Chapter 35

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A/N- Okay so this chapter will be kind of a wrap up chapter and the epilogue will be 11 years later. This chapter will have a lot of flashbacks.

Harry's P.O.V

Draco and I found ourselves in a restaurant on our one year anniversary. We were married for one whole year but were together for almost two.

"I can't believe it's already been a year," He said smiling. "We've been through so much."

"I know." I laughed.

"You know when we were younger, and I know I say this all the time, I always imagined us being together."

"Do you think we'd still be together if we dated in school?"

"If I asked you out in school, what would you have said?" He asked and I took a bite of my steak.

"Well I probably would have said no." I laughed.

"Then I guess we wouldn't be together," He laughed. "Words can't describe how happy I am and I wouldn't change waiting for anything. You're so good to the babies and Scorpius just loves you."

"Well Ted likes you too; it's a giant step from Ginny." I told him.

"Well obviously, I'm a Malfoy." He smirked.

"Malfoy-Potter." I corrected.

"Right you are," He smiled. "We had a nice wedding." 

"We did and everyone seemed to have a good time."


"Hey dragon." I whispered to Draco as we were dancing at our wedding.

"Yes Raven?" He asked.

"We're married." I smiled causing him to smile and kiss me.

"We are!" He said excitingly. "I love you with all my heart Harry.

"All of your heart you say?"

"That's what I said."

"And that's what I'll believe." I said and kissed his neck. "But you have to believe me when I say I love you more." He dipped me and kissed my lips.

"I can't." He shook his head.

"And why not?" I huffed.

"Because it's not possible." He winked.


I smiled at him as he was paying for the bill.

"You know the first time we kissed?" He asked.

"How could I forget?" I asked and he smiled.

"Did I ever tell you what Scorpius said after you scampered away?"

"I didn't scamper away! I had to shower."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He muttered as we walked outside. He wrapped his arms around my waist as we started down the street. "Anyway after I told him not to tell anyone, he said that you were hot and that you were famous. He said it shouldn't be a big deal." He explained and I laughed.

"I knew I liked that kid." I chuckled.

"He went through a lot in one year and I owe it all to you why he's back with me." He mentioned moving from my waist to my hand.

"No you don't, I was just your support system, and we knew you'd get him back."

"But if you didn't burst into the court room, he could still be there with her." I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek.

"Let's not think of that yeah? Happy thoughts." I assured and he nodded.

"Okay." We walked to a little field and lied down looking up at the stars. I put my head was on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me. "You know when Scorpius was a baby, all he did was giggle, and it made me feel like I was doing something right. Albus reminds me a lot of him."

"Ah little Al, he's a giggler," I smiled. "When Ted was a baby, he used to change his face and hair involuntarily. So I would go visit him and Dora would tell me that when he got upset, his hair would be red and his face was like a bull." I laughed.

"That's adorable," Draco laughed. "When did he move in with you?"

"When he was about 6. Dora wanted me to be a part of his life just as much as she was which is why we did the joint custody."

"I remember the day I met him." Draco started and began to tell me the story.


"Dad I made a friend!" Scorpius came home all excited so Draco smiled widely.

"You did, what's his name?"

"His name is Ted, he lives near here is it okay if he comes over this summer?"

"Yes of course!"


"Hello sir thank you for letting me come over." Ted smiled.

"Oh anytime, are you in Gryffindor as well?"

"Yes sir, I don't really know why I just met Scorpius this year but I'm glad I did." He smiled.

"Well I'm happy for you." Draco laughed.

"Dad we'll be outside." Scorpius said pulling Ted away.

"Don't so anything stupid."

"No promises."


"Oh well Scorpius was really respectful when he came over too," I said. "Then the next day Ginny fricken scared you off."

"Oh I remember that day," He mentioned. "I was like 'nope not dealing with the she-weasel.' So I grabbed Scorp and told him we needed to leave. He wasn't too happy but I explained to him in the car that I wasn't the nicest to her but she was really bitchy."

"Yeah, why am I the only one who didn't see it? You, Scorpius and Ted all did?"

"Because you were blinded by love." He said.

"But I can see right through you." He laughed and kissed my head.

"Well that's different; we've been together for merely two years. You dated her 13." I grimaced.

"God I was such an idiot." I practically yelled.

"Yes but you're my idiot," He laughed. "Wow two years, I remember our first date." He laughed.

"Yeah we went to that restaurant and that was the kids first day of third year."


"So tell me more about yourself." I said to Draco and he smirked.

"You're such a loser." He laughed making me laugh.

"I'm actually having a nice time."

"Did you doubt me?"

"No! No... no it's just.'

"Relax Potter," He laughed. "You know that nervous stutter is really attractive." I blushed.

"Th-thanks." I muttered and he smiled. "You have a nice smile; I wish you smiled more when we were in school."

