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Please tell me that the person that just entered this classroom isn't...her! "No no no no can't be! She's been away for two can she--" I mutter under my breath as someone pulls me out of my muttering.

"Uh...Shinji? Are you alright?" Mizuka looks directly into my ruby eyes.

"Can my day get any worse..." I whisper in a shaky voice as I rest my head on my desk, my arms wrapped around my head.

"What do you-- Oh..." Mizuka glanced over at the door where the voice came from.

I sigh as I feel something wet grow in my eyes. Huh? What is this? I have never felt this, I have have felt this pain, but never has it hurt as it is hurting right now. This wet things have never fell from my eyes, I don't know why they're here...if they bring me this much pain, I don't want them.

"Shinji? Are you alright?" Mizuka looked towards me as my face is still covered under my arms.

"Perfectly fine" I sigh as more of these wet things fall from my face.

"Are you sure? You sound strange..." His voice sounds suspicious

"Like I said...perfectly fine..." this time my voice was hitched and sounded like I needed air.

"Then, look at me, please" his voice didn't sound like he believed me, I think no one does.

"Why would... I have to do that... if I told you... I was fine..." my voice is like a earthquake.

"Because...I want to see your face" his tone was completely different from his previous tones. This one was different and smoother.

"Why.... would... you... want... that?..." I tried to make my voice steady as possible by saying my words slowly.

"Oh, that's an easy question, because I like--"

"Jiji! Sit next to me!" Yup, I was is Yukari. I feel her arm latch onto mines as she tugs my arm towards her own.

She forcefully moved Mizuka out of the way and stood beside me "Come on Jiji!" she cheered.

"Why...?" I ask of this, why do I have to be forced to date this kind of girl?

"Why? Well because you're my boyfriend! Please...Sit with me" she whined in a pout as she was still tugging at my arm. I stay completely silent as she keeps on tugging on my arm. Mizuka was just talking to me...he said he liked? What does that mean? What does he like!? Well I guess I will never know because the bitch pushed him away.

"No..." I reply silently

"W-why?" she said on the verge of tears.

"Because, you haven't apologized to Mizuka for pushing him away..."My head was still covered under my arms

Yukari stood silent for a few seconds, but, to me, it felt like a million years "Don't worry about that, he didn't care! He's fine with it" I glanced over at Yukari as she spoke, but my arms were still covered my head, she rolled her eyes as she spoke. Then, I glanced over at Mizuka, his expression...was sad yet angry, that worries me.

"Yeah...I'm fine Shinji...don't worry about it..." he shook his head as his expression was still​ blue. "I'll just..." he picked his things up and walked over to the back of the class. Those wet things had dried from my face, but I still feel like they are still present.

"See, Jiji. He was fine with it" she tugged on my arm again.

I sigh out as I uncover my head from under my arms, I instantly look back to where Mizuka was. Him and I lock gazes, his expression felt like the one I was feeling, but it looked like he knew how to handle it...or like he has delt with this feeling before.

My eyes were puffy and red as I blink a few times to stop those wet things that want to fall from my eyes again. I can't do this! I don't want to be with Yukari anymore! I don't want none of this! I don't give a shit anymore, I was like this for seventeen years! I do not want to be like this forever! I don't give a fucking shit anymore! Starting today, I am the one who is going to make my own decisions! I don't care about all of this, the fame the attention, my goddamn parents! Everything! I groan out as I cover my face with my hands.

"Jiji...? What's wrong?"

"I'm done..."

"What do you mean, done? Done with that idiot being your friend? Heh you should have done that a while ago" she scoffed as she wrapped her small arm around my arm

"No. Yukari. I'm done...I'm done with all of this, done with you, done with my parents, done with this messed up life of mines!" I jerk my arm away from Yukari's arm. Standing up, I walk over to Mizuka, grabbing his hand I jerk him up to stand up.

"Shinji...what are you doing?" Mizuka's expression was one that I could read, I think I'm getting used to this reading expression thing.

"Something that I should have done years ago" I give Mizuka a determined look as he nodded slightly.

Instantly, I run out of the classroom, Mizuka following behind me.

"Jiji! Don't go" that whore shouts out as she takes a few steps.

I ignore her as I keep on running. "Goodbye Mr. and Mrs. Ayo! I'm done! With all of this!" As I am running in the halls I shout out with a big smile.

Mizuka grabbed my hand, pulling me to the left "Over here, just...follow me" He ran towards the left. Mizuka headed to the back of the school "There is a back door here...let's take that" he spoke like he was a professional in these type of things. I nod silently as I follow my mysterious friend that now that I realize, I know nothing about. My running decreased as I think heavily about how I know nothing about Mizuka.

"Hey! What are you doing? Don't slow down, you want to be done with all of this? Don't you?" Mizuka stopped running as he looked at me, still having his hand held with mines.

"I do...I just...just"

"You don't what? What is it?"

"I was thinking...I know nothing about you..." My gaze lowers to the ground as I spoke

"Shinji...why would you think about things like that at a time like this? You really are confusing..." he sighed as he smiled at me.

"Sorry...I'm just that type of--"

My words was muffled as I felt something soft yet warm touch my lips. A hand goes to my hair as the soft warm thing is on my lips.

Wait...did Mizuka just....

Kiss me?


You know guys know how sorry I is there a reason I should say it again?

And I don't know why I keep making excuses to you guys...

It's been a while since I updated this...I'm so sorry, My focus wandered off and I gave all of my attention to one book....know that I'm on summer vacation...I will try my best to update more frequently...



Too much? Anyways thank you

See ya next chapter!


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