Chapter 16

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Draco's P.O.V

Harry and I were in bed cuddled up to each other. He was lying on my chest as my arm was draped around him. I had missed him so much and I finally got both men back in my life.

"So where did you go?" I asked him.

"Ron and Hermione's." He answered.

"On the couch?" I asked but he shook his head.

"No they had a spare; they're trying for a child." He told me.

"That's nice, they'll make good parents."

"I think so too, you know, Ginny's having a girl." He looked up at me and I smiled.

"Is that so? What are they going to name her?"

"Harriet." He smirked. "Harriet Thomas." My eyes widened.


"No I don't know." He laughed sitting up so he was against the headboard. I did the same and kissed him. "I do like the name Harriet though."

"That's because it's the girl version of your name." I laughed.

"Well Malfoy." He hissed playfully. "We can't name our daughter after you." He smiled. His eyes widened in surprise as if he realized what he just said. "I-I m-mean i-if were planning to um have a daughter." He blushed a deep red. I smiled and kissed him. He buried his face into my shoulder. "I'm sorry, I just got you back and now I'm planning a family with you."

"Hey its okay baby raven, I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about a baby," I told him. "You know, we each have a kid so when we get married, we could have a child of our own to like bond our family." I said. I realized I just brought up marriage so it was my turn to turn pink. He lifted his face from my shoulder and looked at me. Our eyes locked.

"You wanna marry me?" He asked.

"Well of course I do, I love you so much." I said. "Have you even thought of us getting married?" I asked. He bit his lip and blushed slightly.

"I think the first time I thought of marrying you was when you crawled into bed with me because I was having a nightmare." He replied and a smile crept up on my face.

"I love you with all my heart Harry Potter."

"I love you Draco Malfoy." I pulled him in for a kiss and it got heated pretty quickly. One thing led to another and by the time we were finished, we were both tired. "I'm so tired." He laughed as he rest his head on my bare chest.

"You look it baby raven." I noted started stroking his hair. "Did you sleep in the last two weeks or even eat? You look pretty skinny."


"What not?"

"I couldn't sleep because the nightmares came back." He nuzzled his face into my chest. "I didn't eat because I missed you too much."I kissed him head.

"I missed you too."

"You look tired too." He mentioned.

"I lost two important people in my life, I couldn't sleep very well."

"Do you understand why I left?"

"At first no, I thought you were just abandoning me and I needed you then the most. But my boss explained that you left to help me because you would do anything to get Scorpius back. You sacrificed your happiness for mine."

"You did the same for me."


"When were younger dragon, you said that you were in love with me back then. You could have told me how you felt but you didn't." He said.

"I guess you're right but you're not allowed to leave me anymore." I cuddled him tighter.

"I have to go to work dragon." I chuckled.

"Alright but other than that, no more leaving." He smiled and agreed. There was a knock at the door and Scorpius walked in.

"You didn't give a chance for us to say come in." I said.

"At least your kid knocks and we weren't doing anything."

"The one time you top." I snickered and Scorpius cleared his throat. "Oh sorry, what's up Scorp?" I asked.

"I was wondering if we could eat soon. I'm pretty hungry." He disclosed to us. I looked at the clock and it was only about 5.

"Yeah sure, what do you feel like having?"


"Alright. Just give us a few minutes to get dressed." I told him. He nodded and left the room. We slowly got dressed and made our way down the stairs. Scorpius was in the living doing some homework while I started to cook the pasta sauce. Harry was watching me looking like he was thinking about something.

"What do you have on your mind my love?" I asked.

"Can we go on a date tomorrow?" He asked and my eyes widened.

"Um sure." I answered and he smiled.

"Scorpius can come too; he is spending the day with us and leaving Monday morning, right?"

"That is correct; I think he'll love to spend the day with us." I smiled. "Where did you have in mind?"

"We can apparate to New York and see a Broadway play. It's How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. I heard the lead guy is really cute." He informed me so I nodded.

"I don't know much about America." I frowned.

"Well then I'll plan the date and you just let me handle it." He smiled.

"Sounds like a plan Potter." He smirked and leaned over the stove to kiss me. Once we did, he pulled away and grinned widely.

"You're going to love it dragon."


Harry's P.O.V

"But I don't want to go to America!" Scorpius whined.

