Chapter 20

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It had been hours since Miles had arrived at Aaron's house, and the two boys were sat on the sofa in the living room. Miles was sat on Peter's lap, playing on the teen's phone, as the spider-themed-hero was listening to the boy's commentary of the game and helping him with the game.

Aaron was watching the scene from the kitchen, a smile on his face. He gets an idea and he calls out, "Hey, boys." Both of the kids look over at him expectantly, and he continues, "Why don't we go for a walk? It'll help Peter's rehabilitation and we can go get some ice-cream."

Miles and Peter's eyes brighten at the mention of ice-cream, and they grin at the man, before nodding.

Miles jumps up and rushes to the spare bedroom to grab his bag, while Aaron moves to help Peter off the sofa.

Aaron asks softly, "You can skip this if you're not feeling up to it, mind."

Peter just smiles at him and shakes his head, before walking towards the door to the apartment.

Miles then comes rushing up and starts leading Peter out, rambling to him. Aaron chuckles and follows after them, locking the door beind them.


The three had eaten their ice-creams a few hours ago, and they were walking through a park, looking at the people rushing by.

Miles had fallen asleep a little while ago, and as Peter felt stronger now, he was carrying the boy- much to Aaron's displeasure.

They find a bench and sit down, continuing to watch the hustle and bustle of the people.

Miles was dribbling on Peter's chest, his arms loosely wrapped around his neck and his legs around his waist, sitting on his lap.

Aaron was sat beside him and smiled at the two. Peter looked at him and smiles sheepishly back.

"This was nice," Aaron comments, leaning back slightly. Peter nods in response, a larger smile on his face, thinking of their walk. "We should head back soon."

Peter nods again, before looking over to his left, after hearing a familiar voices. Peter's eyes widen when he sees Natasha and Clint walking in their direction.

Peter quickly stands up, while making sure he wouldn't wake Miles, and tugs Aaron up by his sleeve.

Peter ignores Aaron's complaints and questions and continues to drag the man away.

However, they didn't get very far before Peter heard a female voice call out, "Peter, is that you?"

Peter silently curses, before slowly turning around to look at the two spies behind them. He uses one of his arms to sheepishly wave, with a small smile on his face.

Clint grins at him and starts saying how much he was worried about him, before Natasha interrupted and defensively asked, "Peter, who are these people?"

Just then Peter realised that Aaron was glaring at the two, his fists clenched. Peter had forgotten that Aaron knew who had put him in this position.

Aaron was about to answer, but Peter used his free hand to grab his shirt sleeve and shake his head. Aaron backs down and then Peter signals for the notebook and pen.

Aaron gets the message and hands the pen to the teen- while holding the notepad for him to write on-, who writes the response, 'This is Aaron, an he's looking after me for a bit. And in my arms is Miles, his nephew.'

The two spies look at the note, then atthe three then back. Clint then asks, "Why did you write that, Pete?"

"He's mute," Aaron responds, before Peter could.

The two's eyes widen and their heads snap to look at the teen, who avoids their gazes. He quickly writes, knowing what they would ask next, 'I got into an accident, and I damaged my vocal chords.'

"Is that where you were for a whole week?" Clint asks, still in shock.

Peter nods and writes, 'it was lovely to see you again, but we should get Miles home.' He then adds as an after thought, 'And please don't tell the others! At least not yet.'

"Of course, Peter," Natasha replies before Clint could decline.

Peter smiles in thanks, then quickly leaves before they could call them back or follow them.

When they arrived back at the apartment, Aaron sighs and mutters, making Peter chuckle, "Well that was certainly interesting..."

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