Chapter 6

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Peter was sat in Decathlon practice, boredly tapping his fingers on the desk. Mr. Harrington had called a meeting. It was almost certainly about them winning internationals, but Peter didn't want to hear about it. Peter didn't like to brag, and people didn't tell him he was good at things, so he really didn't like it when they were having a whole meeting about the event that Peter had 'helped' them win. (In truth, it was pretty much all him, but himself and Flash didn't want to mention that.)

Something that Mr. Harrington got a response of excitement, which caused Peter to jump at the gasps from his teammates beside him. He looked up and started listening to the teacher again.

"Yes, thanks to winning the internationals, we have been invited to Stark Industries," Mr. Harrison explains. "We'll also be having a Q 'n A with the Avengers! Now, this will be Friday, which means you have two days to get the forms filled in by your guardians!"

To say Peter was freaking out was an understatement. Thoughts rushed through his head about the trip, and how they were going to meet the fricking Avengers!

After his little melt down in his head, he noticed that there was a form on his desk in front of him, which meant that Mr. Harrington must of handed them out when he was mentally freaking out. He picks it up and slides it into his bag, trying not to get it crumpled.

Mr. Harrington, after a few other announcements, dismisses us, reminding us to get out forms signed. Peter stands up and puts his bag on his shoulder and he walks out of the hall, waving goodbye to Ned and MJ. They were going straight home, but Peter had to grab a few things from his locker before he could head back to his foster parent's house.

He walks towards his locker, still lost in thought about the trip on Friday. As he was walking, he could hear multiple footsteps following him, which was confirmed by a slight tingle in the back of his neck.

"Oi, Petra!" Flash calls from behind Peter. Peter shudders slightly at the use of his dead name, but decides to act as if it didn't bother him. 

He opens his locker and he starts pulling out his books. He then feels the tingle in the back of his neck intensify, telling him to duck, but he ignores it, knowing it was just Flash. He then get's shoved into the lockers, causing his books to fall to the floor in the process. He was then turned around, and he comes face to face with Flash, who's arm was pressed against Peter's chest and neck.

"I called you, Penis Parker," Flash hisses, exaggerating the word 'Penis'. "Are you deaf, Petra?"

"My name isn't Petra, Flash," Peter responds calmly, which he really shouldn't have done.

Flash growls at him, causing his friends to smirk slightly. "Don't talk back to me, Penis!" he growls. 

Flash punches Peter in his gut, causing him to double over and gasp for air. One of Flash's goons uses this to his advantage to push him to the floor, causing the others to laugh. They then send punch after punch, and kick after kick at him.

After what felt like forever to Peter, they stop. Flash kneels down to a messed up Peter's face and he says, "You know, if you weren't such an idiot to believe you were male, you might actually make a hot girl. But alas, you're too disgraceful and disgusting. See ya tomorrow, Petra."

He then stands up and high fives one of his goons, and they all walk down the hallway and towards the school exit. Peter could hear their laughter filling the hallways as they walked away, which was increased by his enhanced hearing. Once he heard them fade into nothing, and once the school doors shut, he decides to try and get up.

He groans, using his shaking arms to lift himself from the floor. Blood drips from his broken nose and split lip. He stands up, but quickly uses the lockers to steady himself, so he didn't fall back down. 

After a few minutes of standing there, trying to steady his breathing and spinning surroundings, he painfully leans down and grabs his books and bag from the floor. He puts the books inside, and then he puts his bag on his uninjured shoulder. He then starts limping out of the school, as he was already late for his train.

When he get's to the subway, he pulls his phone out, and opens his messages.



Ned, I'm so sick of school. I don't want to go anymore, everyday I'm just waiting to graduate. But, on a happy note, at least we're going to Si on Friday. If I can get my 'parents' to sign the form, that is.

Oh shoot. Sorry, I thought this was private messages

Ignore all that!


Switch to Private

Mr. Mischief


Why do you hate school so much?

What happened?


It's nothing!

Mr. Mischief

Is someone bothering you?


Please don't tell the others

I don't want them worrying over nothing

Mr. Mischief

Peter, if someone is making you dread going to school, that isn't 'nothing'

Let me help, and I promise not to tell the others


It's just this boy

He keeps making fun of me, because I'm trans

He calls me 'Penis' and my dead name, Petra, ever since he found out

Mr. Mischief

Ignore that biscuit


Why will it not let me swear?!


Sorry, I added that so my 'parents' wouldn't find swearing on my phone

But, I've tried, he only makes it worse if I don't respond

Mr. Mischief

How can I help?

Please let me help, Pete


Just be here for me


Mr. Mischief

I will

I always will be


Thank you, Mr. Mischief

Mr. Mischief

Peter, tell me honestly

Did he hurt you?




Mr. Mischief

Have you gotten, or getting medical help?

Be honest


I'm not sure

I'll try to

Mr. Mischief


Please try to, Peter

Now, we should head back to the group chat, as the others are almost certainly worried




Mr. Iron

What did you mean, kid?

Mr. America

You okay?

Mr. Green

Is he okay?

Do I need to get the medical bay ready?

Mr. Lightening

Is the Spider boy okay?

Mr. Bird

Spidey? Did someone hurt you?

Ms. Widow

Tell me their name


Sorry, my friend Ned dared me to send that to you guys, to see how you would all react

Mr. Iron

Don't do that, kid!

Scared the shoot out of me


I can't swear!?


Sorry, it's a firewall I installed into my phone, which affects your texts too

Sorry guys, I its my stop on the train

I'll message you latrr

Mr. Green

Bye, Peter

But, we're talking about this later

Nearly gave Iron a heart attack

Mr. Iron

And we're talking about this trip too!

Bye, kid

Mr. Mischief

You shall not bother him about things he doesn't wnat to talk about

Goodbye, Pete

Mr. Bird

Bye, Spidey!

Ms. Widow

Bye, Spider

Mr. America

Bye, Peter

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