3rd Gen Royals - Tragic

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Here we go with some completely separate folks to use in future chains as convenient for the future royals. These can either be recently after the event roles for siblings and cousins, or they can be for later for the kids, or if they just don't fit anything that's fine too! But now I've got this inventory ready to go. If there is any character that screams perfect to interact with another, let me know and we'll get them set up.

Valen Creek
Tavata for Laurel
I wouldn't call his story so much tragic, as just difficult and scarring. He's of noble class and all, nothing too shocking in his childhood. His father passed away from natural causes when he was a preteen, so it's just him and his mom. He became a knight fairly quickly, but also fell into trouble fairly quickly. On a seemingly harmless routine they were attacked by a mythical beast and he suffered many injuries. Wherever his story takes place, will be during his recovery so he'll be at the castle often and trying to work towards being able to continue his duties again.

Soren Silver
Human/Angel (no abilities)
Future Lord
[Country Undecided]
Soren's father is a strict man. His goal is for his son to move up in the world, to become king. He seems like a nice enough guy in public, but the neighbors hear plenty of yelling to question it. The constant yelling and strictness has turned Soren into a quiet obedient lad, never speaking until spoken to while it comes to his father. He'll be thrown in as a suitor as quickly as possible and they'll take every opportunity to be at the castle. He's a perfect candidate for a non-heir to create some drama.

Niko Grammer
[Some Magic Country]
Despite his appearance, if you were to ask his species he'd say human. That's because he was born human. He was in the orphanage at a young age and mad magic scientists were adopting children to do their mutation experiments on. It was a huge underground scheme that got unraveled when he was a preteen. Then it was back to the orphanage for a few years before having to completely be on his own. He takes whatever jobs he can get, which involves a lot of construction, landscaping, and restaurant gigs. He prefers the outdoor work, working with customers leads to a lot of staring. For RP he can be working on something at the castle.

Westyn Rigg
[Coastal Country]
His backstory is just the life of piracy. His dad was a pirate and his mother passed away in birth, so it was life on the seven seas for him. They are terrible robber pirates, but he hasn't yet to take part in any of it. Some of the crew wishes better for him, while others think he needs to start pulling his weight. He tries his best to be a happy-go-lucky sort, not wanting to think about the nasty stuff that may be required of him just to stay with his family.

Desiree 'Dez' Fritz
Stage Name: Merlot
Dez is originally from Telekat, and he can either stay there or run away to wherever is suitable for the story.
He got that amazing siren voice, and a mix of all those beautiful beings. He doesn't have the vampire restrictions, or much of the abilities really. He's just got some enhanced senses. He does have a little magic though, mostly stuff that helps with his show, basic light and illusion stuff. He sings, dances, whatever his current work wants really. He hops around bars, never sticking in the same place too long. He doesn't trust people to stick around and enjoys the freedom of no contracts. He does prefer finding places with good security though, it helps him cut loose. He's a big flirt for his performances, but kind of enjoys getting to their rejection. Not all the time anyway, everyone has some needs- on those occasions he tends to enjoy the company of nervous men who never would have approached him on their own. On the other nights he prefers the comforts of a bottle.

Mogza 'Mog' Pinch
Orc Druid
Magic Remedies
Unohotta to [Prinley]
Her and her Druid (human-looking) father made their way to the other side of the world make a name for themselves and their magical fixtures. They both have a knack for making medicines, saving gardens, and even fixing up wooden structures. Her father's business does really well, but the mainly human-population of Prinley doesn't usually take too kindly to poor Mogza. While a little less tragic than some of the others here, Mog still suffers from constant bullying and even harm just due to her appearance. This once happy soul, has hardened. She doesn't trust quick, but hey- if you can get to that happy sweet side of her, she's a friend for life.

Estelle Solace
Elven Mage
[Country Undecided]
Estelle has been sickly her whole life. She was born with immune issues, which spiraled each time she got even the common cold. If there's a sickness going around, she usually gets it. She has to be careful with everything she does. She has to be careful about having a balanced diet, about being out in the cold or the heat, she has to be careful about public places, getting dirty, and the cleanliness of what she drinks. Ironically, wine is the safest drink for her. She can't have drinks that are too strong or they mess with her medications, but the sterile alcohol is typically a safe bet. They've had to learn tricks like boiling water then cooling in a safe place before she drinks. She never shares food and has to be cautious. Despite all the strict structures she tries not to let it drive her to paranoia. Her parents however, are always fussing over her, she enjoys the quiet days where they are kept busy. Her favorite times are when she can even get to the market, something that her parents absolutely hate.

