Chapter 17

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Harry's P.O.V

I was sitting at work, fully concentrated when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I called not looking up from my work.

"Hi Harry." The familiar female voice spoke. My head snapped up and my eyes landed on Ginny. She had a significant baby bump but otherwise she looked the same.

"G-Ginny, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to see how you you're doing, we kind of left on a bad note." She told me.

"Yeah well that wasn't exactly my fault."

"Yeah I know. This is all my fault and if I could take it back I would."

"I wouldn't." I said. I was still sitting at my desk but she was standing pretty close.

"What?" She asked.

"You cheating on me made me realize that maybe I wasn't in love with you anymore. There was a time I was but I think you cheating on me was a wake up call saying we're not meant to be together." I explained. "And maybe that's why I kept putting the wedding on hold because I must have felt something didn't add up." I said to her and she was staring at me with tears in her eyes. "Don't cry Ginny because obviously you didn't love me as much as you thought, if you did, you wouldn't have cheated on me and gotten yourself pregnant."

"Are you saying my baby is a mistake?"

"No I didn't say that Ginny. There was a reason you cheated on me." I sighed and she shook her head to get rid of the tears.

"I didn't think you were in love with me."

"And maybe I wasn't."

"Are you in love with someone else?" She asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Draco." I answered honestly.

"How is he different from me?"

"He just... is." I smiled. She nodded and bit her lip. "So why did you actually come down here?"

"To see how you were doing."

"Well if that is the truth, I'm doing fantastic." I smiled. "How is everything with you?"

"It's alright." She smiled slightly. "I miss you though." I just smiled and nodded. There was an awkward silence. "Well goodbye Harry."

"Goodbye Ginny." She wiped her eyes gently and walked out.


"How was your day baby raven?" Draco asked as I sat down. He was making steak and potatoes for dinner. He pecked my lips.

"It was strange," I said. "You'll never guess who came to visit me."

"I have no idea."

"Ginny." His eyes widened.

"What did she want?" He hissed. I grabbed his hand and used my thumb to rub circles on his hand.

"Relax dragon, she came to see how I was," I explained. "But I think she wanted me back."

"What did you say?" He questioned.

"I told her that I must have fallen out of love during our relationship," I told him. "She asked if I was in love with someone."

"Did you say yes?" He smiled.

"No." I joked and he yanked his hand away from mine. I chuckled and stood up walking over to him before my arms around his waist and kissing his neck. "Of course I said yes dragon." He turned to face me and he planted a kiss on my lips.

"Was she upset?"

"Of course, you're Malfoy." I griped. "Never did she think she'd lose me to you."

"Are you happy she did?" He asked. I was looking into his shimmering gray eyes. I leaned in and kissed his nose.

"More than you know." He smiled widely and kissed me again. "So how was your day?" I asked.

"Busy but good."He told me.

"That's good." I nodded and sat back down.

"Did you talk to Ted yet?" He quizzed and I shook my head.

"Not yet but I was gonna do that tonight, should I owl him?"

"I think you talk to him face to face." He said. "Besides I'm sure Scorpius has said something already." He said and I nodded in agreement.

"DAD!" I heard. I looked around as did Draco. We walked into the living room and Ted's face was there, in the fire place so we walked over to it.

"Ted shouldn't you be at dinner?" I asked.

"I was until Scorpius told me the news!" He piped. "Is it true? Are you really getting married? Can I bring someone? Will I be in the wedding? Who's going to propose? Or are you just gonna get married?" He rushed out questions and I couldn't help but laugh.

"So you're okay with us getting married?" I asked.

"Okay with it? I think you should have done it months ago!" I laughed.

"Okay Ted, as long as you're okay with it." I said.

"Yes of course!" He yelled. "That means Scorpius will be my brother!" He yelled. "Are you guys going to have more kids? Maybe more brothers? A sister maybe? Can you guys have your own kids? I know there's a potion! Imagine one of you preg-"

"Ted!" I laughed. "Relax; we'll discuss everything when you come home for the next break. Now go back to your friends."

"Alright, love you dad!"

"Love you too." I chuckled and looked at Draco.

"Well they're on board." I smiled.

Draco's P.O.V

"Well they're on board." He smiled. We were kneeling in front of the fireplace.

"Are we really going to do this?" I asked and I bit my lip.

"Unless you don't want to." He frowned but I pulled him into a kiss.

"I wanna do it more than you know." I smiled as he put his forehead onto mine.

"Alright." He said. He pulled something out of his pocket keeping his forehead to mine. "Well Draco Malfoy, will you do me the pleasure of becoming my husband?" I gasped. I wasn't expecting him to propose right then and there. I stared into his green eyes and a smiled crept across my face.

"Do I even have to answer that?" I whispered. He smiled and kissed me. He slipped the ring on my finger. It was a simple titanium band with green gems going around it. "Is this the one you gave Ginny?" I joked.

