(Ch. 2) Gennin Vs Chunin

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Three hours have passed and we still haven't come across a single village.

DEAN: "Are you sure you know where we're going?"

A tick mark appears on my head from that.

MISUMI: "For the thousandth time, brother, yes! I know where we're going. So, quit henpecking me, will ya!?"

I snap. Sam just stays quiet, obviously just as annoyed I was but not wanting to engage into the argument. Suddenly... There came a rustling of leaves causing me to tense up.

MISUMI: "Dean, Sam, stay here."

I ordered. Reluctantly Dean and Sam obliges holding confused looks on their faces when I take a stance. I've read every possible piece of information you could get out of 'Naruto' which includes sensing 'chakra signatures,' the 'hand signs,' and the types of 'jutsu techniques' that were performed. 'Glad to see my free time wasn't a complete total waste of my friggin' life.' I thought.

Inhaling slowly, I close my eyes and focus on my surroundings. Damn it, there was a 'chakra signature' nearby and from what I could tell, they were at 'Chunin' level. I reopen my eyes and scowl.

MISUMI: "Come out."

I demanded and there came a deep masculine chuckle causing Dean, in the corner of my eye, to tense up before a man walks into our view.

???: "Ah, what do we have here? A bunch of Gennin, I assume?"

The man asks but I wasn't having any of this bull crap.

MISUMI: "Who are you and what do you want!?"

I spat angrily before taking a protective stance in front of my brothers. There was this dark look in his eyes and I didn't like it one bit.

???: "Kyokudai Sumisu. And you?"

He asks, smirking.

DEAN: "That's none of your business."

Dean answers and quickly I cast him a warning glance which he shrugs off.

MISUMI: "Kyokudai, huh? We don't want any trouble."

I told him and this caused said person to laugh making Dean scowl.

KYOKUDAI: "Well, that's just too bad. 'Cause you've found trouble."

With that said, he charges at me. Quickly I defend myself against the attack before we go all out on a Taijutsu battle. Looks like being a Hunter and having to fight monsters your whole life has its perks.

KYOKUDAI: "So, I see you're talented in Taijutsu,' but what about Genjutsu?"

Kyokudai announces and I made the mistake by looking him in the eye. My surroundings became dark and all of a sudden I was back in 'hell.'

MISUMI: "No... No!"

I screamed. I felt all the torture happening all over again before remembering that this was a 'Genjutsu' trick.

MISUMI: "Kai!"

I yelled and then I was back to reality.

KYOKUDAI: "Taijutsu, and Genjutsu. Nice! But what about Ninjutsu?"

The man asks and quickly he makes a flurry of 'hand signs' which I quickly recognize before doing some of my own. 'Oh Kami, please work.' I thought.

KYOKUDAI: "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

Kyokudai shouts.

MISUMI: "Water Style: Water Wall!"

I exclaim, and to my relief a wall of water is created blocking the attack. To say Dean was shocked was an understatement, he was absolutely astonished. To be honest, I was stunned myself but quickly I snapped back to reality.

As soon as the attacks canceled each other out I launched myself at the 'Chunin,' starting another round of 'Taijutsu' attacks.

KYOKUDAI: "I'm impressed, honestly. That a mere Gennin is able to fight me."

Kyokudai says.

MISUMI: "Underestimation leads to downfall, everybody knows that. Never question someone else's abilities."

I replied and this caused a wide smile to appear on Kyokudai's face before he got out a 'kunai.' Not having any weapons, I had to dodge more carefully.

SAM: "Misumi!"

Sam shouts.

Fearing for my brother's safety, I got distracted so Kyokudai was able to slam his knife into my side. A cry of pain escapes my lips before I uppercut him. Whirling around I spot Sam with Dean at his side, watching us in horror before I felt a kick to my back.

KYOKUDAI: "Don't let your guard down, Misumi."

