Chapter 31

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Harry's P.O.V

 "Okay so Ron and Hermione are coming over with Rose in about an hour." I informed him. Our babies had been home for a whole two weeks and life sure had changed, especially our sleep schedule. 

Draco wrapped his arms around my waist in the nursery as I was changing Albus.

"Al looks good I green." He commented.

"Yeah too bad he'll be in Gryffindor." I teased and he started to kiss my neck.

"Nah, he'll be in Slytherin." I finished changing a very smiley Albus. I gently picked him up and cradled him, facing Draco.

"Look at his face, he's all smiley, you think this is a face of a Slytherin?" I asked and he did was smirk. "Besides, your little mini me has already picked up your little sneer." I laughed.

"Father like son raven, why do you think Albus is always smiling?"

"Hmm I don't know why he is, he's a very gassy baby," I pointed out. "I know why I'm always smiling." He smirked and leaned closer to me.

"Oh and why is that?"He whispered.

"I like being around babies." I winked and he sneered. "There it is!" I looked down at Albus. "There's papa's infamous sneer!" I looked back at Draco who was smiling with awe.

"I love you Harry."

"Oh do you?"

"Very much so."

    "Good because it just so happens that I love you too." I smiled and pecked his lips.  "Come on Al let's go put you in your swing." I sat. Draco and I walked down the stairs and gently put Albus in the little swing. I stood up and looked at Draco.  "I'll go get the other two while you watch him."

    "You got it Raven." He replied so I pecked his lip and left to go upstairs. I changed both babies and changed them into different onesies. I placed them both in my arms and slowly walked down. As Albus was giggling to himself, Draco was sitting on the couch. When he spotted me, he jumped up and grabbed Lily. He gasped "Harry James Malfoy-Potter! My daughter is in Gryffindor colors!"

    "So is your son." I smirked. His eyes grew wide and he looked at baby Draco, he looked at me and sneered. "Hey at least Albus is wearing green."


    "Shush," I demanded. "Now you can play with Lily during Tummy Time," He smirked. "What?"

    "It's cute when you speak baby like." He told me and my cheeks flushed.  He laughed before pecking my lips. "Even cuter when you blush like that." I shot him a sneer and he laughed. He put a blanket down and placed lily on her stomach. She let out a wail in protest before he quickly lied down in front of her and made funny faces so she would giggle at him. I cooed at baby Draco as Al was slowly falling asleep, baby Draco didn't look very happy.

    "Aw why don't you smile for daddy?" I cooed. Nothing. "Little drake." I cooed again so his lip quivered.

    "You're definitely scaring him," Draco chuckled. "Maybe we can get Ted to make him laughed when he gets back. You know change his hair color or turn his face into a beak." Before I could answer, the doorbell rang. That woke up Albus who began to smile again. Lily's eyes just widened and Drake just remained unhappy. I shook my head and opened the door. Hermione was standing with Ron as he held their little girl.

    "Harry!" Hermione said hugging me.

    "Hi Hermione," I laughed.  "How are you doing?"

    "Tired but doing fine, you look tired yourself."

    "Yeah they're all up at different times. They keep us on our feet." I laughed.

    "I bet," She smiled. "Which on is this?" She asked.

    "How about you guess?"

    "I'm going to guess Draco because he doesn't seem very happy." She laughed. I turned to big Draco and smirked.

    "Ha." He just stuck his tongue at me. "Very good guess." I laughed. "Come in." She walked in and Ron followed. He nodded out headed in acknowledgement. Baby Rose was born about a week after the triplets so she was around their age.

    "Hi little Rose." I smiled and she made a ace that resembled a smile.

    "Isn't she just so beautiful when she smiles? Looks just like her mother." Ron said causing Hermione to blush.

    "Yes very much so." I nodded. Ron noticed Draco on the floor.

"Look Rosie, they're doing tummy time."

    "Come join us, we're having so much fun." Draco's voice was dripping with sarcasm.

    "Yeah tell me about, Rosie just sits up and stares." Ron mumbled.

