Chapter 8: The Birth of The Rainbooms

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It has been a couple of months ever since everybody has witnessed the battle out in the front of Canterlot High school and the discovery of magic in the Human World. Ever since, the (Hu) Mane 6 have been more popular around the school as people were wondering just how six girls and one boy were able to transform into ponies like that. While nobody knew the answer, not even the victims themselves, nobody really let it bother them too much as they thought that all of the magic was over. . . or was it?

Right now, we see (Y/N) and Flash Sentry walking across the hall together carrying some instruments that looked to be guitar cases.

Flash Sentry: Hey, bro. You wanna hang with me and some of the others during lunch today. You know the musical showcase is coming up and it has been awhile since we played our guitars when you were in our band. Remember, sophomore year?

(Y/N): Yeah, that was a blast. How can I forget? Also, about lunch I'd be glad to, but I was speaking with Rainbow earlier today and she wanted to talk to me along with the other girls, so I have to decline the invite.

Flash Sentry: Understandable. You know, you've been hanging out with them more than I've anticipated lately.

(Y/N): Is that a problem?

Flash Sentry: Nah. It's just that you've been apart from them for so many months up until just recently that it's still kind of hard to get used to the fact that you're with your five girlfriends again. We've hung out less often than we usual do with some others like Sandalwood, Brawly Beats or even Micro Chips.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Well, it's not like our friendship is going to drift apart now that I've rekindled my relationship with my girlfriends. I'll still keep in touch because that's what friends are for.

A faint blush then appears on (Y/N)'s cheeks as he was just thinking about one familiar girl that he met and he looks up slightly as well.

(Y/N): A-At least. . . that's what someone special told me. . .

Flash notices (Y/N)'s daydreaming as he gives him a playful smirk.

Flash Sentry: Oooh~ Someone's thinking about their girlfriend from another world~

(Y/N) flinches from that and regains his composure before he glares at Flash slightly annoyed from his teasing as he clenches his teeth.

(Y/N): She's not my girlfriend!

Flash Sentry: Heh, says you. . . Prince who danced with the Princess of the Fall Formal. . .

(Y/N) looks away from Flash, still blushing and he grumbles as he had nothing to counter with that. Suddenly, the both of them noticed a girl with moderate cerise eyes, moderate cobalt blue hair with brilliant opal stripes, light yellowish gray skin, with dark purple glasses pass them. This was Vinyl Scratch, but the school likes to call her DJ Pon-3 since she is the school DJ.

She was wearing her headphones over her ears and jamming to some dubstep music while walking past both (Y/N) and Flash as all they can do is stare at her with blank looks on their faces before (Y/N) decides to speak up.

(Y/N): Someone's about to get caught by Principal Celestia. . .

Both of them let out some laughs from this before they all of a sudden heard the school bell ring meaning that class was about to start in just a minute.

(Y/N): Well, I've got English with Miss Cheerilee next and I don't want to give her any unexcused tardies, so I'll see you later Flash.

Flash Sentry: *nods* Right. Catch you later, bro.

Both of them shared a fist bump before rushing to go their classes before they were considered late. As (Y/N) predicted, Vinyl got caught by Principal Celestia for having her headphones on in the hall and being late to class because of it. Principal Celestia punished her by confiscating her headphones for the rest of the day, but Vinyl decided to enjoy more of her music by using ear buds instead.

When lunch time was in session, everybody was in the cafeteria including (Y/N) as he got some food that he wanted before he looks over at the distance before seeing Rainbow Dash waving to him to get his attention as she could be seen with the rest of (Y/N)'s girlfriends. Sunset wasn't able to join them because she was still handling some community work around the school as tasked. (Y/N) walks over and sits down right beside Rainbow as she smiles along with the rest.

Rainbow Dash: And there he is. Glad you could join us, babe.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Thanks, Dashie. So about that thing that you wanted to discuss with us. What exactly is on your mind this time?

Rainbow Dash: Well, you know the music showcase is coming up and it just came to mind that. . . why don't we form our own band?

(Y/N) was sipping from a milk carton and when he heard Rainbow Dash ask that, he nearly snorts milk out of his nose as that caught him off guard. Rarity sighs from this as she grabs a napkin and walks over to wipe (Y/N)'s face off.

Rarity: Careful with the way you drink your beverages, dear. You may end up burning your nose.

(Y/N): Phew, sorry and thanks Rarity. That just caught me off guard. A band?

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, we should totally form a band! I mean the musical showcase is in just a couple of weeks and we can play instruments and sing, so us seven can make the perfect team.

Rainbow Dash was right about this as of course, (Y/N) knows that she can play the electric guitar, Applejack plays the bass guitar, Pinkie Pie plays the drums, Rarity plays the piano, and Fluttershy can play the tambourine. However, (Y/N) gets a confused look which Applejack notices.

Applejack: What's with that weird look, hun?

(Y/N): Nothing, it's just that. . . I've played with Flash's band a lot when it comes to music and this is pretty much a first for me as all of us never really played our instruments together. Besides, do we even have any songs written that we could play?

Fluttershy: Um, well, (Y/N) there was something that I had planned that I feel that we can all sing as group. I'm still writing down a few and I think that they would be perfect for the music showcase.

(Y/N) smiles from this, but Rainbow Dash didn't look too amused.

(Y/N): Oh, well that's great Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash: Eh, I guess. I've got some sick songs written as well and I think that they will look good on us if we play those too. And (Y/N), what's wrong with a little change? You're just playing with your girlfriends.

Pinkie Pie then suddenly appears from the ceiling like a bat as her face was right in front of (Y/N)'s.

Pinkie Pie: And what harm has there ever been with wanting to even be with your girlfriends, who by the way has the best boyfriend ever!

She says this as she spins (Y/N) around and around before he finally stops and holds his head dizzy. As soon as he regains his composure, (Y/N) looks over towards another lunch table and sees Flash talking with some other guitarists at the school and (Y/N) gets a skeptical look before shrugging his shoulders and he looks back at his girlfriends before smiling.

(Y/N): Eh, what the heck? It'd be nice to actually do something big as a group again with my girlfriends.

Rainbow Dash gets a hopeful smile from this.

Rainbow Dash: So you're in?

(Y/N): *nods* I'm one hundred percent in, girls.

Rainbow Dash beams from this before she turns to the other members of the (Hu) Mane 6.

Rainbow Dash: Okay then, one final time. All those in favor of starting a band, raise their hands!

Rainbow raises her own before seeing all five others raise theirs as well as this made everybody smile.

(Y/N): It's unanimous then. Let's a start a band, girls!

Everybody else let out voices of agreement to that as they all continued to eat and chat about what they should do to prepare for when the musical showcase hits in a couple of weeks.

Since everybody wanted to get to practicing on forming the band, they all decided to go home and get the instruments ready that they planned on bringing so that they can get their music and songs started. However, it turns out that not everybody was ready for it quite yet as Rainbow Dash wanted to head to the music store with everyone once school was over for the day. She told everybody that she actually needed a new guitar which confused some of the gang. Right now they were in the music store as (Y/N) was the first one to walk inside and he notices Vinyl Scratch who got her headphones back and was listening to something on her phone before she notices (Y/N) and smiles at him.

Vinyl Scratch: Hey, look who it is.

(Y/N): Hey, Vinyl. Looks like someone's finally got their precious headphones back after being distracted in the hall.

Vinyl sheepishly rubs the back of her head from that with a nervous smile.

Vinyl Scratch: *nervous laugh* Yeah. I'll think twice before listening to music when transitioning classes again. . .

(Y/N): (Considering how often she even carries those headphones on her. . . I highly doubt that. . .)

Vinyl Scratch: Anyways, what brings you here, (Y/N)? Looking for some new hits?

(Y/N): Oh, no. I'm not here for me. One of my girlfriends, Rainbow Dash was hoping that she can actually get a new guitar here. . . which I don't remember why. . .

As he says this, the girls enter the store and Rainbow Dash was carrying a guitar case as Vinyl Scratch stows her music player under the counter.

Rarity: Rainbow Dash, I simply don't understand why you can't just play the guitar you have.

Rainbow Dash's response to that is to set the case on the counter and open it to reveal that the electric guitar inside is a wreck with scratches and nicks all over the body. (Y/N) cringes from this while Rarity gasps from the damaged guitar.

Rarity: Now I understand.

(Y/N): Talk about a bad guitar day. How did this happen anyway?

Rainbow Dash: Had it tipped towards an open window and when I wasn't looking. . . you know the rest.

(Y/N): Makes sense. Don't worry Dash, we'll find you a new guitar that'll instantly grow on you.

Pinkie zips into view behind them, holding up a blue one with black tiger stripes.

Pinkie Pie: How about this one?

Rainbow Dash: No.

She then holds up a banjo.

Pinkie Pie: Lookie here!

Rainbow Dash: No.

(Y/N) looks at Applejack with a raised eyebrow.

(Y/N): Doesn't Big Mac play the banjo sometimes?

Applejack: Yep. He hasn't done it for a while though.

