Chapter 17

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A/N: Description of injuries, (slightly) Gory, Blood



"Peter found him," Steve explains, after many confused eyes turned to the three hero's. "He said Nathaniel was lost and he brought him here at twelve yesterday afternoon."

Nathaniel moves from his father's hug to look at Steve confused. He then says, "I wasn't lost." They all snapped their heads to the boy, who explains with a bright smile on his face, "Petey saved me from a lorry!"


[A few weeks later]

Sat on the edge of a building, his legs swinging over the side as he looked down at the people bellow him, Peter sighed contently. At times like this, Peter could disconnect with his problems and help other's with theirs. He knew doing all this was the right thing, but he couldn't help wonder sometimes, whether that was the only reason he was a vigilante.

As Peter was finally calming down from a rather close call to a knife injury, during a mugging attempt, his spider sense began to spike. He jumps to his feet and turns his head in the direction of the tingling, where he- surprisingly- doesn't see anything. However, he does pick up on a sound, instead.

Peter immediately knew the sounds as the infamous Iron Man's repulsors. Peter sighs, knowing that this would probably be another battle, and that he wouldn't be able to fight them, especially as he now knew that they were the people who had helped him and had been messaging him for so long.

Peter quickly turns on his heal and sprint across the rooftop, and jumps onto the next, not wanting to have another interaction with them, especially after the last time.

As he was concentrating on trying to get away from the Iron Man suit, he hadn't noticed his sense try to warn him of the incoming object, until it was too late.

The teen was hit in the side with the Captain's shield, knocking him off the rooftop that he had just landed on. His eyes widen and- for a second- he just fell towards the ground, before he finally realises he could use his webs to stop himself from falling.

He swings up and onto the next roof, to stand face to face with the Captain himself. He crosses his arms- being mindful of his now bruised side- and he says, "You know, it's rather rude to throw things at people, especially when they aren't looking."

"Didn't you know it's rude to run away from people?" Steve retaliates, raising an eyebrow and making Peter roll his eyes behind his mask.

"Look, I just wanna head home, 'kay?" Peter lied, as he didn't want to go back to his foster parent's house. Ever since the evening he had disappeared- as he was helping Nathaniel- his 'parents' had been harsher with him, so he really did not want to go back.

Due to his enhanced hearing he heard a quiet, feminine voice through the Captain's earpiece, "He's lying. Keep to the plan."

Peter's shoulders tensing slightly as he heard they had a plan, which meant that he was already playing right into it. They had predicted his reactions, they had predicted his answer, they had predicted everything.

"Damn it, he must have heard us!" the female voice announces, again. "He tensed. Get to the next stage, now!"

Peter's eyes widen as his senses immediately spike in all directions. He whips his head around, tying to assess the situation, but all he had time to see was a repulsors beam aiming for him, an arrow towards his side, and Captain America grabbing his shield.

Peter gulps and closes his eyes, waiting for the inevitable, knowing he didn't have time to move, and that he would almost certainly die by his friend's hands.

All he could recognise was pain as the beam ripped straight through his stomach and the arrow imbedding itself into his arm. He screams, unable to hold it in any longer. The scream was not only out of pain, but out of anguish, as his friends- that he had trusted- had attacked him and thought that he was a big enough threat to just kill, without hesitation. He then felt- what seemed like- multiple bullets penetrate his back, then a force collide with his side, making him finally topple over.

Unfortunately for him, Peter had been stood on the edge of the rooftop, which meant, he did not fall onto the flooring of the rooftop, instead, he feel down towards the cement ground of the pathway.

Peter didn't open his eyes the whole way down, and he didn't even attempt to use his webs to swing to safety, as what good would it do him, even if he wasn't injured beyond repair?

The tee then felt himself collide with the hard cement, hitting his head on the pavement corner. Before he blacked out, he managed to hear two things, one which definitely concerned Peter.

The concerning was hearing Steve calling through the comms, 'Well done team, we did it. Let's clear out. Leave Shield to deal with the mess.' However, right before he blacked out, he managed to hear footsteps rushing towards him, and a strangely familiar voice calling out, "Hey, girl- or man or whatever. You need to get better at this part of your job too..."


A/N: Tada! Here it is! I'm so sorry it is so late, but I've been getting ready for my bday and other stuff has been going on! :D

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Can anyone guess who that was at the end, and what's going to happen next?

[I have republished this chapter, as there was a glitch with it, as it seemed to be that people couldn't comment, and it wasn't coming up with views, only votes.]

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