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What the hell is he doing!? Why is he doing this! Why would he kiss me out of nowhere! Heh...I found out the hard way what he wanted. I shouldn't have let him come in.

I'm still confused what the hell is going on! Natsume hugs my waist as he kisses me, his warmth from his lips transmits to my own as he kisses me with passion and somewhat gentleness. So much heat transfers during this lasting kiss. I want to back away, but there is something that is luring me into the abyss that his kiss is now formed around me. I don't know...but I don't want this kiss to end. What is going on with me! Did I just think about this not ending!

Soon after I feel the heat slip away from my lips, I slowly open my eyes to see a satisfied Natsume. I silently look at him. How could he do that! I look down bitting my bottom lip replaying what happened in my mind. I stay silent, how could he do that! How could he take my, FIRST kiss!? just like that! "Heh, that was so worth coming here" he said in a low seductive voice. I still stay silent, not looking at him as I touch my lips. "My first kiss with my beauty..." he looks down at me but I still don't look at him.

"H-how...c-can...y-you...do that...?" Words flow out of my mouth in a silent voice. "What do you mean my beauty?" he looks at me still. I feel a warmth steal my cheeks as I look up at him, why am I so flustered about this? It's just a kiss, calm down it's just a kiss, Yeah my first fucking kiss and it's with the annoying celebrity number two!

"H-how can you do that?" I somewhat calm down and look at him, but the blush never leaves my face. "Kiss me like that? How can you do that?" I stare at the floor as I speak. "Easy, because I love you...." Natsume smiles at me. My face turns redder than before. "And, by the look on your face, I can tell that you liked it" he examines my face with those rose colored eyes of his. "Shut up! I didn't like it! Mind your own business!" I push Natsume away and walk back to my desk. I sit down and he is now leaning against the wall smirking at me, with his long arms crossed tightly across his built chest. "Oh? So you didn't like it? Then why was your face red as a rose?" he chuckles.

"That is none of your business! Get out! I have papers to sign!" I try to stare at him, but I can't every time I look at him I remember our kiss, I look down and point at the door "Just leave!" Natsume chuckles and walks to the door "oh and one more thing, before I leave... If you change your mind about the kiss, you know where to find me" he smiles one last time at me and walks out of my office .

Ugh! How could he do that! It just makes me angry!I touch my small lips as he leaves my office. Ugh! What is going on with me! Just forget about it...leave it be...

Shinji POV

It was ten minutes till our second class, wich is creative writing, was about to end.

I love this class! It's really fun and Interesting, but the teacher is like a man-child he acts like a five year old most of the times. I don't mind it, that is what makes it interesting.

But right now...it's boring, I don't know why? I have this class with Mizuka, but he's really silent for some reason. I shrug it off and my ruby eyes fixates on him. I closely examine his posture, the color of his dark blue rectangular glasses, his pale face, those golden eyes, the fact that his hair is sticking out in every direction, but it looks good to me. His facial expressions...his lips, they are a faint blush color. Hm? He has a scar right above his right eye. I wonder what happened there. The only thing I could do is assume it was a sport accident or something similar to that.

I would enjoy it if his facial expressions weren't so difficult to read and understand. But that's the thing that I find interesting about him, besides his features. I find the fact that his face can tell you one thing and his feelings can tell you something that is completely diverse.

Mizuka glances at me with through his peripheral vision and turns his head towards me. "Is there a problem Shinji?" I snap out of my trance and shake my head "No...No no nothing's wrong..." I laugh nervously as he raises his right eyebrow. "Hmmm...Alright...." he puts his hand on his chin as he nods slightly. I don't think he believes my excuse "Or....were you looking at me, again?" he rubs his chin slowly as a small smirk grows on the side of his face. I can't stifle the blush that creeps on my face. "Hah! So you were looking at me..." his smirk grows as he speaks.

"I-i certainly did not!" I shake my head, denying that I was not looking at him, but I actually was. "Oh I know you was...I can tell by your body language that you were and by the look on your face, I am right, you cannot hide it now...I know you were looking at me...No need to deny It" He smirks at me, crap what do I say now? How do I act now? I don't know what to do! ugh! I am so stupid, why was I looking at him! well, can you blame me? just look at him! he's the most idealistic person I have ever seen and met!

Okay, I was looking at him, but I'm not going to admit that to him! he'll tease me more than he usually does! " I did not-- I was not looking at you" I shake my head slowly as I keep denying my guilt. "Okay, whatever you say" Mizuka chuckled at my response. "Hey, Shinji..." Mizuka's eyes landed on me "Yes, Mizuka?" I wonder what he wants. "we have been friends for a while now..." his hands never stopped playing with his dark blue rectangular glasses. "So...I think I should tell you more things about me...and you know...not the simple everyday things...." he looked down, I can finaly read his expression. But, he looks sad...I don't want to see this side of Mizuka, I don't want him to be sad at all. even though I don't want him to pass through sadness, it is still going to happen because we are 100% living humans and sometimes sadness comes along like the wind. "you don't have to tell me about it, I'm fine not knowing if you feel uncomfortable telling me..." I look at him and he places a smile on his face. something about this smile seems fake. Oh and trust me, I know everything about being fake, heck. that's why whole life!

I'm being serious I do not want to see Mizuka like this, it pains me. "No....it's fine, I have to tell you sooner or later...I don't want to keep things hidden from you..." he has sorrow in his eyes. I have exactly no idea what Mizuka is talking about! He says he doesn't want to keep things hidden from me, but look at me! I haven't told him nothing about my life, well that's because my parents prohibit me to do so. "Mizuka, it's fine, you don't need to do that, I haven't told you anything about myself either..." if he feels bad about it, he shouldn't tell me, I'm perfectly fine with not knowing. Having Mizuka as a friend is enough for me.

"No, I'm going to tell you, I don't like keeping secrets from the people that are close to me..." His eyes shine with determination and a slight flash of sorrow. Is he not going to back down? I can't do nothing about it if he's going to drive without direction. If he wants to tell me so be it. "Alright, I can't hold you down no more. If you want to tell me I'm completely fine with listening..." I give him a small soft smile to show that I am interested to know. But to be honest I'm kind of nervous to find out. What if he made regrets in his life? What if he has a happy life? What if his sister is actually his mother!? Okay okay, the last one is a bit impossible, but you get the point..

"But..." he looks around slowly, examining every student. He looks back at me with a secretive expression "I can't tell you here...too many dramatics and bitches here..." he whispers in my ear. I didn't know that Mizuka cussed! This is the first time he has ever did that! Wow, I'm amazed.

"Okay..." I nod slightly as his request "Hmmm...maybe after school at the back of the school" alright, but, why doesn't he just tell in the club room? "Alright..." I nod again "If you're wondering why I don't tell you in the club room, is because Usami doesn't like me telling people information about myself, she is very protective over me" He chuckled slightly. How can he just laugh at a situation like this? He was all sad a few seconds ago! That's what lures me towards him, but don't get me wrong; I do NOT have feelings for him, he's just a friend a very close friend.

Mizuka and I talked for a while until the classroom door was opened, everyone stood wide eyes and gasped at the person standing there...

Even I was amazed...

"Jiji! Guess what! I going to attend school with you! Now we could always be together!"

Great, can this day get any worse!?


Wow! Long chapter! I think I'm going to try to make the chapter a bit longer for you guys entertainment...but they're will be times that I would write a short one...like I said, I'm going to try

That's all for now!

Baii baii


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