Children of the Forgotten - Guild Set

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Lios x Shino

Xoxchitl Lux
Powers: Magic Hugs
Year: 2 (of 4)
Pathway: Dance
A hyper, loving, sweet as can be cutie. She loves her family, dancing, staying active, meeting new people, and seeing all the beauty the world has to offer. She's a hard-core optimist who can find the good in anything.

Azalea Lux
Powers: Earth Connection
Year: 1 (of 4)
Pathway: Landscape & Design
Azalea is much softer and quieter than her sister. She prefer the company of plants and animals over a bunch of other humans. She feels at peace with nature, and loves camping.

Zola & Tybalt:

Tzila Scarlet
Power: Destruction
Year: 2 (of 4)
Pathway: Military
She's blind, but a tough fighter. She's stoic and never needs help to find her way around. She loves her weapons, but also has a massive pillow collection. She adores her family and will do anything for them.

Kahoni x Veronica

Kala Thanases
Powers: Enhanced Smell & Taste, Cook Intuition
Year: 2 (of 4)
Pathway: Culinary & Baking
Kala can come off pretty shy and quiet, but get her talking about food and you'll be her best friend. She dreams about opening a bakery and cooks with her father all the time. She got bullied a bit when she was younger, so her parents took her to karate, so she's surprisingly skilled and balanced because of that.

Vitus x Daniella

Estelle Bard
Powers: Technopath
Year 3 (of 4)
Pathway: Engineering
At this point, she's a little bit of a punk. She's been pulling away from people and sticking to herself. She always wears long pants and tall boots to try to cover up her leg, but either people can see the detail through, or it's just too hot for that kind of outfit. She wears mostly black and avoids her family in the halls.

Oriona x Zachary

Kalum DeLome
Powers: Surface Walk
Year 4
Pathway: Undecided
Kalum is a daydreamer. His head is constantly in the clouds and he's always lost in thought. He can be pretty unaware of his surroundings and because of this can be a little klutzy.

Benedict DeLome
Year 2
Pathway: Basketball & Veterinary
A very quiet, shy lad who enjoys the company of animals. Despite being on the basketball team, he doesn't have much in the way of friends. He's very shy and insecure about not having any powers.

Ozara DeLome
Powers: Telekinesis
-Does Not Attend-
A sweet girl, whose the light of the family. She's always cheering on her big brothers and having a wonderful time with her parents.

Soros x Thekla

Thea Sort
Powers: Demon
Year: 4
Pathway: Fashion
Despite Thea's dark demon side, she is way preppy. She does cheer and enjoys chatting away with others. She considers her twin sister her best friend of course, and adores hanging out in large groups.

Cole Sort
Powers: Red Earth Elemental
Year 1
Pathway: Undecided
The youngest of the family, Cole can come off quietly, used to his sisters taking the spotlight and even talking for him.

Kitro x Mindy

Runihura Sort
Powers: Multiple Slimes, including explosive and edible
Year 3
Pathway: Military
Runi is just a ball of angry. Nothing is ever her fault and everyone else is morons.

Inkeri x Florence

Ajax Xinheart
Powers: Shadows
Year 2
Pathway: Unknown
Angsty boy who doesn't know what to do with himself. He's good at combat and he's always fighting for others, which often gets him in trouble. He's no good with authorities, especially when they tell him no.

Luka x Cyrus

Elon Leander
Powers: Camouflage
Year 4
Pathway: Business
Very serious, unlike his fathers. He takes command and always gets things done to the utmost perfection. He draws the attention of many people for his masterful skills.

Florian x Oasis

Paxton Spears
Powers: Small-Animal Necromancy
Year 1
Pathway: Probably Veterinary, but undecided
Charming, sweet, attention grabbing darling. He cares deeply for the people and things around him and has been known to take up a spotlight for his plethora of volunteer experience. He's average in school, but everyone thinks he's smarter than he is just from how well-rounded his is.

Ayumu x Ken'lchi

Ariel Hart
Powers: Angel
Year 3
Pathway: Media & Art
Ariel is a sweet angel baby who worries her father to no end because she's just so damn naturally attractive. People are always coming up to her and complimenting her and beyond that she makes beautiful works of art that brings even more people in. She's a walking heartache.

Sirius x Sapphire

Rory Benedict
Powers: Condiments
Year: 3
Pathway: Culinary
Rory takes after his father quite a bit. He tries to be friendly and kind, but is really rather awkward. He stumbles over his words, drops things a lot, but at least he's a really good cook.

Leela Benedict
Power: Light Bending
-Does Not Attend-
An upbeat happy girl that loves attention. She likes to sing and dance and do all that typical fun stuff.

Sonya x Yoshiro

Oliver Winters
Powers: Burrow
Sweet, strong athletic boy that the parents are so super proud of. He does some magical sport that we'll just pretend is a thing.

Danika Winters
Powers: Ghost (phasing, floating, cold air)
Year 4
Pathway: Architecture
Danika is a bright girl with lots of plans for her future, although she rarely shares them with others. She's not quiet or shy, just reserved and untrusting.

Starting with Royal Academy/Hybrid High

Kik x Laura

Leo Abernathy
Powers: Liqification, Breath Underwater, Float
Year: 3
Pathway: Business & Accounting
Leo is really a soft gentle person, but his father had always pushed him to be a protector. It's turned him into quite the worrier. He loves his parents, but has a hard relationship with his father due to the expectations put on him. He likes numbers and desk work, but his father has always pushed outdoors and athletics on him.

