Chapter 9: Dazzling New Students

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A Couple of Months Ago During the Fall Formal. . .

It is a beautiful starry night out in Canterlot as not many people were out walking during this time. However, while the night may seemed quiet on the outside, the inside told a much different story. At a restaurant around a street corner, the brightly lit windows pick out the silhouettes of a roomful of customers, and their muffled, heated conversation is heard even at this distance.

Inside, a set of female voices gradually makes itself heard, vocalizing a five-note phrase while everybody across the tables were arguing with nothing said, but complete negativity as there was even a greenish mist swirling at floor level. That creepy green mist was making its way towards three hooded figures that were sitting at a table in the corner. There were three red gems around each of their necks as they glow feebly and the mist swirls up to them and is absorbed. The three jewels glimmer briefly as they fall silent.

After they were done, the girls remove their hoods as one of them was a girl with pale, light grayish fuchsia skin, moderate purple hair done in pigtails with light brilliant aquamarine streaks, and moderate mulberry eyes. The girl right beside her has arctic bluish white skin, light arctic blue hair in a ponytail with moderate persian blue stripes, and moderate raspberry eyes.

Aria Blaze: *sighs* That was barely worth the effort, Adagio. I'm tired of fast food. I need a meal.

The girl ahead of two pulls her hood down to reveal herself as she had pale apple green skin, large puffy luminous vivid orange hair with brilliant yellow streaks, and brilliant raspberry eyes. Her voice is that of the girl who will brook no argument with her plans.

Adagio Dazzle: The energy in this world isn't the same as in Equestria. We can only gain so much power here.

Aria Blaze: Ugh! I wish we'd never been banished to this awful place!

Adagio Dazzle: *sarcastically* Really? I love it here!

Sonata Dusk: For realsies? Because I think this place is the worst.

Aria Blaze: I think you're the worst, Sonata.

Sonata Dusk: Oh, yeah? Well, I think you're-

Adagio voices a fed-up groan and puts a hand to her forehead. A low rumble of thunder starts to build in the distance.

Adagio Dazzle: Ergh! I'll tell you one thing, being stuck here with you two isn't making this world any more bearable.

She says that last word through gritted teeth. After she finishes, a great flash of white light erupts behind the hills outside and gives way to a column of energy pouring up toward the sky. Adagio turns to the window, the reflection of this phenomenon playing across her eyes as she opens them wide in surprise.

She rushes out of the restaurant and onto the sidewalk and a sudden wind blowing past her as Aria moves to follow. The light column has subsided to a glow behind the hills, from which a double helix of rainbow light lances up into the clouds. Adagio can only stare openmouthed as a beam of this multicolored power shoots straight and true from the high end, connecting with a flash against something behind the hills and ricocheting into the heavens.

Adagio's pendant then gleams briefly and she sees this before looking up with a gasp.

Adagio Dazzle: Did you feel that?!

Her confusion gives way to a malicious grin as Aria and Sonata join her on the sidewalk still in confusion.

Adagio Dazzle: Do you know what that is?

Shrugs and noncommittal noises from the other two as Adagio grabs Aria's shirt.

Adagio Dazzle: It's Equestrian magic!

Aria Blaze: But this world doesn't have Equestrian magic.

Adagio Dazzle: It does now. And we're going to use it to make everyone in this pathetic little world adore us!

She walks away as her comments and the light show tell what is on the other side of those hills. . . Canterlot High School, at the moment of Sunset Shimmer's defeat during the Fall Formal. Adagio stops and rests one hand on her hip, the others moving up on either side and adopting smiles of her own.

(Insert Opening Here)

Present Day, Canterlot High School. . .

Today was a pleasant day at Canterlot High School as everybody was getting ready for the Musical Showcase that was coming up in just a couple of days. A steady buzz of conversation is heard as students make their way around the halls either carrying supplies or making their way to classes. Most people during this time however were in the gymnasium working on decorations.

Inside of the gymnasium, assorted groups of students can be seen hunched down on the floor, hard at work making signs and banners. Among the design teams are the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Trixie, the latter of whom is working with two other girls that joined in to form her band for the Musical Showcase. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo adding their own touches to the Crusaders' banner. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle trade an approving smile, the latter holding a small can of paint with a brush resting inside.

Suddenly, a hand attached to an arm in a dark gray sleeve reaches into view to pluck the implement away, much to both girls' surprise, and said arm belonged to none other than Sunset Shimmer. Her demeanor is very much changed from the one she displayed in the past as she has put on a genuine smile and a helpful tone.

Sunset Shimmer: Want some help?

Apple Bloom: Uh, no thanks. We're good.

