The Guild Characters

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One of the first big roleplays I made was The Guild. I loved doing this and all the many characters that came with.
It all started with the master;
Archibald Solas
Master Archibald Solas.
He has been in the guild longer than most, he has seen its glory days and dark days. He welcomes everyone with open arms.
Recently he upgraded the new guild to be more inviting so the guild vault is low on funds.
He's also extremely powerful. He's the only known wizard to beat Zola. He can do anything with his light magic.
He believes that a guild is like a family and should treat each other with respect.
With him also came my heartthrob Lios and powerhouse Zola.

When he was young, he fell in love with a girl named Judy Foster.
She was a dwarven healing mage who had grown up on the road and wanted a stable home. They dated for quite sometime and eventually Archibald proposed. They were engaged for a few months before she began talking about leaving the guild. Archibald however, had grown up there and wanted no such thing. It was his home and family and he didn't want to part. She eventually got fed up and angry and left.
What she hadn't told him was that the real reason she wanted to leave was that she was pregnant and didn't think it was a safe place for children, which at the time it really wasn't.
She had a daughter by the name Ally Foster;
Ally was a sweet girl who learned healing magic from her mother. She was adventurous and was always out exploring and helping others. This led her to her husband Sebastian;
He was bitter at the world and its evils, but Ally had helped him see there was good and light. They kept on adventuring and had a daughter;
Dawn Solas, Age: 16, Fledgling
Archibald's long lost granddaughter.
She has her father's height, but is half-dwarf and half-human.
Ally and Sebastian died saving a town from a great monster.
After her parents death Dawn went to live with her grandmother, but her grandmother was very ill and was afraid she wouldn't last long to watch over Dawn. Having no other relatives she told Dawn about her grandfather, Master Archibald. She passed soon after and Dawn made her way to the guild. The whole thing had Archibald a bit flustered as he didn't even know he had a daughter, but he was happy nonetheless to take her in as his own. Just like her grandfather she has the power of light and has already proven to be just, if not more.

Zola later adopted a daughter Tzila who has destruction powers. It was easy to help the young girl after going through similar problems with her own dark powers.

Next came one of my favorite characters, Tove Duster, Age: 19
Join-Day: November 20th
Birthday: February 22nd
Younger sister to Wivits Duster.
Due to their powers they were kicked out to the cold at the young age of 10 and 13. They lasted two years alright but things were getting real tough. While Witivits only has ice powers Tove is also able to shape shift into a penguin and her brother convinced her to live with them for better survival.
Near death Wivits was found and brought to the guild while his sister lived with the penguins. She was finally able to hitch a ride after all these years to find her way to her brother.
Life mates with Ban.
They were trying to have kids, but the doctor wasn't sure Tove was even capable. So, they adopted two children together
Penny, Age: 5, Human
Powers: Talks to aquatic animals/Enhanced swimming/Breaths underwater
Very curtsie, adores penguins
Tobias 'Toby', Age: 12, Human
Powers: Breaths Underwater/Changes Skin
Tobias is Penny's older brother. He worked hard at the fish market in order to get penguin merchandise and extra food for his sister. Once they were adopted Tove wanted him to enjoy being a kid and he was able to quit his job and let his parents take care of them.

Eventually Ban and Tove are able to have a child;
Snow powers just like her mommy. And those blue eyes. She'll have this extra ability where her hair can actually absorb power. It's not like Ban's power where he can permanently steal and use, but if some blasts for example fire at her, her hair can absorb it and turn it into energy for her own power. Meaning anyone who uses blasts of power will be weak against her. She'll be a strong little thing.

Kahoni was my problem flirt in the guild, but eventually he settled down and had a daughter;
Now that Kahoni finally has love I get to finally post his daughter that I've had ready forever!
I'm debating on naming her either Kala, which is Hawaiian for princess or Kamea which is Hawaiian for one and only
She's extremely sweet and loves to help her parents. She's a complete angel. She loves to bake and always wears natural colors, her favorite is her poncho. Her favorite season is winter because she loves sipping cocoa and sitting by a warm fire. She loves cuddling with her family and is just the most adorable thing.

There were many other guilds involved, including one called TAPE. The Bard family is basically my original set of characters in TAPE.

Porter Jammacus Bard (Gate Keeper)
Common inventor. The father, very fatherly. Age: 43

Vitus 'Vit' Kalum Bard (Full of Life, Dove)
He's a low-tech. He prefers living things and only remains in the guild to stay with his family. He mostly goes on normal guild jobs and helps out where he can. Age: 22

Oriana 'Oie' Mannis Bard (Golden Sunshine, Greatness)
She's an inventor but with the power to bring her creations to life giving her a spot as an apprentice sorcerer. She often makes things for her older brother, they are very close. Age: 21

Klement 'Klem' Benedict Bard (Compassionate, Blessed)
Third architect, very very shy. Age: 19

Verusha 'Vu' Horace Bard (Truth, Keeper of Time) Age 17
Chief Inventor, she got her father's genes for inventing and quickly surpassed him. She recently became chief inventor and everyone is very proud. She can be too smart for her own good but ultimately great at what she does.

Leif (Successor) Unn (Beloved One)
Age: 7 Another kid who wandered in the TECH guild... Guess they're pretty close to the orphanage or something. He's a hopeless romantic and actually very smart but he doesn't know what he wants to do, good thing he has a lot of time to decide.

Vitus is engaged to Daniella. Here is their future baby girl;
She starts off as a cute little thing that is amazed with the smallest things in the world.
She even goes through a cute innocent phase.
Then she gets picked on and goes through a punk phase. During this time she distances her self from her parents because she doesn't want to talk about her problems.
When they finally do get her to talk, they convince her to learn some fighting skills. (Guessing this comes from her mother)
It's still not enough.
She tries to connect herself and goes through a traditional phase.
And in her early twenties is mostly just confused on what to do with life.
Finally she realizes that the guild is amazing and her family is amazing and all her phases were dumb and she becomes pretty normal. As normal as her parents anyway. She takes a lot after her mother.
Why was she so conscious her whole life?
She was born with one leg. Eventually when she's older you can't tell, but as she's growing up it's easy to see. She's constantly growing so they don't make the prosthetic part because they're always putting on a new robot leg.
They have two daughters, she's just the one I play.

Oriona married Zachary, here are some of their kids;
First should be a little blonde boy who looks like his mommy. He's a rather unobservant child who tends o walk into a lot of trouble cause he's clueless.
He's very loyal and sweet, but he's not one to pick up on subtle hints and cues.
He's going to have powers, but I haven't decided what they are yet.

Next is their younger son. He doesn't have any powers, which is partly why he's so insecure
He's shy and adorable.
He's super family oriented and sporty.
He also loves animals. They get him a pet puppy to help him with his social anxiety.
It actually helps quite a lot and he joins a local team and eventually goes pro athlete for a few years.
Later he'll return back to the guild and raise animals. He trains them to be service animals or just takes care of them for their uses. (Ex; chicken eggs or when a Phoenix sheds its feathers)

Finally is the baby, Ozara Veronica Farrell
She loves nature and adventures and exploring and seeing new things.
She started reading at a very young age and has always been crafting and creating.
It didn't take her long to come into her powers; telekinesis. But she only uses it to create.
She absolutely adores her parents and all her brothers and cousins. She has the heart of both her parents and the brains and spirit to match.
This is the most accurate picture of her when she's older.
She really turns into a fine young woman.
She'll stay in the guild when she grows up, helping work on various things and going on quests to collect supplies and see the world.
Her eyes are green, they change shades depending on her mood.
And her hair is platinum blonde like her father.

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