Chapter 24

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Harry's P.O.V

It had been a few days since we got our physical and we hadn't heard back from the doctor yet. That made Draco even more stressed which made him want to smoke even more. I had caught him a few times slipping up and then I made him go on the patch.       

"But baby, it makes me sick." He groaned from the other side of the phone as we were both at work.

"You're a healer sweetheart; you can make yourself feel better." I pressed causing him to sigh.

"Fine." He huffed. 

  "Thanks love dove."     
"But I want to know when we'll find out," He argued. "It's almost been a week."

"No news is good news."

"Not necessarily." He muttered.

"Be patient, dragon." I assured.

"Fine. I have to go anyway. I love you and I'll see you at home."

"Love you more." We hung up and I went back to work for about an hour until my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered.

"Ah Mr. Malfoy-Potter, This is Dr. Fecunditatem's receptionist, Can you come to the office right away, it's urgent."   She said and my heart sank.

"Yes, I'll be there." I said. I got off the phone and left my office.

"Harry what's wrong?" Ron asked. "You're so pale."

"The doctor's office just called, they said to come in because it was urgent." I rushed out so he put a hand on my back.

"Hey it'll be okay," He said. "You don't know what he's going to say, don't panic."

"Okay, I'll be see you later." I told him and he nodded. I apparated to the doctor's office and Draco was already there.  

 "Draco!" I called. He had his head down and then he snapped up. He jumped up and wrapped me in a hug.

"Harry, I'm so scared." He nearly cried into my back.    

"Shh it's okay," I rubbed his back. "It'll be okay." I hushed.

"Mr. Draco and Harry Malfoy-Potter." We heard. He let go of me but gripped my hand and we walked to the back. We were brought in the back where his private office was.

"So what is so urgent?" We asked.

"Well first off, I wanted to  say, I didn't mean to worry you, I just wanted you to come immediately," He assure and they took a deep breath. "Secondly, I would like to inform you that your samples came out great and we can start the process right away with a surrogate of your choosing, there's one thing though." 

"Yes?" We asked in unison and he sighed.

"We'll have to put the surrogate on fertility treatments to increase her chances with getting pregnant, this will take  2 to 4 months. Once it's time, the chance of multiple births is increased." He explained causing us to look at each other than to him.

"Multiple births? Like twins?" I questioned and the doctor nodded.

"Twins, triplets, quads... you name it. I don't want to ill prepare you for what's to come." He disclosed to us and we nodded. " Also,it would be best to just use one of your sperm, it'll be easier that way." He informed us so we glanced at each other once more. "I can let you talk it over if you want some privacy." He suggested.

"Yes please." Draco answered so the doctor got up and walked out of his office. As he left, Draco turned to me. "So what do you wanna do?" He asked.

"Multiple births? Do you think we handle multiple babies at once?"  I questioned and he scrunched up his nose. "Tell me why you want this, maybe it'll put my mind at a little ease." I suggested and he nodded.

"Okay, first of all, I want children with you so badly and this way, we can have them all at once," He started. "It's not set in stone that we'll have multiple babies and even if we do, we can do this." He smiled using his thumb to gently stroke the back of my hand. "But I wanted our children to look like both of us." He frowned slightly and I shrugged.

"We'll get a surrogate that looks like both the one of us that doesn't donate." I told him and his eyes twinkled. "Let's do it."

"Really?" He grinned so I jumped up and sat on his lap.   

"I want to have kids just as much as you," I smiled. "We're in this together."

"We can do this."He smiled and kissed me. "We already make great dads."

"We do." I smiled and nodded.

"I think we should decide who's donating." He told me and I blinked at him. "I think you should since I have a biological son already."He disclosed to me and I chewed on my lip before shaking my head.

"It doesn't bother me that Ted's not my biological son and that I could possibly not have children biologically." I told him and he shook his head. 

"I know it doesnt bother you but I still think you should donate," He confessed so I smiled and nodded. 

"Okay, then I will." I told him and he grinned, kissing my lips gently. I hopped off of him and grabbed his hand. We walked into the hall and the doctor was talking to his receptionist.

"Doctor?" Draco called.               

"Yes!" He smiled. 

"We'll do it. Harry is gonna be the donor." Draco explained with a smile so the doctor smiled too.

"Perfect now you can come with me and pick out a surrogate, she'll have to meet you and it's really her option if she'll do it but if she says yes, we'll do it as soon as possible."

"Okay thank you." We smiled and we walked with him back int his office. He gave us a albulm of the surrogates and we looked for one we liked. It was a picture of them and what they were like.          

"It's like we're going a on a blind date." Draco chuckled so I smiled and kissed his cheek. We went through the book. We went through the book looking for someone to resemble Draco as much as possible. I wanted to make sure the child looked similar to him as much as me. We stopped at one woman who had dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes.