Pinkie then holds up a sousaphone.

Pinkie Pie: Super groovy!

(Y/N): Pinkie, that's a sousaphone. . . not a guitar. . .

Rainbow Dash: That definitely won't work.

Applejack: Well, whatcha looking for?

Rainbow Dash: That's the problem! I need something that looks as awesome as I'm gonna make it sound.

Her feet stop short, her eyes widen, and she sucks in an incredulous gasp, as hanging vertically on the wall, directly in front of her, is a shiny red double-neck model with stars and lightning bolts adorning the body.

(Y/N): Dang, that does scream Rainbow Dash if you ask me.

The reflection of the guitar shining in Rainbow's pupils as she reaches forward to grasp one of the necks of the guitar, but suddenly another hand takes hold of the other neck. It is revealed that the person who grabbed this was Trixie as the two looked at each other surprised before the two girls pull the guitar down from its mount and yank it back and forth.

Rainbow Dash: Hands off my guitar, Trixie!

Trixie: I touched it first, Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash: I need it to play for my band!

Trixie: Well, the Great and Powerful Trixie needs a guitar to play in her band as well.

(Y/N) instantly intervenes between the two of them before anything bad could've happened to the guitar that they both wanted.

(Y/N): Alright, you two. Knock it off. You're going to break it and then no one will be able to have it.

Rainbow Dash & Trixie: I need it!

(Y/N): Well, this is indeed a problem. . .

Applejack: Sounds to me like this is a makin' for a nice, friendly competition.

(Y/N): Hmm, okay. Why don't you two have a. . . shred off? The one who plays their guitar the best will determine who gets to keep the guitar that you two desperately want.

Rainbow Dash: *smiles* All right! Let's see who plays best!

Trixie narrows her eyes at Rainbow Dash with a competitive look.

Trixie: A shred-off?

Rainbow Dash does the same thing.

Rainbow Dash: Shred ON!

As soon as Rainbow lifts one open hand overhead, Pinkie hangs down into view with a light gray and white guitar for her to grab by the neck. The sports nut lets go with a grinding riff, which Trixie counters with one of her own on a another guitar she has picked up in the meantime. They trade figures again as the screen splits diagonally for a moment to show both determined faces with Rainbow at top left, Trixie at bottom right and all twenty fingers race across the strings.

The duel continues, with the background behind each girl now a single solid color with blue being for Rainbow and purple for Trixie. Trixie's playing generates a sound wave that pushes Rainbow Dash back a few steps, but the wild-haired instrumentalist just grimaces and strikes a new series of chords that sets off quite a change.

Suddenly. . . yellow energy crackles all over both her body and the guitar, her eyes glowing pure white, and the pony ears she sported during the final showdown against Sunset Shimmer during the Fall Formal manifest themselves. In addition, the guitar body and head turn a vivid shade of blue, and the neck goes red with yellow lightning bolts between the frets.

Trixie's jaw drops at the sight, but Rainbow Dash floats higher and higher as her hair elongates into a tail and wings sprout from her back to complete the transformation. She plunges downward while playing a final high-speed riff, one leg extended for a stomp, and hits the floor in a kneeling position. Out comes a rainbow-hued shock wave that was similar to a Sonic Rainboom and it pushes Trixie back and throws up a dense cloud of dust.

As the dust clears, the figures of the six friends gradually appear and the energy that surrounded Rainbow Dash has dissipated. She grins up at their dumbstruck expressions and drinks in the round of cheers and applause that they send her way. Across the showroom, Trixie has lost her guitar and fetched up among the tumbled components of a drum kit and it takes her a second to recover her senses after pushing a loose snare away from her face before (Y/N) kneels down to her and extends a hand out to her.

(Y/N): Need a hand there, Trix?

Trixie looks at (Y/N) hand and blushes before she bashfully accepts it while standing back up.

Trixie: Th-Thank you, (Y/-

She then realizes what (Y/N) just called her as she frowns and pokes (Y/N) a couple of times on the forehead with a finger.

Trixie: Hey! What has Trixie told you about calling her that, mister?

(Y/N): *chuckles* You're welcome.

Trixie puffs her cheeks out with a blush before letting go of (Y/N)'s hand as all (Y/N) could do was smirk at Trixie's reaction. She then points ahead of (Y/N) who looks behind himself.

Trixie: By the way, what was all of that?

She was referring to the fact that Rainbow Dash all of a sudden transformed again similar to the Fall Formal a couple of months ago and this surprised even (Y/N) as this was hard for him to take in as well.

(Y/N): Honestly, I'm not sure. . . but this seems like something that I should look into.

(Y/N) says this as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone before taking a picture of Rainbow Dash with her wings and pony tail. Rainbow Dash then stands up with the guitar as Vinyl Scratch walks over, carrying the double-neck.

Rainbow Dash: Check me out!

Vinyl Scratch: I have no idea what just happened at all, but I think that we can all agree that Rainbow Dash is the victor and deserves this sick, new guitar!

Rainbow Dash reaches to claim her prize, but pulls her hand back in hesitation and looks down at the one she has just played so well. She tilts it to catch her reflection in the lustrous surface before she smiles and hugs the guitar.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, she can have it. Turns out this is the one that really speaks to me.

Trixie stares across at her, jaw hanging slack, but returns to full ham mode as Vinyl Scratch crosses her with the double-neck before Trixie takes it.

Trixie: The Great and Powerful Trixie always wins in the end!

Rainbow Dash just walks past her with a smug look on her face.

Rainbow Dash: I'd doubt it.

Trixie's eyes pop wide open at this crack and up at the counter, Vinyl is back behind the register. Rainbow Dash walks up and hands over some cash, and the group except for (Y/N) is soon on the way out the door. Trixie glances down at the instrument she now holds as the price tag reads a rather expensive price. . .

Trixie: Twelve-thousand dollars?!

She grimaces before pointing indignantly out the door.

Trixie: You'll pay for this, Rainbow Dash!

Pinkie pokes her head back into the store.

Pinkie Pie: No, silly! If you want it, you have to pay for it.

She winks before disappearing out of view and (Y/N) just walks up and smirks from Pinkie Pie being so random. He then looks at Trixie who fumes a little before she suddenly gets a dejected expression that she can't even afford to buy such an expensive guitar that she wants.

Trixie: I guess the Great and Powerful Trixie shall be guitarless at the musical showcase.

(Y/N) couldn't help, but feel bad for Trixie as he really wanted to help her out. He takes a look at his phone in order to check his savings and he puts a finger on his chin before nodding and he puts his phone away before looking back at Trixie with a smile. He then takes the guitar out of Trixie's hands which confused her before he goes up to the counter where Vinyl smiles at him.

(Y/N): I'd like to pay for this guitar for a friend who believe it or not. . . kind of deserves it.

Trixie was shocked to hear (Y/N) say that as she runs up right beside him.

Trixie: But (Y/N), there is no possible way that you can pay for something that is twelve-thousand dollars!

(Y/N): Watch and learn, Trix!

(Y/N) pulls out his wallet from his pocket and inspects it before bringing out twelve, thousand dollar bills and lays them down on the counter. Vinyl looks down at this surprised before she looks back up at (Y/N) who crosses his arms and smirks before nodding. Vinyl regains her composure as she takes the money and gave you the guitar along with the case. (Y/N) then turns back to Trixie and presented her with both of the products.

(Y/N): See? And better yet, it's all yours.

Trixie stared at the guitar with astonishment as she can't believe that (Y/N) literally payed for something that is so expensive just for her. Nevertheless, she slowly takes the guitar from his hands.

Trixie: H-How were you. . . How could you even afford that?!

All (Y/N) does is wink at Trixie with a playful smile.

(Y/N): Some secrets are just meant to be kept, but don't worry I did get my money through a source that only I'm familiar with.

Trixie: Trixie. . . doesn't know what to say. . . This is so generous of you.

(Y/N): Eh, I guess I learned a thing or two from Rarity.

He shrugs before he places a hand on Trixie's shoulder and smiles at her.

(Y/N): But even so, I'd rather see you happy than be disappointed about just about anything including what just happened with your shred off with Rainbow Dash.

Trixie: You really didn't need to do this for Trixie, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I didn't. . . but I did.

(Y/N) smiles as he gets ready to walk out of the store and Trixie looks at him for a second before back at the guitar before getting second thoughts about her decision. She runs up to (Y/N) and grabs him by the arm.

Trixie: Wait!

(Y/N) looks back at Trixie who looks down at the guitar before she holds it up to him.

Trixie: Maybe you should have it instead.

(Y/N)'s eyes popped open from this as Trixie is literally saying that she changed her mind about the guitar and would rather have him take it even after he just bought it for you.

(Y/N): T-Trixie, you don't have to do that. Besides, I already have a guitar so it's no big deal at all.

Trixie: Trixie knows. But the Great and Generous Trixie demands that (Y/N) (L/N) should take this guitar that he just so generously himself bought for Trixie. In fact, you already do so much for the others including Trixie at CHS that Trixie won't take no for an answer. So please, accept this.

