Chapter 15

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Peter was walking down the streets in Queens, as he did every weekend to try and occupy himself, and so he wasn't in his foster parent's house all day. He had his headphones in per usual, his hood covering his head, therefore also hiding his bruises from curious passers by.

Peter pulls his- only slightly smashed (okay, okay, its totally smashed)- phone out of his pocket, and goes to change the song. Just as the song was switching, he felt his spider senses going off.

He quickly pockets his phone, then spins his head to his left, where his sense had spiked. He surveyed the road, and then spotted what had made it go off. His eyes widen, seeing the child knelt in the middle of the road, picking something up from the floor, and a lorry quickly approaching.

Peter doesn't waste a second before he sprints towards the road, his jacket hood falling off. The brunet then has to jump over a hood of a parked car, before he raced towards the young boy. He uses his peripherals as he ran, watching the lorry approach, and speeding up.

When he reaches the boy, he picks him up by under the armpits. He knows he didn't have time to continue running, as the lorry was upon them, so he simply dives towards the pavement. He spins the air, meaning it was him who landed on the floor, taking the hit instead of the child.

He groans when he comes into contact with the ground, his head hitting the edge of the pavement. He blinks a few times, trying to blink away the black spots dancing in his vision, and gets rid of the ringing in his ears.

When he comes back to his senses, he realises a small crowd had gathered around them. He panics about the boy, and immediately snaps his head down to his chest, seeing a small boy look up at him with wide, teary eyes.

Peter ignored his spinning head as he asks the boy, "Hey, it's okay. My name's Peter, what's yours?"

"N-nathaniel..." the boy responds, wiping his cheeks, to rid of the tears.

"Are you hurt, Nathaniel?" he questions, worried he's hurt the boy.

The boy shakes his head, nuzzling into Peter's chest. As he does so, he mumbles, "You can call me Nate."

Peter smiles and says, "Well, you can call Pete or Petey if you want."

The boy giggles and nuzzles further into his chest. Peter could safely assume the boy was around three years old, which begged the question, where the hell were his guardians?

"Right, I'm going to stand up now, okay. So you're gonna have to get off me so I can stand," Peter says in a soft voice.

"No!" Nate exclaims, clinging on to Peter. "Please don't leave me!"

Peter's heart swelled and shattered at the same time. This kid, who he'd only just met, was attached to him immediately. This could suggest many things, and most weren't what Peter wanted to think about for a child this young.

Peter gently shakes his head, getting the thoughts out of his head. He sighs and looks over at the crowd, which had slowly diminished, but still had a few people left, who still looked worried. 

He sighs and says to them, "Would you mind helping me up? He wont let go, but we still need to get up, so I can get him home."

"Uh, yeah," a man mumbles, snapping out of his concerned state.

The man and a woman walk to them, and grab Peter's arms. Before the two pull him up, he quickly mutters a 'hold on tight' to Nathaniel, and the two then pull him to his feet. Peter sways a second, from his injury and from the added weight of an extra person.

Once the two let go of his arms, he quickly wraps them around the boy and hold him against him, and Nathaniel relaxes into his grip, causing Peter to smile.

"Thank you," Peter says to the two strangers, who nod and then set off on their daily routines. Peter sighs then looks to the boy in his arms, and he asks the brunet boy, "Do you know where your guardians are, Nate?"  

The three year old nods and moves to point to a building in the distance. Peter follows his finger, and sighs as he sees the Avengers Tower. Oh the irony.

He looks back down at the boy, who was looking up at him with big, bright eyes. His heart warms and he says, as he boops the boy's nose with his free hand, "Well, let's go get you back to them, shall we, little one?"

Nate giggles and holds his arms up, so Peter fondly rolls his eyes and hoists the boy up. Nate in turn wraps his arms around Peter's neck as well as hiding his face there, smiling. Feeling the smile on his skin, only made the older's smile to widen.

The two then set off through the streets of Queens, towards the infamous Stark Industries, the teen making the small boy to giggle the whole way there.


A/N: Can anyone guess who Nathaniel really is/who is family is? ;)

Sorry it took so long for me to publish this. I had a mini panic attack earlier today, so I postponed completing it, going for a walk to calm down, instead. 

I hope you enjoyed! 💗💜💙(yes, that is Bi colours ;P)

Sorry, just realised I forgot to add some mentions!! :)

DatTransBoiy, gaythetiredgm and TheOneSui-SadGuy !!
Thank you so much for all the votes and for all of the lovely comments you've been giving me! Ily all! 💛💜

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