Chapter 3 : Piper : Why, oh, why's and the start of summer

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I'm really nervous. So, you see, today my plan was to get to the train station around 6:20~25 p.m so I could see Jason. But, as I discovered while walking to my study club... Jason is in the same study group as me. So are all the popular kids. And Katie, Travis, Connor and Lou Ellen, but them I knew were there from the start. I hang out with them most of the time. 

I have so many questions going through my head right now, I can't remember what I was thinking 5 seconds ago. Why is Jason in my study group? And why are all his friends there too? And how come I haven't noticed? How can I not notice that Jason Grace, the handsome guy I've had a crush on since Freshman year is in MY STUDY GROUP!?

Good reason to feel nervous, right? Because now, not only do I feel dumb, but I'm also terrified that I might embarrass myself in front of Jason when I would talk to him in, like, five minutes.

I sigh, arriving at the small train station. You can do this, I encouraged myself. You can go up to Jason and sit on the same bench as him. It's not a big deal.

I walked onto the platform and headed towards the bench where I usually sit, to find Jason there too. Obviously. What an idiot I am. He won't just change benches from one day to another.

I went up to him and sat the furthest possible from him. When he mad no move to talk to me, or acknowledge my existence, I start thinking that he might not know me, and that freaks me out a bit. A crush that doesn't know you? Well, I can just say that that's not great. I was about to turn my head and ask him why he's here, but he beats me to it.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.
I look at him with a puzzled expression.
"I'm waiting for my train." I answered. 

"Well, I knew that, but I thought you didn't live in this town." He said, a bit confused.

"You're right, I don't. I live in New York City, like you."
I'm honestly a little hurt that he didn't notice I was in his study group.

"Then why are you here?" he asked, even more confused.

I rolled my eyes. "You seriously didn't notice that we're in the same study group? Maybe you need glasses. Oh, right, you already have some." I say the last bit sarcastically.

He frowns at me and mumbles something that sounds like "that's not very nice".

I sigh. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that." I apologize.

"It's okay. At least you apologized." He didn't look at me when he answered though so I couldn't see if he was still hurt or not.

I heard a faint whistle and knew my train was about to arrive.
I got up and hopped on the train when it came to a stop. I saw Jason getting on as well, but in a different car. He looked towards me and I saw him frowning. He slitly stuck his nose in the air and entered the train.

I sat down at a four seat next to the window, took out my book and started reading. 

—time skip to the last day of school—

"YESSSSS!!!!" I yelled, pumping my fists into the air. I ran down the school steps and twirled around, finding Katie, Lou Ellen, Travis and Connor laughing their heads of at me. "Stop laughing!" I scolded them but I was laughing too.

During the last few weeks of school, I was by myself a lot more and Katie and Lou Ellen noticed, so about two weeks ago they came to me and told me to come hang out with them and the Stolls. They had practically adopted me. I'm so happy that I get to be a part of their laughter.

We decided to go get ice cream nearby, before heading back to our places and practically not seeing each other for two months.

On our way to the ice cream shop, I couldn't stop thinking about every evening of the past few weeks. Because every evening of the past few weeks, I had talked to Jason and we had slowly become friends. I hoped that we could eventually become more than that. If Aphrodite gives us a chance.

I laughed out loud. The others looked at me weird, but I just waved it off. I just realized that Aphrodite is my mom's name, as well as being the goddess of love's name. And my mom is like New York's matchmaker. She could almost be paid for hooking people up.
What a coincidence!

We arrived at the ice cream shop, got our ice creams, sat down and started to talk. But I still couldn't keep my mind off of Jason. Why, oh, why is summer starting now? Why, oh, why does this have to happen when I'm not going to see, or hear of him, for the next couple of months? I internally sighed my heart out.

Then I remembered my ice cream and realized that if I didn't start eating it now, it's going to turn into a puddle.


Word count: 888 


I think that I'll stick to short chapters and a simple storyline...

It's been, what, maybe like two months or even more since I posted anything?



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