(Y/N) looks at Trixie before back down at the guitar before he smiles and just takes it.

(Y/N): Are you sure you want to give this to me, Trixie?

Trixie: The Great and Powerful Trixie never goes back on her word. And with that being said, she shall find a guitar that will so desperately match her perfectly.

(Y/N) rolls his eyes from that with a smirk on his face.

(Y/N): I'll just take that as a yes. . .

Trixie smirks back at (Y/N) as she points a finger at him looking serious.

Trixie: Trixie expects you to play that guitar that she just gave you for the musical showcase. If she doesn't then she won't forgive you for not displaying her indulgence to the school.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Duly noted.

Trixie was getting ready to browse more some guitars before she turns back to (Y/N) and walks back towards him to peck him on the cheek which surprised (Y/N) as his cheeks turned pink. Trixie went back to look at some more guitars that might suit her tastes while (Y/N) just looks at her for a moment thinking about that kiss that she just gave him before he smiles and walks out of the store before looking down at his brand new guitar.

(Y/N): (You know what, this guitar suits me. I think that I'll use it. . . with a few modifications that is. . .)

The very next day, Fluttershy asked for some assistance from the others at the animal shelter and almost everyday had their day booked, expect for Rarity and (Y/N) who told Fluttershy that they would be glad to help her out there. We see the three of them walk inside now as they all place their backpacks on the counter.

Fluttershy: Thanks for coming you guys. The rescue center needs all the help it can get.

(Y/N): *chuckles* If it means to not only see, but also take care of these cute little animals then I'm more than happy to help out, Fluttershy.

Rarity: Helping cute little puppies and kitties will never go out of style.

She says this as she lifts up a kitten and nuzzles its cheek while (Y/N) was patting a puppy before he turns to Fluttershy.

(Y/N): So what's on the agenda for us, Flutters?

Fluttershy: Once a year, a lucky volunteer gets to clean the hamster habitat. I signed up for it months ago to be sure I'd get it.

Across the way, Fluttershy has come to a large, glass-walled enclosure in one corner. A door leads into a maze of translucent, multicolored tubing pieces and a cage equipped with a hamster wheel. Even from this distance, plenty of stains and splotches can be seen within the brightly hued plastic. Fluttershy steps to a hatch and opens it as (Y/N) and a noticeably unsettled Rarity reluctantly moves closer, having put down the kitten.

Fluttershy: Housecleaning~!

Rarity: Ooh. Uh, Fluttershy, darling, aren't hamsters, uh, rodents?

Fluttershy kneels and opens a hatch at floor level.

Fluttershy: They sure are. But they're cute and cuddly like bunnies.

(Y/N): And I know one particularly cute and cuddly girl who can make anything sound adorable.

(Y/N) says this as he pats Fluttershy's head and she giggles from that before pecking (Y/N) on the cheek.

(Y/N): Anyways, who's doing what Flutters?

Fluttershy: (Y/N), I was hoping you could help me with cleaning the habitat and Rarity, I would like for you to watch over the hamsters while we're cleaning.

This gives Rarity an uneasy look as she looks down at the hamsters coming out of their tubes.

Rarity: I. . . suppose that won't be a problem.

Fluttershy: Okay, everyhamster, follow Rarity into the next room. She'll take good care of you while (Y/N) and I give your home a nice scrub.

Rarity leads them out of the cage and just cringes at each of them before she forces herself to give a small smile.

About thirty minutes later, Fluttershy is seen plying a cloth on part of the habitat and (Y/N) was using a sponge before he dries it off with a cloth as well. As soon as they put their finishing touches, the whole rig is now squeaky clean.

(Y/N): Shiny and spotless. Exactly how it needs to be for an animal's health.

Fluttershy: Thank you so much for your help, (Y/N).

(Y/N): No problem, Fluttershy. Anyway, we haven't heard anything from Rarity in awhile, so I'm sure that she must be doing good with the hamsters while we were taking care of the habitat. Let's go let her know that the hamsters are free to go back into their home.

Suddenly, a loud pounding from behind the two shakes them out of their self-satisfaction. Rarity, seen from inside was the one banging on the glass in a panic. She backs cautiously away before a salvo of very tiny articles of clothing that are flung up from below. Fluttershy and (Y/N) step out of the cage before their eyes are met with shock.

Hamsters are all over the floor, most of them wearing at least one item and arguing at the top of their squeaky little voices. One is even riding the kitten and twirling a lasso like a cowboy. Rarity is too scared to move amid the tumult or the scatter of other items that litter the floor.

(Y/N): I stand corrected. . .

Fluttershy: Rarity, what happened?!

Rarity: Oh! Aah! Well, uh, Carl Pettington's coat just begged to be accessorized, but Emilia Furhart refused to be left out and got Curtis Pawpower to chew right through Carl's little scarf, and before I knew it, I had a habitat-wide feud on my hands! Also, I named them.

(Y/N): Of course you did. . . And how did you make clothes for like twenty hamsters in such a short amount of time?!

Rarity: Well, darling, you would be surprised on just how fast a fashionista like myself can come up with such ideas quickly when she is bored.

(Y/N) sighs from that before he facepalms.

(Y/N): *sighs* Let's focus less on your skills and more on the fact that all of these hamsters are acting like a bunch of animals.

Fluttershy looks at (Y/N) confused.

Fluttershy: They are animals, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I was being facetious. . . Ugh! Never mind. Fluttershy, you think you can calm them down, please?

(Y/N) says this as he ducks from a small ball of yarn that almost hit him in the head and Fluttershy decided to speak up.

Fluttershy: Ladies and gentlehamsters, please!

One group of the hamsters calm down, and the rest of the crowd slowly falls silent.

Fluttershy: Now, I know you're all upset, but why don't we head back into the habitat and talk it over?

Rarity crosses to her holding the first two Carl and Amelia. Carl puckers up as if to kiss Amelia, only to get his tie ripped off instead. The drama starts all over again, prompting a gasp from all three teenagers, and Rarity dashes across to empty her backpack onto the counter. The menacing Curtis and a couple of his would-be victims squeal and clear out ahead of her advancing shadow and here she comes, swinging the open bag low to scoop him up into it.

(Y/N) grabs his backpack and empties it as well before cornering a couple more hamsters on his end and just when he was about to catch them, they run under his wide open legs which surprised him as that made him hit his head onto a wall. He holds it in slight pain as Fluttershy dumps out her own pack, but as soon as a tambourine falls free, rolling across the countertop and falling to the floor, the sound of its agitated jingles instantly pacifies and hypnotizes the little guys. (Y/N) sees this as he picks up the tambourine and shakes it to test something and some of the hamsters flinched from the sound that the tambourine made which made (Y/N) smile.

(Y/N): Fluttershy, play your tambourine rhythmically. I don't know how, but I think that'll be our key to cleaning up this mess that's outside of the cage.

Fluttershy smiles and nods from this as (Y/N) hands it to her and she begins to play, shaking and striking it against hand and hip. The mesmerized spiral in the hamsters' eyes plays briefly across the whole screen as they begin to move toward her, totally stupefied. One deft toss carries the tambourine almost to the ceiling and when the animal lover leaps to catch it in an upraised hand, her pony ears, wings, and tail come into being as a sparkly glow outlines her physique. (Y/N) watches this with astonishment in her eyes.

(Y/N): (Again?! Just what is going on?!)

(Y/N) quickly pulls out his phone and takes a picture of the transformed Fluttershy as she floats gently back down to ground level, shaking out a quiet rhythm as the aura dissipates and Rarity crosses to her with backpack still in hand. The hamsters move single file to re-enter the habitat's floor hatch and once they are all in, she closes the door.

Rarity: Huh! I never would have guessed hamsters could be so touchy about fashion!

Curtis Pawpower then smugly pokes his head out of Rarity's backpack to snap his fingers three times. (Y/N) deadpans from this as he takes him out of Rarity's backpack and opens the cage to place him down in there before quickly closing it back. After that, (Y/N) looks at his phone and sees Fluttershy's new form before he swipes his finger to the right to show Rainbow Dash too with all of the new pony features as well as this intrigues him.

The next day at CHS was just another casual day as Pinkie Pie was in a little cooking club with Granny Smith teaching her how to make some really good cookies. The lunch lady holds a bowl of batter in one arm and lifts a wooden spoon to it.

Granny Smith: Just remember, the most important thing about sugar butter cocoa cookies is to fold your batter.

She passes the bowl to Pinkie.

Granny Smith: Too much arm turnin'll make your cookies tougher than a lump of coal.

She winks on the end of this, then walks away as Pinkie Pie drops the bowl onto the table in front of her. A quick one-handed twirl of the spoon, and she is ready to start working the batter. As soon as she starts though, Rainbow Dash and (Y/N) enter the room as they looked like they've been searching for Pinkie.

(Y/N): Found her.

Rainbow Dash: Come on, Pinkie. You're s'posed to help me find a drummer for my band.

Pinkie Pie: I guess I could fold a little faster.