The other two nod uneasily making Sunset's expression deflate.

Sunset Shimmer: Oh. Okay.

Pinkie Pie: Sunset Shimmer!

Sunset Shimmer looks over to see the (Hu) Mane 6 over at their own poster looking at her with smiles to say that she's completely free to join them.

Pinkie Pie: Over here!

The sight of the six brings a smile back to the former aspiring tyrant's face, but as she crosses the floor, the grumbling whispers from the other participants lowers her mood again. (Y/N) sees this and growls a little as he puts a paintbrush down and walks over to take Sunset's hand which surprises her before he glares over at the students gossiping about her.

(Y/N): *sternly* She's not bothering any one of you, right?! If not, then I suggest you focus back on what you're doing and not waste your time on ridiculing someone!

(Y/N)'s stern order quickly got everybody focused back on what they were doing before (Y/N) brings Sunset over to his girlfriends.

Sunset Shimmer: You didn't have to say that, (Y/N). . . To me, they still have a right to be angry with me.

(Y/N): I beg to differ. You're trying to best to show others that you've changed, but apparently most of them are still way to stubborn to even accept it. I just can't help it when I see you feel sad like that, you know?

Sunset smiles and blushes a little as well.

Sunset Shimmer: Well. . . thanks.

(Y/N): No problem.

As soon as (Y/N) brought Sunset over to the rest of the girls, he lets go of Sunset's hand as she sighs before putting a hand on her other arm a bit nervous.

Sunset Shimmer: *sighs* I had no idea the whole school would be here.

Fluttershy's hand on her shoulder cheers her a bit and now both Pinkie and Rarity trade a look and quickly hold up the group's handiwork. Guitar, keyboard, drum kit, floating against a backdrop of night sky and stars with a musical staff and notes snaking across.

Rarity: Quite the eye-catching advertisement, if I do say so myself.

Pinkie Pie: And it smells like cake!

Fluttershy: It does?

As she sniffs in its direction, Pinkie demonstrates by shoving the sign up against her face for a moment, then backing off. It leaves freckles of glitter all over the yellow skin and a splotch of blue on the nose.

Pinkie Pie: I used frosting instead of paste!

(Y/N): *chuckles* That's Pinkie folks!

(Y/N)'s signature line caught a chuckle from the rest of the girls as well.

Applejack: Uh, Fluttershy, you've got a little somethin', uh. . .

She points at her own nose and Fluttershy brushes a little glitter off her cheek.

Fluttershy: Did I get it?

Applejack: Heh, not exactly.

(Y/N): Hold on, Flutters.

Sunset hands (Y/N) a handkerchief and wipes all of the frosting and glitter off of Fluttershy's face gently and once he was finished, he pulls his hand away and looks at Fluttershy with a smile before getting a smirk on his face as he puts a hand on his chin.

(Y/N): Hmm, I think I missed a spot.

Fluttershy: You did? Where?

(Y/N) the suddenly pecks Fluttershy on the lips which caught her off guard as she blushes a little bit.

(Y/N): Right there.

Fluttershy giggles from that before all of them suddenly see Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna enter the gym. The latter carries a book under one arm.

Principal Celestia: Good afternoon, students. I just wanted to tell you all how pleased I am that so many of you are going to participate in the first ever Canterlot High School Musical Showcase!

Cheers ring out from all sides of the gym.

Principal Celestia: This is a wonderful opportunity to raise money for all our after-school programs here at CHS. So keep working on those signs and posters. I think it's going to be one of the most exciting events we've had at CHS since the Fall Formal.

Sunset gets a round of dirty looks from the rest of the gym, prompting her to blush and lift one hand to shield her face. She follows this up with a grimace and a slow slide down the folded-away bleachers against which she is leaning, so that she ends up in a huddle of insecurity that would rival Fluttershy or Twilight. (Y/N) just glares across all the students who were doing just that and yells out to them.

(Y/N): I'm serious, I WILL turn a hose on you!!

That instantly got everybody to go back to what they were doing with a little bit of fear from that comment.

Later on the school day, the Rainbooms, which is the new band name of the (Hu) Mane 6, decided that they should all keep Sunset away from most of the students for the time being since they wouldn't stop gossiping about what she did during the Fall Formal. Right now, the Rainbooms were all in the music room with their instruments ready. Sunset is present as well, sitting glumly atop a grand piano.

Sunset Shimmer: Ugh! I am never gonna live that down.

Fluttershy: You were pretty bad at the Fall Formal.

Sunset Shimmer: A demon. I turned into a raging she-demon.

