Flawed Morning

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It's Saturday...It has been three months since I moved to Spain. 

Many things are different. When I mean many...I mean many like I SHARE AN APARTMENT WITH MIZUKA! But I don't see that as a bad thing...since he makes me happy.

Since Mizuka is the faceless journalist Iroha, he's practically always at home. Wow...I can't believe I actually called this apartment home.

Another thing that is different is the fact that I don't have to wake up so damn early anymore, Usually, around this time my grandmother would be....

Anyways...I am really comfortable where I am. Yeah, I don't understand what the people here are saying...but that's the least, right? I mean...I understand some English...I doubt that would help, it's kinda rare to see a Spaniard speak that language...so, I'm basically a fish out of water when it comes to going outside.

I do go out. Usually when Mizuka does, like when he goes to buy groceries or small errands the company gives him. He knows the native language here. It's like I have my own personal translator.

It's kind of fun hearing Mizuka speak a language I don't know...I find it quite attractive. I just get so embarrassed when we have little tutor sessions. I will be living here, I have to learn Spanish...if not, who am I gonna rely on? I have to be independent sometimes...I mean, Mizuka will want to be alone eventually, right?

It's best not to think about it since I'm so comfortable...in my bed. I'm awake, but I refuse to get up. The room is nice and quiet, the whole apartment is quiet as well. I only hear typing, Mizuka has to be awake. He's always up before I wake up, he always has breakfast made before I say 'good morning' to him. It's almost like he's babysitting me. It's like...he's trying to mimic my perfect life...

Should I tell him something? No...he finds out anyways, he basically tells me my own thoughts before I even think about them...like I'm a book that Mizuka is constantly reading.

"Morning Shinji" I hear his angelic voice from the living room.

Shit! He knows I'm awake! What should I do!? Do I say good morning back!? Crap! What do I do!?

"No need to panic...just say it back, it's simple as code" he chuckles as I hear more typing.

"G-good...morning" I reply a bit nervous since he knew I was awake.

"Breakfast is ready, so you can eat once you freshen up..." More typing fills the room, as I hear him groan a bit.

"O-okay..." I mumble out as I slowly began to get up from my bed. Instantly, I feel cold and dry air hit me. I quickly cover my body with the thick green blanket that Mizuka bought me. I really hate winter! It's cold, annoying, too many people singing in the streets, and didn't I mention, IT'S COLD!

"Oh...sorry about that, Shinji I forgot to turn on the heater...I also forgot that you don't like the cold..." I hear him speak as I heard more typing.

"Yeah..." I respond as I sat up, this time, I am cuddled up in my blanket. Feeling the cold air, made me groan out in annoyance.

"Sorry, Sorry...I'll turn the heater on" I hear the typing come to a halt combined with a shuffling sound. After a few seconds, I hear the heater being turned on.

I am still cold so I'm not in the mood to get up. Groaning loudly, I flop back onto my bed, balling my body and the blanket in a cocoon. I hear footsteps around the apartment. What is Mizuka doing?

I soon hear the door open a bit more with a creak. Is he in here!? Flinching from the sudden creak, causes my body to curl up even more.

"Are you gonna get up?" I hear a low and quite attractive voice whisper in my ear. Oh No no no no... That has to be Mizuka. What is he gonna do? Agh! I cannot stand it when he does this! He makes my face get all red, and I can't focus on anything!

"U-uhh...Yeah...I just..." My voice trailed off as I cuddled more in the blanket.

"Just what? Waiting for me to come over and cuddle with you in your bed?" I smooth chuckle slipped out of Mizuka's mouth as I felt a warmth on my waist. That must be Mizuka's hand.

"U-uh...N-no, I was planning on getting up..but--"

"You wanted me to come over and wake you up" His flaxen eyes glisten through his deep blue rectangular glasses.

"Yes!-- wait...NO!" I shook my head quickly as I feel that hand move a bit lower from my waist.

Chuckling fills the room as my face turns bright red. Why must he be like this!? He always does this! He has his own bed and his own room! 

