okay I promise." Draco yelled as they slammed the door shut. Draco looked to Harry. "She took my son." He broke down and started sobbing. Harry quickly caught him and rested him on his chest.

"It'll be okay Drake, I promise." Harry soothed.

"I-it w-won't be." He sobbed. "I'm an ex death eater remember?"

"You were acquitted of those charges baby. We'll get him back." Harry tried. Draco just continued to sob. "C'mon we'll go now."

"The ministry should be closed."

"Then we'll go first thing in the morning, baby we'll get him back." Draco clung to Harry as Harry rubbed his hair.

"How c-could sh-she do that?" He sobbed.

"Shh." Harry soothed. "It'll be okay."

Scorpius' P.O.V

I was brought to a giant house. They walked me to the door and it swung open revealing a tall brunette.

"Scorpius!" She called. She tried to wrap me in a hug but I pulled away. "It's okay, I'm you mother!" She smiled.

"Astoria?" I hissed. Once I was brought in, they left me with her.

"Mom." She nodded.

"Let me go back with my dad, I don't want to be here."

"Your father is a good for nothing fag." She hissed.

"You fucking take that back you bitch! You're the one who fucking abandoned me!" I yelled.

"Don't take that tone with me!" She yelled back.

"I just did! Let me leave! I want to be with my dad because he raised me! You just threw me out!"

"I did not!" She hissed. "Besides I was only two years older than you when I had you!"

"How is that my fault?! Maybe you shouldn't sleep with the first guy you see!" At this she slapped me. I bit my lip and stared at her. My breathing got heavy and I stared at her, seething.

"LET. ME. LEAVE!" I yelled. "You don't even want me, you never wanted me so why now? Why do you suddenly want to take me away from the happiness of my home?"

"Because you shouldn't be living in that kind of environment!"

"What? With a happy person? A happy life?! Somewhere I'm safe and taken care of?"

"He was a death eater!"

"You left me with him so obviously that didn't matter. You're just disgusted! You're disgusted that he can finally be in love again after so many years of pain!" She didn't say anything. I just stared at her seething.

"If you're not going to be nice, then you must be punished!" She grabbed me by the back of my neck. She pushed me towards a door and shoved me through. It was a small room with no windows and no light, just a mattress. "See, you ruined a perfectly good reunion." She huffed. She closed the door and I was left in darkness. I lied on the mattress and curled up in a ball.

"I wanna go home."

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