Ending Perfection

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What...? In the hell is going on!? That's it, I have completely lost it, this day, hands down has been the most painful yet the most adventurous, lifelike and exhilarating day of my life. I still cannot believe that I wasn't the only one that my parents have force these things upon. Also, I can't believe that they put so much pressure on Reika that she had to escape to another country to be free and after all of her hard work, to be followed like she had some tail or something.

"Why would they do such a thing..." A whisper escapes my lips in a gasp as my hand reached over and covered my mouth.

"I am  wondering the same thing...I still don't know why they would follow me...since they have clearly not tried anything to damage my career or anything." She furrowed her bows as her gaze was slightly looking down, he expression at this moment, reminds me of father.

"Maybe...they're just really looking out for you, Reika" Mizuka suggested as he had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Or they want to watch out and try to prevent what is happening right now"

"Or maybe they are just trying to seem like the 'responsible parents' they claim to be and moved here to be like 'we miss our daughter'..." I snap as I do the same as Mizuka, I cross my arms.

"Wow, you really are like mother, in every little detail..." Reika sighed happily as she was still looking at me.

Those words that fall from her mouth fell onto my chest with a loud crash, she didn't mean it to be a bad thing, it seemed like was missing that benevolence from a person, considerately, our mother.

"I'm so glad that I was able to see you again after all of these chaotic years...I've missed you so much..." a few wet things began to fall from her dark citrine colored eyes, which I assume are tears.

I wish I could say the same thing to her...but, how can I miss someone who I don't remember or have any memories with, I feel bad as I reach over and pull my sister into an embrace, I hear her sob quietly as I rub her back, trying to comfort her. At least I can try to do this as a person and as a brother.

"It's alright, Reika, there is no need to cry...I am right here..." I speak softly as I am trying my best to console, Reika, my sister. I still cannot believe I have a sister, after all of this, after all of these years of forced perfection and being told what to do, I have someone I can relate to.

I feel her arms pull me into a tight embrace as her quiet sobs calm down,"I have waited fourteen years to finally see you...now, we have to split up again..." She whispered softly into my ear as she pulled away from the tight embrace.

"What do you mean...split up again?" I furrow my brows as I glance over at my sister. She stood silent as her gaze went to the floor.

"That's the second thing we was going to talk to you about..." Mizuka spoke up as he looked directly into my ruby eyes.

"Alright...explain..." I furrow my brows as I look directly into Mizuka's eyes as well.

"Well...Reika and I had been pondering...." His voice trailed off.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"That you should do the same thing She did fourteen years ago, move to another country...and start fresh"

My eyes widened as I heard what Mizuka had said "What...?"

"You said you wanted to be free from all of this, get away...so, why not move to another country...by tomorrow?" Mizuka suggested in a serious tone.

How Can I just leave like that? This is all too sudden, and...alone? I cannot do that, I can't just get up and leave randomly! There are things that need to be considered about, like the cost and the living expenses... the fact that I'll be leaving loved ones behind...the fact that I'll be leaving from Mizuka's life...

"Mizuka...I...I can't do that, I can't just leave you here knowing that you have feelings for me...plus, I can't just leave without having a plan, without thinking about the expenses... this...is all too sudden..." I let out a sigh as I feel overwhelmed just by the thought of it, I cannot just leave like that.

"Shinji, all of that is taken care of, the expenses everything...and...you aren't going alone...I will be  going with you... heck, I can never leave you after I confessed to you, I am planing to make you mine" He said in a light chuckle as he was still talking in a serious tone.

"B-but what about Miho and Usami...won't they miss you? Those two are the closest to you..."

"You're right, Miho will kill the hell out of me, and Usami will place many viruses on my phone...but, they will understand why I am doing this and they will accept it through time" Mizuka sighed as his expression was determined, more than ever.

"But what about me? I have my grandmother...I can't just leave her like that without saying a proper goodbye...I just can't" I shake my head quickly as my overwhelmed mind brings tears to my eyes. 

"Don't worry, Shinji...she will understand, she has always wanted the best for you and clearly this is..." Reika spoke up as her voice was soothing to my ears.

"I...-- Where are we going to go anyways?" I wiped my tears away as I focus my gaze on the floor.

"Spain..." Mizuka replied bluntly 

"Spain...why Spain?" I furrow my brows as my eyes widened.

"Well, Spain since if we move there, I will be able to keep my career as a journalist and still work as Iroha at the company in Spain...also I haven't practiced my Spanish in a while, so it's time to use it" Mizuka cocked his head as he spoke. 

"I see...but..." My voice trailed off as I shake my head

"But what?..." Mizuka's voice was smoothly dancing across my ears.

"What about me? What am I going to do? I don't want to leave if I'm going to be treated like I am here.."

"Shinji, you are not going to be treated like you are here, this will end your false perfection..." Mizuka reached over and grabbed his hands with mine "You can finally be who you wanted to be, an author was it? Well, with this...you can now fulfill your wishes...but none of this can't happen until you can give me your truthful and sure answer right now"

I...don't know what to say, what about the ones that will miss me, leaving all of a sudden, will cause sadness. Is it really worth it? I have been miserable all of my life, forced to smile, forced to act proper, forced to have this life. This time, I want to be happy for once! I want a real smile! I want to act however I am feeling! I want to live a life that only I say what happens! I want to live! Enough of all of this puppetry, I will not be manipulated anymore, I am ending this perfection with a single word. 

"Yes...Yes Mizuka, I will go with you to Spain, I will go to live my life...I will go, to stay by your side" My gaze raised his head as I give a determined look to Mizuka with a nod. he returned the same look to me.

"Alright Shinji...Say goodbye to 'Mister Perfect'..."

.     .     .     .


I Know I know, the feels man the feels ;-;

see ya next  chapter

Baii Baii


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