Coral x Austin

Serenity Rivers
Powers: Dreamwalking & Supernatural Beauty (An illusion is shed around her, to shift some of her traits how the viewer deems most beautiful)
Year 4
Pathway: Modeling & Biochemistry
With her natural beauty she's already landed several modeling gigs, but that's not where her passion lies. She loves the sciences, and is looking to go into Biochemistry. Her plan is to use modeling to pay for college despite her parents saying they'd happily help her out. She's soft and seen as so perfect, but has deep anxieties from it all. The impossible standards, keeping up this perfect persona isn't always easy.

Cyprus Rivers
Powers: Ice
Year 3
Pathway: Unknown, he's kinda just settled for working his father's ice cream shop
As the only adopted child of 4, Cyprus feels an anxiety about speaking up. He tries to just be thankful for what he has, often not saying when he needs anything. His mother is always checking his shoes after he wore a pair with holes for several months before they noticed. He works the ice cream shop more than any of the other kids and tries to stay on his best behavior. He's unsure about his future, he's pretty much just thinking to join the work force and simply work. He likes writing and sitting in cold places.

Finley Rivers
Powers: Nature Shapeshifting
-Does Not Attend-
Very quiet, not cause he's shy, just cause he doesn't feel like talking if he doesn't have to. He spends a lot of times exploring, and climbing trees, and falling out of trees. He'll come home with new scratches and bruises that worry his mother, but he doesn't stop. He just keeps on going his own little path.

Hokuloni x Rosa

Walker Moore
Powers: Werewolf (controlled)
Year 1
Pathway: Undecided
Walker is a complex boy. He grew up with so much love and attention and he loves his mothers, but sometimes it's just too much. He had been a bit of a spoiled brat as a child because of it, but when kids no longer wanted to be his friends anymore he was hit with some hard reality. He's still trying to adjust, but can still come across rather selfish. His darkened into a rebellious sort and has learned how to do things on his own.

Kuba x Shiro

Marceline Zati-Chao
Powers: Story, her words can cause vivid imagery and sometimes even bring things to life
Year 1
Pathway: Military & Fashion
A cute and kick-àss gal. She things a dagger or sword is the perfect accessory for any occasion and wouldn't be caught dead without the perfect look. She's so proud of her parents and wants to follow her father's lead in being a knight.

Santiago x Hiroshi

Castiel DeLe
Powers: Wings
-Does Not Attend-
A soft child who often hides behind his fathers. He doesn't like many people and especially hates them touching his wings. He just wants to be a normal kid, but us constantly nervous.

Terrance DeLe
Powers: Mutations (can grow horns, an extra limb, stuff like that, but only one at a time)
Year 1
Pathway: Performing
Terrance loves music and acting and comedy and writing. He wants to entertain the world and bring smiles and joy to the people! He often puts on little shows for his family, and is happy for their feedback to better his work.

Dalton DeLe
Powers: Speed
Year 2
Pathway: Hermit?
So, Dalton isn't a big people person and living in such a crammed household hasn't helped that. He always stays out past curfew and gets himself into trouble. He'd rather be out in the open than cozy at home with his 11 brothers and sisters. As of right now he plans on living on his own in the woods.

Gwyneth DeLe
Powers: Hint of Magic, she can do a minor things that could be explained, but it's just her abilities. Machine broken? It could be fixed, or her hint of magic can make it work again. Flowers browning? You could figure out the problem or adjust, or she can bring them back with her hint of magic. It's always the small things, unlocking doors, acne clearing overnight, slightly skewing the balance of these thing.
Year 3
Pathway: Alchemist
She loves to brew potions and mess with the balance of things, and come on, with her powers it usually works in her favor. She's much more fascinated by her work than other life and will take any chance to step into the lab.

Prescott DeLe
Powers: Fire
Year 4
Pathway: Design
Prescott is used to having to always look after his siblings. He's always tired and doesn't know how to take time for himself. He got into drawing because it was something he could do while taking his siblings out or waiting for their play to start. It was something convenient he could just take with him.

Elliot DeLe
Powers: Water
Elliot has always had a taste for adventure. She's always ran off and could be found in the lake swimming for hours. She loves the water and the fresh breeze and is grateful for everything her family has done for her to get her where she is today.

Lyon x

Finnegan Green
Powers: Vines
Year 4
Pathway: Business
A pretty awkward lad. He tries to be cool like his father and smart like his dad, but lands a little short of each. He's pretty much just a mess, but a sweet one.

Eloi x Thompson

Bennet Beich
Powers: Color Change & Alcoholic Volume
Year 3
Pathway: Entertainment
Bennet really just likes to have fun. He likes to entertain and party and flirt and all that stuff! He's gone through several phases of what he wants to do in life, but they've all included entertainment. Form DJing, to pro-dancer, to modeling, and even party planning!

Jensen x Jeremiah

Reka Beich
Powers: Walk on Water & Liquid Change
Year 2
Pathway: Wedding Planner
The regal, elegant girl who can walk on water and dance with the best of them. Ballet is a big hobby of hers and she loves to spark the wonder of others by doing it atop a water surface, but she also loves planning and events.

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