Chapter 30

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Third Person P.O.V

A month had gone by quickly with no problems. Ginny kept her promise and left the couple alone. The babies had grown a few inches and gained weight. They were able to breathe and eat on their own. It came the day that the men were finally allowed to hold their children for the first time. Harry was seated in a new room that their children were brought too and Draco was sitting next to him.

"We finally get to hold our babies." Draco smiled and took a deep breath.

"Nervous?" Harry asked.

"It's been awhile since I got to hold a child of my own," He smiled. "So a little."

"Well these are technically my first babies," Harry laughed. "So I'm excited."

"As am I." Draco nodded. The nurses came in smiling as they were cradling the babies.

"Which one of you wants to hold two?" She asked. Draco smiled and looked at Harry. He nodded gently and Harry smiled.

"I will." He answered. The nurses smiled and two of them walked over to him. They gave Harry, Lily and Albus as Draco held mini Draco. Tears trickled in both of their eyes. Lily was staring up at Harry as Severus was sleeping.

"Hi Lily." Harry cooed. "I'm your daddy and this is your papa." Harry said leaning towards Draco. "You're named after two very important women in your daddies lives." Harry cooed. "We love you." Harry smiled. Lily watched as Harry spoke the words. Her different colored eyes were sparkling.

Draco was talking to baby Draco in a similar way.

"Hi little Draco," He smiled. "You know, we waited for awhile to finally get to hold you guys and now we finally get to do it." Draco blinked away his tears. "Your daddy and I love you very much, so much so we'd name you after us." Baby Draco was slightly awake so Draco lifted him and kissed him gently. Eventually they switched up the babies so Draco had Lily and Albus as Harry held baby Draco. They were allowed to feed their babies and burp them. After a few hours, they were changed and put to bed. They watched them sleep and smiled.

"Mr. and Mr. Malfoy-Potter?" The nurse came into the room quietly.

"Yes?" Harry asked

"It is our pleasure to tell you that the babies are finally ready to go home." She smiled.

"Really?" Draco asked. "Today?"

"Well we'd prefer tomorrow is best." She nodded her head.

"Okay." The two men said in unison. She smiled and left the room.

"So mother and father got us bassinets for the nursery." Draco said.

"Okay, so they'll sleep in there for the first few months until they grow a little more." Harry replied. Draco smiled and kissed Harry. The couple decided to go home and finish up the nursery, getting it ready for the babies. The boys were thankfully on Easter break, so they helped out with the stuff in the nursery.

"So we'll need you guys to come to the hospital tomorrow." Draco told to the boys.

"Yeah of course." Ted said. "We're be happy to help."

"Thank you." Harry smiled.


Draco's P.O.V

We got the babies in the car finally. Ted and Scorpius sat in the back with them as they slept. Harry and I were in the front.

"Nervous?" I asked holding his hand gently.

"Y-yes." He stuttered and I smiled.

"Don't be, we'll be okay," I said. "We finally get to take them home."

"I know but what I mess up?"

"Well there will be mess ups sweetheart but we'll get through them together, plus you're the boy who lived," He smiled at that. "We'll be okay." I pulled up to our house and stopped the car. Scorpius and Ted each grabbed a baby. I grabbed one as Harry held the diaper bag. We slowly walked into the house. Scorpius and Ted were already showing Albus and Lily around.

"Ted and Scorpius take them to their room; place them gently in the basinet."

"Alright dad." They nodded. I turned to Harry still cradling little Draco.

"You know it only took him about a year, but he's calling me something other than Mr. Draco." I laughed and he smiled.

"Come on papa, the babies need to eat." He said. We walked into their nursery and like a chain reaction the babies started waking up and crying. Ted and Scorpius grabbed their ears as I laughed.

"Ted can you give me Lily and I'll feed her." Harry directed so Ted nodded as Harry took a seat.

