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Third Person P.O.V

The triplets, Draco and Harry all made their way on to the Kings Cross platform.

"It's been awhile since we were here." Harry laughed holding on to his husbands arm. The triplet's eyes widened as they looked around; smiles were plastered on all of their little faces. The triplets did a lot of growing up and it was their first year at Hogwarts. Lily was a short little girl but with a loud mouth. She had long blonde hair and her infamous different colored eyes. Both of them were really vibrant and beautiful. Little D (Draco) resembled his papa a lot. He had blonde hair but it was wild like Harry's. His eyes were a piercing blue and he rarely smiled. Albus had Harry's raven hair but it tamed like Big Draco's. His eyes started out a piercing green but sometimes change to a dark blue.

"Alright well this is where we say goodbye." Draco declared. All three children turned to him and hugged him.

"I'll miss you papa." Lily said.

"I'll miss you too Lily." Draco chuckled kissing the top of her head. "Don't forget to write and tell us who is in what house."

"I won't!" She chuckled.

"I want to be in Gryffindor!" Little Draco told the older man.

"Harry did you tell him to say that?" He asked looking at Harry.

"What? No!" Harry smirked.

"Dad, what house do you want us in?" Albus asked.

"I want you in any house that you want. Remember the Sorting Hat takes in account your opinion."

"Really?" Little Draco asked.

"Yes, I was supposed to be in Slytherin."

"Yeah but your daddy didn't want to be with me so he changed houses." Older Draco teased.

"I didn't change; I just asked not to be in that house." Harry admitted sheepishly. The triplets giggled as Harry's face turned red. His husband laughed and kissed his cheek. "Alright you guys need to get on before all the compartments are full." Harry stated. He hugged his children and kissed them one last time. "Don't forget to tell Hagrid I said hello."

"We won't." They said in unison before getting on the train and finding an empty compartment. They waved to their father's from the train and then it set off to Hogwarts.

"Harry, Draco!" They heard. Hermione walked over to them and hugged them both. Ron hugged them both after she let go.

"Did Rose get on the train alright?" Draco asked.

"Yup!" Hermione said looking at the train. "And it looks like she's found the triplets." They looked at the train and Rose was sitting with Lily. Her hair was as red as Ron's but she had her mother's eyes.

"She's nervous to be put in Slytherin." Ron disclosed.

"We told her that we'd be proud of any house she'd be put in." Hermione butt in.

"That's what we told the triplet's." Harry smiled before the train whistle went off.

"Well we need to go! But good luck you two." Hermione said hugging them again.

"You too." Draco and Harry said. They hugged Ron as well. They started walking off so Draco turned to Harry.

"Well we have an empty manor." He smiled. Narcissa and Lucius moved out of their manor because it was big for just the two of them. As he was forced to live like a muggle, Lucius was more appreciative of the things he had and gave them manor to his son. This was shortly after the triplets were born, when they were one.

"I guess so." Harry smiled. They grabbed each other's hands and something caught both their eyes. Ginny was standing with Dean waving goodbye to their child. Harry looked at his husband and smirked.

"You think she'll be in Gryffindor?"

"If you dealt with Ginny you would have to be." Harry laughed. They walked by the couple and nodded their heads. Ginny had kept her promise and never posted another thing about Harry or his family in the Daily Prophet. They left the platform and walked to the car hand in hand.

"I'm sure Lily would tell us what house she's in." Draco said. "I can't believe it's already been eleven years."

"You're telling me, our babies are all grown up." Harry laughed so Draco smiled and kissed Harry. 

"And now we wait to find out I am right."

"You are not!" Draco retorted. "There is no way Albus will be in Gryffindor, the kid's afraid of his own shadow."

"You'd be surprised." Harry smirked.

"Oh look who's smirking now." Draco said.

"We've seemed to swap roles. I smirk and you smile," Harry laughed before he turned to see Draco smiling. "There's that beautiful smile." Draco rolled his eyes and kissed Harry's lips.

"Come on raven, let's get home."


"Dragon! The kid's owled us!" Harry yelled walking into the library.

"Raven, have you ever heard of being quiet in the library?" Draco hissed playfully.

"No." Harry smirked causing Draco to roll his eyes.

"Come here, let's see." Draco laughed. Harry walked over to him and sat on his lap as they unraveled the letter and read it out loud.

Dear Papa and Dad,

I'm a Slytherin! I'm following in your footsteps papa! I'm really excited and since I'm a Malfoy-Potter, everyone wants to be my friend. Love you guys!-Lily

I'm in Ravenclaw! I think I'm really going to like it! People already like talking to me and I've acquainted myself to a few others. Love you! -Draco

I'm a Hufflepuff! When the sorting hat called it out, everyone went silent. Never did they suspect a Malfoy-Potter to be in the house! Haha, but everyone is really nice and I'm really happy. - Albus

We met in Myrtles bathroom to write this letter! We decided to get together a few times a week because we're triplets and we're used to being together. I have classes with both of my brothers! Oh and Molly Thomas is a Slytherin and Rose is in Gryffindor!

Hagrid says hello by the way and he was almost in tears when he saw us. He said he remember carrying you as a baby. And when you were dead, then said 'I should have not have said.' but we know from the books what took place. Anyway, we love you! Hope you have fun at home without us but we'll be back from Christmas break! Goodbye!

You little Triplets
Lily, Draco and Albus

Harry turned to Draco and smiled.

"I guess you were right, Draco's in Ravenclaw." Harry said.

"My son is in Hufflepuff." He uttered a little surprised.

"Hey, Hufflepuff's are just as good as anyone else. Plus my little girl is in Slytherin, what if they corrupt her?" Harry asked. Draco laughed and kissed him.

"If anything, she'll rule the roost."

They heard rustling in the fireplace and Ted and Scorpius rolled out of the fireplace. They were both around 25 years old. They looked the same only their faces matured and they were taller.

"I told you I don't like to floo." Scorpius spat.

"How else would we get here? I'm not apparating" Ted hissed.

"Hi guys." Draco laughed. "What brings you're here?"

"We wanted to see how it went." Ted said. "So?" Harry handed the boys the letter and they read it. "Haha! Lily in Slytherin!" Ted laughed.

"Why aren't any of them in Gryffindor?" Scorpius frowned.

"Don't know." Harry muttered.

"Well it doesn't matter," Ted said. "They all seem happy."

"I think they are." Harry mentioned with a smile.

"Let's write them back." Draco said. They all nodded and Harry pulled out a pen and paper.

Lily, Albus, and Draco,

We are so proud of your houses! We hope you learn a lot this year and get adjusted to the school just as much as we did. We love you and we're happy you're enjoying yourselves as much as you say you are. We hope you make a lot of friends and remember to be nice. Scorpius and Ted say congrats as well. We love you and don't forget to write.

Love Dad, Papa, Scorpius and Ted.

They sent the letter and gathered on the couch. Draco turned to Harry and kissed him.

"I love you Harry James Malfoy-Potter. This is our little family." Draco said so Harry smiled and nuzzled into Draco.

"I love you just as much Draco Lucius Malfoy-Potter and I wouldn't change one single thing in this life because it means I get to be with you," Harry said. "We were in this together."

"We're still in this together."

"Right you are dragon," Harry smiled. "I love you."

"I love you more raven."

"Not possible."

The End

A/N-Well that's it! I just want to thank you all for your support throughout this whole story. Never did I imagine it as popular as it is! Over two thousand reads! Thank you again and I love you all XOX!

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