A Twisted Incounter

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I woke up to the sound of robotic laughter. I was curious, but also cautions. I slowly got out of bed and crept towards the door. I opened it just a crack to see what was out in the hallway. I didn't see anything, but older Bryan's bedroom door was open. I quickly got changed into my day clothes. Then I snuck up to the doorway to peek inside. Inside there was these twisted-monster looking animatronics surrounding older me, who was asleep. I quickly went over my options. I choose what most terrified kids would do. I screamed at the top of my lungs, alerting everyone probably in a half mile radius.

The twisted animatronics turned around in panic and surprise. My doppelgänger quickly sat up, looking confused and alert. He realized he what was happening. He tackled one of them and ran over to me. The animatronics got over there surprise, now angry. "We almost had him this time!" Screeched the Foxy-looking one.

"And It all got ruined by a kid!" The Freddy-looking one said glaring. I hugged Bryan in fear.

"Hey, didn't the Boss say to capture a kid? Or was it kill a kid?" Questioned the Chica-looking one.

"I think we should capture it just in case, so we don't get in trouble for kill it." A wolf-looking one replied.

"Great idea, Twisted Wolf! Hey, doesn't the kid look like the one we want?" The Freddy-looking one asked.

"Yeah, You're right! Get them!" Twisted Wolf yelled. Bryan threw me on his back and ran.

Everyone was already alerted by my scream so they met up with us outside the front door of the hotel. "What's happening?! We heard Tiny Bryan scream!" Lefty exclaimed.

"Twisted animatronics," Bryan panted. "They had me surrounded. When he screamed, He woke me up and surprise them. While they were distracted, I escaped. I grabbed him and ran." He explained. "Now, they want him too for some reason."

"And we WILL have both of you," someone growled behind us. Bryan jumped and turned around. They were all standing there.

"Split up! Ballora, Lefty, Foxy, take little me some where safe! Protect him." Bryan yelled. He handed me over to Ballora. We all split up in different directions. Two of them started following the group that older me was in, while two of them followed us.

             We headed towards Foxy's area. I was being held in Ballora's arms, facing backwards. Twisted Freddy and Twisted Wolf were the ones who were chasing us. "They're catching up!" I yelled. Ballora stopped and set me down.

             "Run! We'll keep them distracted! Go to the front entrance and hide in the candy store!" She whispered to me. I nodded and ran off. I didn't know where I was going, but I tried to figure out where to go. I ran around a corner and hit something. I looked up to see Twisted Chica. I panicked and backpedaled. I ended up falling down, but crawled back around the corner. Thankfully, she wasn't paying attention to me. She was busy trying to get other me and the other animatronics that were with him.

"Just come out, we won't hurt you that much." She crackled. I looked for something to help them. They were cornered in a drink severing stall. I had an idea. I crawled behind the stall to find the main water line. I found it and detached it from the stall with difficulty, since my shoulder was broken. I made sure the water was off before I disconnected it. Then I dragged the hose to the corner where I hid before.

I jumped out and yelled "You stink!" I kicked her in the leg, making her lose her balance. I ran around the corner and position the hose facing the way I came form. As soon as Chica rounded the corner, I turn the water on. She screamed in pain when the water hit her. The water pressure pushed her back. She soon shut down from the water getting into her system. I shut off the water and walked to the front to see if everyone was ok.

             When I rounded the corner, Bryan had a powered down Twisted Foxy suck in a vending machine. Foxy's whole body was covered in diffident kinds of pop. I giggled, alerting the others of my presence. "Other me! What are you doing here?" Older me asked.   

            "Ballora made me go, since they were catching up to us. She said to go to the candy store and hide." I explained. "I didn't know where to go so I just ran."

            "There you are..." We turn around to find Twisted Wolf standing there. He had oil dripping off his claws. Logic flew out the window. I bolted. I heard everyone shouting to come back. I didn't know where I was going, but I wanted to get away from there. Ballora...Foxy...Lefty...all hurt or dead because of me. I started to cry as I ran. It's all my fault.

           I heard footsteps behind me. I glanced behind me. Twisted Wolf was a arm length away from me. I looked behind him. Everyone else was chasing him trying to stop him. I picked up the pace. Adrenaline pumping threw my veins. I heard Bryan call to me. "Follow us!"

           I watched them pass me, they started to head into some trees. I felt myself get picked up and thrown over someone shoulder. It was Happy Frog, thankfully. They ran into a hole in a wall. The area we were in was creepy. We headed into a crevasse in the rocks. There was huge doors at the end of it. "Bryan, why are we at the portal? And where's Baby?" Rockstar Freddy asked furiously.

          "I thought we could be safe in here."


           While Bryan and Freddy continue to argue, I got off Happy Frog. I heard Twisted Wolf coming, so I opened the doors. I immediately regret my decision. Baby was standing in front of a blood red portal with a evil grin on her face. She had a knife in her hand. "Welcome to the show~ It's just about to started."

             We're screwed, I thought. I didn't hear anymore bickering. I looked back to see Twisted Wolf with a limp Bryan lying in front of him. All the animatronics were powered off. I turned around to Baby's face in my face. I jump backwards. I feel arms rap around me, trapping me in place. I struggle against them. "Let me go!" I yell.

             "Now now, I would calm down if I were you..." I felt something dig into my neck. I freeze immediately. "There we go. That wasn't that hard, was it?" I felt scared, but I hid it behind hate and determination. Baby approached me with a sickening sweet grin. I glared at the ground. "Aww...did you finally grow a spine? Cute, but that isn't going to help you now..." She grabbed my face so her eyes met mine. Her eyes had a sick joyful gleam to them.

              "Just get it over with..." I said gritting my teeth.

              "Where's the fun in that? No, killing you would be too easy, but making you into a animatronic...Now that would be fun." My eyes widen. "You will be my prince as we rule this world! Your older self will watch his world burn!" She laughs insanely.

               "No! Leave them alone! It's me that you want, leave them out of this!" I squirm with in Twisted Wolf's grip.

             "Oh poor naive Bryan, you really don't understand, do you?" Her smile became more psychotic. "I was already after this world's Bryan! I control the Twisted animatronics! They only obey me! I ordered them to get him so our plan can be complete!" She giggled.

             "What do you mean by 'our' plan?" I questioned.

            "Oh...you will learn soon enough~" She purred. "For now, sleep my prince~" She pulled out a syringe from her suit. I tried to move away, but Twisted Wolf's grip tighten. She stabbed it into my arm. I immediately began to feel sleepy. I tried to fight it, but I soon fell in to darkness.

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