The man mocks and angrily but calmly I got back up before making another flurry of 'hand signs.' I was running on nothing but sheer determination and instinct at this point. Protecting my brothers from any harm at all costs, regarding my safety, is all I cared about.

MISUMI: "Lightning Style: Electromagnetic Murder."

I whispered. Streams of lightning flew out of my hands before I attacked. He was just narrowly able to dodge before throwing 'shurikens' at my brothers. 'No! I can't let them get hurt!' I thought and without hesitation I jumped in front of them to take the hits. One embedded itself into my right shoulder, another in my left lower leg, and the last one went deep into my left side.

DEAN: "Misumi!"

Dean shouts and I wince before once again getting into a battle stance.

MISUMI: "This is our fight! You leave my brothers out of this!"

I snarled at Kyokudai before baring my teeth at him and a look of obvious surprise crossed his face.

KYOKUDAI: "You're from Kirigakure."

He points out.

MISUMI: "Enough with the chit chat. No one likes a summary in the middle of a battle."

I sassed and this caused Kyokudai to laugh wholeheartedly.

KYOKUDAI: "You know what? You're funny. Too bad I have to kill you though."

He tells me and at lightning speed he started landing attacks. 'I can't... Keep up.' I thought in frustration. Then I coughed up blood.

DEAN: "Leave her alone you son of a b****!"

Dean shouts and the man smirks at this.

KYOKUDAI: "Quiet the vocabulary you have there. Do you want to fight too?"

Kyokudai asks but I distracted him with a punch which he dodged.

MISUMI: "I told you to leave my brothers out of this."

I growled and I was able to land a few more hits but it seemed as though it wasn't enough to faze him.

KYOKUDAI: "Hm. This was fun and all but I think it's about time we end this."

The man sighs and with that said he punched me in the stomach with a 'chakra' infused fist and I landed on the ground, near my brothers, on my side.

KYOKUDAI: "Had enough yet?"

The man teases and I let out a weak groan as I try to get back up but couldn't.

MISUMI: "W-What?"

I gasped and que the evil laughter.

KYOKUDAI: "Earlier, before you took the shuriken hits, I stabbed you with a poison tinted knife. If you don't get help immediately, well... You die."

Kyokudai explains.

DEAN: "I'll kill you."

Dean growls. It was obvious that he was completely pissed off at this point.

KYOKUDAI: "Oh, really? Then you should've done so sooner. Now your sister's going to die."

Kyokudai replies and Dean grits his teeth at that and I could see his eyes starting to well up with tears.

KYOKUDAI: "First, I'll kill you two weak links and then the girl."

The man cackles. This guy was insane if he thought that I was going to let him do that. I've been stabbed, poisoned, burned, and I've literally been to hell and back. Some simple cuts and mere poison is nothing compared to what I've been through already. Slowly I stand up, drawing everyone's attention towards me.

MISUMI: "Ha! You wish buddy, but that ain't happening. Our whole lives we've been fighting. Fighting for survival, fighting for family, fighting for peace. You think you can just waltz right up and take that away from us? Well, I've got news for you, pal. You've not only messed with me, but you've messed with my family, and no one messes with my family!"

With that said, I charge at Kyokudai at an unremarkable speed while he does his best to try and defend himself from my attacks.

MISUMI: "You say you're gonna kill us? Well, I'm gonna make sure I kill you first."

I hiss as I clashed with him. Jumping back I quickly do a 'hand sign.'

MISUMI: "Lightning Release: Raging Dragon!"

I whisper hoarsely. Manipulating chakra into my hands, I expanded it until a massive serpent-like dragon appeared, and I made it attack Kyokudai who tries to dodge the attack but fails. He screams in pain as it hits him and the ground underneath him explodes causing me and my siblings to all go flying back.

I hit a tree with such force that it broke causing more blood to erupt from my mouth before I lay deadly still on the ground. It was silent for a couple moments before two hurried footsteps came my way.

DEAN: "Misumi!" 

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