3rd Gen Royals - Fab

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Got more of the third gens here.
(This page will be updated if we have more couples I need to add)

Flavius & Octavius
(Reminder that Octavius is also related to the main family tree)
I have two younger daughters for these two. The 'twins.' They were born on the same day, in the same midwife facility, and their parents died in the same fire. The girls only survived because they were in a different room to be bathed and the midwife was able to run out with them.
Yvette and Rylee. One of the mothers (Yvette's) was actually a friend of the couple, a woman who would do a lot of volunteer work with Flavius. However, her extended family was unable to take care of her, so they took her in with an open adoption, so she still sees her grandparents. For about a month while everything got sorted out, the girls lived with the midwife, and they just didn't have the heart to break them up, especially because the only family Rylee had was a deadbeat father who didn't want anything to do with her (even before the fire, he obviously wasn't even there). So, they ended up with two lovely girls in very different situations.

Yvette Quareev (a combo of their last names)
Technically a few hours older than her sister
Human - Mage of Alkaen
She mostly knows some minor light magic, party tricks, water manipulation, little things.
For such a poor start to her life, Yvette really had the best possible scenario moving on she could have asked for. Both sets of her birth grandparents are lovely folk who adore her and help out wherever they can. Her life is always full of supportive people to lean on. Sometimes she feels a little distant from either side because she's seen this extravagant lifestyle of her prince fathers, and the struggles of her birth family, the humble workers they are.
That also means she has a wide view of the world, and is in a position to really help. She was able to study the things she wanted to and has used that to study humanities and economics especially. She uses skills she's picked up from both of her fathers to do charitable work.

Rylee 'Ry' Quareev
Human/Air Nymph of Alkaen
While not very connected with her nymph side, it did cause a lot of trouble for her fathers growing up. Especially when they had no idea how to help her control it (a good scenario for having them visit more magic-heavy folk).
Eventually Rylee does meet her birth father, and he's a pretty big disappointment. She's always had a lot of resentment towards her sister and her happy-family situation. As a kid it was something she threw a lot of fits over. She got away with a lot, because how does one possibly handle their kid having less loving family than her own sister? As she grew up less disciplined, she used a lot of that schmoozing she picked up from Flavius to get whatever she wanted, and of course her time around Octavius' family didn't help with that either.

Jasper & Kit

Midori Aires of Pieni
Human/Vampire/Shifter (Bat)
The only vampire abilities he has are the superior immune system, and strength. He doesn't have to worry about the sun either, but he hates mornings anyway. He's much more of a nighttime guy.
Midori is very bitter about his father giving up the throne. They could have had so much more! Especially when he see the extravagant life of all their family friends. As soon as he's old enough (and before really) he took to the bottle, making the most of what benefits his fathers did afford him. He's a straight party-boy with little ambition, a shout-out to Jasper's own drinking and sleeping era.

Camille & Serafina
One of the only couples without any relations to the rest! They travel between the Perdu and Callow having a home in each. They do spend more time in Perdu just for safety, especially for the first year with each kid. For RP, kids of their financial advisors would be close to them on either end, so those are great opportunities.

Urias Aceton (a combo of their last names)
First Born
Urias' takes a lot of interest in his mother's works. No matter which country they were in, he'd always be asking about what they're working on and wanting to help. He loves math and numbers in particular, and when they really wanted him out of the way, would give him a worksheet disguised as a bill he could work on. Eventually they would just give him bills to work on because he was doing so well with them. His absolute favorite is statistics, always happy to crunch the numbers. The frivolous thing he really loves though are wigs. He has a whole collection so he can have different hair colors and lengths any day of the week.

Evander Aceton
Second Born
Another little nerdy boy. Where his brother loves to discuss his facts and tell everyone his findings, Evander is more of a quiet sort. He loves reading fiction, drawing pictures for his mothers, and studying maps of the world.

