Chapter 1: Piper McLean: That Boy

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I'm late. I am so, so late. Gods, Mr D is gonna kill me, I thought, running towards the train station. It's not the first time this has happened, but usually I can think up a good reason. Right now though, running through the rain, all I can think of is his face. That boy.

---flashback to the day before---

I entered the small train station. I was thirty minutes late for my usual 6p.m train because Mr D made me clean the classroom as punishment for, once again, being late. I went to sit on the bench I wait at for the train, which was due in five minutes. But when I turned to the bench, I saw a boy sitting there.

He was quite handsome. His hair was a beautiful shade of blond, and when he turned his head towards me, I saw his eyes, electric blue. At first, I was angry that he had taken my place. Then, I wondered why I had never seen him before. (A/N probably bc it's 6:30 and not 6:00, Piper)

I was about to go towards him and say something like, "hey! You took my spot!" but it didn't seem like a big deal and my train had just entered the station, so I clambered on. I looked back one last time. The boy was watching me, and I got this odd feeling that somehow, I new him. The train left, leaving the station and the boy behind.

---end of flashback---

I can't get his handsome face out of my head and it seriously annoys me. I barely paid attention in class and I already have failing grades!

Cursing under the rain, I arrived at the station soaking wet. I hoped on the train and sat down at my usual seat, in a four seeter booth by the window.

I prop my knees up on the table in front of me, take my phone out and begin reading. I'm reading a book about a girl who gets really annoyed by the fact that she doesn't have a boyfriend. Or was that just my thoughts?

I wish I had a boyfriend. Or really anyone I like. I don't even have real friends! The people at school who hang out with me come and go in function of what they feel like doing.

At lunch, I sit at the only table that is always empty. It's at the back of the cafeteria, but right next to the popular's table.

If you don't know who the populars are, let me introduce you:

Annabeth Chase - always has her nose in a book (usually about architecture) and is very pretty. She is the smartest person in our grade. Her favorite animal is the owl. Percy's nickname for her is "Wise Girl".

Percy Jackson - obsessed with blue foods, especially blue cookies. Has an obvious crush on Annabeth. He isn't the brightest lightbulb there is, especially compared to Annabeth, but everybody has their own type of intelligence. Annabeth's nickname for him is "Seaweed Brain".

Grover Underwood - has a nack for finding trash absolutely everywhere. He and Rachel have started a two person club to save nature. He's Percy's best friend. Grover's girlfriend is Juniper, she's in a different highschool, but the way he talks about her suggests she's really sweet.

Rachel Elizabeth Dare - is amazing at art, especially painting. Every one of her clothes have a few paint stains or pen doodles on them. She's in the two person nature saving club with Grover and always sits next to Leo. She and him are thick as theives.

Leo Valdez - is a mad scientist when it comes to mechanics and technology. He has a wrench on him at all times. He's the jokester of the group and always sits next to Rachel. He's also Jason's best friend. He does an amazing job at teasing Nico about being emo.

Nico Di Angelo - is the living definition of "emo". Well, he looks more dead than alive, but still. He always wears black, occasionally grey and has at least one airpod in his ears, most of the time. Each time Will talks to him, he blushes and becomes embarrassed.

Will Solace - lived in Texas before moving to New York. I know that because sometimes when he gets too into something his texan accent shows a whole lot. He's literally the opposite of Nico. He keeps trying to get Nico's attention, much to Hazel's amusement.

Hazel Levesque - she's Nico's half-sister. I know that she lived in Alaska, but nothing much else. She loves art and gems and when she's around Frank she can't stop giggling.

Frank Zhang - He lives with his grandmother but never talks about family. He's really skilled at archery, so I've heard. When he's around Hazel, he gets jittery and clumsy. Reyna was in primary school with him.

Reyna Avila Ramìrez-Arellano - she is Spanish. She was in primary school with Frank though they don't seem to talk often. She says that Thalia's her best friend but there seems to be more to it.

Thalia Grace - Reyna's best friend even though every time Thalia looks at her there's a sparkle in her eye. She's all punk and rock and loves to bend the rules till they break.

Jason Grace - he's Thalia's little brother by a year. He likes swordplay and he's smart and good looking. He has wavy blond hair and deep electric blue eyes. And I have the slightest little crush on him...

Now that I think of it, that boy at the train station yesterday also had blond hair and electric blue eyes... Could he be Jason? That boy did look pretty familiar... I think it is Jason!!! Aaahhh I'm so happy!!!!

I did a twirl on the sidewalk. Now I would definitely make sure to miss my usual 6p.m train and take the 6:35p.m one on purpose, so I can maybe talk to Jason!

Back to the populars. All twelve of them occupy one hole table. Well, almost. There's this girl, Calypso, who used to sit at the table as well. Now she moved to the Bahamas or something and left her seet behind. It's right next to Jason's! *squeal*.

I've always dreamed that Jason would come over and invite me to their table. And because there's nowhere else to sit, I would go next to him!

If you're wondering why I know so much about all of them, well, like I said before I sit on the table next to theirs. As far away as possible of them, sure, but I can still here there conversations. And sometimes I even laughed at Leo's jokes.
But because I read a book or I read on my phone at the same time, people just think that I'm laughing at my phone so they alzo think I'm weird and stupid.

The train finally stopped. I looked out the window. I didn't see Jason. I sighed. I would try and see him after the study club. For now, I had to think of what lie to tell Mr.D.


Word count : 1195

Hope you liked the first chapter.

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