"Why, were you watching me?" He teased.

"No!" I defended. "But if you were smiling more than sneering maybe I would have been." He laughed.

"Thank you. You have a nice smile too." Eventually we made it back home and we reached his bedroom before mine.

"I guess this is where we part; I knew I'd be the gentlemen and walk you home." He rolled his eyes and kissed me.

"You're such a loser." He said and I laughed.

"Goodnight Draco."

"Goodnight Harry."


"That was the night I realized how I wanted to marry you." I said.

Draco's P.O.V

"That was the night I realized how I wanted to marry you." Harry said. "You woke me up from my nightmare and stayed in the same bed as me."

"Well I was in love with you before and it seemed to be the perfect time to make my move." I joked then he sat up and looked at me.

"I think from that moment on, I really realized that I loved you and I wanted to be with you forever." I leaned up and kissed his lips.

"I love you so much Harry Potter."

"Malfoy-Potter." He smiled. I grabbed him and flipped him so I was hovering over him.

"Harry James Malfoy-Potter, I love you so fucking much and if I can marry you every single day over and over again I would. You are the one of the best things to ever happen to me and I wouldn't change Ginny's mistakes because if she didn't sleep around, I wouldn't have the most important man in my life today." I looked him in his eyes as I said that whole thing. Since our wedding he wore contacts and his eyes were even more beautiful. He smiled and kissed me passionately. His hands intertwined in my hair and when he pulled away, he was beaming.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy-Potter, I am so in love with you, I'm surprised I can even think straight anymore. If I could marry YOU every single day, I would as well because then I can show you that you are the love of my life and no one else. When I was with Ginny, I never felt anything that I feel with you. You changed my life so much and you care about my feelings. You cater to my needs; you even let me quit my job because you don't want me overly stressed. I think sometimes that I'm going to wake up and this will all be a dream but it's not and that's the best feeling in the world. You're the best thing to ever happen to me and I wouldn't change one bit of it either because through mistakes brings reasons. I love you so much Dragon." He smiled. I leaned down and peppered his face in kisses. I kissed all over his face and jaw and neck. I kissed his lips once more and lied down next to him.

"1 year we've been married and we already have three kids to share." I stated.

"Our babies are really well behaved."

"Yeah I have three good babies, two great teenagers and a wonderful husband. What else do I need?"

"We could get a dog." He suggested and I laughed.

"Good suggestion but we'll have three magical babies in about seven years." I shivered.

"And teens." He pointed out so I rolled over on top of him and hovered again.

"You're still not forgiven for that prank you pulled on me." I sneered playfully.

"Hey you told me you were pregnant and I fricken fainted! I should be the one to not forgive you!" I smiled.

"I told you, I didn't think you'd faint."

"But I did."

"I got you back."

"Touché." He smirked and then yawned.

"C'mon baby raven, let's head home." I got off of him and pulled him up. We weren't far from our home so we walked. I was holding his hand and gently stroking my thumb on the back of his hand.

"Do you still remember what houses you said the kids would be in?" He asked.

"Lily will be a Gryffindor, Albus will be in Slytherin, and Draco will be a Ravenclaw." I said. "And you said Lily would be in Ravenclaw, Draco would be in Slytherin and Albus would be in Gryffindor. Why do you ask?"

"Let's make it interesting." He smiled

"Alright, what do you have in mind?"

"If one of us gets them all right, the loser gives the winner a message. If we get two right, the loser has to kiss the winner 200 times and if we get one of them right than the loser had to cuddle with the winner for at least an hour."

"Alright so if I get one right and you get two right?

"I'd cuddle with you for an hour and then you give me 200 kisses."

"What if we both get them wrong?"

"Then we don't really know our children." He spoke causing me to laugh and kiss his cheek. "But we need to kiss on it and when we do, that's what our guesses will stay as." I made him face me.

"Alright." I smiled.

"Are those your final answers?" He asked.

"Yes what about you?"

"Absolutely." We leaned in and shared a passionate kiss. "I love you Draco."

"I love you too Harry." We made our way back home. The house was quiet so we made our way upstairs. We checked on the boys first and they were sleeping peacefully in their beds. We walked in the nursery and the babies were all sleeping, pacifiers in their mouth. We closed the door and made our way to our bed.

"This is our family." I smiled.

"We did it,"He smiled. "Our perfect family."

"Our perfect family," I repeated. "I love you Harry James Malfoy-Potter."

"And I love you Draco Lucius Malfoy-Potter." We cuddled up closer and slowly drifted to sleep.

A/N- Well this is the last chapter before the epilogue! I can't believe how well this story has done. Over two thousand reads. Thank you so much, I love you all XOX. Also don't forget about my new story Roommates, I'll post it right after the epilogue because the first chapter is done! Thank you all so much!

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