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My name is Shinji Ayo, I am sixteen years old. I am not the only child, I have a sister...and I didn't know that until two months ago. So I guess my parents lied to what a shocker.

Ever since I could speak, my parents were forcing me to be this so-called 'Perfect Man' but with the help of others, I am now free from that damn hell.

I have attended a normal high school for a semester. After became a whole chase.

I was forced to have a girlfriend and was forced to be what I am not; perfect.

I was assigned friends, also an assigned routine.

My entire life was assigned! My life was made for me! I couldn't say anything about it...I couldn't do anything to prevent it. That was my life...I had no hope that it was going to be altered. So I had to live a life of falseness.

My plea was answered after many years, well...I didn't like my life for years but it wasn't until a few months that I wanted to do something about it.

During those months, there was one thing that gave me the enthusiasm to keep on striving for my goal; Mizuka...

That's where this story continues. I have moved to Spain. I am with that one human being that cares for me, probably more than I love myself. Just thinking about it makes me laugh. Mizuka Iroha, that journalist that wrote trash about my entire life, cares for me...and...Do I care for him?

What makes me kind of sad is the fact that I haven't learned how to care for him...I want to, more than anything...but it seems like I can't...I want him to be by my side. He tells me he loves me every day, and every time he says it...a piece of myself breaks, knowing that I haven't gained that feeling...knowing that I do not love Mizuka yet...

Hopefully, I will gain that feeling of uneasiness by having a crush. Or even get embarrassed by him smiling at me.

Maybe I will get that can I share affection if I wasn't raised with it...

Now that I notice it. I know nothing about Mizuka...only that he has a demon as a sister, an annoying best friend, he's the most popular journalist without a face....oh, AND THE FACT THAT HE AND I FLED TO SPAIN! What is wrong with him!?

I ask him...every day since we moved. Why did he move so far away without telling no one? But he only ruffles my hair and says "Love..." love? Do people with that feeling do these types of things? Yet again....I do not understand the concept of 'Love' which annoys the hell out of me.

So...that's where my story continues...another simple yet complex day of my new life!


Heyo! Who is ready for the sequel!? Welp! I'm not, since I have school T^T yeah...

The reason I began to write this one and not the one I said was because of....reasons....I don't wanna say...

Anyways! This was just a short chapter

Baii Baii!


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