Pinkie Pie: And tried to completely obliterate (Y/N) just so you could take his crown and win some pointless title!

She emphasizes her words by briefly shambling around with arms outstretched, then finishes up with a big squee. (Y/N) crosses his arms and glares at Pinkie.

(Y/N): Pinkie! I hate to be blunt, but you are literally helping no one with kind of reminder.

Pinkie Pie: Oops. Sorry.

(Y/N): What we really mean to say Sunset is that we're currently not looking at that kind of. . . "she-demon" anymore. I mean coming from us, you've changed quite a lot and you're showing that effort too. Having you as our friend is something that we're all to have.

The rest of the Rainbooms nod and voiced some agreement as well which made Sunset smile slightly.

Rarity: He's right, darling. We've forgiven you for your past. . . ahem. . . booboos.

Applejack: To be honest, I'd say the whole experience brought everyone at Canterlot High closer than ever before!

(Y/N): Especially us.

Rainbow Dash: Alright then, enough chit-chat. Let's get to practicing already. I don't my awesome guitar skills to get rusty.

(Y/N): Alright, hold on a sec Dashie.

(Y/N) holds up his new double-necked guitar which got everybody's attention except for Sunset since she already knows that it changed.

Rainbow Dash: Whoa! When you make your new guitar 20% cooler?

(Y/N): No idea. However, I'm not complaining. This new color scheme matches my style completely and I'm ready to play some more music with it.

Pinkie Pie: One, two, three!

The Rainbooms: ♪ There was a time we were apart ♪

♪ But that's behind us now ♪

♪ See how we've made a brand new start ♪

♪ And the future's lookin' up, ah-oh, ah-oh ♪

In the hall, students pass this way and one girl was even wearing the blue and yellow pony ears and tail given out to boost school spirit before the Fall Formal.

♪ And when you walk these halls ♪

♪ You feel it everywhere ♪

Two of the eco-kids put up a poster advertising the Musical Showcase and bump fists.

♪ Yeah, we're the Wondercolts forever, ah-oh, yeah! ♪

In the cafeteria, an athlete, rocker, and drama smile and wave to a techie getting her lunch; she gratefully moves to take a seat with them. The screen quickly tiles itself with vertical panels showing the six band members.

♪ We are all together ♪

♪ (Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh) ♪

Applejack's hair elongates and braids itself and her pony ears appear, as they did during the Fall Formal and Pinkie undergoes her own transformation as well.

♪ Now it's better than ever ♪

♪ (Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh) ♪

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and lastly (Y/N) transform too as the last three grew wings as well.

♪ You can feel it, we are back (You. . . can. . . feel. . . it. . .) ♪

♪ And I'm so glad that we're better ♪

♪ Better than ever ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh ♪

♪ Oh yeah, we're better than ever ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh ♪

Outside at the front of the school, the Cutie Mark Crusaders sit and stand on its top edge, a slightly puzzled Big Mac finds himself on the business end of Photo Finish's camera, and Trixie and Snips look on with amusement. A flash, and the view clears to show a quick sequence of four photos being stacked one on top of the other.

The first picture was Big Mac alone. On the second one, he smiles slightly as Apple Bloom sits on his shoulders and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle gather in. On the third one, the smile grows as Snips and Snails join the tableau. Finally, Trixie inserts herself in front of everyone, partially blocking them from view.

Back inside, Sunset is now smiling and bobbing her head in time to the beat.

Rainbow Dash: ♪ There was a time we couldn't see ♪

♪ Past the differences ♪

Applejack: ♪ That separated you and me ♪

♪ And it left us on our own ♪

In the hall, students talk and laugh as they go about their business.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ But now you walk these halls ♪

♪ And friends are everywhere ♪

An errant hacky sack knocks the Wondercolt pony ears off of a student's head so that they land on an athlete he is walking past. They trade a funny look, then both laugh.

The Rainbooms: ♪ Yeah, we're the Wondercolts forever, ah-oh, yeah! ♪

♪ We are all together ♪

♪ (Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh) ♪

Sunset jumps off the piano and grooves a bit.

♪ Now it's better than ever ♪

♪ (Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh) ♪

♪ Now that we are back on track (Now. . . that. . . we. . . are. . .) ♪

♪ Yes, I'm so glad that we're better ♪

♪ Better than ever ♪

Fluttershy winks as she gives her tambourine a shake.

♪ Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh ♪

Applejack and Rarity lean in toward Fluttershy from opposite sides.

♪ Oh yeah, we're better than ever ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh ♪

Sunset begins to clap along, now positively beaming.