"Scorp can you make the formula and we'll feed them?" I asked. He nodded and left the room with the three bottles. He came back quickly and Harry, Ted and myself fed the babies as Scorpius was playing with little Draco's feet. Little Draco spit out his bottle and I burped him gently. He spit up a little as I burped him. Harry laughed a little and I glared at him. Scorpius got me towel and I handed him the baby as I wiped the spit up on my shirt. Scorpius was gently rocking little Draco in his hands a smiling.

"He looks likes me," He smiled. "I can be his dad."

"Don't get any idea Scorp, you're only 14." I hissed.

"Relax dad, I don't plan on having sex anytime soon." My cheeks grew hot and Harry roared with laughter. I glared at him as Scorpius looked confused but Ted didn't seem too fazed.

"Looks like h-he is s-so unco-comfortable." Harry laughed. He got up and put Lily in the basinet. He was still chuckling and he turned to me.

"I am not uncomfortable!" I hissed.

"Yeah okay." He said wiping at his eyes. He smiled and kissed my nose. "I love you dragon." I just pouted.

"So what just happened?" Scorpius asked.

"Your dad is afraid to talk about sex with you." Ted spoke up.

"Ted!" I snarled.

"Sorry papa, but it's true." Ted said. My eyes widened and I smiled.

"You called me papa." I said and he shrugged. "Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome?" He questioned. I just grinned and Harry looked at me smiling. He pecked my cheek. We put all the babies to bed and left the room putting the baby monitor in my pocket. I made lunch for everyone and we sat at the table, well I sat on Harry's lap. We were eating in silence when my pocket started crying. I groaned but told Harry I would get up. I kissed him gently.


Harry's P.O.V

Draco and I finally got the babies to sleep after a few hours of trying.

"For something so tiny, they know how to cry." I laughed cuddling up to Draco.

"They sure do." He agreed. He kissed me gently and then kissed my neck. "I love you Harry." He said moving to my jawline.

"I love you---ahhh." I groaned and I felt him smirk. He moved his mouth to mine and slipped his tongue in my mouth. I just allowed him to explore my mouth. As if on cue, a loud wail came from next door. He groaned and pulled away causing me to laugh. "I'll go see what's wrong." I said before kissing him once more and went to see what was going on. Lily and Draco were still sleeping as Albus cried. He lost his pacifier so I put it back in his mouth and he instantly calmed down. When I got back in the room, Draco was already in his boxers.

"What was the issue?" He asked.

"Al dropped his pacifier." I smiled and stripped into my boxers as well. I cuddled up next to him. "Hey guess what?"

"What?" He yawned.

"Our babies are finally home." I grinned.

"Really?" He said sarcastically.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and kissed his neck softly.

"If someone at school told me I'd be married to Harry Potter and have children with him, I'd ask them what they were on and where I could get some." He said. I laughed and snuggled closer to him.

"I think if someone said to me I would be married to the man of my dreams and have a cute little family, I would be confused because I never liked men before." I laughed.

"You never experimented?" He asked laughing and I looked at him.

"Who would I experiment with? Ron?"

"Ew point taken." He laughed.

"Is that how you knew, you experimented?" I asked.

"Well like I said, I've always been attracted to you. Especially since you went through puberty." He said so I blushed and he kissed me. "But I needed to see if I was attracted to men sexually as well as physically."

"So who did you experiment with?" I asked curiously.

"Blaise." He said nonchalantly. I shot up and looked at him surprised.

"Blaise?!" I asked with my jaw opened. I was grinning slightly and he smirked.

"Yeah I found him to be really attractive but not as attractive as you." He said. "Why else do you think we were so close?"

"I just thought you were friends."

"Well he was my best friend. Is my best friend, so he was willing to help me sort out my feelings."

"So you're bi?"

"Not sure, doesn't really matter. I married my first love and that's all that matters." He told e. He pulled me back down and kissed me gently. "Let's sleep before we're woken up." 

"Alright. I love you dragon."

"I love you baby raven." And with that we fell asleep.

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