New People

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                       I got up around sunrise to go check up on Bryan. He was still in the same state he was in yesterday. I sighed as I pulled over a chair and rested my head on the bedside. I stayed there, till I heard footsteps coming. I looked up, as Brandon and Richie walked in. "There you are, you had us worried sick!" Brandon exclaimed.

"Yeah! We looked for you for almost an hour." Ritchie added.

"Sorry..." Brandon sighed when he saw my sadden expression.

"It's ok...just tell us next time."

"Anyway, the GMG is about to start. We have to get going if we want to make it." Ritchie said impatiently.

"I'll meet you there, Brother." Ritchie shrugged, then storm blinked away. Brandon approached me. He picked me up and sat down in the chair as he put me on his lap.

               "I know your worried for him, but you should come to the games. It will help you get your mind off everything."

                "But...what if he wakes up..."

               "He will be fine...but if you're worried then leave a note for him,"Brandon suggested. "Because I don't feel comfortable leaving you here alone."

                  "Okay! I'll be fast." I ran to get a piece of paper.

                Once I wrote the note and placed it on Bryan's bedside, we headed off to the games. Brandon flew me up to the stands to watch. The first matches went by fast. I wasn't really paying attention for the most part. I was to busy thinking about Bryan and Baby. Something was bugging me. Why would that portal lead here? Or was it coincidence? I was brought out of my thoughts when the announcer announced Brandon was fighting. I stood up so I could watch.

              Brandon was going to fight Silver, but before the battle could start the ground started to shake. I fell to the ground like Brandon and Silver did. A long noise that sounded like fabric ripping filled the air. The shaking and noise stopped suddenly. I shakily got to my feet. I looked into the center of the arena. I felt my blood turn cold.

             In the center of the arena, there was a red portal with black wisps of mist around it. Three people fell out of it. I looked in shock, one was another me look-alike, only he had brown wolf ears. He was beaten up. Another person who fell out all so had wolf ears, but they were red. He was also wearing a panda hat. He was also beaten up, but not as badly. The last person had black wings and hair. He looked like if Brandon when goth. He was the only one who didn't have a scratch on him. All of them were unconscious. The portal disappeared after that.

Silver and Brandon approach them with caution. The gothic one started stirring. Silver pulled out a sword. Brandon put a air bubble around the new people to move them without waking them. I ran down the the arena. I met them in the hallway. "Bryan, we're leaving." He turned to Silver. "Go tell the other guild leaders to meet us a the island." Silver saluted and ran off.

Brandon picked me up and flew off. When we landed I hopped off. I quick check on Bryan. He was wake. "Bryan!" I hugged him. He laughed at my enthusiasm.

          "Where are we? The last think I remember was getting hit in the back of the head by a weird looking boy." Bryan asked slightly confused.

           I started to explain what had happened and where we are. It was about an hour before I was finished. During that time, Brandon came into check on us. He sat there processing everything I just said. "So were in a dimension where everyone has magic and we might not be able to get home?" I nodded. "Great..." He sighed.

       I turned to Brandon, "Did those other people wake up yet?" I questioned.

      "Yes, but we had to separate them. The panda-hat boy started to attack the other wolf eared one. So they are in separate cells. My goth lookalike hasn't said or done anything. We can't get near the two with wolf ears to patch them up so I was hoping you would be able to calm them down and get them to explain what happened before they were sent here. Then maybe we'll be able to help them." Brandon told me.

      "Ok. Let's go!" I said excitedly. Bryan started to get up.

      "Woah! Your not going anywhere! You took a hard hit to your head you need to rest. You were knocked out for a good few days, so take it easy." Brandon lecturers. Bryan sat back down.

      "I never got your name by the way." Bryan mentioned to Brandon.

      "I'm Brandon. Me and my brother Ritchie have been taking care of you and Little Bryan."

       "Thank you. I don't think I could live with myself if something happened to him." I blushed when he said that.

        "Let's go! I want to meet the werewolf version of us. He looks really cool." I exclaimed.

         "Alright, lets go." Brandon followed me as I ran out of the room.

         "Bye, older me! See you soon!" I shout as I run off.

         A/N: Here's a new chapter for you guys. Sorry about the long wait. I have been having writers block for this book. So it might be a little bit before the next chapter is up but I will keep trying to figure out what to do next. Have a Great New Year and a late Merry Christmas.

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