Ingrid Gatlin
Runaway - Odd Jobs
Suuri Empire
While from Suuri, she can have ran away to any country just like some of the others. Her family is part of a vampiric cult that still believes vampires are superior to other species. She grew up in a setting where they were constantly looking down at others, constantly criticizing the rulers. Finding out that this cult was illegally turning others was her last straw. She ran off during mid-day, knowing the family wouldn't follow while the sun was up. She takes on odd jobs here and there to make money. She just does what she needs to survive.

Lydia Whitlock
[Country Undecided]
Lydia has just had a series of unfortunate events in her life. She lost her parents at a young age and was raised by her grandmother for about eight years. When her grandmother passed away with no other relatives around, the loyal advisor to their noble house finished her care. This new life was cold and strict. She had to learn to stay quiet and keep her head down. When she was old enough, she passed on the lady-ship to become a knight just to get out. During her training, the town got hit by a raid. This raid left her without friends. Even the advisor was taken. One by one, everyone she loved was gone. She had the comfort of other trainees, and moved herself to the castle, no longer feeling at home in her old town. Her counters with death didn't stop there. She became a venturing knight and have lost a few team members through various events. She gets to the point of barely living, just surviving and refusing to get close to anyone else again. She strives to at least make some difference in her positions, save a few lives along the way.

Xena Odaline
Traveling Magic Shop
Xena has a natural affinity for darker magic. After accidentally bringing back her grandmother as a zombie at the funeral, her family became disgusted by her. She learned to concentrate her powers on her own and the first chance she got she hit the road. Now she runs a traveling shop that where she reads fortunes, give people their horoscopes, and sells protection trinkets. She's the perfect person to run into across markets and events.

Aiden Crest & Piper Crest
Human-Elven Mixes
High End Security and Botanical Healer
Tietulli for Orpheus
Once upon a time the Crests were a mostly happy family. The two kids were well taken care of by their mother and their caretaker. However, there was some darkness stewing. Their father had only married their mother for status and power, as she was a lady to a powerful house. She still wasn't the ideal match for him as she had little claim to their high-ranking position, but he made do with the family wealth she still provided. He trained his son to be someone of importance, and cared little for his daughter's upbringing. When Piper was in her early preteens, their mother passed away from illness. Their father saw this as both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, he was further away from all the family wealth he had come to rely on, but it also meant he was open to find a new match. They spent a lot more time in high-society, quickly firing much of the staff and leaving the work to the kids in order to afford flashier things to draw in some attention. He didn't manage to catch anyone for himself, but instead came across a man willing to be a handsome dowry for his daughter's hand. She was betrothed at just age 15 and her father awaited eagerly for her 18th birthday to marry her off. She fell ill in similar fashion to her mother and for years it put off the wedding, the one part of the illness she was thankful for. She started falling in love with her nurse, a kind and graceful man who supported her even when her father underpaid him. As she started to recover, she faked her sickness to her father out of fear of being forced into marriage. They planned to run away together, she even discovered she was pregnant with his child. Her love didn't make it that night though, and instead she ended up on the run with her brother. During all this time Aiden had stuck by his father's side. He was fairly distant from his sister given their upbringing and his father had taught him to obey. Adjusting to life after their mother passed was hard, it became harder to listen to his father when it felt like they were never on the same page anymore. He couldn't believe he got stuck doing chores with his sister all the time, he couldn't understand why his father needed all these rich people suddenly. It continued to spiral downhill as their father gloated over his sister's future marriage, as he became afraid of losing her to that same illness, and the final cord struck when he witnessed his father strike-down his sister's partner. Luckily, his father hadn't seen him, hadn't known he was lurking, hadn't even known how distant he had grown over the years. Suddenly, the only thing that mattered was protecting his sister. They ran, they hopped around for a little while until they couldn't afford to keep up that lifestyle. They had to go to someone for help, so they went to the castle. They're given safety at the castle until their father can be brought to justice. When the old man discovered what happened, he was quick to go on the run himself, so it's unclear how long the siblings could be around. At the meet-up Piper will be six-months pregnant, four-months after her beloved was taken.

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