Chapter 9

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning having the best sleep I've had in awhile. I was wrapped in Draco's arms but he was already awake.

"Good morning baby Raven." He cuddled me close.

"Morning Dragon," I smiled and kissed him. "Um thank you... for last night." I blushed causing him to laugh and pecked my lips.

"You don't understand how long I waited to do that." He discoed so I nuzzled closer to him.

"I bet you have Draco." I said. "I wish you would have told me." He sighed and sat up lying against the headboard.

"I couldn't risk it with Father," He confessed. "He would have killed both of us within seconds."

"Eh Voldemort would have killed him if he killed me, he wanted me all to himself." I chuckled but Draco tensed up. "Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright." He relaxed a little. "You have a point. I'm just so glad you're alive."

"I'm glad you're alive too." I chuckled kissing him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Damn how did I get so lucky?" He asked kissing me.

"I was thinking the same thing." I smirked. I put my lips to his and slipped my tongue in his mouth. He moaned in his throat and gripped the back of my hair. I allowed him to explore my mouth causing me to  moan loudly against his mouth. He chuckled and pulled away.

"I might get too carried away." He informed me. "I need to go to work." I pouted and he laughed. "We'll continue this tonight."

"You promise?"

"I promise." He laughed, kissed me and got out of bed. I sighed and got out of bed as well. I put on my uniform and made my way downstairs. I walked over to the coffee pot and poured myself some coffee. I pulled out pans and some bacon from the freezer to cook. I placed it on the frying pan and allowed it to simmer. I felt two arms wrap around my waist. "Smells good." He hummed.

"So do you." I laughed. I turned around so I could kiss him. He tried to slip his tongue in my mouth. "You're gonna be late for work." I spoke against his lips. He huffed and kissed me once.

"Fine, goodbye love." He pouted. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Goodbye dear." He left the house and I continued cooking.


Draco's P.O.V

"Healer Malfoy!" Someone called so I looked up from my desk. "A whole bunch of patients just came in; the aurors were attacked at their office." My hearts sank. Harry. I jumped up and ran with the other healers. Many of the aurors filled the beds in the emergency room. I scanned for the raven haired boy but I couldn't find him. I went over to a few of the patients that had minor injuries and helped heal them. When I finished with them, I went over to ones who had broken bones. I fixed them up and turned to the other healers.

"Is that it?" I asked biting my lip but I still couldn't find Harry.

"Two of them were in really bad shape so we sent them upstairs to the intensive unit; others are in the waiting room."

"What about the Head Auror, where is he?" I asked.

"Oh he was worse of the two in extreme cases; the others said they caught him from behind." Shit. I ran off to the intensive unit and they were all rushing around, attending to a certain raven haired man. I couldn't see what he looked like but about four doctors were tending to him. I made the decision to go over there and help.

"Hello, here to help." I said stupidly.

"Ah doctor, thank goodness, we need all the help we can get."

"What happened?" I questioned looked at the pale man. Harry was unconscious and pale with cuts and bruises all over him.

"From what we have been told, he was hit with a Crucio twice; he was petrified and then hit with a Sectumsempra charm." The other healer briefed me and my heart clenched.

"What can I do to help?" I asked. 

"Go get the essence of dittany potion and the Murtlap essence potion. Put them on the wounds, we stopped the bleeding." I nodded and ran to the cabinet to get the potions. Once I retrieved the, I used the Murtlap on first to soothe the cuts, then the Essence of Dittany to regrow the skin. 

"He most likely passed out from the pain." A doctor notified me so I nodded and put back the potions. "He'll be okay for right now; he just needs to wake up." The other doctor said. "Do you know him; I mean he is Harry Potter but personally, the way you're looking at hi-"

"He's my boyfriend." I whispered softly

"Oh I am so sorry, but we'll be alright." He told me. "You can stay with him if you want."

"I think I will." I said. "I need to contact his godson as well. How long will it take him to wake up?"

"Well the pain should subside very shortly and it just needs to rest from the pain, but he should be awake by the end of the day." I nodded and the other healer left me in the room with Harry. I took one look at him, he was very pale. I frowned and kissed his head.
I pulling out a piece of parchment, I started writing to Ted.


I hope all is well at school and that you're doing well. Unfortunetly the aurors were attacked at their office and Harry is in the hospital. He will make a full recovery but he is unconscious. As his godson, I thought you should know. I will be contact with Professor McGonagall.

With Love, Mr. Draco

I folded up the letter, put it in my pocket, kissed Harry and left the room. I walked down to the hospital owlery and sent the letter to Ted. I decided to go tell my boss about staying with Harry but once I got there to tell him, he was already informed.

"I am sorry Healer Malfoy; take as much time as you need." He told me.

"Thank you sir." I nodded my head and went to go sit with Harry.

Ted's P.O.V

It was almost dinner time and I was in the common room during my free period. I heard pecking at the window so I got up and let the owl in. I took the scroll from it and read the letter.

"Oh my god!" I shouted.

"Ted what happened? Your hair is turning black!" Scorpius jumped up. I handed him the letter and his eyes widened.

"Hey but he'll be alright, dad said."

