Chapter 19

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A/N: Artwork not mine (like usual), but I recommend the artist! They're amazing! They're Instagram account is rorokonaa.

I also forgot to add last chapter that Peter's binder was off, but due to the bandages and baggy clothing he was wearing, he didn't feel any dysphoria/uncomfortable :) And yes, that means Aaron knows about him being Transgender.


It had been difficult to convince Peter to go to sleep that evening, as he was worried he wouldn't wake up again, but luckily Aaron had succeeded in making him fall asleep- and if he had to give the spider some sleeping pills, he would never tell anyone.

When the morning arrived, Peter was ecstatic, excited to meet infamous Miles Morales. Even as Aaron sat him up so he could eat his breakfast- as his enhanced healing helped him be able to move with less pain- he was bouncing excitedly.

The older man chuckles at the excitable teen, while trying to calm him down, so he didn't tip his cereals over himself and the bedding. The brunette just grins at him and finishes off his breakfast before grabbing the notepad and asking when the dark-skinned man's nephew was arriving.

Aaron replies, "He'll probably be here within the hour." Peter deflates slightly at the information, but he quickly adds, "But we could do something when we're waiting."

Peter writes in the notebook, 'Can we make him something, or give him a surprise?'

Aaron smiles at the reply, and responds, "Of course, Spider-kid." Peter pouts at the use of his new nickname, causing the criminal to smirk slightly, finding it amusing. Aaron then says, "Actually, I know what would be great to do for him." 

Peter eyes light up as if to ask what. Aaron moves to sit on the edge of the bed beside the teen's waist. He places his hand on the spider hero's head, running his fingers through his hair causing Peter to hum in relaxation.

Peter then looks at the man expectantly, and he explains, "Miles is actual Transgender too. His parents don't know yet, so he still has to look feminine, and it's getting harder for him to do so."  

Peter looks up at the man, a frown on his face and tears in his eyes. He could remember when he had tried to hide being Trans from his step-parents. It was a horrible time for him, having to wear dresses and skirts, just to try and please them. They didn't take it well when he came out, and that's how they started treating him like a punching bag.

Aaron continues, a small smile on his face as he looks down at the teen, "But, I think we might be able to help with that."


Miles was excited to finally be able to go to his uncle's, and he might even get to meet Spider-Man properly!

"Millie!" Miles' father's voice calls. The boy grimaces at the name, before his father continues, "We need to head out."

Miles replies, "Coming!"

The boy finishes packing his small bag before running out of his room and out of the house, to the car. He jumps inside and shuts the door behind him, before putting his seatbelt on. His father starts to drive off, towards his brother's apartment to- reluctantly- drop his son off.

Once they arrive, Miles says a quick thank you, before exiting the police car. He then sprints into the building and up the stairs, a smile on his face.

When he arrives at his uncle's apartment, he knocks on the door. He hears a quiet 'come in' from inside, so he opens the door and walks in, looking around for his uncle. He then spots the door to the spare room- where Spider-Man was being kept- was open.

Miles walks towards the door and slowly opens it. What he sees makes tears spring to his eyes.

A banner was across the wall opposite the door that read, 'Proud to have a Transgender Nephew.' It was written in baby blue and pink, and the background was white, just like the trans-flag. There were bags underneath which had masculine clothing inside, as well as some gels and hair products.

Then he looked over to his Uncle, who was smiling brightly at him. He then points to the bed, which makes Miles snap his head over in that direction.

Standing beside the bed was Spider-Man, wearing a baggy shirt that read, 'I'm proud to be Transgender and Bisexual.' Each of the two words were in their flag colours, and it was hand written in paint.

The teen was also holding a binder which were in the transgender colours- there were also nude coloured ones in the bags- and looked like a perfect fit for the boy.

Tears fell from Miles' eyes as Peter held the binder out to him, showing him this was all really for him.

Miles didn't hesitate for a second before he pounced at the teen and wrapped himself around the hero's torso. Peter left out a silent huff, before holding Miles up and smoothing his back soothingly, while Aaron came over and did the same.

Miles kept whispering thanks to the two, while crying into Peter's chest. Peter smiles down at him and keeps soothing him the best he can.

Once the boy had calmed down, Aaron said, "Now, why don't we try on a few things and get that hair of yours cut?"


A/N: I really needed to write a fluffy chapter, don't judge me T-T

Hello, guys! Sorry it's late, again.

This was a necessary chapter for me to write for storyline, but also because of recent personal experiences. [If you want to know what, just ask. I'm pretty much an open book, lmao]

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and the fluffiness (especially after the dark chapters recently).

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