"C'mon, it'll be fun!" I expressed. "Your father is excited and I want you to come."

"Fine." He pouted. "Will there be cute girls there?" He asked.

"Most likely, it's a Sunday." I explained. Draco made his way downstairs in warm winter clothes so I smiled.

"You look so cute." I piped. He made his way over to me and pecked my lips.

"So do you." He smirked.

"So New York has a 5 hour time difference so it'll be around 6am when we get there." I told them and they both looked at me with paled expressions. "We can take a stroll around central park and then go out for breakfast. Our show doesn't start until 2 and it'll end around 4:30 so then we can go back home." I explained.

"My train isn't until 8." Scorpius mentioned.

"Well you need to get a goodnight's sleep because you're already missing all your morning classes." I told him. "So we'll leave New York at that time." I said and they nodded. "Let's go." They each grabbed my arm and we apparated right in the middle of central park.

"Whoa, it's so nice here," Draco gasped. "But so cold." He shivered. I grabbed his hand through our gloves and we started walking. The ground was covered in snow and the trees were gently dusted with snow. Scorpius took in the view. We decided to put the glamour back on him. There were a few people outside and they smiled at us.

"People are surely up early." Scorpius noted.

"Yeah they are." I nodded. We walked about for another hour and a half. More and more people were out. I showed them the frozen lake and we started to leave the park in search of place to eat.

"How do you know so much about this place?" Draco asked. He had let go of my hand and put his arm around my waist.

"I researched it once at the library at school." I admitted. "It was in the muggle section." I said. We stumbled across an IHOP. "Let's eat here." I said. He nodded and all three of us walked in. The lady at the podium smiled.

"Hello three?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded. She brought us to a booth near the middle of the restaurant. Draco let me sit in first and he shuffled in next to me as Scorpius sat across from us. The hostess walked away. We were looking at our menus when I saw Draco's face furrow.

"Just get a short stack." I said.

"But what if I wanted French toast?" He asked.

"Then get that."

"But there's so many to choose from."

"Just get regular, you might like the others." He nodded and turned to me with a smile. He kissed my head.

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too." The waiter came over and took our drink order.

"Why did I have to come along?" Scorpius groaned.

"What are you not having fun?" I smirked.

"It's a day for you two." He groaned.

"Well Scorpius, Harry and I want your opinion on something." Draco said. My grip tightened around his arm.

"We don't... we um... we don't need to this here." I stuttered and he laughed.

"Man Potter, I love your nervous stutter." He kissed my cheek. "But we don't have to."  Our drinks came and then we ordered our food.

"Well you have to let me know now!" Scorpius demanded. Draco looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I bit my lip and finally nodded.

"Scorpius, how would you feel if Harry and I got married?" He asked. I tensed as Scorpius' eyes grew wide.

"You're thinking of getting married?" He asked cautiously.

"We've discussed it yes." Draco replied.

"Well who would propose to whom?" Draco looked at me and I just shrugged.

"Well we wanted to discuss getting married before one of us popped the question. Seeing as we both have children." Draco mentioned and Scorpius studied us before smiling.

"I would love if you two got married. You make each other so happy and that means I'll be related to Ted!" I let out a breath and laughed.

"Yes you'd be brothers." I said.

"I think you should get married." Scorpius beamed. Draco cuddled me closely and kissed my head.

"You have to tell Ted." He noted and I grinned.

"Trust me; he wanted me to date you since we moved in together."

"I knew I liked that boy." He smirked as I smiled and kissed his cheek.


Draco's P.O.V

Harry and I were in our bed after the long day we had. I was on top of him kissing him, both of us in our boxers.

"Harry?" I whispered.

"Yes dragon?" He asked breathless.

"If we get married, will we have to wait?" I asked. His green eyes beamed into mine.

"No, I won't make you wait." He said pulling me into a kiss. "You're my one true love." I smiled and started to kiss his neck.

"You're my one true love too."

A/N I hope one of you got my Daniel Radcliffe references. Also writing the IHOP scene made me want IHOP. I'll just make myself pancakes in the morning. Thank you to everyone reading it! We reached 400 reads and 46 votes. My ones shots have over a thousand views and my other story has just reached 500! Thank you to everyone reading, it really makes my day! I love all your comments as well! 

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