    "Ronald it is good for her health!" Hermione snapped causing me to chuckle. Ron just rolled his eyes and walked over to where Draco was. He placed Rose down and lied down next to Draco so I turned to Hermione.

    "Never did I think I'd see Draco Malfoy and Ron Weasley lying next to each other."

    "That's Draco Malfoy-Potter!" Draco yelled.  "And yeah and never did I imagine having sex with you either but things happen." He said getting a groan from Ron. I laughed and turned back to Hermione.

    "Can I hold him?" She asked so I nodded and handed the baby to her. His face immediately changed before he broke out into a fit of crying. 

    "Oh sure, now he shows a reaction." I muttered. Hermione was trying to get him to relax he wouldn't stop, and then Lily started crying. Draco and I both groaned. I took baby Draco and rocked him as big Draco swooped up Lily.

    "Do they always have a chain reaction like that?" Ron asked standing up as he picked up Rose.

    "Yeah all the time," Draco answered. "Draco is the leader of the group," He smirked. "So if he cries they all cry." I rolled my eyes.

    "Expect Albus, all he does is giggle." We finally got the babies to relax.  Baby Draco fell asleep so I walked upstairs and put him into bed. When I walked back down stairs Hermione was holding Albus and Ron was cradling Lily. Draco was holding Rose and smiling.

    "Harry!" Draco smiled. "Rose just smiled at me!"  I rolled my eyes and laughed.

    "That's cute sweetheart, never thought a Weasley would smile at you." Ron snorted and I laughed causing him to frown so I kissed him.


Draco's P.O.V

    We got all the babies, including little Rose asleep. We were all seated at the dinner table discussing our babies. 

    "We actually wanted to ask you guys something." Harry started.

    "Yeah what's that mate?" Ron asked.

    "We were wondering if Hermione would be Draco's godmother and if Ron would be Lily's godfather." I questioned and both of their widened. They nodded slowly and broke out in goofy smiles.

    "Yes, we would love to!" They gasped. They jumped up and hugged us both tightly. Hermione kissed both of our cheeks before returning to her seat. Ron just sat down after hugging us and we went back dinner. We laughed and talked about the school days. Them mainly bagging on me.

    "Do you remember when we snuck into the Slytherin common room?!" Ron laughed. "Draco, you really thought we were Crabbe and Goyle!"

    "Wait what?! When did this happen?" I asked.

    "Second year when we thought you were the heir of Slytherin." Harry explained.

    "You're so lucky I never talked about my feelings for you with them," I laughed. "You would have found out a lot sooner." I laughed and he kissed my cheek.

    "Maybe that wouldn't have been such a bad thing." I blushed and shook my head. "I love you dragon."

    "I love you more Raven."

    "Never did I think Harry would be married to Malfoy or even have children with him."

    "Really because I could have bet you and Hermione would have gotten together." I butt it.

    "How?" Ron inquired.

    "The way she looked at you of course," I smiled. "And the way you looked at her. Skinny love." I shrugged.

    "Well I'm glad they finally got together, the tension was too much." Harry said so we laughed. A few more hours passed and they went home leaving Harry and I to ourselves. We each had a baby in our arms; the other in the baby swing and I couldn't help myself from staring at Harry.

    "What?" He blushed cradling Lily.

    "I just can't believe how lucky I am," I said. "I am so unbelievably happy and I never thought I would be." He grinned and stood up so he could come over to me. He sat next to me.

    "You know, when I found out Ginny cheated on me, I was more angry than heartbroken. I felt betrayed and just used. I thought Ginny meant everything to me but I was wrong. Well you and I had become close and you watched me love someone even though it must have been hard to. You took me in when you didn't have to and you loved me but you didn't have to." I smiled at his words. "Draco I wouldn't change our relationship for anything because I love you so much and you treat me how I should be treated."

    "I love you so much Harry." I disclosed.

    "And I you Draco." Right on cue, little Draco started wailing. "And those are his views on that." I laughed. Harry just smiled and kissed me.

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