A careless flick of the spoon sends a glob in Rainbow's direction, after which Pinkie thinks for a second and then grins as a brainstorm hits. She quickly ducks down and starts rooting through the cabinets underneath the countertop, sending kitchen implements flying past Rainbow Dash and (Y/N).

Rainbow Dash: Most people don't know how hard it is to find someone who could use both hands the way a drummer does.

As Rainbow says this, Pinkie has procured a second full bowl and spoon and starts mixing both at once. (Y/N) sees Pinkie do this and puts a finger on his chin before trying to get Rainbow's attention.

(Y/N): Uh, Rainbow? You might wanna-

Rainbow Dash: Not right now, babe. You'll make me lose my focus.

(Y/N): Uh, but. . .

Pinkie suddenly lifts both bowls off of the table and stirs as her spoons fly even faster, and the bowls sail up and over her head to barely miss one another. They fall and a loud crash and splat marks their touchdown. Granny Smith, who glances back from a cabinet of supplies, eyes pop open in surprise, and she manages a strangled cry of shock.

Across the room, one bowl lies on the table, the other upside down on Rainbow's head. Both she, (Y/N), and Pinkie are thoroughly splattered with the sweet stuff. Pinkie gives a big, squeaky, sheepish grin as Rainbow glares and growls at her. (Y/N) tries to hold back some laughter which Rainbow noticed as grabs a handful of the batter and splats it straight into (Y/N)'s face who gets a look saying that he kind of deserved that.

Later out on the soccer field, the three of them had cleaned themselves up as they were now on the soccer field with a banner spread out on the grass. The cloth is blank and white, weighted down with rocks at the corners, and a couple of small cans of paint are on hand, with Rainbow Dash holding a brush. (Y/N) arrives holding two more cans of paint in both hands before he kneels and sets them down which made Rainbow smile before she looks over to Pinkie.

Rainbow Dash: Now, it's important that our banner look awesome! So feel free to use as much glitter as you want.

(Y/N): Just a reasonable amount though.

Pinkie looks off to one side, beams, and zips away. As Rainbow starts to paint, (Y/N) grabs a brush and does the same thing before Pinkie returns just as quickly with a large shaker can.

Rainbow Dash: A drummer can't just be anybody.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, of course not.

She inverts the container and begins to tap on its closed end with a palm, dispensing puffs of purple glitter from the holes in the lid. A couple of individual taps quickly transition into a rhythm of quick strokes, the can gripped under one arm as if it were a hand drum. Rainbow pays no mind while (Y/N) stops painting and notices Pinkie with a raised eyebrow.

(Y/N): Rainbow, you might wanna take a look at-

Rainbow Dash: After we're done with this, I'll see what you want to show me on your phone, (Y/N).

(Y/N): (You didn't even let me finish my sentence. . .)

(Y/N) says this as he deadpans at Rainbow Dash before looking at Pinkie continuing to tap the container rhythmically.

Rainbow Dash: They need to have the right instincts, you know?

Pinkie Pie: Totally!

(Y/N) just extends his hand out towards Pinkie as the answer is literally right in front of them, but as he does, Pinkie faces away from them and aims the lid toward her, gripping the can between her knees. Only now does Rainbow glance up to take in the spectacle of Pinkie dispensing both flurries of beats and clouds of glitter.

One last thump produces enough of the sparkly particles to completely create a smoke of glitter and when it clears, Rainbow was irate and (Y/N) was dumbfounded as they were both tinted purple from top to toe. Rainbow coughs up a little bit and glares daggers at an innocently smiling Pinkie Pie, who has set the can on the banner upside down and knelt behind it with her elbows on the bottom and her head resting on her palms.

During lunch time at the cafeteria, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and (Y/N) were eating lunch together at a table as Rainbow was still discussing on who the perfect drummer for the band should be.

Rainbow Dash: It's gotta be someone with a lot of. . .

Pinkie squirts strawberry syrup from a bottle into her glass of milk.

Rainbow Dash: . . .energy.

Pinkie Pie: Absolutely!

Once she has the syrup mixed in, she regards her spoon with a big smile and begins tapping out a fast rhythm against the rim of the glass. The fork is soon brought into play, but as before, Rainbow is oblivious while (Y/N) notices as he facepalms.

(Y/N): Rainbow Dash, can't you clearly-

Rainbow Dash: (Y/N), I get that you really need to tell me something, but I can't think with you constantly interrupting me all day.

Smoke comes out of (Y/N)'s head and his face turns slightly red as he was just about to blow a gasket from how oblivious Rainbow Dash is to this entire thing. He then decides to be straightforward as he grabs Rainbow's head.

(Y/N): Oh, for the love of- Look straight ahead of you, why don't you?!?

(Y/N) turns Rainbow Dash's head towards Pinkie Pie who is on her feet and really getting into the impromptu percussion performance.

Rainbow Dash: What? I don't get it.

The pink-haired goofball shows off by banging the table hard enough to shake all five trays out of place. Applejack makes a snatch to save her sandwich and milk, then kneels on the table to grab the ends of Pinkie's utensils.

Applejack: Pinkie!

Pinkie Pie: Whaaaaaaat?!

She goes right back to it as soon as Applejack lets go, then zips away from her seat. Rainbow takes (Y/N)'s hands off of her head before turning towards him to cross her arms and glare at him.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, wise guy. If you're so desperate for attention, why don't you tell me who should be the drummer of the band?

(Y/N) just deadpans at her.

(Y/N): Look BEHIND you!

Now Pinkie taps her way along the table's edge, working her way up Rainbow's left side, across her head, and down the right without missing a beat. She does the exact same thing with (Y/N) who was suddenly a little bit worried on how hyperactive Pinkie was getting.

Rainbow Dash: Ugh! Pinkie!

On the other side of the table, Pinkie keeps going between Applejack and Rarity.

Rarity: We've got to find an outlet for all that energy!

(Y/N) smirks from that as he crosses his arms.

(Y/N): And I know just the thing. . .

A few minutes later inside of the music room, Pinkie is seated behind a drum kit and pounding away with gusto. The other four, now joined by Fluttershy, marvel at the speed with which her sticks range over the whole drum kit.

As she keeps cranking out faster and faster riffs, her entire body starts to sparkle and her pony ears emerge from underneath the mass of fluffy hair. The sparkle turns into a glow, and she rises partway off the stool as her hair extends into its long, tied-back tail to complete her half-pony transformation. The four girls let out exclaims of surprise while (Y/N) looked astonished that it's happening once again. He pulls out his phone and takes a picture of the transformed Pinkie Pie once more as this all is getting more interesting to (Y/N) by the minute.

One final twirl, one last turbocharged burst of strokes, and Pinkie lands back on the stool to hit both cymbals at once. The magic fades away, leaving her half-crazed, panting for breath, and with hair noticeably disheveled.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, so that's what you were trying to tell me all of this time.

Rarity: Whatever made you think of Pinkie for the drums?

(Y/N) just chuckles and smirks.

(Y/N): That's Pinkie folks!

Pinkie plays a sting and grins broadly.

The next day on the front lawn of Canterlot High, students were congregating at the front lawn statue and walking along the street. Rarity is then seen struggling mightily to push a grand piano along the walkway toward the school. Long scrapes on the concrete tell of her progress so far, which is painfully slow. Finally she stops to catch her breath, as she had badly disordered hair and sweat was running down her face.

Rarity: Come on, Rarity! You simply must get this piano to band practice!

Another couple of heaves and the piano wouldn't even budge.

Rarity: What kind of person doesn't put a piano on wheels?

On her next attempt, with her back against the instrument, she loses her grip and slides to the ground. She gets up with a piteous little whine.

Rarity: Just look at me. I'm a mess. What I need is a bit more muscle.

Rarity looks around before she notices a certain boyfriend of hers minding his own business with his hands in his pockets and his eyes closed. She gets a smirk on her face before calling out to him in a singsongy voice.

Rarity: Oh, (Y/N)~!

(Y/N) hears the sound of Rarity's voice as his eyes open and he turns around to see Rarity with the grand piano in her possession as he instantly makes his way over to her with a smile.

(Y/N): Hello, my beautiful little gemstone. What seems to be the matter?

Rarity: Hello, darling. As you can see, I planned on bringing this piano to band practice today with the others, but I appear to be having trouble doing so.

(Y/N) looks at the piano and then the scrapes on the concrete as that got him a little bit confused.

(Y/N): Just how long did it take you to bring this thing here on your own?

Rarity: What time is it?

(Y/N) checks his watch and inspects it before looking back at Rarity still in confusion.

(Y/N): It's nine-thirty.

Rarity's eyes widen from that before she gets a sheepish smile on her face.

Rarity: *nervous laugh* Then. . . two hours?

(Y/N) was shocked to hear this.

(Y/N): Why didn't you get any wheels?

Rarity looks away from (Y/N) as she puffs her cheeks out in annoyance.

Rarity: Tell that to the insignificant scoundrel who would design a piano in such a way.

(Y/N): Well, I have no idea how you're going to get that inside now. Our practice might be over by the time that you get it to the music room.

