Chapter 25

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Third Person P.O.V

After months of fertility treatments and doctor visits, Megan had finally gotten the procedure done. And a few months after that, the happy couple gladly announced they were going to be parents once more. 

So now on month three, Harry and Draco went to the doctor's with Megan to find out the just exactly how many they were having and the sex of the baby or babies.

"So there are indeed multiple children." The doctor smiled showing the babies on the ultrasound monitor.

"Whoa, that is so cool!" Draco smiled as held Harry's hand and he gawked at the monitor.

"So how many babies?" Harry asked as Megan was smiling at the two men. The doctor was swerving the ultrasound wand over the babies.

"There are three heart beats." He smiled. Harry and Draco smiled and happy tears trickled in their eyes.

"So triples?" Draco choked out.

"Yup triplets. Congratulations, would you like to know the genders?"

"Yes please." Harry replied. She was waving the wand over the Megan's belly.

"Well I would plan for two boys and a little girl." He smiled. Harry and Draco gasped and tears poured from their eyes.

"Daddy's little angel." Harry smiled. "Lily Narcissa."

"Perfect." Draco kissed Harry's cheek.

"Do you have names for the boy's names?" Megan asked.

"We're still discussing but we have Albus Severus and Draco James, maybe we'll come up with something along the way." Draco replied smiling.

"Severus as in Snape?" She questioned and Draco nodded.

"Yes ma'am, he was my godfather."

"Wow I didn't know that. And Harry, what about you? Sirius Black was your godfather yeah?" Megan asked. Harry tensed a little but nodded.

"We thought Severus Sirius was an odd name." Harry laughed.

"You got a point." Megan laughed. She wiped the goo off and hopped off the table before hugging the men.

"Thank you for doing this." Harry whispered.

"It's my pleasure." The two men kissed her face and smiled. They all walked out and the two men made their way back to their house.

"Harry, we're gonna need a new house." Draco pointed out. "Three babies."

"Well we don't have to do that right away." Harry mentioned.

"But will there be room?" Draco asked.

"Well at this point we all we need is a nursery." Harry hugged Draco. "We'll paint it yellow."

"That's a Hufflepuff color!" Draco gasped.

"Megan is a Hufflepuff!" Harry pointed out and Draco just stared at him. "Fine how about gold and red?"

"Harry James Malfoy-Potter those are Gryffindor colors!"

"And three out of four people in this house are Gryffindors." Harry answered so Draco just glared at his husband.

"One of our children will be sorted into Slytherin and I bet you, it'll be Lily." Draco warned.

"Oh I'll take you on that bet," Harry smirked. "I think Lily will be in Ravenclaw, Draco will be in Slytherin and Albus will be in Gryffindor." Harry told him.

"Lily will be in Slytherin, Draco will be in Slytherin and Albus will be in Slytherin."

"Oh c'mon babe, they can't all be in Slytherin."

"Fine sweetheart," Draco wrapped his hands around Harry and put his chin on Harry's head. "Lily will be a Gr-Gryffindor," He stuttered. "Albus will be in Slytherin and little Draco will be a Ravenclaw." Draco stuck his hand out for Harry to shake. Harry smirked and took his husbands hand thenhe kissed his lips. They settled on the couch and then heard someone call them.

"Dads!" They looked at the fireplace and Ted's face was in it. They walked over to the fireplace and sat down.

"Ted, shouldn't you be in class?" Harry asked.

"No, free period, Scorp is here too." Scorpius faced showed as well.

"Hey dads, so what's the news?" He asked. "How many and what are they?"

"There are  three babies. We're having triplets." Draco smiled.

"Guess the genders." Harry said.

"Um all boys?" Ted asked.

"I think two girls and a boy." Scorpius said.

"You're close Scorp!" Draco told him.

"All girls?!" They both said at the same time.

"Nope, two boys and a little girl."

"Really??" Ted asked.

"Yup," Harry smiled. "What colors should we paint the nursery?"

"Gold and Red." The two boys said together. Harry smirked and looked at his husband.

"Ha!" Harry stuck out his tongue.

"No!" Draco protested.

"I liked yellow," Harry said. "It's a neutral baby color."

"Yellow is nice." Ted agreed.

"But it's a Hufflepuff color." Scorpius scrunched up his nose.

"Ha!" Draco stuck out his tongue.

"How about half pink and half blue?" Ted suggested. "Like striped."

"That's actually not a bad idea." Draco nodded and Harry agreed.

"Yeah thanks Ted"

"Happy to help."

" You should get going, class should be starting soon." Draco told them and the rolled their eyes but nodded.

"Fine bye dads." The spoke in unison.

"Bye, love you!" The men said.

"Love you too." The boys told them and then disappeared. Draco turned to Harry.

"Well we should get to making the nursery." Harry sighed and Draco looked at him oddly.

"Now? She isn't due for another six months." Draco said.

"Well we have a lot to do," Harry pointed out. "We can use magic."

"Good." The two men made their way upstairs and into Harry's old room. They transfigured the old bed into three cribs. They made the desk into a changing table and the dresser into two rocking chairs. They transfigured the whole room making it baby safe and baby ready. Then they painted the walls and decorated them with their names. The names of the children were just above each crib. Easily changeable if they decided on any name changes in the future.

Draco's P.O.V

The nursery came out really well. We had the cribs next to each other but leaving space for either Harry or I to attend to the babies. In the corner were two rocking chairs for each of us. We had one changing table and one dresser. The room was quite spacious and left room for us to walk around.

"I think they can sleep in the same crib for a few months." Harry mentioned.

"No, they need their own cribs." I sneered.

"But they're babies,"  He said and I pulled him into my arms.

"But I want the best for my family," I kissed his lips. "We need to get diapers, baby clothes, bottles, pacifiers, um, am I forgetting anything?" I asked.

"We can go to the store and go shop around," He suggested. "Diapers can wait until the last couple months." He said and I nodded. "Wanna go now?" Again I nodded. We apparated to the local baby shop in muggle London. As soon as we got in there, a lady greeted us.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The blonde asked.

"We're becoming new dads and we're wondering where we can get the things we need." Harry explained.

"Oh when are your wives due?" She smiled.

"Our surrogate is due May 17th." I said.

"Oh I see!" She blushed from embarrassment. "Are these your firsts?" She asked.

"No we each had 13 year olds before we got married, teen dads," I explained. "So it's been awhile since we needed baby items."

"I see well I can set up a tab and see what things you need."

"Thank you, we already have the cribs, the changing table, the dresser and rocking chairs."

"How many are you expecting?"

"Three." Harry grinned.

"Oh god bless." She smiled. "So how about a triple stroller?" She asked.

"Perfect." I smiled.

"And a baby swing is always good, is two good?"

"Yes."Harry answered then looked at me.

"Maybe three." I said. She nodded and put it on the tab.

"I think that's it." Harry said. "Um is it?"

"Do you have all the toiletries for the baby?" She asked.

"We'll wait for that stuff. But can we get a diaper bag?"

"Of course." She smiled. "I gave you the best one, it's rather large."

"Thank you, We need bottles and pacifiers." Harry told her. She nodded and ran up the tab.

"So do you know the genders?" She asked.

"Two boys and a girl." I smiled.

"And your other children?" She asked.

"Both boys so she'll be our little angel." Harry smiled causing her to awe. By the time we were done, we bought the bottles and pacifiers then. We paid for the expensive stuff with a card; we got them shipped to a friend's house for us to pick up. We apparated back home and headed upstairs for a nap. We both stripped into our boxers and cuddled.

"I love you Harry." I kissed his neck gently,

"I love you more Draco. And remember, we're in this together."

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