(Ch. 5) The Academy

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After the song, I checked the time on my watch to see it was about 6 AM, so I decided now was a good time to start breakfast. 'Hm. Pancakes, bacon and eggs probably should do.' I thought. With that, I went back inside, closing the door behind me, and walked towards the kitchen.

*Time Skip*

The first one up, was of course, Sam. He was always an early riser, but due to all the shit we've been through together, I'm pretty sure we all were.

MISUMI: "Mornin' Sammy! Sleep well?"

I asked but instead of answering my question Sam asks a question of his own.

SAM: "How long have you been awake?"

I sigh.

MISUMI: "Not too long, why?"

Sam just shrugs in response before I place a plate of food in front of him as he sits at the table.

SAM: "Thanks."

He tells me gratefully and I only smile in response before starting up Dean's plate knowing he would be coming in sooner or later.

DEAN: "I smell bacon!!"

He shouts from his room and I couldn't help but giggle as I hear him shuffle around before bursting into the kitchen.

MISUMI: "Morning sleeping beauty!"

I exclaim. Dean sticks his tongue out at me playfully in response and I laugh before giving him his food.

DEAN: "Why thank you, princess."

Dean tells me and I nod before getting a small plate for myself. After we all had eaten our fill, we headed out towards the Academy, ignoring the strange looks we got from the villagers on the way there.

*Time Skip*

Entering the 'Academy,'  I told my brothers to follow my lead and they agreed. Seeing as I'm the 'Naruto' expert, I had to keep the idiots from screwing up. Looking around, I spot the principal and walk up to her.

MISUMI: "Um, hi."

I awkwardly greet her and immediately an overly cheerful smile spreads across her face.

PRINCIPLE: "Hi there! You three must be the new students Hokage~Sama was talking about! You're all in Classroom 7! Enjoy your stay here!"

With that, me and my brothers head towards 'Classroom 7.'

MISUMI: "We must have the worst friggin' luck."

I grumble and since Sam had overheard what I said, he questions me.

SAM: "Why do you say that?"

He asks and I groan.

MISUMI: "Well, Classroom 7 just so happens to be the most chaotic class there possibly is. It's full of fan girls and obnoxious loudmouths."

Sam cringes a bit at this while Dean just smirks.

DEAN: "Sounds like my kinda gig."

He says and I sigh while Sam casts Dean a 'Are you serious?' look. Finally finding 'Classroom 7,' Dean goes to enter but I stop him with a hand and shake my head as if saying, 'Not yet' which he immediately understood.

???: "All right class. Today we happen to have three new students joining with us today."

From inside, I could hear the all too familiar voice of 'Iruka Imuno,' one of the few characters in 'Naruto' that I could sympathize with. Snapping back to reality, it was obvious the kids from inside were excited due to the squeals of excitement from the girls and the hollers and cheers from the guys.

'Ugh, here goes nothing.' I thought and with that I gave three firm knocks to the door and immediately everything from inside the classroom went silent. I gestured for Dean and Sam to go first and reluctantly they did so.

Right when my brothers entered, I could hear the fan girls going crazy and the boys groaning in disappointment. But then I made my appearance and it was clear from the glares of the girls, that they already hated me. 'Well. No hard feelings, 'cause I hate you all too.' I thought.

IRUKA: "Welcome to Classroom 7. I am your teacher, Iruka Imuno or in your case, Iruka~Sensei. Please, introduce yourselves."

Iruka spoke positively and I couldn't help but get annoyed when I saw most of the boys staring at me with hearts in their eyes but I remained stoic.

DEAN: "The name's Dean Winchester. Nice to meet ya."

Dean winks and all of the girls anime fell love struck putting me off in an even worse mood.

SAM: "Sam Winchester. Please excuse my brothers earlier actions."

The fan girls that had just gotten up anime fell again causing me to internally scream in annoyance.

IRUKA: "And you?"

Iruka asks me and I mentally sigh before finally saying my name.

MISUMI: "Misumi. Misumi Hawaitorozu."

I reply emotionlessly. My brothers didn't seem the least bit surprised seeing as I was this way to every stranger I met. But this, of course, had to catch the attention of a certain Uzumaki, Nara, and Uchiha. Iruka also seemed slightly surprised but quickly covered it up with a small smile.

IRUKA: "All right. Do we have any questions?"

Iruka asks and immediately hands fly up.

RANDOM GIRL: "Where are you guy's from?"

My brothers turned to me to answer the question and reluctantly I did so.

MISUMI: "Kirigakure."

I reply bluntly and visibly everyone gaps at that before Sam chooses a pink-haired girl. 'Hn. Sakura Haruno. My least favorite Naruto character.' I thought.

SAKURA: "What is Kirigakure like?"

'Of course she had to ask that.' I sigh and again I answered.

MISUMI: "Kirigakure is a village covered by thick layers of mist, surrounded by steep cliffs and mountains. So you can imagine it being pretty hard to find."

I tell her and Sakura scoffs.

SAKURA: "I already knew that."

She tells me snootily

MISUMI: "Hn. Then why did you ask?"

I replied boredly in response and this caused most of the guys to crack up while a certain Uchiha smirks. Sakura just crosses her arms and turns her head with a 'hmph!' Dean nudges me slightly.

DEAN: "Nice one sis."

Dean smirks and I just snort softly in response before picking a certain blonde named Ino Yamanaka. 'My second least favorite Naruto character.' I thought.

INO: "This question is for Misumi. Do you like anyone?"

'Should have friggin' known.' I scoff, almost deadpanning.

MISUMI: "Yeah. My brothers."

I replied and this caused snickers to pass through the classroom.

INO: "No! I mean, do you thank anyone in this classroom is cute."

She explains and I had to stop myself from smirking.

MISUMI: "Yep."

This got everyone to tense up before I pointed towards a puppy on some boy's head. His name was Akamaru and the owner was Kiba Inuzuka. Sam immediately started laughing his ass off as Ino got enraged.

INO: "No!! I mean, do you like-like anyone in this room!"

She exclaims and I frown at this.

MISUMI: "No. I don't. Because I just got here and besides..."

I sigh, lowering my head mumbling incoherent words before looking back up.

MISUMI: "I don't particularly do relationships."

I told her and this obviously shocked everyone while my brothers sigh knowingly.

INO: "What!? Why not!? Relationships are beautiful!"

She screams.

MISUMI: "Yeah and it's also too much drama."

I mumble and a certain Nara seemed to have heard it because he starts laughing along with all the other boys. Well, I guess my brothers and I will fit in here just fine.

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