3rd Gen Royal - Companions

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Some extras for specific roleplays!

Finnegan Wright - Male Elf
Made For: Alkaen Aires/Quareev Kids
Finnegan starts showing up at the bar pretty much as soon as it opens in Alkaen, but not by choice. His father is an alcoholic and his mother is no longer in the picture. The only reason Kit and Jasper didn't cut him off was because they knew he'd just find someplace else- and they'd rather be able to keep an eye on Finnegan if that was inevitable. He appreciated the family for the times they fed him and hung out with him. He avoided any drinking himself. Once he was old enough, he started working. He began as just a hand in a shop, and then became a waiter, and eventually was able to lead to accounting and inventory management. It's not a glamorous life, but it's stable, something he never had growing up. He's happy, a good stable figure in everyone's life. He's a kind fellow, great for advice and someone to chat with.

Josette Ward - Female Witch
Made For: Alkaen Aires/Quareev Kids
She's the court mage, an extremely talented and successful woman to oppose our humble friend. She can be a bit serious at times, always so focused on her studies and job, but when she does take down time it's a quiet night in, enjoying a good book or baking. She'll especially be good friends with Yvette.

Colby Drury - Human Baker
Made for: Telekat Fenrir
The local baker boy! He and his mother run the nearest bakery. They've always been incredibly kind, giving kids free treats and donating their unsold foods at the end of the day. Colby can often be found volunteering as well. He's just an all around good kind boy.

Viper Sunbeam - Reptilian Activist
Made for: Telekat Nami or Emery
Rights Activist. She actively strikes against some of their father's fancier parties, picketing high-waste functions. Which is kind of funny considering she admires their charity work- both sides of which she has said to their faces during one of her rallies outside a pristine event. She doesn't really listen when Forrest tries to explain all their green practices such as reusing his fabrics and donating leftover food and florals when they can. They've never tried to call any guards on her through, because ultimately she's harmless and it hasn't really made a dent on the business. Meanwhile, she's fighting other infrastructures too where the sort of work is needed. Forrest even tells his husband that he kind of admires the attitude, not that he'd ever share that with his kids in case they got any ideas.

Coraline-Constantine 'Coco' Quartillion
Humanoid Shapeshifter Performer
Made For: Telekat Nami or Emery
Coco the clown. Or- rather circus performer in general anyway. My brilliant idea to get back at Cassius for his past love life. She's an odd sort, having grown up on the road and having a very different sense of home than most people. She's a shapeshifter that takes the form of other humanoids, a rare ability that does her well in the circus life. She likes performing, but she doesn't care much for all the traveling. She'd rather be a local singer, instead she's an act, a persona she's forced into.

Julius Crema - Human Apprentice
Made for: Telekat Nami or Emery
As their parents' business grew, so did the staffing. Julius is one of their apprentices. He's doing general studies, but takes a special interest in the budgeting, decoration, and the recently added fashion side of the business- a branch with a business partner that started as a way to include wedding dresses and tuxes, but led to custom party attire in general. He's a hard worker, but has a tendency to overdo things. He'll go too big with his displays and then drink too much at the event, and his big personality doesn't always clash well.

Aurelias Leigh - Vampire Fashionista Noble
Made for: Pelossani Coates Girls
The Charming One
Aurelias was a sickly human child, adopted into a family that turned him- something they never admit to. He spent most of his time observing people and sketching dresses. He enjoys sparkly and grand things, but despite that is a relatively quiet soul. He's a lover of art, fashion, and poetry.

Denver Crumbs - Vampire Thief
Made for: Pelossani Coates Girls
The Daring One
Denver grew up on the streets, doing anything he had to for survival. He quickly learned that one has to take what they want, and he's never stopped. He puts on a dark persona, but does a lot of anonymous charitable acts. He's developed a bit of a Robin Hood attitude that often gets him into trouble.

Greta Stein - Elven Cook
Made for: Pelossani Coates Girls
The Best Friend
Working the royal kitchen from the young age, Greta grew up familiar with the girls and the royal family. She knows all their favorite foods and works closely with the medical staff to include helpful herbs and a perfect diet for her employers. Her father is one of Golgotha's doctors and she's very familiar with emergency help. She's down-to-earth and ready to lend a helping hand.

Henrietta Bogs - Witch Advisor
Made for: Lavia Quinn or Percy
Henrietta is training to be in the next generation of advisors, specifically in the magic and education departments. She's a strong and stern woman who doesn't believe Quinn should take over with their soft-spoken attitude. A ruler must command attention after all. She's heard a lot of her parents' stories growing up with such little magic in the area, and really had fight to get where she is today, she carries those struggles with her everyday.