 Mizuka didn't want to pressure me, or force his feelings...also because I'm not sure what the hell we are! He decided that it was best to have our own rooms. I don't mind that, but...I kind of want to share a room with him...maybe share the same bed...but, sometimes I get second thoughts about that. Should I ask him? or Should I not?

"I...I uh...I mean, I was going to get up, but it was so cold that I covered myself in the blankets...again" I slowly began to uncover my face from the comfortable cocoon I was in. I squirm a bit as the hand began to move lower, then, it stopped. Mizuka's hand reached up and touched my cheek.

"Shinji...I've been wondering..." Mumbling a bit, Mizuka glanced off to the side.


"Um..." He tried his best to avoid my eyes. "Nothing...I have to go run a couple of errands later, do you want to come with?" His eyes landed on mine when he had changed the subject. I nodded a bit as I thought about what Mizuka was planning to tell me. "Yes..I'll go with you.."

"Alright then..." He paused a bit "We'll leave when you're ready, there isn't any rush to get this done, I just need it done sometime  today...--" It seemed like Mizuka had noticed my silence, he quickly glanced up.  

"What are you thinking about? Don't worry about anything I told you...it's really nothing..." he played with his deep blue glasses as he spoke. Mizuka is fidgeting, there is something on his mind. What is it? I want to know.

"I wasn't thinking about that..." I replied in a mocking tone. Mizuka raised his brow, lowering his head a bit. I hate when he gives me that look! That look is like a magnet that makes me tell the truth!

"Fine! I was thinking about that...but can you blame me? I'm curious! You can't deny that you have wanted to know something so badly! You're  Iroha for Pete's sake! You live off of curiosity and drama!" See what I mean? It makes me pull out all of the thoughts in my head and blurt it out. 

"Okay, Okay, I get it. There's no need to say extra things." Again. He chuckled.

I HATE WHEN HE DOES THAT! He knows it makes me get all anxious! And then he's reprimanding me about it!d 

So, I simply nod, rolling my eyes. "Okay..." I mumble. "I'm gonna go freshen up..." moving my green blanket off of my body, I stood up from the bed. I quickly put on my flower slippers, that Mizuka also bought me. I still can't stand that he is around seven inches taller than me.

"Don't look at me like that" he ruffled my hair, then he gripped onto his chest dramatically "If looks can kill...if looks can kill..." he said dramatically.

"Shut it..." Groaning I pushed his chest away. Sighing, I walked towards the bathroom. As I am walking, I feel a warmth wrap around my waist, I feel a breath brush against my ear.

"Do you want me to join~?" his voice is low and seductive, same as before.

"I-I Think...I-I can do that myself..." my face lights up like a candle. His body soon presses against my own, his hands slowly moved up towards my chest. Making my body quickly react to his touch.

"You sure..~?" his hands stop a bit as he spoke.

Mizuka teases me and makes me blush, but then again he's saying that he's not forcing his love on me. He says many things! Mizuka is a very unpredictable and confusing person.

"Y-yes...I'm sure" I quickly nodded. Every time he does this, it makes me bite my lip. It makes me feel, I don't know...strange. Do I like it? Do I want him to continue? I don't fucking know!

"Alright then..." Mizuka nodded as he backed away. His tone was a sad one. He always makes me seem like the bad guy here, when he is the one that started teasing me!

"Mhm..." I hummed a bit. So...what do I do? Do I walk away, or do I stay here? I don't know! This happens almost every day! He acts all flirty, he makes me feel all bashful, he makes a move and then makes me seem like the bad guy. I'm not the bad guy, I just-- Everything is confusing! It's new! I'm scared, I have lived in a bubble for years...and only recently it had been popped.

After that, it was completely silent. I didn't say anything, neither did Mizuka. As if the room was going to be shattered, a ringing sound crashes around the area. A sigh escapes Mizuka's lips as he looked over at his phone. "Tch...stupid deadlines..." mumbling, he moved his phone to his ear. "Buenos días Profesor Mendez..."[1]  Mizuka began to speak to the person that was calling.

Since I can't understand Spanish if my life depended on it, I couldn't quite catch anything of what was going on. So I stood there in silence, with a confused and blank face.