♪ Oh yeah, we're better than ever ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh ♪

♪ Oh yeah, we're better than ever ♪

As soon as they complete the last line, the pony features vanish to leave six more-or-less ordinary teenage students. Pinkie twirls a drumstick as Sunset claps for the performance, and Rainbow removes her instrument, standing it upright on the floor.

(Y/N): What do you think, Sunset? How do you feel?

Sunset Shimmer: Honestly, I feel a lot than I was a few minutes ago. Thank you. All of you.

Rainbow Dash: Don't sweat it.

Rarity: *laughs* I still can't believe that happens when we play! Ooh! I've got to look into some new accessories! Something that looks good in a longer ponytail. Ooh! Maybe some clip-on earrings for when I get those adorable pony ears.

Applejack: I just wonder why it happens. Princess Twilight took her crown back to Equestria. Shouldn't that mean she took all the magic back with her?

(Y/N): I was actually looking into that all last week Applejack. I thought the same thing too. Magic was brought into this world and it passed onto all of us when Twilight was here. Once she went back, it all disappeared and our transformations were gone. I did ask Sunset since we know now that she's from Equestria as well, but even she couldn't find the solution.

Sunset nods with (Y/N) agreeing that she knew as well.

(Y/N): I'm no magic expert, but there is a chance that whatever magic Twilight brought back to her world has maybe left an inch of it in us. She told me that all five elements are connected to the Element of Magic and that all six combined form the Element of Heroism. Perhaps those said elements remain in us as well.

Sunset Shimmer: You know, (Y/N), you may be right. When you were wearing the Element of Heroism, you were able to wield magic from it like it already knew that it was on its user.

Applejack: Still, it is all hypothetical. We can't just assume somethin' until we've got the hang of it all.

Rainbow Dash: Who cares why it happens? It makes my band totally awesome!

Rarity and some others felt offended by that.

Rarity: Oh! Your band?

Rainbow Dash: Duh! It was my idea to start the Rainbooms so we could be in the showcase. Plus I'm the lead singer and guitarist.

(Y/N): Rainbow. . . watch that ego of yours will you? No one is quote unquote "taking orders" here in the band. The band is something for all of us to enjoy no matter who is playing.

Rainbow Dash: *rolls eyes* Yeah, yeah. I get it, I get it.

Suddenly, a string of knocks come from the door and the cause is Flash Sentry, who lets himself into the room. He is a bit flustered, but regains his composure as he speaks.

Flash Sentry: Uh, heard you outside. You guys are sounding really tight.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, we're getting there. Rarity's still coming in a little late on the second verse, and Applejack's bass solo could use a little work. They'll get it together in time for the showcase.

She completely misses the nasty looks that Applejack and Rarity shoot at her and each other, and all three of them pay no mind to Fluttershy's uneasy efforts to scrunch down behind the tambourine she still holds. (Y/N) just glares at how easily egotistical Rainbow can get.

(Y/N): Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash: What? I'm just stating what I saw honestly.

Applejack leans towards Rarity to whisper.

Applejack: *whispers* I can tell her what I saw honestly. . . Her ego's the size of a barn full of loud pigs.

Rarity lets out a quiet giggle from that as she can no doubt agree with that.

(Y/N): Either way. . . you can definitely see that we'll be full of surprises during the showcase.

Flash Sentry: I'll bet. I guess that means no turning back now and joining back in my band, huh?

(Y/N): Nope. Guess not.

Flash Sentry: Well, I'm not going to judge you for it. Besides, with how great you sounded with them, maybe it was a good thing that you decided to join a band with your girlfriends.

(Y/N): You kidding? I'd never leave my girls hanging.

(Y/N) says this as he looks back and winks at his girlfriends who all blush from his little gesture. Flash then smirks as he gets an idea and decides to tease (Y/N) about a certain girl.

Flash Sentry: So, I don't suppose a girl of yours from uh. . . out of town might come?

(Y/N) looks at Flash with a raised eyebrow.

(Y/N): Wait, what?

Flash Sentry: It wouldn't surprise me if your "other" girlfriend arrived to see you. I mean you ARE clearly head over heels for her. And this is a special charity event and all.

(Y/N) suddenly blushes and gets flustered before glaring at Flash embarrassed.

(Y/N): You're talking about this NOW?! Especially around my girlfriends?!

The said girlfriends all giggled from (Y/N) being embarrassed as they know exactly who Flash was talking about.

Flash Sentry: What's the problem? You walked into the school with her, you told her about the Fall Formal, and YOU danced with her as Prince of Fall Formal~

(Y/N): That was because I had no choice! I didn't want for it all to occur! It just happened!

Applejack: *quietly* Now that's a lie and he knows it. . .

