Chapter 10

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Warning: Mention of self harm

Draco's P.O.V

            I took the day off so I could take care of Harry when I was allowed to take him home. I walked in his hospital room and Harry was lazily lying in bed.

            "Hey baby raven, how you feeling?" I asked smiling.

            "Lonely," He pouted. "I missed you last night."

            "I missed you too; we never got to continue our love fest." I pointed out and his eyes widened.

            "You're right!" He gasped. "Now I'm even sadder." He pouted. I walked over to him and kissed his lips.

            "Why are you sad sweetheart?" I asked and he bit lip. "C'mon, you can tell me."

             "I h-had a d-dream last n-night." He stuttered. I grabbed his hand and rubbed circles on his thumb.

            "Don't be nervous. What happened in the dream?" I questioned softly.

            "Astoria came back and wanted to be with you." He told me . My eyes widened and I gulped.

            "Well I'm with you Harry." I assured him. "I love you."

            "I love you too." He said. "She wanted to be there for Scorpius." 

            "She hasn't been here for 13 years of his life, he is my son and no one is going to change that." I told him. "It was just a dream baby raven, don't sweat it." He bit his lip again and started to chew it. "Hey, what's wrong now?" I asked softly.

            "My dreams... they're usually true. Cedric's death, Sirius getting murdered." He sighed. "Mr. Weasley getting attacked."

            "When did you have that dream?" I inquired.

            "Back in fifth year." He frowned.

            "Hey well, if she does come back, we'll be prepared yeah? Please don't stress about this." Tears filled in his eyes. I wrapped him in a hug and rubbed his arm. "What's wrong baby?"

            "I do-don't want t-to lose y-you." He cried.

            "Harry James Potter, I will never leave you for her, she isn't a good person and if she so happens to come by, I will tell her to leave." I spoke. He swallowed hard but nodded. "Okay?"

            "Okay." He whispered and I kissed his head.

            "I'm gonna see if I can take you home now." I got up but he stopped me .

"Are the boys at home?"He quizzed and I nodded.

"Yes they were sleeping when I left, but they are very excited to see you again." I answered.

"Good." He smiled. I kissed him and I walked out. They said he was allowed to leave so I helped him get ready to leave. "Are you going to carry me?" He asked.

"Of course." I smiled. I picked him up bridal style, his arms wrapped around my neck. I walked out of his room, down the long halls and out to the car. I put him down and he got into the passenger seat. I got in the driver's seat and held his hand. "Are you okay baby raven?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I cried before, I guess I'm just really tired." He apologized.

"Don't apologize for crying sweetheart, its okay." I assured. He just smiled and we pulled up to our house. I helped him out of the car and grabbed his hand as we walked into the house. Scorpius and Ted ran into the living room when they heard the door open.

"Harry!" Ted yelled. He threw his arms around Harry. He was pretty tall, almost Harry's height so Harry hugged the boy back.

"Hey Ted." Harry smiled.

"How are you feeling Harry?" Scorpius asked.

"Better. I don't remember what happened but from what I was told, I wasn't in very good shape." Harry said.

"Well at least you're okay now, can you tell us what you heard?" Scorpius asked. "Dad wouldn't tell us."

"Scorp." I warned.

"No it's fine, let's go into the kitchen and I'll tell you what I've been told." Harry told them and they nodded. I just sighed. They nodded and walked into the kitchen. Harry went to follow but I pulled him into a kiss and he kissed me back. Before I went any further, I pulled away and put our foreheads together.

"I love you Harry." I whispered. "Are you hungry?"

"I love you too and yes." He smiled so we walked into the kitchen. The kids were seated at the table so Harry took a seat across from them as I made something to eat.  I listened as Harry explained what he has been told.

"Ron said then they were ambushed after they took me down," He started. "I was apparently lying unconsciously on the ground. Thankfully there were aurors that were on break or on different shifts so they were able to get the death eaters." He explained. "Ron finally got to me and I had been bleeding so he just picked me up and apparated to the hospital so I got there quickly enough. There was another bad case but they sent one Crucio his way and just petrified him." I finished cooking the omelets and sat at the table. I was sitting close to Harry so he put his head on my shoulder. He started to eat the omelet.

"So what happened when you came to?" Ted asked.

"I was a little confused but Draco explained to me what I had been through and that I was caught from behind. Then Ron came and explained in even better detail."

"Wow." They said in unison.

"I was so worried when Mr. Draco contacted me. Then McGonagall came and I was so worried I'd lose you." Ted informed us, frowning.

"Nah you can't get rid of me that easily. Voldemort couldn't even do that." I flinched at the name so Harry lifted his head. "Sorry." He frowned.

"It's alright."

