(Ch. 3) The Konoha Nins

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MISUMI: "Lightning Release: Raging Dragon!"

I whisper hoarsely. Manipulating chakra into my hands, I expanded it until a massive serpent-like dragon appeared, and I made it attack Kyokudai who tries to dodge the attack but fails. He screams in pain as it hits him and the ground underneath him explodes causing me and my siblings to all go flying back.

I hit a tree with such force that it broke causing more blood to erupt from my mouth before I lay deadly still on the ground. It was silent for a couple moments before two hurried footsteps came my way.

DEAN: "Misumi!"


DEAN: "Misumi!"

Dean shouts and soon enough he appears at my side with Sam close behind him. I gave a bloody smile in response causing them to flinch.

SAM: "Oh, Misumi."

Sam whispers sympathetically as he gazes at all my wounds.

MISUMI: "Is he dead?"

I asked hopefully and violent coughs rack my body afterwards.

DEAN: "Shhh. Don't talk."

Dean scolds me softly and I couldn't help but let out a weak laugh at that, however, I soon quiet down into whimpers.

SAM: "Dean. What do we do? We've got no supplies, whatsoever, and there's probably not a village around for miles."

Sam announces worriedly.

MISUMI: "More people are coming."

I interrupted weakly and immediately my brothers got into defense stances as four 'ninja' came into view. This time I recognized them. It was 'Might Guy,' 'Kakashi Hatake, Asuma Sarutobi, and... Was that Obito Uchiha!? No way! I've got to be hallucinating!

DEAN: "What do you guys want!? We've done absolutely nothing to you and you attack us!?"

Dean yells. Obviously this caught them all off guard.

MISUMI: "Dean. They're not with Kyokudai."

I tell him breathlessly before letting out another small whimper.

DEAN: "Wait. There not?"

He asks and I chuckle slightly before shaking my head.

DEAN: "Still! They could be our enemies!"

Dean snarls and hesitantly Kakashi steps up causing everyone to become tense.

KAKASHI: "Your teammate is hurt. Allow us to assist you and get her to a hospital."

He declares and Dean chuckles humorlessly at this.

DEAN: "You want to assist us? How do we know if we can even trust you!? My family has been through enough as it is!"

Dean snaps back. This obviously surprised Kakashi.

KAKASHI: "You guys are all... Siblings?"

He asks and Dean snorts.

DEAN: "No s*** Sherlock."

Dean remarks and this time Obito steps up.

OBITO: "Look, your sister is dying and we are willing to lend a helping hand. We are not your enemies. Konoha is a peaceful village and unless provoked we are your alias."

He tells them, but still Dean didn't seem so convinced.

SAM: "Dean. He's right. If they wanted us dead they would have killed us already. Misumi doesn't have enough time for us to come to a decision. There is poison in her blood stream right now."

Sam adds and finally Dean gives in.

DEAN: "Fine."

He huffs. Kakashi nods before gesturing to his other two teammates to leave while Obito and him stay.

OBITO: "Hey, everything's going to be alright now, okay?"

Hesitantly I nod in response before he carefully picks me up. I whimper in pain which Dean shoots him a glare for, but Obito politely ignores it.

KAKASHI: "Alright, lets go."

Kakashi announces and immediately all four of them, with me in Obito's arms, take off towards Konoha.

*Time Skip*

SAM: "How is she holding up?"

Sam asks Obito worriedly. Konoha was only a couple more miles away and my condition was only seeming to get worse.

OBITO: "We need to pick up our pace."

Obito replies. A hint of worry in his tone while giving me quick glances every so often.

KAKASHI: "How did this even happen?"

Kakashi asks and Dean scowls.

DEAN: "Some douche bag named Kyokudai attacked us, that's what happened."

He answers and hesitantly Kakashi nods in response before a small whimper escapes my lips.

OBITO: "Shhh. We're almost there. Don't worry."

Obito reassures me soothingly and slightly I relax before Sam spoke up.

SAM: "Hey, Misumi? What was that technique you used?"

He asks and tiredly I sigh.

MISUMI: "Which one, Sammy?"

I replied weakly, ignoring the worried look Dean cast towards me.

SAM: "The last one. The one that practically made us all go flying."

Sam tells me and I paused for a second before replying.

MISUMI: "Lightning Release: Raging Dragon."

I answered and in the corner of my eye I saw Kakashi gap.

MISUMI: "It was stupid of me for even using it, but in the end, it did at least help defeat Kyokudai."

I smirked. This caused everyone to sweat drop.

*Time Skip*

By the time Konoha's Village gates appeared into view, I was going in and out of consciousness. I remembered faintly having a hard time breathing and the tightness in my chest was unbearable, like I was having a panic attack, but worse.

???: "Hey! We need some help over here!"

Someone shouts and I could feel myself being moved into someone else's arms before passing out.

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