"I never did get that back." He laughed. "Maybe she can give it to Dean to give to her." He said. I laughed and pulled him in for another kiss. I stuck my tongue in his mouth and he moaned as our tongues touched.

"I don't think we have time for that yet." I smiled. "Besides the food should be done." I said standing up. I pulled him up as well and engulfed him in a hug. We let go and grabbed his hand before we walked into the kitchen.  "Go take a seat." I told him. He did and I put the food on both of our plates. I placed his food in front of him and sat on his lap. My food was next to his.

"I love when you sit on my lap." He cuddled up to my side.

"I'm very proud of you," I told him. "You didn't stutter."

"I thought my stutter was cute."

"It's adorable but that means you weren't nervous." I smiled stroking his hair. I took a bite of the potatoes as he ate his streak.

"I figured you'd say yes." I laughed and kissed his head.

"What if I said no?"

"Then I'd have to move out again." We laughed and I kissed his head. We continued eating in peaceful silence. He fed me a few bites of potatoes and I kissed his nose.

"What kind of wedding do you want? I know muggle but season?" I asked fiddling with his hand when we were both done eating.

"I was thinking summer." He said. "This way we can get married on a lake or a beach."

"I like that idea." I nodded. "And of course Scorpius and Ted will be in the wedding."

"They can our best men." He smiled. I got off of him and he frowned. I picked him up bridal style and kissed him.

"Let's go in here." He nodded and held on to me. I walked him into the living room and laid us on the couch, intertwining our hands. "I think we should have a summer wedding, on a lake at night." I said. "Lights make everything prettier."
"Yes and our color scheme could be silver and gold." He said. "Or gold and green."

"Red and silver." I suggested. He was lying on top of me, his head in the crook of my neck.

"That might be nice; it's up to you really." He hummed and I stoked his hair with my other hands.

"How many guests?"

"Mmm depending who you wanna invite, do you talk to your parents?"He asked.

"Well when father got out of Azkaban, Mother told him he was a granddad and he didn't like that." I said. "So he disowned me. Mother I will talk to occasionally. Do you talk to those dreadful muggles?"

"I talk to my cousin occasionally, I doubt he'd come though." He told me. "So no one from my family and your mother, maybe." He chuckled and I nodded.

"Well you have the Weasley's, Hermione; we could invite some professors you enjoy."

"All the Weasley's?" He raised his eyebrow looking at me.

"Maybe not all of them." I laughed.

"You know I didn't even discuss this much with Ginny." He told me. "But I'm glad I'm doing it with you." I smiled and kissed his nose. "Do you talk to anyone from your past? I don't want to be the only one inviting people."

"Oh." I sighed. "Well I could invite Blaise and mother." I bit my lip. "And um..." He smiled and kissed my chin.

"It's okay sweetheart. You can invite people from work."

"That's a good idea." I nodded and smiled. "I love you Harry."

"I love you more Draco." We lied on the couch discussing more details like where exactly the wedding would be and who the officiate would be. The kind of food we wanted and style of wedding.

"I think it should just be small and intimate." I suggested.

"Mmm." He hummed.

"Are you sleepy baby raven?" I chuckled he just buried his face into my chest. "C'mon, let's go to bed." I said. I scooped him up and walked him up the stairs before I placed him on our bed.

"Can you get me out of these clothes?" He asked sleepily.

"Sure raven." I chuckled. I gently stripped him from his clothes leaving him to his boxers. He crawled under the covers. I stripped into my boxers and slipped on sweats. I crawled into bed next to him and he cuddled up to me. "Goodnight Harry, I love you."

"I love you more." He mumbled. I smiled and slowly fell asleep.

Third Person P.O.V

The next day at work Draco was talking to another healer. She looked at his hand and gasped.

"Draco, did you get engaged last night?" She asked and he smiled.

"Yeah my boyfriend and I had been talking about marriage for awhile now. So he asked me out of the blue last night."

"That's so exciting." She gasped looking at the ring.

"Yeah I'm pretty happy." He smiled widely. Another healer came running into the room they were in.

"The aurors got attacked again, they went on a mission for suspicious activity and they were attacked."

"Shit." Draco yelled. He followed the other healer into the other room and a few aurors were lying on the beds. He spotted a familiar raven haired man. He ran up to him as other healers tended to him.

"Harry!" He called. He was a bleeding mess and he looked drained.

"Hi dragon." He spoke hoarsely and quietly.

"Harry, what happened?" He questioned.

"We got a call about suspicious activity so we went." Harry explained as the healers dabbed some potion on him. Draco was helping them but holding his hand at the same time. "So we attacked a majority of them but I got punched knocking me down and a cruico." 

"Oh my poor raven." He said stroking the younger boy's hair. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Well you could marry me." Harry laughed. Draco smiled and put his lips to Harry's.

"Okay baby," Draco whispered. "I will."

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