(Ch. 4) Welcome To Konoha

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I was awoken by the sound of a heart monitor steadily beeping on my left side. Thinking it was my alarm clock, I got irked and quickly I reached out to destroy the son of a bitch!

MISUMI: "Hn. Shut the hell up you goddamn thing! Whoever invented you should go die in a bottomless pit!"

I snapped and whilst opening my eyes, I was crushed into a huge hug.

MISUMI: "Gah! I'm being attacked! Kill it!"

I yelled but quickly I was bonked on the head.

MISUMI: "Oi! What the fuck was that for!?"

I cried out.

DEAN: "That's for scaring me."

Dean's voice came but before I could process what just happened I was hit once again.

SAM: "And that's for scaring me also."

Sam announces and by now I was sulking in a seated position.

MISUMI: "You guys... Still didn't have to hit me... Though."

I whimpered. Then I noticed we were being watched and it just so happened to be the 'Hokage' himself.

MISUMI: "Oh shit. Um, hi?"

I asked. The 'Hokage' sweat drops in response but quickly recomposes himself.

HOKAGE: "I see you are awake and doing well."

He points out.

MISUMI: "Hn. Yeah and ready to get out of this goddamn hospital."

I grumbled. I friggin' hate 'hospitals.' They were my worst nightmares, besides 'hell hounds,' 'dentist appointments,' and losing my brothers.

HOKAGE: "Tell me, what were you all exactly doing on 'Konoha's' territory."

The 'Hokage' demanded and I sighed.

MISUMI: "We are as clueless as you are, Hokage~Sama. Yesterday, we just woke up in the middle of a forest and got attacked by some rogue Chunin."

I truthfully replied and the old man sighs before tapping his chin, as if thinking thoughtfully before coming to a reconciliation.

HOKAGE: "Would you three like to stay in Konoha? That is if you aren't going to be a threat."

He adds the last part seriously and quickly I shake my head.

MISUMI: "No, we mean no harm to Konoha. I can promise you that."

I reassure him and with that said, noticeably, the 'Hokage' relaxes before smiling.

HOKAGE: "I'm glad to hear that. But I must inform you, if you are going to be staying here, you must join the Academy' to become a Konoha ninja."

The 'Hokage' announces and before Dean could open his mouth to protest, I spoke up.

MISUMI: "We accept your terms, and I promise you we won't let you down."

I replied and the old man nods before handing me two keys, some clothes, and some money.

HOKAGE: "Get dressed. The keys are for your new apartment and the money is to get you started. Until then, may we meet again sometime in the future. You all start at the Academy tomorrow."

The Hokage tells me and happily I nod, but before the old man leaves the room, he stops.

HOKAGE: "Oh, and welcome to Konoha."

With that said, he finally left.

DEAN: "Misumi. Hate to ruin on your little parade, sis, but right now, we need to focus on getting the hell out of here."

Dean spoke harshly.

MISUMI: "And how are we gonna do that, huh? We can't just go and look it up. There's no such things as computers and phones, yet. So, what we can do for now, is learn how to fucking survive, and then we can find a way out of here, deal?"

I asked and even though Dean would hate to admit it, he knew I was right, so, all he could do was agree.

MISUMI: "Good. Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go get dressed."

And with that, I picked up the new set of clothes the 'Hokage' had dropped off and headed towards the bathroom.

~Time Skip~

The clothes the old man had gotten me had fit perfectly and I've never been more grateful in my life then to be out of that stupid 'hospital' gown. Now I had on a black tank top with fishnet underneath. A black jacket with the 'Hawaitorozu' symbol on the back. Not gonna even ask. Last but not least, I wore some black shorts and a pair of black combat 'Military' boots. Once done getting dressed, I left the bathroom and was greeted by my two brothers.

DEAN: "You ready?"

Dean asks and I give a curt nod in response before we exit the 'hospital.'

MISUMI: "Let's go find our apartment before we check out the rest of the village."

I announced.

~Time Skip~

MISUMI: "Oh my god, we have a friggin' balcony!? How cool is that!"

I squealed happily, ignoring my brother's sweat drops and once we were done checking out the rest of the apartment, we went out to explore the village.

MISUMI: "Ooh-ooh, A weapon shop. Let's go!"

I declared and before my brothers could say anything, I grabbed them both by the hand and dragged them over there. Now that we were in the weapon shop, I proceeded to shop for kunai knives, medical equipment, shurikens, senbon needles, etc for me and my brothers.

Next, we went food shopping. I got the fruit and kitchen equipment while Sam got the vegetables and Dean got the meat. We returned to the apartment two hours later and put everything away before crashing in our own separate rooms. 'Hmm... Can't wait to make my first impression at the Academy.' I thought.

*In Dreamland*

I was floating in what seemed like a pitch black abyss. It was cold, so cold, and it was painfully obvious of where I was or where I've been before... Suddenly, chains sprung out from the darkness, carelessly wrapping themselves around me. A cry of pain escapes my lips as some of the chains hook onto my flesh but I knew that worse was yet to come.

MISUMI: "No! No! Please! No!"

I screamed. Out came the hell hounds with their razor sharp teeth, and beady red eyes. Saliva mixed with blood was caked all over their muzzles before they attacked.

*End of Dream*

I woke with a start, breathing heavily. I took a moment to recover before sighing and glancing out my window. The sun was just starting to rise making me groan, knowing I won't be able to fall back asleep and so, reluctantly, I got up to start the day.

I was already dressed, therefore, the only thing I had to do was brush my hair and do my daily dental hygiene. Once that was done, I went outside onto the balcony and was met by a warm gentle breeze. Still feeling a little disturbed by my dream, I started to sing to calm myself down.

*'Antidote' By: 'Faith Marie'*

~Finding refuge in my own lies. How are you? I'm doing alright~

~Small talk is a great disguise. Just let me be, just let me be....~

~Empty thoughts start to crowd my mind. Am I only living, living to survive!?~

~Shake it off but I've lost the drive. Just let me be, just let me be... Let me be okay.... ....~

~No one knows what goes on up inside my head. There's a new kind of poison and it's starting to spread.~

~No one knows what goes on up inside my head. They don't think I need help but I'm scaring myself! I just want to be okay...~

~I just want to be okay.... ....~

~All the voices in my head are coming to life. They're getting louder and I'm, I'm terrified!~

~How do you run from your own mind!? Is this what I've become!?~

~Take it back, what have I done!? No one knows what goes on up inside my head~

~There's a new kind of poison and it's starting to spread. No one knows what goes on up inside my head~

~They don't think I need help but I'm scaring myself! I just want to be okay....~

~I just want to be okay.... ... .... ... ....~

~No one knows what goes on up inside my head. There's a new kind of poison and it's starting to spread~

~But I didn't think the antidote was in my hands. I can change my plans, I can change my plans~

~I tried to find my reflection on the glass. But all I ever saw were the things I lack~

~All the smudges on the mirror made me go insane. All I ever thought I was...~

~Was a mistake.... ... ....~

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