Rarity gives a slight smirk from that as she decides to be the drama queen that she is and pretend that she is in desperate need of help.

Rarity: If only there was someone strong, helpful, and handsome enough to push this for a lady like myself. . .

Rarity then looks at (Y/N) once more as he raises an eyebrow on why Rarity was acting like that before his eyes widen and he shakes his head getting the idea on what Rarity wants him to do.

(Y/N): No, no, no, no! Rarity, there is no way that I can push that thing inside all by myself! That's piano looks way too heavy!

Rarity was expecting that answer as she walks over and leans on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

Rarity: Oh, come now dear~ You wouldn't leave your "precious gemstone" to handle herself now would you~?

(Y/N): N-No, but even I know my own limits.

Rarity then gives (Y/N) a rather alluring smile and she flips her hair as she got even closer to him. She bats her eyelashes at (Y/N) and even rubs her finger across his chest which made (Y/N) blush up a storm as not even he can resist Rarity's charms no matter how much he wanted to.

(Y/N): O-Okay, okay! I-I'll do it!

Rarity giggles as she parts herself from (Y/N) and the man himself looked at the piano before looking towards the door and shrugs his shoulders with a nervous smile.

(Y/N): Eh, how bad can it be?

(Y/N) apparently ate his own words as while it didn't take as much time to get the piano into the school, (Y/N) was struggling a ton to push, carry, and even pull the piano across the halls. To makes things even worse for him, Rarity was sitting on top of the piano letting (Y/N) do all of the work as he looks up at her with sweat rolling down all over his face.

(Y/N): If you needed help. . . would you mind giving me a hand here as well?

Rarity: Oooh. Sorry, darling. I can't.

(Y/N): Why not?!

Rarity: Well, as a lady, I think that it is proper logic to not get her hands too dirty, would you say?

(Y/N) doesn't say anything to that and just glares up at Rarity not even amused in the slightest.

Rarity: Oh, come now dear. You don't need to give me your angry eyes. I know that you enjoy helping me out~

(Y/N) grumbles from that as Rarity comes up with some of the most ridiculous excuses in order for him to do some of the work for her. Students around the halls were watching as (Y/N) carries a section of the piano on his back before dragging it across with all of the strength that he can muster. Teens go flying every which way as discordant random notes sound off due to the contact of bodies against piano keys.

Rarity: Excuse me! Pardon me! Excuse me! Thank you!

Inside of the band room, the rest of the gang were seen waiting impatiently for the others as Rainbow Dash stares at a wall clock for a few seconds with her guitar slung up before she turns away from it with an irritated groan.

Rainbow Dash: Ugh! Where is Rarity?! And where is (Y/N)?! I figured at least he would be here on time!

Applejack: That gal probably just wants to make some sort of grand entrance. And I'm willing to bet that she somehow conned (Y/N) into her mess.

The doors burst open which was from (Y/N) as he pulls the piano in one last time with a huge grunt before planting himself face first onto the floor.

Rarity: Tada~!

Applejack walks over to help the exhausted (Y/N) up off of the ground before turning to the rest of the girls not really surprised at all.

Applejack: Told ya.

Rainbow Dash: Rarity, couldn't you have chosen a more portable instrument?

Rarity: Heavens, no! The grand piano is the most refined and elegant of instruments. With it, I will be able to express my full musicality.

Before she can get her fingers onto the keys to make her point, the ringing of a kitchen timer cuts her off which was from Pinkie's hand. The drummer is now standing by a shelf, and Rainbow Dash has returned her instrument to its case and is holding it.

Rainbow Dash: Well, our time's up. I guess we'll have to move our practice to the gym.

Applejack: Guess you're gonna express your "full musicality" clear across campus.

Applejack says this with a smug grin while Rarity pouts.

Rarity: Huh? Awww. . .

Pinkie then quickly jumps up to sit on the piano before she pulls out a keytar.

Pinkie Pie: Or you could play this! It's part guitar, part keyboard! It's a guitarkey!

(Y/N): Pinkie. . . It's called a keytar. . .

Pinkie Pie: Po-tay-to, to-mah-to, sweetie.

(Y/N) facepalms from that before shaking his head.

(Y/N): Those aren't even the same. . . Never mind.

He takes the keytar and inspects it with a smile before looking over to Rarity.

(Y/N): Anyways, the keytar is a great alternative to a piano, Rarity. It make look smaller, but it's just as efficient. Give it a try.

Rarity: I suppose it is worth a try.

Rarity takes hold of the instrument and begins to play a funky line.

Rarity: Ooh! Oooh! Oh, my!

The other girls gather around, she adds a lower harmony and twirls in place, her fingers now flying over the keys. A drum part comes in at this point. Shafts of golden light radiate out from under her touch, and a sparkly glow envelops her form to lift her clear of the ground. Her pony ears manifest themselves, then her tail, and now she is all the way into the groove. The others watch from the floor, having put their instruments aside and (Y/N) was surprised once more from this as he takes a picture of this new form of Rarity as well like the other three that he noticed before.

(Y/N): (Are my eyes going crazy or has this just happened four times in a row now?!)

Rarity lands on the piano and slides across its lid on her knees to finish the solo. The rest of the girls cheered for her little performance as they can clearly tell that she's got some potential.

Applejack: Well, then, how about ya take that keytar and move your tail to our next rehearsal space?

Rarity: Fine, fine.

Rarity then looks at (Y/N) with a charming look on her face.

Rarity: (Y/N), I don't suppose. . .

His eyes widen from this before he quickly shakes his head.

(Y/N): Rarity, you are not going to torture me all day for-

Before (Y/N) could even finish that sentence, Rarity steps down and immediately walks up to (Y/N) to give him a kiss on the lips which (Y/N) quickly melts into. It was rather quick before Rarity lets go and (Y/N) rolls his eyes with a small smile.

(Y/N): Okay. . . but only because I love you very much.

Rarity: *giggles* And you know that I love you too, darling.

(Y/N) takes a deep breath as Rarity hops back on the piano with her keytar and (Y/N) musters all of the strength that he can to push the grand piano out of the music room so that they can make their way towards the gym. Rarity whips off one last run of notes as they exit the music room.

Things went well during the practice besides (Y/N) being exhausted from pushing Rarity's piano around. However, the very next day at Applejack's home at Sweet Apple Acres, a yard was in progress as a couple of teens were looking over the wares, but the (Hu) Mane 6 were gathered around Granny Smith at the central as she apparently had accidentally sold someone her bass guitar which was needed if they want to continue their band.

Applejack: Okay, Granny, one more time. When ya accidentally sold my bass at the garage sale, who did ya sell it to?

Granny Smith stammered her words a bit before answering.

Granny Smith: I sold it to the owners of that new pawn shop. Uh, Flibbity Flabbity, somethin' like that.

(Y/N) thinks for a second before trying to find the actual words that Granny Smith was looking for.

(Y/N): Wait, do you mean Flim and Flam?

Granny Smith: Oh, right, yeah. Those are the ones that have the bass there, sonny.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened from this before he facepalms.

(Y/N): Oh, no. . .

Applejack: What's the matter, sugarcube? Who's Flim and Flam?

(Y/N): Two twin brothers who are notorious for scamming just about anybody who crosses their way. They'll use catchy songs, charming gestures, or even exaggerate their description of a product itself just to get what they really want the most. . . money or something that costs a lot of money. I saw them once try to sell someone a TV, but it turns out that "TV" was actually some glass over a large piece of cardboard. In other words AJ, we're going up against con artists. . .

Applejack: So they might just try and swindle me for something in order to get mah bass back?

(Y/N): Most likely. . . ah, who am I kidding? They may as well take just about anything valuable!

Applejack: How are we going to play this then?

(Y/N) puts a finger on his chin before getting an idea as he gives Applejack a small smile before taking her hand.

(Y/N): If anything does indeed happen, just let your boyfriend take care of things, alright?

Applejack blushes from that with a nervous smile while rubbing the back of her head feeling a little embarrassed.

When everything was settled, the gang made their way into the city of Canterlot to find the exact pawn shop that Granny Smith described and once they did, they went inside. They all looked around for a minute before spotting two men right in front of them wearing matching outfits of blue and white collared shirts with black bow ties. They were both twins as they both had pale, light grayish olive skin, moderate red hair with white stripes, and moderate pistachio eyes. One had a mustache while the other didn't. One had a pin of a left facing apple slice while the other had a pin that had an apple with a slice missing on it. These were the clever scamming twins, Flim and Flam.

Flim: Welcome to the grand opening of the Flim Flam Brothers' Everything Under the Sun Emporium!

Flam: If you want it. . .

Flim jumps into his arms.

Flim & Flam: . . .we've got it!

They then zip away to show off the items that they have for display.

Flim: Need a pogo stick?

Flam: A bowling ball?

Flim: A stuffed clown?

Flam: Whatever this is!

The this was a metal helmet studded with lights and wired to a control unit.

Applejack: I'd like that bass.

Flim quickly grabs it up as Flam tosses the helmet aside.