Flash Sentry: Lookie here, someone misses their princess~

(Y/N): Shut up. Look, even if it was true, I don't even believe Twilight is coming back anytime soon considering all that happened during that time. She's a pony princess and I'm sure she's got her own things planned in her world.

Flash shrugs his shoulders.

Flash Sentry: Eh, I guess that's true. . .

(Y/N): Anyways, how's my old band been holding up?

Flash Sentry: Trust me when I say that even though you're not in the group for this, we're ready. Ringo, Brawly, and I have been practicing a ton as well. I have a feeling we'll blow your mind just as good.

(Y/N) smirks from this.

(Y/N): Is that a challenge?

Flash Sentry: Who knows?

Both of them chuckle from that before Flash turns to leave.

Flash Sentry: Well, I just wanted to compliment your band, I'll see you guys later. Keep on rockin' it.

(Y/N): Thanks. The same for you as well, dude.

Flash gets ready to go before he decides to tease (Y/N) one last time as he turns back to him.

Flash Sentry: And (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah?

Flash Sentry: I'm sure Twilight is cheering you on whether she is seeing you or not.

(Y/N) yells out from that and covers his face as he was a blushing mess at this point before Flash just leaves the flustered (Y/N) in the music room with his girlfriends who laughed a little.

(Y/N): WHY?!

Rarity: Well. *giggles* Someone is quite the smitten kitten.

(Y/N): You too, Rarity?! This is so embarrassing. . .

Pinkie then rushes up to (Y/N) and cups both his cheeks as she started playing with them.

Pinkie Pie: Aw, don't be a bad sprinkle, sweetie. Besides, you look cute when your face is all bright and embarrassed. It makes it really fun to smush your adorable pink cheeks around.

(Y/N): Give me a break. . .

Sunset Shimmer: *chuckles* He did always a strong bond with you, (Y/N).

This made Rarity turn to Sunset in curiosity.

Rarity: Apologizes if this is too sensitive to bring up, but I always forget you and Flash used to be an item.

Sunset Shimmer: It's okay. Flash is a great guy and all, but I never really "liked-him" liked him. I was just using him to become more popular. . . and get a little closer to (Y/N) since we all know how popular he is.

(Y/N): Yeah, but it's not like it doesn't get boring or I have to flaunt it.

Sunset looks away from that statement as (Y/N) unintentionally reminded Sunset of her past evil self.

(Y/N): S-Sorry, Sunset. I-I wasn't trying to-

Sunset Shimmer: You don't need to apologize. Ugh! The old me really was just awful, wasn't she?

A round of varied assent noises came from the others before (Y/N) just walked up to her.

(Y/N): Maybe so, but note that you used the terms "old" and "she". That clearly means that while you may still feel guilty of what you did in the past, the present is what matters right now. She was awful, but you're not. You've turned yourself into someone different and I can tell.

Sunset gives a slight smile from that.

Sunset Shimmer: Thanks, (Y/N). Although I wish everyone else would believe that too.

(Y/N): I wish that as well, Sunset, but don't worry. You just need to give them time. It does annoy me that they still haven't forgiven you, but I'm sure that eventually they will ALL come around. I already knew from the get go that it wasn't going to happen after that day. Just keep doing what you're currently doing and they will give you their trust back. Everything will be okay, trust me.

Sunset Shimmer: And what if they don't?

(Y/N): Then they'll just have to answer to not just me, but the rest of us as well.

Sunset looks at (Y/N)'s girlfriends as they all nod in agreement from that. (Y/N) then takes Sunset's hand which made her look up at (Y/N) surprised.

(Y/N): Remember that day you told me everything that happened to you in your past and why you acted the way you did. I promised you that as your friend, that I'll always be there for you no matter what. . . no, I Pinkie Promised. I never go back on my promises and I definitely know the policies on a Pinkie Promise.

(Y/N) says this as behind him he could feel a playful smirk coming from Pinkie Pie as she narrows his eyes at him while giving him a "I'm watching you" gesture. He smiles back at Pinkie before looking back at Sunset holding up her hand.

(Y/N): I'm going to help make things right for you, Sunset Shimmer. You can count on it.

Sunset stared up at (Y/N) astonished before she smiles and wraps (Y/N) in a hug which he returns.

Sunset Shimmer: Thank you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Anytime.

The rest of (Y/N)'s girlfriends couldn't help, but smile at this cute little scene as they've known (Y/N) long enough that he'll do anything to make someone depressed happy.

Rarity: Aww, how sweet of you (Y/N) dear~

When Rarity says this, (Y/N) and Sunset quickly part from each other as the former rubs the back of his head a little bit embarrassed.