"But he's unconscious." I frowned and Scorpius hugged me.

"He'll be okay Ted. Maybe McGonagall would go let you see him." Just as he said that, McGonagall walked through the portrait hole.

"Ted Lupin please follow me." She motioned for me to come.

"Is this about the letter? Can Scorpius come too?" I asked and she sighed.

"Yes it is and yes he can." We nodded and followed her to the office. She set us down. "As you know, your godfather is unconscious, from what Mr. Malfoy said in his letter, he will wake up, but we think it's in best interest if you see him." She told me. "Scorpius I'll inform your father that you'll be tagging along."

"Thank you professor." Scorpius exclaimed.

"Well pack a few things; I'll have Hagrid take you to the train station tonight."

"Thank you." We said.

"I'll inform the teachers of the family matter."

"Thank you."

"Now run along." She shooed us so we got up and headed back to the common room.

Harry's P.O.V

I woke to a incredibly dimly lit room. My head was pounding slightly and I felt like I was hit by a train. I tried to sit up but I groaned instead due to the pain I was feeling.

"Don't get up." I heard a familiar voice say.

"Draco?" I asked.

"Morning sleeping beauty." He smiled then stood up so I can see him.

"Prince Phillip," I smiled. "What happened?" I asked. I positioned myself so I was slightly sitting up but where I was in a comfortable place.

"Well you were attacked, two Crucio, one Petrifaction and a Sectumsempra." He educated me and my eyes widened.

"I don't really remember... where is everyone else?"

"About half of the aurors were attack but they were taken care of, you were one the two worst cases. But the other worse one already went home." He explained.

"What about Ron?"

"He is doing fine, He wasn't injured," He said. "He wants me to tell him when you wake up."

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Only a few hours, Ted and Scorpius are on their way here." He told me. "I told McGonagall and she gave them a day or two to see you." I nodded. He hesitated but wrapped me in a hug. I returned the hug and patted his back. "I was so scared you were going to die, you were pretty bad."

"Well I feel awful." I confessed. He went to the cabinet and handed me something.

"Drink this; it should make you feel better." I nodded and took it. It tasted awful and I groaned.

"When can I go home?" I asked.

"Probably tomorrow."

"Good," I sighed. "How did it happen?"

"You were caught from behind."

"Dammnit." I cursed.

"Hey don't worry about it, you're alright." He kissed me. "You should probably relax; I need to pick up the kids."

"Are you coming back?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes." I gave him puppy eyes and he smiled.

"Alright, I'll be back with the kids in about half an hour, but you should eat something while I'm gone."

"Okay I will." He kissed my lips gently and walked out. A few moments later, Ron walked in with Hermione.

"You're awake!" They said.

"Hi guys." I smiled.

"You gave us quite a scare Harry." Ron disclosed.

"You were there, what happened exactly?" I asked still unsure of the situation.

"Well we hear a loud BOOM coming from your office then we heard you scream." He started. "We rushed in only to be face to face with the death eaters." He said. "They stormed us and no one could get to you." I frowned but Hermione hugged me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Better, Draco gave me something for the remaining crappy feeling."

"He was certainly very scared Harry." Ron babbled."He came looking for me in the waiting room. He asked if I wanted to see you, said he attended to you."

"He attended to me?" I asked and they nodded. "He didn't say he did." My heart fluttered.

"Yeah he was only supposed to be in the emergently wing but he ran upstairs when he couldn't find you." Ron explained.

"He really does love me."

"So you two are really in love?" Hermione questioned. "The papers were true?"

"No, I never cheated on Ginny." I told her,shaking my head. "But we are in love." I answered. "More than anything."

"Well I'm happy for you too." Ron replied and my eyes widened in surprise.

"You are?"

"Of course, I see how happy he makes you." Ron smiled. "You always have a smile on your face now and he obviously loves you."

"Yeah, but he loved you way before you loved him." Hermione admitted.

"How did you know that?" I inquired.

"I always saw the way he looked at you in school. I asked him about it once and he made me promise not to tell." She said. "He lied for you at the manor that day, because he loved you."

"I know, he told me but I didn't realize how much."

"Well now you do." Draco said from the door. He smiled when I grinned. Scorpius and Ted ran to my side.

"Harry are you okay?" They questioned in unison.

"I am now." I smiled.

All of us talked for another hour or so before they were thrown out because visiting hours were closing. They all hugged and kissed be goodbye so I could I rest. I lied my head down and fell asleep thinking of Draco.

"I love you so much Harry." Draco smiled. We were cuddled up on the couch and sitting near the fire. Scorpius and Ted were on the floor playing wizards chess. There was a knock on the door so Draco stood up and walked over to the door. It was a young woman, a few years younger than us. Draco's eyes widened when he saw her.

"Astoria?" He gulped. The two boys were looking in amazement.

"Hey Draco." She smiled.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" He asked.

"It's been awhile but I finally ready." She said. "I want to see my son; I want to be a mother. I want to be with you. "

A/N Hmm I see foreshadowing maybe, Harry's dreams are usually true. Will Astoria actually come back or will his dream be a terrible nightmare? She did only sleep with him once....

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