Chapter 4: Beach time!! And new friend?

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I lay on my bed, bored out of my mind. I've already done every single thing on my summer list, which is about four things.

-Finished reading my books
-Gone summer shopping with my mom (which I admit, was kind of fun. I usually don't like spending time with my mom for... reasons.)
-Went on walks around town
-Even finished all my chocolate!

I sigh for the millionth time when my mom calls me down for whatever reason.

“What is it?” I yell back, running down the stairs.

“Your friends came to pick you up!” she turns to me all-smiles, stepping aside so I can see who is at the door. To my suprise, Katie and Lou Ellen stand at the doorstep.

“Hey Piper,” Katie greets me. “We came to see if you want to come to the beach with us. Travis and Connor are waiting in the car.”

I grin. “I am so down! I'll go get my stuff, be right back!” I sprint off to my room and grab my swim suit, towel, sunscreen and beach hat and I'm ready to go.

I'm so happy they thought of me! I'd thought about texting them to hang out some time but I'd always convince myself that they wouldn't want to. I'm not sure why.

We walk out to the car, which is more like a mini bus, and surely enough, Connor and Travis are in the driver's seat and shotgun seat.

To my suprise, I see two other figures in the middle row of seats. I turn to Katie and ask, “Who are they?”
“Just Travis and Connor's cousins. I'll let them do the introductions,” she answers. I nod. We get in the car, Katie and Lou Ellen in the back row of seats and me in the third seat of the middle row, next to two girls that I've never seen before.

“Hi, I'm Piper, nice to meet you,” I introduce myself.

“Hi!” says the girl closest to me. “My name's Alice, Alice Miyazawa, and this idiot right here is Julia.”

“Julia Feingold,” the other girl, so Julia, answers. “And I'm not an idiot! At any rate, it's you who should be it. I'm not the one who forgot my swim suit when she knows we're going to the beach!”

“Yeah well at least I remembered! You didn't even think about bringing sunscreen! When you know that I have low complection!”

“That's not even true!”

They continued bickering for the rest of the trip. At least the beach wasn't that far away, probably a 30~35 minute drive.

. . .

When we finally got there, the tide was down and it seemed like hundreds of families were on the beach and in the water.

“Well,” Travis announced. “I think we should show them our special little spot, eh Connor?”

“Definitely! Race you!” Connor shouted as he sprinted across the beach, making sand fly everywhere. Some of the sand landed in Katie's eye, which caused her to yelp in pain and swear at Connor. Travis found it funny to pick up a handfull of sand and throw it at Katie's face.

Katie gasped. “TRAVIS! YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!” she yelled as she ran after the two brothers, who were busy laughing there heads off.

I giggled at the sight and we all followed them to the "special little spot", which turned out to be a small spot of beach only accessible if you squeeze yourself between a couple of big boulders, camouflaged by other big boulders.

When we all squeezed through, I noticed that we weren't the only ones to occupy this place. A girl sat on a towel reading a book. I noticed it was one of my favorites, Peter Johnson series 2, The Heroes of Papyus. She looked about our age, with curly blond hair and she wore a beach hat with a gray bow on it, so I couldn't see her face.

Katie gasped.
“Annabeth! What are you doing here?”
The girl looked up. Annabeth? Oh, right. Annabeth. That girl in the populars' group who always has her nose stuck in a book. Her marks at school are amazing.

I just realized! Her mother's name is Athena – don't ask how I know, I just do – like the goddess of wisdom. So we could say that Annabeth gets marks of Athena, in some way.

Annabeth smiles at us. “Oh, hi Katie! And hi Lou, Travis and Connor.” she then looks at Julia and Alice with a questionning look. They are, unsurprisingly, bickering about who will sit where.

I answer Annabeth's silent question from behind Lou. “These two are Alice and Julia. They're Connor and Travis's cousins.” Lou moves out of the way so that Annabeth can see me. “And I'm Piper. Nice to meet you.” I smile at her. She smiles back. She has a beautiful smile.

“Nice to meet you too. What're you guys doing here?” she asks.

Travis answered that. “Connor and I discovered this place last summer and there are, like, one million people on the beach so we thought that we'd come here. What are you doing here? We thought we were the only ones who knew about this spot.”

“Oh, well, funny story actually. My father asked me to go to the beach and get him red rock, whatever that is. (A/N I dunno what red rock does) So I came to the beach looking for it when I found that opening right there.” Annabeth pointed to the way we just came in. “I thought, "Why not look in there?" so I did. I actually found some red rock so I brought it back and decided that I'd come here to read.”

We all nodded and decided to have fun together. I thought about how all these people might someday be my friends, and joined them in the water.


Word count: 1037

I'll try to regularly post on Saturdays :)
Also I don't know about Julia and Alice's personalities so sorry if they're off-base.

*There will be some Pipabeth next chapter*


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