Kaia Aceton
Third Born
With two older brothers, she had to become tough. Who else would protect them? She has some minor powers, able to do small 'wondrous' things, plus the flight with her wings. She's very family forward, and makes sure no one goes without food, water, or exercise while they're deep into work and studies. She's learned in self-defense and basic combat, which she hopes to expand on.

Cecil & Hemlock

Lantana 'Lan, Lanny, Tana' Groves
Only Child
Fairy-Human of Emerilo
Lantana takes on the best parts of his fathers. He takes a sweet positive side from Cecil, and an adventurous side from Hemlock. He's always up for trying new things, for being a shoulder to cry on, and just relaxing with friends. As a half-fairy, he enjoys some of the fairy magic, but misses out on the flying, something that Hemlock could help him through when he was comparing to all his fairy cousins.

Althea & Selena

Nikita 'Nik, Nikki' Altenia of Oon Islands
Only Child
Mermaid Witch
Nikki is light and fun. She helps take care of her younger cousins, she dances on the beach, she participates in swimming races, and she mesmerizes with her magic. However, she spends a ton of time on her hair, she sneaks out late for parties, and she doesn't take romance seriously. She's just a free spirit that wants to enjoy life.

Holly x Adonis

Oliver Buckley, Lord Heir
3/4 Elven (Siren) of Tavata's Powter Providence and Port Town
If there is a such thing as a perfect child, it's Oliver. He's the most behaved, well-spoken, and polite boy you could come across. He diligently does all his work, he takes interest in anything people talk about, he's well read, well-rounded in general, and doesn't even get complaints from the most stubborn of nobles. Outside of the family, a lot of people think Adonis must have been really strict on the boy. He has never failed to say 'yes sir' or remember his bow, but really he's just like that. He's quiet, got his parents love of reading, and genuinely just enjoys listening to people's stories. He doesn't have any flashy talents, hardly inheriting any of the family magic even. His grandfather taught him a little defense with a sword, but it was clear he'd never get very far with it. His most impressive skill is his ability to recite history and passages and poems, having a particular interest in words and the past.

Celine Buckley, practicing Witch
3/4 Elven (Siren) of Tavata's Powter Providence and Port Town
Celine is very purposefully the opposite of her brother. Everyone was so excited for the couple's second child, talking about how they'd have two perfect angels. As soon as she could talk, people would ask her if she'd be good like her brother, if she'd sit still like her brother, if she'd take after her brother, if she was as smart as her brother. It felt like outside of her family, no one wanted her to be her own person. She took a page from her uncle's book, doing whatever to make sure they remember her as her. When her brother sprung for light colors and basic clothes, she went for bright pinks and silly patterns. When he went with long natural hair, she chopped hers short and dyed it pink. She was so happy to inherit magic, and dove further into it with the help of her mother and sister. When he brother gave up the sword lessons, she asked her grandpa to teach her instead. She's high-energy, has trouble listening, can't memorize anything, hates sitting still, but has her bright flashy talents at her side, planning on running her own witchcraft shop one day.

Phillip & Ariadne

Millie Forge of Neste
Second Born - Community Satisfaction Officer
Millie takes on a lot of the simplicity of her father. She's never been a fan of the frilly dresses, expensive goods, and half the time will even go without shoes. She likes to run and be a part of the community. Her down-to-earth attitude and appreciation of the little things, really helps her connect with the common people. She enjoys Neste, only wishing it was a smaller knit community like when they visit the island. That doesn't stop her from befriending everyone in town though, and make a career of listening to people's grievances.

Nyx x Cooper

Lydia Thorntrope
Only Child - Ram-Shifter-Mix
Pathway: Undecided
Lydia is a kind, but odd soul. She enjoys collecting bugs, crafting weapons out of strange material, and testing out her random assortment of skills/powers she inherited from her mother. She mostly seems to be along the lines of a sea-goat; with the ability to manipulate water, breath underwater, her ram horns, unusual vision, and enhanced climbing. She's the kind of person to dance in the rain, jump off of waterfalls, and just goof around.

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