3rd Gen Royals - Main

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Got some third generation kiddos here!
This is just the first batch, it's going to take a few pages to get them all, and some time as we continue with more siblings and cousins finding love.
These are some of three ones in the giant family tree (Tavata, Telekat, Unhota, Katu, all the mermaids, Ulnug, etc) it's really most of our couples at this rate.
Idina & Ursa

Andromeda Holt
Heir of Katu
Shifter (Owlbear)
To her parent's relief, Andromeda was always a pretty good child. While learning to handle her rare shifting ability was stressful, she wasn't the type to run off or get herself into heaps of trouble. She always found a variety of things interesting. She loves to learn and be active. Learning new sports and games and hands-on things are her favorite. She's not always good at them, but she just loves to learn and be involved anyway. It meant she fit right into the family learning about weapons and combat and hunting, and even weapon crafting. Blacksmithing is her favorite hobby. She loves the forge and the warmth of its fire. She's learned impressive techniques that gets her attention both in Katu and Aridia. Her genuine curiosity makes her a wonderful conversational and she is loved wherever she goes. She has the eyes of her mother.

Lyra Holt
2nd in line of Katu
Shifter (Bear)
Lyra is the opposite of her sister in so many ways. While Andromeda is patient and loves to learn, Lyra gets bored quickly and just does what she pleases. She still loves being active and getting in her own time with weapons, but she much prefers to do her own things. She sticks with blades, throwing knives and sword combat and her main exercise is running. She puts all her energy into a few things rather than being a well-rounded source like her sister. She definitely doesn't care for the forge either, she'd prefer running around in the snow. She can be a talker when it's of interest, often meaning when she gets to be flirty and forward. She always ends up pulling away one of the warriors or hunters when she's left unsupervised around them. The one thing her and Andromeda will always 100% agree on is that no one messes with their brother. The girls will drop everything and any issues between them for their sweet baby brother.

Orion Holt
3rd in line of Katu
Shifter (Bird - Ducks)
Orion is a mama's boy. A sweet little nervous thing, who has never been good with a sword. That's alright though, his sisters always make sure he's taken care of and that no one ever messes with him. There have definitely been a few knights with black eyes for teasing him about it. Instead he pours himself into maps and botany. He gets along really well with his uncle when the extended family is around, but his favorite person to talk to is always his mom.

Next, the younger two probably won't have much story appearance, but since they were doing so well and consider all their kids perfect, they do keep going to Ursa's dream of five kids.

Tucana Holt
4th in line of Katu
Shifter (Bird - Hummingbird)
Carina is another soft and sweet one of the bunch. She always felt so protected by her parents and older sisters, that she didn't see much of a need for learning a lot of fighting. She still knows a thing or two, mostly self defense and hunting, but she prefers reading a good book, studying bugs and flowers, running around in fields, and just living her best life.

Cygnus Holt
4th in line of Katu
Shifted (Bear)
A girl of no fear. How could she be when she can just turn into a bear and scare everyone off? She competes with Lyra for biggest terror of the family. She brings home stray animals of all kinds, and loves to shift into a bear and chase after people.

Faiza & Oleander

Florent McFinch
Twins of Vital
Human/Shifter (Bird - Owls)
He's a smart kid, but his problem is his attention span, he gets it from his mother. He knows a little bit of everything because he has trouble deep diving into anything. He knows the basics of fighting from his mom, but never really tried to perfect anything. He just uses his strength and abilities to sneak out instead.

Acacia McFinch
Twins of Vital
Human/Shifter (Birds - Owls)
Acacia takes on some of the best traits of her parents. She has her mother's energy, but puts it to good work. She has her father's brain without letting it slow her down. She's an inventor, a tad bit eccentric, and she's always looking for problems to solve.

Vinson & Ciara

Remus Dwayne
First Born of Unohotta
Human Wizard
Remus eventually gives up the throne to focus on magic. Presentation and magic are the two things he pours himself into, having a bit of a superiority complex about both fairly often. People showering him in compliments for his gifts really got to his head, and he does all the stereotypical 'girly' stuff with his mom.
With the Dwayne kids, you can really see the shift as Ciara calms and becomes more comfortable. As the first, Remus still heard the occasional superior comment.

