Fake Relationship

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I'm just standing in front of Yukari. It feels kinda awkward.

"Um... Soo... Would you like to go... for a walk?..or something else is fine" I was nervous okay!

"Um Yeah that's okay." she got up from her seat and walked towards me, and she...and she...grabbed my hand!

"Come on Jiji! Let's go!" all of a sudden she had all this energy... Wait did she just call me Jiji!?

"Ah... W-wait...where are we going?" I just can't trust this girl... I literally just met her five minutes ago.

Yukari dragged me out of the family room... Next thing I know I was stuffed into a luxurious car driving for who knows where!

"You said you wanted to go for a walk, so we're going to the park..." Yukari said to me while shifting her small body towards me... Is she trying to seduce me?
Well, it's not working!

"I did say that..." I moved away from her

She is creeping me out...

Next thing I know she was sitting on my lap with her arms around my neck... "Y-Yukari... What are you doing!?" this girl has lost it...

"what I can't sit on my boyfriend's lap?" she said while moving slowly on my lap...

Yup, she is trying to seduce me... For some reason... I didn't feel aroused by it...

"Uh, I say that because we just met like twenty minutes ago..." just please get the hell off of me!!

"But that does not change the fact that you're my boyfriend..." she lifted her skirt even higher... And she undid some of her shirt buttons...


Then she began to undo my buttons on my shirt... "Come on Jiji...let's have some fun..." she said while tangling her pale fingers in my hair.

"Uh... I don't think tha-" I felt a pair of soft lips on mine...

Please don't...

This girl is deceiving ..she's pretty on the outside but... All kinky and slutty on the inside... I wonder how many men has she seduced... Probably many...

"See... you deny it at first...but then you give in... There all like that..." I AM DENYING IT!! she just suddenly kissed me... It surprised me...

Wait... Did she just say 'there all like that'!?... I knew this girl was a slut...

I think the driver read my mind... "Um...miss Ryutari... Were here..." the driver said interrupting Yukari...

I thank goodness drivers exists!!

"Fine let's go... But you my dear" she gave me a seductive smirk " we'll continue this later..." then again Yukari returned to her 'normal' cheery self... This girl is strange...


Yukari and I were walking around the park...I feel awkward... just like thirty minutes ago she almost took me by force... And now she's acting like nothing happened!?

This girl got some issues...

"Just to...clarify...how old are you" seriously how old is this girl!?

"Sixteen...why" she looked dead at me.

"Oh...because..." she cut me off

"I look like a ten-year-old? "
Did she read my mind?


"Hey...just because I'm short it doesn't mean I'm a little kid" she pouted.

I just gave her an awkward smile... This girl is crazy...

"Soo... Uh...Yukari...what is your favorite color" I just wanted to break this awkward silence...

"Pink... " of course it is.

I didn't try anything else after that if she wants an awkward silence so be it.

"Jiji...what do you want to do!? " she said cheerfully.

"I don't really know...
" I really don't I was forced on this so-called date.

"Well, I have an idea..." Yukari grinned.

I have a bad feeling about this...

Yukari grabbed my hand and began to run. She ran to the closest restroom...she pushed me in and she locked the door behind her. She walked slowly to me... "do you know what I want to do?" I backed away at the same pace she did...

"Play chess?..." HELP ME!!

"Nope... guess again..." suddenly I hit the wall... Yukari had me cornered.

Yukari had her small hands on my chest, she slowly Un-buttoned my shirt... Help me...

"you're not muscular...but you got a toned body..." Yukari pulled off my shirt.

Was that an insult!?...just please someone help me!...

Yukari's hands wandered my body...I'm so scared...help...I don't want her to take me at a place like this... I don't want her to take me at all... Because, I do not want my first time to be with this slut...

Something's strange... Why am I not getting aroused by this girl... Now that you mention...I've never have been aroused by all the girls who flirt with me...and try to seduce me. Weird right?

Yukari undid her shirt and threw it across the room. Without a shirt, Yukari approached me again... She wrapped her small arms around me, she pulled me close to her... Why are you doing this Yukari? I thought to myself while trying to hold back my tears...

"Uh... Why don't we take this relationship slow?" please say yes...

"well I guess you're right...but next time I won't hold back..." Yukari winked and threw my shirt at me. Thank goodness... If I hadn't stopped her then...she would have taken my innocence... And I do not want to lose that to Yukari.


Sorry, this chapter was late... ╥﹏╥

I will try harder to not be so late...



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