Flim: I can give you this bass for a non-negotiable price of one thousand dollars.

This surprised everybody, but (Y/N) as he turns to the girls.

(Y/N): See what I mean. . .?

Rarity: Why, you only paid Granny Smith two dollars for it!

Flim: Yes, well, we have to cover our overhead and transportation costs.

Applejack: Listen, Granny never should've sold my bass. I'll give ya the two dollars back and we'll call it even.

Applejack holds up the money as the others voice agreement.

Flim & Flam: Likely story!

Applejack: It is. That's my bass.

Flim: And can you prove that this is, in fact, your bass?

Rarity: Her initials are monogrammed right on the strap.

Flam bends down for a closer look, and sure enough, a gold "AJ" is stamped onto the leather.

Flam: That could mean anything. It could stand for. . .

Flim: "Aardvark Junior". . .

Flam: "Anvil Jokers". . .

Flim: Or "Animal Jane".

(Y/N): You two just pulled those names out of your butts.

Flim: Maybe so, but I'll bet she doesn't even play the bass, Applejack -- if that is her real name. Like you said, that name could've just been the very first thing that came to your mind.

He says this as he gets into Applejack's face. She backs off just in time for Rainbow Dash to take her place and back the mustachioed man down.

Rainbow Dash: Of course that's her real name!

Pinkie Pie: And she does play the bass!

(Y/N): Heh, cowards. If you're so sure that Applejack can't play that bass, then why not just let her test it out.

Flim: Why it's because that there may be a chance that we gave this to you, you could just run out of the store and steal it.

Flam: As we would fall for such a simple trick.

(Y/N) smirks from that as he decides to taunt them some more.

(Y/N): *sniffs* Hmmm. What's that I smell? It smells two familiar con artists who are too afraid to man up and face the truth. . .

Flim and Flam's jaw dropped from that while the rest of the girls were giggling from that.

(Y/N): Eh, figures. . . They're not men, they're chickens.

(Y/N) then started making chicken noises to taunt Flim and Flam and at this point they both had just enough of the humiliation as they get into (Y/N)'s face to stop while he kept his smirk on them.

Flam: Okay, mister! If you want to turn this into a gamble, we'll give this base to your friend if she can indeed play it herself!

(Y/N): She can play an entire solo of it. Show them, AJ!

The farm girl takes advantage of the momentary distraction to get it out of Flim's grip and sling it up. Right fingers dance across the strings while the left ones race up and down the neck, cranking out a solo that would make any veteran bassist sit up and take notice and throwing out faint sound waves. Beaming smiles take hold on the faces of Fluttershy and Rainbow as she works her way up to a higher register.

On the other hand, Flim and Flam look as if someone has just hit them upside the head with a two-by-four. One last attack on the strings turns the whole background red, leaving her visible only as a silhouette on which her pony ears and long tail-like braid appear. In addition, new white-glowing features appear on the body and neck of her bass and pulses of blue energy radiate in all directions. Flim and Flam nearly had  their faces and hair peeled off by the sonic blast.

Once everything was back to normal, the other four girls stare incredulously for a moment before breaking into wild cheers. (Y/N) sees Applejack's new form with astonishment before he smiles as he takes out his phone and takes a picture of her and now all five girls have been seen transformed.

(Y/N): (Looks like I'm the only one who's left. Just how is all of this coming back to us and why is happening too?)

Flim: Perhaps this is her bass.

And its owner smugly proffers the two dollars once again, but Flim just shakes his hair back into place and some sense back into himself, resuming in his usual fast-talking manner. As he speaks, Flam sorts out his own coiffure and straightens his mustache.

Flim: But there are still the transportation costs and overhead.

Flam: Don't forget the stocking fees.

Flim: Wouldn't dream of it, brother!

Applejack was crestfallen by this as she sighs and drops her head, but (Y/N) glares at the two while stepping up towards them while tapping a couple of things on his phone before looking up at the two twin brothers with a serious look.

(Y/N): My name is (Y/N) (L/N). And I'm sure that my last name may ring a couple of bells to the both of you.

Flim and Flam raise an eyebrow from that as they look at each other confused.

Flim: Who?

(Y/N): Don't know, huh? Well, maybe this here will click something in those rotten brains of yours.

(Y/N) shoves his phone up in their faces and Flim and Flam see something on there that wasn't shown to the others. Once they do, they gasp in fear which brought a smirk to (Y/N).

(Y/N): Now do you get it? You know far well that who you were just looking at is a close relative of mine and if I were to let them know just what you two were up to, there is no doubt they'll believe me as chances of finding evidence is almost a hundred percent.

Flam slowly brings up a finger to point at (Y/N).

Flam: Y-You're. . .

Flim: The son of (M/N) (L/N)?!

(Y/N): If you want proof. . .

(Y/N) pulls out his ID and shoves it into Flim and Flam's faces as well with a devilish smile.

(Y/N): This is my real ID. That should be proof enough. Now if you don't mind, I would suggest that you two accept the two dollars that my girlfriend here gave you or. . . lets just say that there will be consequences.

Flim and Flam look at each other sweating a little as they really don't want to take their chances with someone who (Y/N) just described as even Applejack walks up to him and holds her money to them with a smirk. All the twins can do is smile nervously as they casually accept the money without anymore problems.

Flim: H-Have a great rest of your day.

(Y/N) nods from that as the (Hu) Mane 6 all head out of the pawn shop feeling victorious on getting Applejack's bass back for her.

Applejack: Nice tactic on usin' yer ma to fool them tricksters, hun.

(Y/N): Thanks, AJ. Glad that they didn't find out what "actually" happened to her as then we would in a lot of trouble.

(Y/N) says this with a slight dejected look which Applejack sees as she gives him a sympathetic smile and she puts a hand on his shoulder.

Applejack: Oh, don't worry about it, (Y/N). Ya helped get mah bass back and I'm really grateful for it.

Applejack then pecks (Y/N) on the cheek which makes him feel better as he smiles back at Applejack before them along with the rest of the gang begin to head home.

During the evening, (Y/N) has already arrived home as he tosses his backpack near the couch and walks over to sit on it as he inspects his phone with curiosity. He's been trying to find some key on why the girls have all of a sudden been transforming on several occasions as he scrolls through each of them with interest.

(Y/N): This is all so strange. The last time that I remember all of us turning into those part pony versions of ourselves was that night during the fall formal and Twilight was there as well. We saw her take the crowns that belonged in her world back to where they were originally from and we powered down too meaning that the magic should've completely disappeared. I'm the only one who hasn't transformed yet, so we can't entirely have answer yet, but it mostly involves our instruments.

(Y/N) then looks up as he thinks hard about something.

(Y/N): I need more answers to this, but who exactly would have knowledge on how all of this magic works and how we transform. Twilight is definitely a no go since she'll be gone for most likely a long time, but there has to be someone else who would know things about magic as well.

As he said that, an idea pops up into (Y/N)'s mind as he scrolls through his contacts and takes a look to see that the person that he was looking for may have the answers that he needs. That person was the former bully of CHS, Sunset Shimmer. (Y/N) looks at her number before he smiles as he never really got the chance to actually hang out with her in awhile. He taps his phone and puts it to his ear before calling his new friend so she could help him out.

The next day during the evening (Y/N) makes his way through the city of Canterlot until reaching Sunset's house which was a nice and small two floor building. She had agreed to meet with (Y/N) so that they can hang out with each other for the day. Ever since the Fall Formal, (Y/N) would meet with Sunset every so often to check up on her and sometimes even spend some time with her as well because after all of those events, (Y/N)'s opinion of Sunset changed drastically. He rings on her doorbell and out comes the girl herself as she opens the door and smiles up at (Y/N).

Sunset Shimmer: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hi, Sunset. How have you been?

Sunset Shimmer: I've been managing. . . it's a little bit tiring day after day doing community work for school after. . . you know.

Sunset says this looking away guilty, but (Y/N) reassures her by putting a hand on her shoulder and smiling at her.

(Y/N): Don't worry, I plan on taking your mind off of that today as I just wanted the two of us to hang out together since we're friends now. Don't worry, I never forget to spend some quality time with my friends and that includes you too.

Sunset was surprised to hear this from (Y/N) as her smile returns and she nods.

(Y/N): So what exactly do you want to do?

Sunset Shimmer: I don't know. I didn't really plan on doing much today.

(Y/N): In that case, why don't we just walk across the city together and just get some fresh air.

Sunset nods and smiles from that.

Sunset Shimmer: I'd like that.

Sunset grabbed whatever she may needed while she was out of the house for the rest of her day before she locks her door and walks with (Y/N) towards the city of Canterlot.

When they arrived in the city, it didn't really look that busy today which was great for the two as they could walk around without a lot of problems blocking their way at all. Seeing that they didn't want to just have a quiet walk, Sunset decides to strike up a conversation.

Sunset Shimmer: So. . . how has it been with the girls in your harem?

(Y/N): *chuckles* It's been crazy just about all week. Did you know that we are actually planning on forming a band soon.

Sunset was surprised to hear this.