"Si...yo tengo un segundo..." His flaxen eyes glanced over at me as he spoke to the person. It seemed like Mizuka didn't want to talk to whoever was on the phone.

'Sorry...I have to take this...I'll be back...' He mouthed to me before he walked towards his room.

And like that...I am left alone in the hall. Mizuka is always busy with his work and the company. He barely spends any time with me...always writing and going to that damn company. Who knew being Iroha was so difficult..? I sure didn't know. I feel like I'm being a burden to him. He did all of this for me, yet, I haven't done anything for him. I hate it. I have grown to hate many of things since this new life started.

Sighing, I made my way towards the bathroom. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, my hair falls on my face, it's basically sticking out everywhere. How long has it been since I cut it? I don't remember. 

After closing the door, I walk over to the shower. Turning the water on, I immediately switch the water to a hot temperature. Since I know Mizuka always bathes with cold water...I don't know how he can stand the cold. 


After the shower, I quickly dried my body and what I could of my hair. Wrapping the towel around my waist, I notice that I did not have any clothes with me. Where the hell is my clothes!? I swear that I had brought some with me! Why me? Oh great, now I have to walk back to my room completely in the nude, with a simple towel covering me. 

Should I call Mizuka to bring me some clothes? I'm not sure...he still may be talking to that person. So it's best to not disturb him...he already doesn't like talking to whoever that is.

So it is time to man the fuck up and charge to my room. Hopefully, Mizuka does not see me. If he does...I'll probably DIE of embarrassment. So, I don't want that to happen!!

Taking a deep breath, I quickly make my way towards my room. Passing the hallway, I notice that Mizuka is not in his room...where is he? There is no time to think about that! I just need to hurry! I'm almost there, please don't notice me...

As I touch my room door, I quickly turn my back and close it tightly, locking the door just in case. "I Made it...thank goodness he didn't see me..." I sigh out in a small breath as I look at my hands on the doorknob.

"Thank goodness who didn't see you?" I hear a voice in my left ear. Oh no...don't tell me it's him...I already know it's him.

"Y-You..?" I don't want to turn my back because I know what will happen.

"Me? Why me? Did I do anything to you?" I hear footsteps approaching towards me.

"Uh...be...cause...-- Wait. Why were you in my room?" please fall for the bait, for I can change this damn subject!

"Why are you hiding from me?" I feel a voice right behind my right ear.

"I-I uh...why are you here?" Please Mizuka, just let it go already! I don't want to explain things.

"I had to talk to the company director and my room is too noisy...so I came here..." His hand reached over and gently glided across my shoulder. "So...." his voice trailed off as his arm quickly wrapped around my waist, loosening the towel but it was still around my waist. And with his other hand, he grabbed my jaw to make me look up at him. "Why are you avoiding me?" his eyebrow raised, and his gaze lowered a bit.

What am I supposed to tell him? I can't tell him that I'm embarrassed about him seeing my body, I don't like my body...it makes me feel uncomfortable...and strange.

Silence fills the room, as I try my best to not meet eyes with this mischievous male.

"I see...so you're going to be that way...didn't you forget...." his voice is low with a seductive tone.

His hand that was around my waist began to go lower and lower "I get what I want...so tell me..."

Please don't say it...please don't.

"Or...I'll pull your towel off~" Smirking, his hand kept on lowering.

Why does Mizuka do this to me!?


[1]: "Good morning professor Mendez..."

[2]: "Yes...I have a moment"


Heyo heyo! It's meeee!

Anyways, this chapter came out quicker because I began writing it a few days ago...

If you haven't noticed....I am now beginning to make the chapters longer.

But there is one thing that I won't change: Leaving the chapter on cliffhangers, I LOVE doing that!

So, each chapter will take more time to be done. If you don't like that, it's not my problem...Tell me. Do you prefer shorter chapters that are shit that comes out quickly? OR Longer chapters that I will spend and give my all to make it ideal?

It's obvious the second option is better.

So, that means it'll take me time... Probably a week..or less

Anyways that's all I have to say this time!

Baii baii!


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