New World

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      As soon as we went into the portal, I felt myself falling. The portal had teleported me into the sky. I looked around frantically to see if older me was with me. I didn't see him anywhere, but above me was a portal that looked like a rip in the sky. I looked down to see the ground approaching fast. I let out a terrified scream. I braced myself and closed me eyes, waiting to hit the ground. never came. I open my eyes to see I was in a air bubble. I was a few feet above the ground. I was confused, till I met eyes with a white haired guy. He came over to the bubble. I back up instinctively.

          "Don't worry little one, I won't hurt you." He calmly said as he approached me. He held out his hand to me. I took it hesitantly. He held me close to him as we acceded to the ground. He put me on the ground gently. "Now...can you tell me what happened please?" He asked.

           I explained what happened with me and older Bryan and how we got here. He listened to me with a emotionless expression."Now we're in a new world separated." I told him.

          "You're just like my brother and I, but with out the animatronic. We came form another world too." He stated. "I'm Brandon by the way."

       "Oh I'm Bryan and the person I came with is also Bryan, but he's older then me." I felt a sudden loneliness come over me. "I miss him. He was the only familiar person though everything I've gone through." Something rolled down my cheek. I realized I was crying. I felt Brandon wipe my tears away. He knelt down in front of me.

         "It's ok. You can stay with me and we will look for your counterpart. How does that sound?" I nodded. He stood up and brush himself off. "Ok, but first we're going to visit a friend of mine to heal those wounds." His face showed concern when he looked at my arm. He picked me up and started to fly.

         While we were flying he explained what this world is like. He told me everyone has magic, what a guild is, and what a guild leader is. He also explained what each guild stood for and what the names were. He also talked about his brother, Ritchie. We landed in front of what he called the Protectors. He let me down to walk on my own. He walked into the huge building. I follow quickly, not wanting to be left alone.

         The inside of the hall was ginormous. I was memorized by the beautiful windows and pillars. I wasn't paying attention when I bumped Brandon, who had stopped. I peeked around Brandon to see why he stopped. There were two people having a conversation in front of us. One was a humanoid cat creature who was dressed up as a warrior. The other had blue hair, brown eyes and  was wearing all blue. Standing next to him was a raccoon-like creature.

         "Excuse me." Brandon spoke. I was startled by his voice. The cat creature turned to look at him.

         "Ah...Brandon, nice to see you again." The cat-creature said with an weird accent.

"You too, Lo'Pho. I have a favor to ask you."

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

Brandon sidestepped to reveal me. I immediately ran back behind him. "Can you heal his arm? It's broken and cut. I worried it will get infected."

"Of course...but who is he? Why does look like a younger version of Bryan?" Lo'Pho walked toward me. He utter a few words under his breath. A circle of light appear around me. My arm intently felt much better. I unwrapped the cloth to see the cut was healing. I watched with amazement as the cut closed.

         Brandon walked up to Lo'Pho. He bend down to whisper in his ear. Lo'Pho's face morphed in to concerned, then fear, then understanding. I'm guessing he explained what happened. Brandon straighten up then said "That's why he looks like Bryan," Brandon turn to look at the blue-haired boy. "He's from another dimension too. His name is Bryan too."

           I tug on Brandon's shirt. He looks down curiously. "Who's he?" I ask. The blue haired boy had been staring at me for almost the whole time we were here.

"Oh, that's Jakey. He's Bryan's boyfriend in this dimension." Brandon replied with a smirk. Jakey immediately got flustered. He looked like a tomato.

"Y-Y-You l-l-look l-l-like if h-h-he w-was a kid." He stuttered.

        "From what I have gathered, I'm one of the youngest Bryans in the multiverse. So technically, I am a younger version of him." Everyone just stared at me. "What? I watched a lot of movies."

          "Anyway...we'll be off now. Come along, Bryan."

"Ok, bye! It was nice to meet you guys!" I waved as I followed Brandon. They waved back. When we left the guild hall, Brandon picked me up and put me on his shoulders.

"We're going to go to my guild, Divinus Magia, then I can contact the other guild leaders. Then we can find the other Bryan that came with you, how does that sound?" I nod enthusiastically. He chuckled at my actions, before we took of into the sky.

When we got there, a argument could be heard from outside. Brandon kept me on his shoulders just in case it got rough. When we entered, a boy will no clothes on was standing on a table yelling something about going full force, while a dark blue hair guy was trying to get him down. In the corner was a black haired guy with a yellow bandanna was covering a short girls eyes, as he yelled at the boy on the table. Brandon covered my eyes too. "David! Get your clothes back on! We have children in the room!" Brandon yelled.

"Hail Full Force!" Someone shouted back. There was a loud crack that sounded like lightning before a pain-filled groan filled the air.

"Brother, you have returned just in time. The grandmaster called a meeting." I guessing Ritchie said. I felt a sudden jerk, before my eyes were under covered. The dark blue haired guy was pulling on Brandon's arm. "He said it was urgent."

"Ok, but I'm bringing him. He came out of a rift." He said. He pointed to me. I waved at him.

"Ok, let's just go." He disappeared in a shower of sparks.

Brandon looked up at me. "Ready to meet the other guild leaders?" He questioned. I shrugged. "There really nice once you get to know them." He took off after, who I guessed was Ritchie.

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