Sunset Shimmer: Really? You're in it. I thought that you would for sure be playing with Flash Sentry and his band.

(Y/N): I thought to myself on that and I kind of played with his band a lot already and a part of me wanted a little bit of change this time, so I told myself that I wouldn't mind playing with my girlfriends. I did let Flash know about this and he completely understood me. He did sound kind of jealous, but knowing him he's kindhearted as well.

Sunset Shimmer: Now that I think about it, it would make sense that you would participate in a band since the musical showcase is in just a few weeks from what I heard.

She then smirks as she notices something on (Y/N)'s back.

Sunset Shimmer: And of course what you decided to bring with you into the city as well.

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow from that before he realizes that Sunset was talking about his new guitar on his back which made him roll his eyes a bit.

(Y/N): Okay, yeah. . . it's pretty obvious. We've all been actually practicing and modifying our instruments all week as Rainbow Dash and Trixie had a shred off for this guitar that I currently have, but even though Rainbow won, Trixie decided to give it to me after I bought it for her.

Sunset Shimmer: Aw, that's so thoughtful of you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): She was in despair and I can't really help myself. If you think that's crazy though, Fluttershy, Rarity, and I were helping to clean the hamsters cage in the animal shelter. It. . . got a little bit rough, but Fluttershy used her tambourine to actually lead the hamsters back into their cage. In kind of a sense of hypnosis.

This confused Sunset a little.

Sunset Shimmer: Hypnosis?

(Y/N): You had to be there to understand what I'm talking about. . . You and I both know that Pinkie is always Pinkie, but one day Pinkie was a little EXTRA hyperactive one day and the only way that we could get her to let out all of that energy was for her to play the drums.

Sunset Shimmer: *giggles* That sounds like Pinkie Pie alright.

(Y/N): The funny part about it was that Rainbow was oblivious to the entire thing. You know what I say. . .

(Y/N) & Sunset Shimmer: That's Pinkie folks!

They both let out a couple of laughs from that before (Y/N) continues to tell Sunset the more interesting things that happened to him this week.

(Y/N): Trust me when I say that two days ago. . . left me really sore. Rarity brought a grand piano to school and forced me to take it to the music room. I think I felt a couple of bones crack from when that happened.

Sunset cringes from that as she feels like that its probably better that she wasn't there to see that.

(Y/N): Finally, we nearly got scammed because Applejack's bass guitar was accidentally sold to the Flim Flam brothers if who you don't know owns an emporium right across the street.

Sunset Shimmer: Oh, that's right. I think I remember you mentioning something about them one time before.

(Y/N): But yeah. Things have been pretty much great for me as all six of us are really getting pumped for the musical showcase playing in a new band.

Sunset smiles from that before she slowly looks away and frowns getting a solemn look on her face.

Sunset Shimmer: Must be nice to actually have fun with people that are special to you. . .

(Y/N) notices the change in Sunset's tone and looked at her with concern as he can probably tell that she still feels kind of lonely despite the conversation that they had months ago at the Fall Formal. (Y/N) didn't want Sunset to be reminded of this as he takes her hand which surprised her before leading her somewhere that she didn't know.

Sunset Shimmer: (Y-Y/N), where are we going?

(Y/N): You'll see. I can definitely that it'll wipe that frown off of your face. You'll like it for sure.

Sunset had no idea what (Y/N) could possibly be talking about, but she takes his word for it and he leads her to the location that he had in mind.

It took them a couple of minutes, but (Y/N) eventually led Sunset to a hill that overlooks the city of Canterlot as it was basking in the rays of the sunset. Sunset couldn't help, but look at this view with astonishment in her eyes as (Y/N) brought her here at the perfect time to witness this huge scenery.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Sunset. . . meet sunset.

Sunset Shimmer: It's beautiful.

(Y/N): I know right. I usually come down here for some time by myself and look at this view after a stressful day. Which is really not that often, but I still like to come here just for the view of this whole background of Canterlot and the yellow-orange hue that the sunset gives it to make it all more beautiful.

(Y/N) sat down and patted the spot right next to him to allow Sunset to sit down right beside him which she did without hesitation. They watched this view for a few more minutes before Sunset caught a slight sad expression again which (Y/N) noticed.

(Y/N): Sunset, what's wrong?

Sunset Shimmer: It's nothing, really. It's just that. . . when you show me this sunset all across the city of Canterlot, it kind of reminds me of my days of being a filly back in Equestria. . . You remember my adoptive parents, right? Well, you're not the only who would come to a place like this just to vent their thoughts out. When they constantly were nagging me, I would cool off at a place like this. It was really the only place where you could that I felt like an. . . actual sunset.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened from this and he all of a sudden felt guilty again as as much as he wanted to cheer up Sunset and bring her out of the house, all that he's been doing so far is making her feel terrible which just makes him feel terrible as well.

(Y/N): Sorry about that, Sunset. I keep reminding you of your past when I'm just trying to help.

Sunset Shimmer: You don't need to apologize, (Y/N). I know that that's what you've been trying to do and even though it does come to mind. . . I appreciate you trying to help me.

(Y/N) looks at Sunset before back out at Canterlot again before he grabs his phone out of his pocket.

(Y/N): Well. . . I've got to say that cheering you up wasn't the only reason that I wanted to see you. . .

This made Sunset curious as (Y/N) begins to pull up the photos that he took of the girls all week into their half pony transformed states. He shows them to Sunset who takes his phone and takes a look at all of the photos surprised.

(Y/N): It happened to everybody. . . well, everybody except for me. I don't know how it happened, but every time they. . . play some music or whatever, it happens. I was wondering if you probably knew anything about why this is happening as well.

Sunset Shimmer: Hmm, it's definitely strange, but this is new to me as well.

(Y/N): Yeah, when Twilight took both of the crowns back, it severed the connection of all magic that we possessed. It is possible that her. . . Element of Magic and my pony self's Element of Heroism could've done something to us instead.

Sunset Shimmer: It's possible. I mean you remember that all that happened when I took it is that I turned into some of kind of out of control monster and you all transformed into your pony forms. You said that it happened when they were playing their instruments?

(Y/N): Right. I don't get it. What does music have to do with any of this? It's all confusing.

Sunset Shimmer: Unfortunately. . . I can't make out a solution to why that is happening either, (Y/N). *sighs* I'm sorry. I'm useless, aren't I?

(Y/N): No, Sunset. If you were useless, then I wouldn't even bother to bring you out here to help me find out about why that was happening. You were the very first person that I could turn to for something that involved magic from your home world.

Sunset looked at (Y/N) astonished that he actually relied on her for something and even though that she couldn't really help, he's still glad that she had some intel about it.

(Y/N): Speaking of which, why don't you tell me a little bit more about Equestria. . .

Sunset Shimmer: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm interested to know more. Twilight did tell about pony races, and how my other self is a pony prince who is able to fight various monsters with magic himself, but she never told me more about Equestria in detail. You wouldn't mind shedding some light on that would you?

Sunset shakes her head and smiles.

Sunset Shimmer: Not at all. It wouldn't hurt to talk about a little bit more of my world just to give you some knowledge, so I'll tell you.

Sunset then proceeds to give (Y/N) a little more information about Equestria that he didn't know such as other races like griffons, dragons, changelings, and even more. She also told (Y/N) that the pony versions of Celestia and Luna were a thousand years old and that they control both the sun and the moon as well. It was a lot to take in, but (Y/N) was listening to all of it.

(Y/N): Wow. . . that's not only a lot. . . but WAY more information than I originally thought of Equestria in the first place.

Sunset Shimmer: *chuckles* It is, isn't it? I had the exact reaction as well when I realized that magic doesn't really work here at all like Equestria does.

(Y/N): You know I just thought of something, if my other self exists in Equestria and you're originally from Equestria as well, then maybe it's possible that there is a human you in this world as well.

This surprised Sunset as she puts a finger to her chin while looking up.

Sunset Shimmer: Huh. I never thought about that. You may be right. There could be a Sunset Shimmer of this world as well.

(Y/N): If there is, I wonder how she is doing.

Sunset Shimmer: Who knows? We already know that she doesn't live here in Canterlot since I pretty much haven't seen her anywhere. She could live somewhere far. Hopefully she doesn't have any horrible adoptive like I did.

(Y/N): I hope so too. If there is, I'm sure it'll be hard to explain how there are different parallel dimensions of others and that you are one of them. We don't even know how she'll take in that information either.

Sunset Shimmer: I know. . . it'll be kind of a bad thing though for her to learn about my past though.

She said this solemnly which (Y/N) easily heard as he was instantly concerned for Sunset.

(Y/N): Sunset? Are you okay? I'm right if you need to talk to me. I'll listen to whatever you need to say.

Sunset Shimmer: *sighs* Well. . . you know how it's already been about two months since the Fall Formal? I've been working hard and trying to redeem myself in order to get others to like me, but. . . the process hasn't been going well for me lately. I know that you, the girls, and a probably a couple of close students that you know don't hate me, but. . . everyone else still does.