Alister Dwayne
Heir (2nd born) of Unohotta
Human Wizard
Alister is the opposite of his brother in many ways. He's the first person to lend a hand, and the last to make judgments. He's a soft boy who rarely finds himself in arguments.
Despite their opposites, they're still best friends and enjoy doing each other's hair and go shopping together. Remus has taught him everything he knows about looking his best, although he leans away from the full makeup routine.
As the second child, Alister wasn't really hearing any of those superior comments from his mother, but his brother was still rubbing off a bit, he's just too soft to participate in any of it.

Gwydion 'Gwyn' Dwayne
3rd Born of Unohotta
Human Wizard
Gwyn was the attempt to have a girl, but at least Vinson got a son who was finally interested in learning the sword. He's very down to earth and really brings the fun to the family from a young age. While he still enjoys the hair sessions with his brothers, he often feels left out, sort of the outcast of his family. He puts that emotions and his passion into art and bringing color into the castle.
As the third child, Gwyn had a fairly different upbringing from his eldest brother. Perhaps that's why he ended up more relaxed.

Tansy & Tarquin

Marceline 'Marcy' Finian-Cantrell
Heir of Telekat
Marcy takes a lot after her father as far as taking on a more parental role with her siblings. However, she's a fun parent-type. She tells her siblings stories, teaches them cool tricks, makes fun games to make them eat their veggies. Despite her father missing out on magic gifts, she does have a little bit of magic, no where near her grandmother's abilities, but enough to make good use of them. Her favorite hobbies are creative though. She loves to paint, sketch, and even sculpt. Sometimes she makes amazing inspired masterpieces that she worked days on because she just had a spur of motivation, and other days she likes to use her art as a means to not have to be perfect, because it's still a lot of pressure to be heir of Telekat. Those are the days she throws paint on a canvas, sculpts horrors out of scraps, or gets a bad tattoo someplace her parents won't see, she's gotta save the visible space for the good stuff. Overall, she's a light of fun in the halls. Her cousin Gwydion becomes one of her best friends later on.

Kovan 'Kovy' Finian-Cantrell
3rd in line of Telekat
Mostly Human + Fairy
Kovan starts out as a pretty shy kid. He was slow to speak compared to his siblings, slow to run and didn't even make a mess with his first birthday cake. He just enjoys the quiet and serene moments of life. He always loves sitting with Marcy when she's working on her art. He especially loves watching the colors swirl when she's painting, even when she's just wildly painting. Once he did learn to speak well enough, she would ask him to make up stories about some of her pieces, certainly those are the times he talks the most. Eventually he learns to love the written word much more than chatting. From reading fantasy tales, to writing stories of his own.

Philomena & Andreas

Vera Redmond-Treps
2nd of Lavia
Human Witch
Vera is their perfect little princess. She's an absolute darling with plenty of kindness and care for all living things. She's a family girl, who adores her country. She tries new hair styles with her mother, rides horses with her siblings, learns all the proper etiquette from her father, and uses her down time to tend to her own little flower and herb garden.

Xolani & Rhodes

Terrance Cruz
Heir to Ulnug
The strong protective older brother. Terrance learned sword-work from both his parents and keeps up with his daily workout, but just because he does serious work, doesn't mean he's serious all the time. He's a real family guy who loves to chat around and join in whatever party is going on.

Devyn Cruz
4th born of Ulnug
Devyn does what she wants, when she wants. She's a quick learner which means she's out of her lessons quick, which means plenty of time to cause some havoc. Her kind of workout is just running, running all the way off castle property. She enjoys flirting, casually picking up the sword, and dancing in fields of flowers.

Alora & Rilian

Gage Valthjof
2nd born of Suuri
Human Wizard
Gage gets a grand sense of adventure from his father. He loves to visit the swamp castle to get out on the water, plus it's easier to escape from. He's a fun lad who always keeps moving. He knows a bit of magic, but does struggle with attention span for some of his studies. Luckily, he'll do enough to jump into an ambassador role so he can combine that travel and adventure with something useful. Not to mention having a good job like that will fund his clothing addiction. He essentially has two wardrobes; one for showing off and one for adventuring, that's still cute of course.

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