"She's beautiful." I said gawking and Draco cleared his throat. "But I only have eyes for you." I smiled at him as he blushed. I pressed a kiss to his nose. "How about her?" I asked and he scanned her page.           

"She's a pure blood!" He smiled. "And she went to Hogwarts but was sorted into Hufflepuff."           
"Which means she's loyal."

"Yes exactly." He smiled. "Megan Jones." He pointed to her name and I gasped.

"Hey I think she was in our year." I said.          

"She is our age."

"Doctor F, can we meet her?" We asked so he walked over and smiled. 

"I thought you might like her." He admitted to us "She works here actually and she's free at the moment, care to meet her now?"

"Yes!" Draco exclaimed.

"Alright let's go." We grabbed each other's hand, Draco and I not the doctor, and we walked down a hall. He knocked on the door .

"Come in!" A soft voice said. We walked in and the girl was sitting behind a computer.  

"Megan, I have two gentlemen who have seen your profile." He said. She looked up and her eyes widened.

"Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy?" She asked surprised but happy.

"Malfoy-Potter now." Draco smiled.

"Oh you two that's fantastic!" She stood up and walked over to us.

"You probably don't remember me because I looked a little different in school."

"We remember you sort of..." Draco trailed and she chuckled.

"That's totally fine, we all had stuff going on. So you want a baby?" She questioned.

"Very much ." I nodded. 

"Well I'll be happy to do it for you guys." She confessed and we looked at her seriously.

"Really?" Draco asked.

"Yes of course." She answered and then pulled u into a hug. "When do we start?"

"We can start treatment on your next cycle and about two to four months, we'll do the insemination and hope it takes." The doctor explained and Megan grinned.

"Sounds perfect."

Draco's P.O.V

After the  doctor visit, Harry and I just went home where we found Scorpius and Ted eating in the kitchen.

"You guys are home early." Scorpius mentioned taking a bite of a hamburger.

"Well we just got back from the doctor." I said motioning for Harry to take a seat so I can make lunch for us. He sat in between the two boys.

"How did that go?" Ted asked eating a piece of chicken.

"Well we picked out a surrogate and in a few short months, we might be parents." I informed them. Both boys stopped what they were doing and looked at me then to Harry.

"Really?" Scorpius asked.

"Yes we might be father's again." Harry answered. "We picked a nice pureblood girl who was in Hufflepuff in our year. She said she'd be delighted to carry our children."

"Children?!" Ted asked.

"Oh well she has to be on fertility so the chance of a multiple child pregnancy is higher than normal."

"What's multiple?" Ted inquired.

"Could be twins, could be triplets, could be quads..." I trailed and the boys gasped.


"Yeah." Harry and I agreed.

"Scorp, that means we have more the chance of corrupting them!" Ted hi-fived his stepbrother.

"There will be no corrupting of your siblings!" I shouted and  pulled out the pizza I made for Harry and I. I made my way over there and sat on his lap.

"Well We're very happy for you two." Scorpius said and stood up. "Really, I know you can do this and we'll help out." He gave us a hug and Ted followed his lead.

"Yes we will, unless we're at school of course."

"Thank you guys." Harry muttered in my arms. We were in a group hug and the boys let go.

"We'll be outside." Scorpius told us and then two boys walked out. Harry cuddled up to my chest as we ate.

"Alright so we're gonna need to pick out other names just in case." I pointed and he nodded his head back and forth.

"Okay, we'll each say a name and the other will tell us their opinion." Harry suggest so I nodded.

"Okay," I started. "How about Severus James?" I suggest and he scrunched up his nose, shaking his head.

"No we couldn't do that, that's worse than Draco Harry!" He shook his head so I sighed. "How about Albus Severus." He suggested and I bit my lip. It wasn't terrible and he did incorporate Snape's name in it."

"Okay," I answered. "I like that." I told him and he grinned. 

"Great, I also have another." He told me and I raised an eyebrow. "Draco James." He suggested and I gaped at him.

"Why after me?" I asked and he smiled.

"Cause then we know he'll be great." He told me so I shoved him playfully.

"We'll see." I told him and he nodded his head. "What about if we had a girl?" I asked. He bit his lip and chewed on it.

"Harriet Ginerva." He finally answered, smirking.

"Prat." I laughed. "What are you really thinking?" I asked putting our foreheads together.

"I like the name Luna." He disclosed. 

"Alright Luna." I nodded. "Dora?"

"Luna Dora Malfoy-Potter?" He said as a question.

"I like it."

"So do I." He smiled and kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you more."

            Harry decided to go call Ron because he was nervous at the office when he got the call. Ron was ecstatic to hear we were planning for a baby because Hermione was pregnant and that meant our children would be the same age.

"That means they can be friends." Harry smiled.

"Oh great a Malfoy friends with a Weasley." I laughed.

"Malfoy-Potter." He smiled and pecked my lips. "And don't you forget it."

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