Sunset then all of a sudden breaks down into tears just like that one time where they met her in the crater during the Fall Formal. (Y/N) was shocked to see this happen so quickly as he scooted over beside Sunset to then hug her and she returns it as she cries over his shoulder.

Sunset Shimmer: *sobbing* (Y/N), I'm. . . I'm scared. What if those who still hate are right? What if I just suddenly go back to the way I originally was trying to push others around just to get my way? Honestly, I can't blame them. . . All I'm going to end up doing is hurting others more and more until it happens again. But I don't want it to happen! What am I going to do if I turn into that demon again?! That demon that so desperately wanted power!

(Y/N): Sunset. . .

(Y/N) parts from the hug and looks straight into Sunset's eyes with a serious look on his face.

(Y/N): You are NOT going to go back to the way you were. You wanna know why? It's because you finally have something that you were missing. A friend. A friend like me. Don't you remember what I told you during the night of the Fall Formal? No matter what happens, I'll going to help you and be there for you and I'm sure the others feel the same way as well. And if you do turn into that demon again, I'm just going to save you again. I finally see that the reason that all of that darkness and evil that was lurking inside of you existed because you never had the chance to experience real friendship. Guess what? You're experiencing it now! And whatever problem that you're facing, I'll help you take care of it! That's an absolute promise from me and it's one that I will not break!

Sunset's eyes were still watering up, but she suddenly grew a huge smile as she wrapped her arms around (Y/N) to hug him tight.

Sunset Shimmer: Thank you. . . so much, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Anytime, Sunset. I'll be here for you. Remember that.

They part from the hug and (Y/N) gets an idea as he pulls his guitar out.

(Y/N): Here, I have something that'll cheer you up even more. This is actually a song that I wrote myself, but I never got the chance to sing it to anybody. . . until now that is. Do you want to hear it?

Sunset was definitely intrigued by this as she wipes a tear from her eye and she nods. (Y/N) smiles from this as he began playing his new double-necked guitar that he bought from the music store.

(A/N): If there is a different song that you would like for the reader to sing then feel free, but it must match the exact scene and mood of the moment.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N) began playing a peaceful melody on his guitar before it comes onto a steady beat and he begins to sing as well.

(Y/N): ♪ Anytime I need to see your face ♪

♪ I just close my eyes and I am taken to a place ♪

♪ Where your crystal mind and magenta feelings take up shelter ♪

♪ In the base of my spine, sweet like a chica cherry cola ♪

♪ I don't need to try to explain ♪

♪ I just hold on tight and if it happens again ♪

I might move so slightly to the arms and the lips and the face ♪

♪ Of the human cannonball that I need to, I want to ♪

♪ Come stand a little bit closer ♪

♪ Breathe in and get a bit higher ♪

♪ You'll never know what hit you when I get to you ♪

♪ Ooh, I want you, I don't know if I need you ♪

♪ But ooh, I'd die to find out ♪

♪ Ooh, I want you, I don't know if I need you ♪

♪ But ooh, I'd die to find out ♪

Sunset was slowly bobbing her head up and down to the music with a smile as (Y/N) can clearly tell that she's enjoying this as he smirks and begins to play some more.

♪ I'm the kind of person who endorses a deep commitment ♪

♪ Getting comfy, getting perfect is what I live for ♪

♪ But a look and then a smell perfume, it's like I'm down on the floor ♪

♪ And I don't know what I'm in for ♪

♪ Conversation has a time and place ♪

♪ In the interaction of a lover and a mate ♪

♪ But the time of talking using symbols, using words ♪

♪ Can be likened to a deep sea diver who is swimming with a raincoat ♪

♪ Come stand a little bit closer ♪

♪ Breathe in and get a bit higher ♪

♪ You'll never know what hit you when I get to you ♪

♪ Ooh, I want you, I don't know if I need you ♪

♪ But ooh, I'd die to find out ♪

♪ Ooh, I want you, I don't know if I need you ♪

♪ But ooh, I'd die to find out ♪

♪ Ooh, ya-ee-yah ♪

♪ Ooh, ya-ee-yah ♪

♪ Anytime I need to see your face ♪

♪ I just close my eyes and I am taken to a place ♪

♪ Where your crystal mind and magenta feelings take up shelter

♪ In the base of my spine, sweet like a chica cherry cola ♪

♪ I don't need to try to explain ♪

♪ I just hold on tight and if it happens again ♪

♪ I might move so slightly to the arms and the lips and the face ♪

♪ Of the human cannonball that I need to, I want to ♪

♪ Ooh, I want you, I don't know if I need you ♪

♪ But ooh, I'd die to find out ♪

♪ Ooh, I want you, I don't know if I need you ♪

♪ But ooh, I'd die to find out ♪

♪ So can we find out? ♪

♪ Do it! ♪

(Y/N) stood up on both of his feet and he began playing his guitar a lot harder and something that's been happening all week as happened to him as well. A (F/C) aura grew around him as his hair started to grow in length, his ears transformed into some pony ears, and finally some wings grew on his back as well as he started to fly up in the air as well. Sunset watches this with shock as she steps back a little. She looks at the photos that (Y/N) has already taken on his phone and she decides to take one of (Y/N) as well. She has no idea if she should be excited or shocked, but right now she feels both.

♪ Ooh, I want you, I don't know if I need you ♪

♪ But ooh, I'd die to find out ♪

♪ Ooh, I want you, I don't know if I need you ♪

♪ But ooh, I'd die to find out ♪

♪ Ooh, I want you, I don't know if I need you ♪

♪ But ooh, I'd die to find out ♪

♪ I'd die to find out ♪

♪ Ooh, I want you, I don't know if I need you ♪

♪ So can we find out yeah? ♪

♪ But ooh, I'd die to find out ♪

As (Y/N) finishes singing, he slowly floats back down to the ground and Sunset walks up to him with a smile. (Y/N) notices his new transformation with an invigorating smile as he's kind of excited that this has happened to him as well. Even the guitar that he bought changed as the color was now (C/C) with (F/C) stars and hearts replacing the lightning bolts that were formerly on it. The transformation didn't last though as it suddenly disappears and (Y/N) reverts back to his usual self.

(Y/N): What do you say, Sunset? Shall I walk you home?

Sunset Shimmer: *giggles* You don't have to do that, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Maybe not, but I want to.

(Y/N) said this with a charming smirk that made Sunset blush a little as she makes it go away before the two of them walked down the hill together as nighttime was approaching.

After watching the sunset and listening to a peaceful song, (Y/N) and Sunset headed back to her house as Sunset stands at her front porch before turning back to (Y/N) with a smile.

Sunset Shimmer: Thanks for walking me back home, (Y/N).

(Y/N): You're welcome, Sunset. And remember, if you need to talk to anybody at all if you feel even the slightest bit lonely then you can talk to me or the others. Don't forget that, okay?

Sunset nodded from that and she walked up to give (Y/N) one last hug for the evening.

Sunset Shimmer: Actually, (Y/N). . . there's something that I want to give you to know just how thankful I was that you were here with me today.

(Y/N): What's that?

Sunset parts from that and she blushes before she steps and give (Y/N) a kiss on the cheek which surprised (Y/N) as it was his turn to blush now. He looks down at Sunset with shock as Sunset looks away in slight embarrassment.

Sunset Shimmer: That wasn't only thanks for today, but. . . also for when you helped me during the Fall Formal.

(Y/N): Um. . . well. . . Y-You're welcome. . . I'll see you later, okay?

Sunset Shimmer: *nods* I will. Good night, (Y/N). I'll see you at school.

Sunset walks into her door and she looks back at (Y/N) to give one final wave at him which he returns before she shuts the door closed. As soon as she does, (Y/N) walks away and as he does he can't stop thinking about that kiss that Sunset just gave him. During the time when she was the bully queen of CHS, he would often get disgusted by her affections. This time though. . . it's different, (Y/N) felt no ill intentions from when Sunset gave him that peck on the cheek. As a matter of fact, he thinks that he kind of likes her now as well.

As that thought crosses his mind, (Y/N) accidentally bumps into someone walking towards him as they bumped into his shoulders when he wasn't looking. This snapped (Y/N) out of his daze as he turned to the person that he bumped into.

(Y/N): I'm very sorry. I wasn't paying attention.

(Y/N) got a good look at these people as they were three hooded figures and he takes a closer look at them to see that they were feminine. He couldn't quite see them, but one of them completely ignored him while the second one just scoffed. However, the third girl turned towards (Y/N) and he could slightly see arctic bluish white skin on this girl as she looks at him with a cute smile and she even gives him a cute wave.

???: No worries.

(Y/N) hears a cheerful tone from that girl before one of the other ones quickly grabs her and tugs her along as they continued walking. (Y/N) was confused from that before he shrugs his shoulders and decides to head on home. As he did though, he couldn't help but think that something felt odd about those girls, but despite that he couldn't see them, he couldn't figure out what. He didn't let it bother him though as he just kept walking home casually.

(Y/N): (This musical showcase is going to be great! I can feel it!)

Chapter 8 End.

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