(Y/N): Wh-What can I say. . .? It's my natural instinct. . .

Everyone around the room let out some giggles and laughs from that before suddenly Vice Principal Luna's voice was heard on the P.A. System.

Vice Principal Luna: (On P.A. System) (Y/N) (L/N) and Sunset Shimmer, please report to the main foyer.

(Y/N) gives a slight annoyed sigh from this which didn't go unnoticed.

Fluttershy: Is something wrong, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) shakes his head with a small smile.

(Y/N): Nah, it's not a big deal. Vice Principal Luna nominated me to show some new students around the school and I think it's probably I did SO well with showing Twilight around when she was here.

(Y/N) said this playfully which got some laughs out of few of the girls while some others rolled their eyes.

(Y/N): I didn't really sign up for this, but I'm not complaining if it means showing some new folks around.

Sunset Shimmer: I decided to volunteer to help as well. Thought it'd be good for the new students to get to know the new me before they heard all the stuff about the old me.

A last half-smile over her shoulder, and she is gone into the hall. (Y/N) sighs that Sunset must still feel somewhat anxious about that before looking back at the Rainbooms.

(Y/N): We'll see you guys later. From what I heard, it was three students. So we've definitely got some attention here.

(Y/N) follows Sunset out of the music room and Rainbow waves at him before turning back to the rest of the girls.

Rainbow Dash: We've still got a few minutes before lunch starts. What do you say we do "Awesome As I Wanna Be"?

Fluttershy pulls out a notebook and lifts it up.

Fluttershy: Um, Rainbow Dash? I was wondering if we could maybe play the song I wrote?

Rainbow Dash: We'll get to it.

Up with the instrument, down with both the notebook and the timid girl's spirits.

Fluttershy: Oh. Okay.

Out in the main foyer, Sunset and (Y/N) were walking towards the main foyer show that they could tour the new students around the school. As they were though, (Y/N) still had his arms crossed looking a little bit bored which Sunset noticed.

Sunset Shimmer: Still not feeling excited for this?

(Y/N): Maybe not, but I'll still put on the best smile that I can for them. They don't really need to know about the title that I have. It can also be a good opportunity to make some friends. Hopefully some that be a great addition to the school though.

Sunset Shimmer: All I'm worried about is them finding out about my past.

(Y/N): Don't worry, just be yourself. You're friendly enough already to me.

Sunset smiles from that before straight ahead she notices some people as she waves to them keeping her casual smile on her face.

Sunset Shimmer: Hi. Are you the girls we're supposed to show around?

Those girls were none other than Adagio, Aria, and Sonata. They have shed their hooded sweatshirts and are standing in the partial shadows thrown by the light coming in through the front doors. They were wearing different outfits as well as Adagio was wearing a leotard-style garment with shorts attached and a short-sleeved, light violet shawl. Aria was wearing a pale yellow, fitted sleeveless top under an open, cropped green shirt whose sleeves have been ripped away, and Sonata was wearing a short-sleeved, dark red-pink jacket with lighter-hued collar, cuffs, lapels and light blue front accents.

Adagio Dazzle: We are.

(Y/N) turned his eyes away from Sunset and towards the three girls and once he does. . . something rather out of the blue happened with him. . .

His eyes shot wide open and a pink blush crawled onto his cheeks as looking at those three girls made his pupils dilate just a little bit before they turned into heart shapes as well. A goofy smile then slowly appears on his face as well and there was only one logical explanation on what this could possibly mean. . . (Y/N) was falling in love.

Sunset Shimmer: Well I'm Sunset Shimmer and this here is a close friend of mine. . .

Some silence came for a second which confused Sunset before she notices (Y/N)'s weird dazed expression as she waves a hand over his face to get his attention.

Sunset Shimmer: Um, (Y/N)? You there?

(Y/N) instantly returned back to reality as he looks back and forth before smiling nervously and he rubs the back of his head.

(Y/N): Uh, s-sorry about that. I was daydreaming. . . My name is (Y/N) (L/N). It's a pleasure to meet you three. What are your names?

Adagio Dazzle: I'm Adagio Dazzle.

Aria Blaze: Aria Blaze is the name.

Sonata Dusk: Hello! I'm Sonata Dusk! It's really nice to meet you!

(Y/N): (Looks like I was right to take some time off today. I think that I just hit the jackpot meeting these beauties.) Well, I don't think it's right to waste any time here. Follow us and you girls can tell us. . . a lot more about yourselves~

(Y/N) said that in a rather weird tone with a charming smirk which Sunset noticed as it made her raise an eyebrow.

