Meeting Older Me

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I woke up in a room with a blue couch, flat screen tv, a balcony. I was laying on a big blue bed. I tried to sit up, but a sharp pain stopped me. I looked at at my body. I had bandages everywhere. My jacket and cap lay on the bedside dresser. Someone must have patched me up, I thought. I also had a sling around my arm. I remember what happened. Cody...and Baby, I thought as I got up. When Cody hit me, he must have broken my shoulder.

Carefully, I made my way to the balcony. I looked out to see a garden, picnic area, and a pool. I took a deep breath full of fresh air. I sighed, as I looked out at the garden. I haven't seen the outside world for a long time, I forgot how much I missed it, I thought. I heard the door open and close.

I turned around to find some sort of Freddy standing there. I felt my blood run cold. How are they here?! I pressed up against the railing. Did Baby send them after me? I scanned the room to find a weapon I could use. I couldn't find anything that would be helpful. "Hey kid, you should be resting." He said, as it started to approach me. I was surprised when it spoke. They could talk the whole time?! As he got closer, I move into a running position.

When he was a few feet away, I bolted passed him and I ran out the door. I heard him yelling something, but I was already halfway down the hall. I tumbled down a staircase out of shear panic. At the bottom, I stop to catch my breath. I take in my surroundings. It looks like a hotel lobby. I didn't have time to take in everything, before I heard him coming. I ran out the front door and kept going.

I look around as I run, from what I can tell, I'm in a amusement park. There was big balloons in the sky, dozens of rides, and a hotel. I hated it because it all had one theme. A FNaF theme. That means I'm in another FNaF dimension, I think. He was still chasing me and I was breathing hard. I was losing speed, trying to think of a way to get away from him. I continued to run, till I heard voices. I put on a burst of speed to reach the voices.

As I grew closer to the voices, one sounded strangely like me. One other sounded familiar to me. The voices grew louder as I approached a bend in the path. From what I could tell, there were multiple people. Maybe they will protect me from Freddy, I thought. I looked behind me to see Freddy was catching up with me.

I rounded the bend as fast as I could, with how tired I was. I nearly screamed, when I saw what was there. I noticed that there was one human in the group with them. I charged towards him, behind me Freddy just got passed the bend.
"Bryan! He got out of the hotel! He's afraid of me." Freddy yelled. I ran passed him while he was turning around. I hid behind him, shaking as the other animatronics looked at me.

There was a Foxy, a weird black bear without an eye, a small Funtime Freddy, a Ballora, and...I felt myself shrink back...a Circus Baby. "Freddy! What did you do? The poor kid looks like you were going to kill him." Ballora scolded. She tried approaching me, but I buried my face into the man's pants leg.

The guy I was holding on to crouched down to my level. He asked, "What's your name? My name is Bryan." He smiled at me.

"M-My name is also Bryan." I stuttered. I didn't miss the surprise in his eyes when I said that. I kept glancing over his shoulder, to make sure the animatronics weren't going to attack us. Freddy realized what I was doing.

"I'm guessing you're from a different dimension, am I right kid?" Freddy asked. I nodded. "How did you get here?"

"I-I went into a portal that appeared suddenly." I say.

"Why were you beat up?" Foxy questioned gently. He could tell that I was uncomfortable.

I started to tear up. The older version of me hugged me. Once I calm down enough I started to explain. "Cody, a friend of mine, was part animatronic. His dad, Purple Guy," I noticed everyone shift at the mention of him. "was controlling him. He was trying to make Cody kill me. He hit me in my shoulder," I motioned to my sling. "Before he could, there was a light and shaking, then a portal appeared. I jump through it, but before that happened, another girl who I was with, Kat who was apparently his daughter, was turned into Circus Baby. She killed him out of revenge for choosing to save Cody instead of her. Then she wanted me to become an animatronic too." While I was talking, I had started to cry. "She said she would kill me, as I was going through the portal."

"How did a kid like you, get caught up with Purple Guy?" Ballora asked concerned.

"I went to FNaF Hotel for my birthday, it's a popular place in my dimension. While I was there, the animatronics started to attack and my parents disappeared too. Then I met Cody and Kat, that pretty much sums it up." I realized how much I miss my parents. "I wanna go home." I sniff.

"Now it makes sense, you thought I was going to attack you when I walked in, right?" Freddy asked.

"Yeah..."I answered.

"Well...Now that's out of the way. Let me introduce you to Rockstar Freddy, Rockstar Foxy, Lefty, Baby, Helpy, and Ballora. Don't worry, they won't let anything to you, nor will they attack you." Bryan said to me reassuringly. I nodded and yawned.

"Let's get you back to bed to rest. You had a long day." Ballora said. She cautiously approached me, careful not to scare me. She gently picked me up and carried me to the hotel room. I felt save with her, I snuggled up to her. Bryan, Lefty, and Baby followed us. "Bryan, do you have any pajamas he could use by any chance?" Ballora asked as she set me on the bed. Bryan nodded. The older me went to the closet and pulled out Pokémon footy pajamas. Lefty looked at Baby, who shrugged.

"What...there comfortable." He said embarrassed. Ballora took them from him and helped me put them on. They were a bit big, but they worked. She then tuck me in to bed.

"Goodnight, Little Bryan." Lefty called out as left.

"Goodnight" I called back.

The older Bryan was going to stay in the room next door so if I need anything I could ask him. Ballora left, but Baby stay. "What are you doing Baby?" I asked. She smiled that creepy smile that haunts me.

"Oh nothing~ Just watching my prey." She said in a sing-song voice. I nearly jumped out of bed. "Oh, don't worry, I won't hurt you...yet. I like to play with my food." She gave me a psychotic grin.

"W-W-Why?" I ask. She came up to me.

"I did say you will die if you didn't join me." She said seriously. "But I never said how. Sleep tight, don't let them bite," Her laughter rang out as she left. I hugged myself the best I could as I fell asleep.

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