Lumina Bell - Fae Athlete
Made for: Lavia Quinn or Percy (I wasn't going to combo these two- but I just saw this going either way!)
Powers: Speed, Color Manipulation
Lumina is probably one of Andreas' worst nightmares. She's a tricky silly fae entity. She's never harmful, but she's done her fair share of theft and property damage. She enters the occasional contest and has an advantage on any speed-based tasks. She's not a fan of 'normies' as her little gang calls them, folks without much power. Thinks they're boring little bugs.

Violet Nettle - Elven Handmaiden
Made for: Lavia Quinn or Percy
I've given her a somewhat interesting build- her base having a crush on Percy. She doesn't see his drunken mornings and late antics though, she mostly sees his charming and family-oriented side. There's room here for her to lose that little crush, possibly even have our first breakup story if they did attempt a few dates and he didn't improve. She's a simple handmaiden anyway, always with a bright spirit. She dreams of a perfect family life. The whole nuclear family with 2 kids, a dog, and a white-picket fence around a humble cottage. She wants to be a housewife someday and watch after her babies and bake and garden. That's the dream life, and currently that dream husband is our Prince Perseus.

Danaya Blight - Fae Guardian
Made for: Tavata Isaac
Powers: Enhanced smell, flight, minor magic
During one of his travels, Isaac will come across a rift between this world and a fae dimension. It's Danaya's job to protect that rift and thwart invaders. She'll take a curiosity of him... she smells like this over world people, but looks like a fae. She is untrusting, hesitant, and a powerful warrior-type.

Gwennia Merryheart - Fairy Historian
Made for: Tavata Emilia
Powers: Flight, Fairy Dust
Gwen has an utter fascination for the most mundane things. She thinks folks that can do stuff without magic are so incredible- magic just comes so natural to her after all. It's why she's taken such an interest in history. The invention of weapons and such silly goods like rubber ducks? Amazing! She's easily excitable and can put a smile on anyone's face.

Zephyr 'Zep' Rune - Elemental Working Class
Made for: Tavata Mariposa
Powers: Fire, Heat, Steam, Smoke
Not always the most behaved guy, Zephyr likes to just shoot the breeze and live life. He's never taken a big interest in a career or anything fancy. He just likes to do his own thing. He can come off as a player, but is honestly too lazy to do much with it most the time. Your general hot-head that does whatever job to make enough to get by.

I'll be skipping the twins for now because they are the best bet to possibly have a thing with Alkaen kids or possible others. If they miss out elsewhere I'll look through the tragic kids and last case scenario they'll have folks added right here.

Rupert Grant - Lares Prince of Edglin
Made for: Tietulli, primarily Karma (+Avery)
Powers: Strength
With Karma's love of all things royal, and such a pristine image of a queen, Atreus sent for princes to visit and try for her hand. They made it well-known that the decision will be all her own in the end, but decided to start out with some countries that would help them well- might as well see if something sticks! All these kingdoms will be further inland, beyond our map.
The first of the princes is Rupert. He's a serious and stoic warrior prince well versed in his spear. He hasn't really fought a whole lot though, it's more for style. He's joined in to fend off the occasional horde, but that's about it. He's a poised definition of classy prince.

Levi Tate - Blessed Human Prince of Smelch
Made for: Tietulli, primarily Karma (+Avery)
Powers: Speed & Stealth
Levi is a quick and sneaky bugger who thinks gold and shiny things are the most impressive thing in the world. He comes from a rich country that solves all its problems through spending. Their riches come from an insane amount of luck within their land; gold mines, oil, coal, diamond mines, rich soil, exotic animals that breed so fast they can hunt them like crazy and sell the furs and meats to other countries. Plus an insane magic fountain protected by the royal family that people pay thousands of gold just to get a drop of. Levi gets to surf through life, and lord knows he's gonna have as much fun as possible as he does.

Peregrine Vyn - Human Prince of SilverWood
Made for: Tietulli, primarily Karma (+Avery)
Peregrine is much less impressive than the other two princes visiting. He has no powers to speak of, no riches to offer. He stems from a country almost as small as Pieni known mostly for their divine roses and art scene. He loves his home though, and embodies it truly. He's a hopeless romantic and a poet. He enjoys gardening, long walks through nature, and dancing under the moonlight.

BONUS: Piper x Dalton's Kids;

Elijah [???] - Elven Botanist of Tietulli
The non-biological child of Dalton. He gets away with more than his sister due to his start in life, but it's done him pretty well. He's a kind boy who is usually pretty focused on work or family. He always got along better with the adults than other kids when he was young, especially telling his uncles all about the plants at their shop.

Doric-Kira [???] Human Eleven of Tietulli
With a lot less interest in work at the shop and more rules to follow, Doric is constantly trying to break them. She's constantly wearing whatever clothes will make her father shudder, running off to shady bars, and flirting with strangers. She's gone as far as crossing the country boarder without her parents knowing, but she always comes back eventually. At least she can hold her own, learning self-defense and weaponry from her father early on.

I'll also add in a whole Prinley section later, perhaps on its own page.

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