"So when did you two decide to be together?" Scorpius asked with a smirk. Harry let out a surprised chuckle as my eyes widened.

"Well as soon as you got on the train, we got in the car and fucked, deciding we needed to be together." Harry responded jokingly causing my eyes to widen even more.

"See the condom came in handy." He flicked his eyebrows up and down. Harry laughed as I felt myself blush.

            "Where did you get that anyway?" I asked firmly.

            "Oh well I went into the Hufflepuff compartment because I mean, Gryffindors probably never use protection, you can't count on Slytherin's either, I mean come on." He said pointing me and himself.

            "Scorpius!" I yelled.

            "Anyway, a nice sixth year boy handed it to me." He smirked.

            "Scorpius, go to your room." I said rubbing my temples.

            "What? Why?" He groaned.

            "Just do it." He frowned and stomped away. Ted just awkwardly got up and walked away.  I sighed and Harry looked at me, he knew why I was annoyed.

          "He knows how to get under your skin, dragon." He nuzzled into my neck. "But I don't think he meant anything by it." He kissed my neck gently.

            "The thing is we did use protection that night." I sighed. "I guess the condom must've broken or something."

            "Yeah that obviously happens a lot." He scoffed. I chuckled and kissed his head.

            "Maybe they didn't even use protection." I suggested.

            "Oh yeah, that makes me feel loads better Drake." I laughed and cuddled him tighter.

            "Sorry sweetheart."

            "Do you think Dean is with her? Or will she have to raise the baby alone?"

            "I don't know I'm sure she told Dean."  I said and he sighed.  "Are you alright?" I asked.

            "I just don't want her to be alone."

            "A-are you th-thinking of helping her?" He was quiet. "Harry?"  He sighed. "Fine I get it." I jumped up but he pulled me back down. "Get off me Potter." I hissed. He cupped my face and kissed me. I reluctantly melted into the kiss and intertwined my hands in his hair. He pulled away.

            "I don't want her to be alone but I'm certainly not helping her." He whispered so I sighed.


            "C'mon, let's go take a nap, I'm sleepy." He said. I nodded and we got up. We joined hands and walked up the stairs. I allowed him to go in our room as I knocked on Scorpius' door.

            "Scorp, you don't have to be in your room anymore." I told him. He looked angry but nodded.

            "Thanks." He muttered. I left his room and walked into my shared room with Harry. I looked at him.

            "Are you naked?" I asked biting my lip.

            "No." He chuckled. "I'm in my boxer, sorry to disappoint."

            "I just thought we could continue what we started the other day." I smiled. He smiled and yawned.

            "Well maybe later, I'm sleepy, come cuddle with me."  I did as told and got into bed with him. He cuddled up to my side and fell right to sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

            The baby won't stop crying and I'm stuck taking care of him. Mother made me move out but she bought me my own flat.

            "It's alright Scorpius, its okay." I rocked him in my arms. Fucking Astoria, just dropping him into my arms. I put the bottle to his lips and he stopped crying taking it in his mouth. I decided to raise him how a muggle would because he deserves a good life, not the kind I had. He spit the bottle out his mouth, drinking about half, and started crying. I quickly patted his back a few times to burp him and when he did, I decided he needed to sleep. I sat on the couch and rocked him slowly.

Twinkle Twinkle little star

How I wonder where you are

Up about the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Oh how I wish

I could have told you

You're my little star

I wonder where you are

Oh how I wish I told you

Maybe we could have marry

I really love you Harry.

            As tears welled up in my eyes, I looked down and noticed that Scorpius fell asleep. I gently got up and walked him to my room. I put him down on the green blanket in his crib. I kissed his head and smiled.

            "I love you Scorpius."


            "Daddy!" Scorpius ran into my arms as he got off the bus. I gave him a hug and ruffled his hair.

            "Hey Scorp, how was school?" I asked. He was about 7 years old. I held his hand to walk to the house.

            "It was... fun." He said seeming distracted. I looked down to him looking at my wrists. "Daddy, what happened to your wrist?" He asked. I stopped walking and got eye level with him.

            "Well Scorpius, a person does that to their wrists when they're very upset. When they feel pain in here." I pointed to his heart. "But if you ever feel that pain, you come tell me before you make these marks and daddy will make it better." He nodded.

            "What made you so sad?" He inquired. He didn't know of Harry, so couldn't tell him that reason.

            "Well your mummy, daddy really loved her but she didn't want to be with me." I lied to him. "But you know what the best thing is?"

           "I got you." I smiled. He giggled and I kissed his cheek. "I love you Scorpius."

            "I love you too daddy."

            My eyes fluttered open and there was a smile on my face.  Harry was looking at me when I looked down at him.

            "Good dream?" He asked smiling.

            "Besides you, Scorpius is the best thing that's happened to me."

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