Sunset Shimmer: (Huh. His mood changed. He said that he would put on his best smile, but that's. . . a little much.)

Sunset dismisses her confusion and looks back at the three girls with a smile.

Sunset Shimmer: What he said. Canterlot High is a great school. You're really gonna love it.

Adagio Dazzle: Oh, yes, we really sense there's something. . . magical about this place.

(Y/N): (Oh, I'm looking at something magical right now, beautiful~) In that case, we'll be more than glad to show you the rest of the school, right Sunset?

Sunset Shimmer: Exactly. Follow us.

Adagio Dazzle: Of course. Lead the way.

All three smiles from the girls shift a few notches toward sinister with frightening speed as they follow Sunset and (Y/N).

(Y/N) and Sunset had made their way around the corridors showing the new girls around the school and as they do, (Y/N) couldn't help but gawk at these girls every so often, but he stayed by Sunset's side to not make himself look that fishy.

Sunset Shimmer: That's the science lab. Computer lab is in there.

She then notices the poster for the Musical Showcase as they all come across towards it.

Sunset Shimmer: Oh! We're having a big musical showcase this weekend! The whole school is pretty much rallying around it.

Adagio gasps in fake surprise and glances toward her two colleagues.

Adagio Dazzle: A "musical" showcase?

All three trade scheming grins.

(Y/N): It's a charity event that we've been preparing for days now. It's supposed to help us raise money for the after-school programs. A lot of students, including myself that is have already signed up for it. There's always room for more you're interested.

Sunset Shimmer: *nods* I'm sure Principal Celestia wouldn't mind letting you sign up at all if you are.

Aria Blaze: We have been known to sing from time to time.

She said this with a bored sigh looking disinterested.

Sonata Dusk: Hello? We sing, like, all the time! It's how we get people to do what we want.

A mild grimace came from Aria, total shock from Sunset, indifference from (Y/N), and a threatening snarl and "cut it" gesture came from Adagio. The blue-haired teen remains completely oblivious to this colossal slip-up.

Sonata Dusk: Wha-What did I say?

Adagio Dazzle: What you "meant" to say was that being in a musical showcase sounds like a great way to meet other students.

Sonata Dusk: Ohhhh, yeah. Th-What she said I meant to say. That's what I meant. To say.

(Y/N) shrugs his shoulders with a small smile.

(Y/N): (You seem a little ditzy, but that doesn't take away the fact that you're still pretty gorgeous~)

Aria Blaze: *scoffs* And what you would have said if you weren't the worst.

Sonata Dusk: You are!

Adagio Dazzle: You'll have to excuse them. They're idiots.

(Y/N) and Sunset look at each other in slight confusion from that.

(Y/N): Is it always like that between you three?

Adagio Dazzle: *sighs* You have no idea.

(Y/N): Eh, take my word for it. We've used to had things like that here at CHS in the past, but believe it or not, they actually subsided and the people here are actually pretty nice once you get to know them.

That information was actually intriguing to Adagio as she grins devilishly from that.

Adagio Dazzle: Really now?

(Y/N): That's right. So what's your reason that you decided to come to CHS?

Adagio Dazzle: Oh, it wasn't for any big reason. Apparently, we heard from some "sources" that this school is rather nice and we couldn't help, but be a bit curious.

(Y/N) smirks a little as he decided to try something out.

(Y/N): You said your name was Adagio Dazzle, right?

Adagio Dazzle: That's correct dear.

(Y/N): Hmm, what a "dazzling" name~

Hearing this from (Y/N) made Adagio smirk a little.

Adagio Dazzle: Oh? Trying to win me over are we?

(Y/N) just gives a playful grin from that.

(Y/N): Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.

Sunset was watching this whole thing as she was looking back and forth between (Y/N) and Adagio with her mouth slightly open in both shock and confusion as she does not know what is happening, but she really doesn't want things to escalate further than they already are. To intervene, she steps a little bit in front of (Y/N) to block his path from Adagio and she tries to change the subject.

Sunset Shimmer: Y-You guys didn't seem to notice, uh, giant rainbow in the sky one day, did you?

Sonata Dusk: Oh, that's right. I saw it! I spiraled up so high before shooting downwards across the sky! But hold on, don't rainbows usually come during the day?

Aria Blaze: Sonata!

Sonata Dusk: What? I'm just asking!

Adagio quickly tries to dismiss Sonata's comment like it was no big deal.

Adagio Dazzle: I'm sure we weren't the only ones who saw it. It was indeed a shock to the three of us that something as abnormal as that could happen, but we're more surprised that no one bothered to even investigate it yet.

