Meeting The Guild Leaders

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When we landed, everyone looked at us. The old dude in the middle questioned Brandon. "Brandon, why do you have child with you?" He asked.

"He fell out of rift in the sky, I thought I should bring him."

"That's funny...I also have someone who came out of a rift..." The sleep deprive looking one said. When he said that I started to get excited.

"What's his name, Michael?" Brandon asked sensing my excitement.

"Bryan...I think he said before he was knocked out by Collin." He told us.

"He didn't hurt him, right?" Brandon asked worriedly. I felt myself starting to panic.

"No, of course not. I had him knock him out because he was having panic attack. I'll show you." He disappeared for a moment, before he reappeared with a slumped over Bryan. I leaped off Brandon and jumped over to who Brandon called Michael. I shook my look-alike gently. I shook him harder when he didn't wake up. He groaned, but still didn't wake up.

"Bryan, wake up! Please....I need you." I cuddled up to his chest. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Michael gently pulled me away.

"He needs to rest. Collin might...have hit him harder then I thought."

"So...he will be ok?" I asked uncertain.

"Yes, he will be ok...Now can you tell us your name?" I shook my head and ran to Brandon. I ran behind him and whisper to him.

"Can you tell them about me please....they scare me." He chuckled at my shyness, but he nodded.

"His name is also Bryan. He came from a dimension where they have these animatronics and..." Brandon continue to explain where I came from and how I got here. While he was busy explaining I creeped over to knock out Bryan. I looked over him, making sure he wasn't hurt. I sat down and lean against him.

I may not have known him for long but he acted more like a family then my actual family. My mom and dad had to work most of the time. That's the reason why we went to the hotel in the first place so they could spend time with me. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Now I'm stuck in a unknown dimension, not knowing if I can ever go home, and I don't even know if my parents are even alive.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder as I stifled a sob. I looked up to see the one with the bear hat on with the only girl in the group. I noticed that Brandon had finished explaining everything. Everyone was looking at me with sympathy, sadness, or concern. I need comfort badly so I clung on to him. He was surprised at first, but wrapped his arms around me. I cried for what seemed like days, before my cries became quiet sobs.

"All of us know how you feel..." Brandon walked up to me. "We all lost someone or something we cared about, Me and Ritchie lost our home dimension," He gestured towards Ritchie. "Michael lost his wife. And Silver lost his parents," He pointed towards the guy in the bear hat. "Bri lost her memories of her past so she doesn't  know her parents." He nodded towards the girl. "We were sad but we didn't let it control our lives. We choose to move on, so we could be strong for the people that we know care about us." He gestured to everyone. "So can you be strong for him?" Brandon asked me.

           I looked at older Bryan then back at Brandon again. "I...I'll try..." I croaked. Brandon smiled at me.

        "That is all I can ask." I gave a small smile in return. Someone coughed behind us.

           "Now that over with, can we get to the Grand Magic Games?" The guy, who I still don't know the name of asked.

            "Yes, Grandmaster Jonathan." Everyone said. Everyone when to there original place. I stayed by Bryan's side while they talked.

              I must have dosed off for a while, because they were almost done when I woke up. "So I will see all you tomorrow, remember to bring your whole guild." Grandmaster told the other guild leaders. Something about him wasn't sitting right with me when he said that. I stared at him. He turned and looked at me with malicious intent in his eyes. That's strange, I thought. Brandon came over to me.

            "Are you ready to go?" He asked.

            "What about other Bryan?" I asked.

               "He's coming with us, don't worry."

               "Ok, lets go."

              It was late went we got back, Ritchie brought older Bryan to the infirmary to heal. He told us that he would meet us at the house. Brandon took me to get a cookie before he brought us to a house. "Is this your and Ritchie's house?" I ask. He nodded. We walked into a small living room connected to a kitchen. We walked passed the kitchen to a hallway. There were three doors, two were open. I could tell one was a bathroom. Brandon took me into the door that was opened. The room had a white bed,  a dresser, and a closet. He put me on the bed and tucked me in.

              "This is were you will be staying. This my room, I'll sleep in Ritchie's room. If you need anything, I'll be right across the hall, ok?" I was too exhausted to answer so I nodded. "Sleep well, little one."

A/N: I know that this story is a bit all over the place right now, but I'm working on it. It was originally just going to be a TheFamousFilms fanfic but I changed it. I'm still new to writing so forgive any mistakes I have made. Btw, the Bryan's POV I have chosen to write in is only a little kid so it might seem like I'm making a mistake but its intentional, also that's why he cries so much. Thanks for reading my book! Have great day!

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