Chapter 16

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When Peter arrived outside the tower, he bites on his cheek and stares at the doors before him. His head is swimming with ideas about what could happen in there, and all of them ending badly.

He then feels Nathaniel moving on his hip, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looks over at him to see the boy looking at him with a curious expression on his face. "Why aren't we going in?" the boy asks, his head tilting which made him all the more adorable.

"We are now," Peter replies, booping his nose again, causing the three year old to giggle and wiggle his nose. Peter chuckles before walking through the glass doors, into the reception of the building.

The teen walks up to the desk, who had a brunette receptionist working on a computer. Peter being the kind person he is, waited for the lady to finish her work and to spot them. However, after about twenty minutes of waiting and a a child getting gradually annoyed on his hip, he made a small cough to gain her attention.

The lady sighs and looks up from her work. She looks them over before asking, with a rather monotone voice, "What can I help you with?"

"Um, well this is Nate," Peter says, which makes Nate smile and wave at the receptionist, which she doesn't return, much to Nate's disappointment. "His dad works here, so I brought him here after he got lost. Would you be able to like, call him down or something so he can come collect him?"

The women sighs again, before asking them, "And his father's name is...?"

"Oh, right," Peter replies, shocked he had forgotten to even find out who his father was himself. He turns to Nathaniel and asks, "Can you tell the lady your dad's name?"

The boy grins at the brunet and then tells the lady, "His name's Clint! But Friday call him Mister Barton." Nate giggles at the end, remembering a time the AI had used that name to annoy his dad (which had happened on many occasions since).

The receptionist rolls her eyes and says, "Ha ha, very funny." She then goes back to her work as she adds, "Mister Barton doesn't have time for fans mucking around trying to get his attention, so scram, kids."

Startled, Peter replies, "You're really dismissing us so quickly? Shouldn't you at least check to see if Mister Barton is missing his son?"

The women looks up at him, giving him a glare, as she hisses, "Fine, go sit down and I'll check."

Nate whimpers at the tone of her voice and hides his face in the teen's neck. Peter sighs and nods giving a small 'thank you' to the lady, which only earns him a huff in response.

Peter walks towards a bench and sits down, placing the boy- who still had his arms around his neck- on his lap. He smooths Nate's hair as he whispers reassurances to him, telling him 'the scary lady'- as Nate had described her- wasn't going to yell at him or hurt him.

After a few minutes of coaxing, Nate was sat facing forwards with Peter's arms around his waist, as the boy tells him about school and stories of his father.


It was nearly dark outside and Nate was playing on Peter's phone, playing an educational game the brunet teenager had downloaded on his destroyed phone. Peter was starting to wonder why nobody had come down to get Nate yet, as it had been the whole afternoon and nobody had even glanced in their direction.

Peter sighs and shakes his head, annoyed at the situation Nathaniel was in. He then feels said boy shuffle in his lap, and looks down at him. The boy had turned the phone off and was looking at Peter with tired eyes, rubbing one with his free hand.

"Petey, 'm tired," Nate mumbles, using his nickname for the spiderling.

Peter smiles softly and brushes a strand of hair away from the younger's face, before he quietly asks, "Is it usually when you go to bed now?" Nate nods in response as Peter takes the phone out of his hands and pockets it. "Would you prefer to lie down or cuddle up to me?" he softly questions the boy.

"Cuddle," was Nate's quiet reply, which Peter smiled at. 

The spider gently lifts Nate up before placing him back down on his lap, his body facing him. The child immediately wraps his arms around his neck and places his head against his shoulder, with Peter's arms around him.

After a few minutes, Peter could hear the boy's breathing slow and his heart rate decrease, meaning he was asleep, making the teen smile more and hold him against his chest gently.


Steve, Bucky and Sam were all walking back into the tower, as they had just finished their morning run. Sam was complaining- like always- about how it wasn't fair that they always ran past him, and Bucky was teasing him for this, while Steve was sighing in defeat. 

After they walked into the reception, Bucky and Steve picked up on a strange noise coming from the left of the doors. They both looked over- with a confused Sam doing the same- to see a teenage boy led down on a bench with a child on their chest, both sleeping peacefully.

They looked at each other confused, as nobody should have been in the tower yet, and they were all worried about why two children were asleep on a bench in the tower, alone.

They walked closer and Steve instantly recognised who the boy was, his eyes widening slightly. He looks at Bucky, giving him the look, and Bucky realised, looking at the boy worriedly. Sam, once again confused, looks at the two then down at the boy, wondering how they knew the teen.

Steve gently shakes the teen's shoulder to wake him. The boy blinks a few times, before his eyes adjust and he spots them. He looks shocked for a moment, before looking sheepish, then smiling at them.

"Are you here for Nate?" the teen quietly asks, his voice hoarse from sleeping. The three look at him confused before the boy sighs and explains, "I found Nate lost, and I brought him back as he said his dad worked here. When we got here, he explained his dad was Mister Barton, so I assumed you were here to collect him."

"How long have you been here?" Bucky asks, looking at their crumpled clothes. 

Peter looks sheepish again before he replied, "Since twelve." The three look relieved before he adds, "Yesterday afternoon..."

"Jesus, kid," Sam sighs, shaking his head at the self-sacrificing boy, who chuckled nervously.

"Alright, we'll take him up to Clint," Steve says, which makes peter smile brightly and start thanking him. The American hero interrupts him, saying, "But, you have to go home and get some rest, that isn't on a bench."

Peter nods and then gently shakes the child on his chest. The boy groans and looks up, rubbing his eyes, as he asks, "Wha's going on Petey?"

"Some of your dad's friends are gonna take you to Mister Barton," Peter responds, nodding towards the three that were stood beside them.

The boy looks up at them ad he immediately smiles, waving at them. Peter picks the boy up and places him on the floor, so he could stand up himself. The boy rushes towards the White Wolf, exclaiming his name and jumping up and down in excitement, causing the usual brooding man smile brightly at him.

"Look after him," Peter says, before quickly leaving, before any of them could ask him anymore questions.

Nathaniel looks after him sadly, before turning back towards them, still with a tired look in his eyes. Bucky picks him up and they all walk to the lift, taking it up to the penthouse. 

Once they stepped out, the place was manic. Natasha, Tony and Bruce were looking through security footage, while Wanda, Clint and his kids were crying or pulling at their hair. 

The four blink a few times, trying to figure out what was going on, before Nat wiggles out of Bucky's grasp and rushes towards Clint, exclaiming, "Daddy!"

Clint's head snaps up and he quickly embraces his son, exclaiming about how worried he'd been and shedding a few tears.

"Peter found him," Steve explains, after many confused eyes turned to the three hero's. "He said Nathaniel was lost and he brought him here at twelve yesterday afternoon."

Nathaniel moves from his father's hug to look at Steve confused. He then says, "I wasn't lost." They all snapped their heads to the boy, who explains with a bright smile on his face, "Petey saved me from a lorry!"


A/N: Sorry it's late again! I totally forgot it was even Friday T^T

Hope you enjoyed it! :D

(Word count: 1470)

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