Sunset Shimmer: Y-Yeah, I wonder. . .

She lets out a nervous chuckle not sure what to make of this most unusual exchange, then leans forward as something catches her eye. She has gotten an eyeful of their pendants as Adagio fingers her gem idly as a gleam runs across all three.

Sunset Shimmer: *nervous laugh* Those are pretty. Where did you-

Almost faster than thought, one hand in a fingerless glove flashes up to seize Sunset's wrist and prevent her from making contact. Adagio lets go a moment later, managing a sheepish laugh as Sunset massages the joint, evidently showing that grip Adagio had has some steel to it.

Adagio Dazzle: Sorry. These pendants mean an awful lot to us. We'd just hate for anything to happen to them.

Away she goes with Aria following and she does, Adagio takes one last glance at (Y/N) and gives him a small wink which made him blush a little with a small smile. Sonata stays put, smiling at Sunset until the boss reaches back to grab her wrist and yank her away. The entire encounter does not sit at all right with the brain under the wild mass of red and yellow hair as all that she can do is give a confused facial expression.

Sunset Shimmer: I wasn't the only who sensed something off about that group, right (Y/N)?

(Y/N): . . .

Sunset noticed silence once more as she quickly turns to (Y/N) as he was looking up into the air with a dazed expression, but that quickly went away as Sunset snapped her fingers in (Y/N)'s face.

(Y/N): H-Huh? Wh-What?

Sunset Shimmer: Snap out of it!

(Y/N): S-Sorry, Sunset. What were you saying?

Sunset just crosses her arms with a skeptical look at (Y/N) before putting a finger on her chin and shaking her head.

Sunset Shimmer: You know what? No. It's probably better that we discuss this with the others anyway. Come on.

Meanwhile, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata who were walking away from the two down the hall come to a stop as Adagio turns towards the other two girls with an evil smile.

Adagio Dazzle: Girls, that (Y/N). . . there's something special about him.

Aria Blaze: What do you mean?

Adagio Dazzle: Isn't it obvious? He wasn't even under our spell and he was already flirting with us-

Aria Blaze: What?! Gross!

Adagio Dazzle: Let me finish. It's not just that, but I could sense a huge pile of magic inside of him for some reason.

This surprised the other two greatly.

Sonata Dusk: For realsies? You think that's why he knows of that giant rainbow in the sky? Which I still don't know get it happened in the nighttime.

Aria facepalms from Sonata being such a ditz. However, Adagio just answers her question.

Adagio Dazzle: Maybe. But something tells me that getting the Equestrian magic may be easier than we think. And perhaps we may be able to use (Y/N) to our advantage on getting it as well.

She said this with a sadistic grin before Aria was catching onto her plan as she grins as well and even nods agreeing on where Adagio was going with this. Sonata however was a little bit oblivious.

Sonata Dusk: Really? I actually do think that (Y/N) guy is kind of cute.

Adagio pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head while Aria rolls her eyes.

Aria Blaze: Why do I even bother still talking to you?

It was now lunchtime in the cafeteria as everybody around was chowing down on their food or chatting with friends. The Rainbooms were at one table and both Sunset and returned to their friends with different looks as Sunset was worried while (Y/N) just had a small smile.

Applejack: So how was the tour you two?

Sunset Shimmer: I don't know. I mean, these girls, they were. . . There was something off about them.

Pinkie Pie: Like, off like this?

She pulls a tuft of her own hair around to cover her face like a beard and mustache.

Pinkie Pie: Or off like this?

She switches to a pair of lettuce-leaf eyebrows and two carrots shoved up under her upper lip like tusks.

Pinkie Pie: Or. . . Oh, oh! Like-

Rainbow's next words cut her off before the masquerade can get any sillier.

Rainbow Dash: Maybe we should just let her tell us.

Sunset Shimmer: I wasn't the only one who noticed though. (Y/N) felt something off about them too, right?

(Y/N) however said something completely different than what Sunset was hoping she would hear.

(Y/N): I don't what you're talking about. I didn't notice a darn thing.

A few eyes turned to (Y/N) a little bit surprised from that, but Sunset was the most shocked.

Sunset Shimmer: What?!

(Y/N): Off you say? Those girls were completely fine to me. You're probably just paranoid or something.

(Y/N) then grows a blush on his face as he started fantasizing about the three girls again.

(Y/N): Their names were Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. The only weird about those three was that they were quite majestic to look at.

Everybody looked at (Y/N) with weird looks before looking at each other as they weren't expecting him to say that out of the blue like that.

Sunset Shimmer: Uh. . . Is this a bad time to say that you've been acting kind of odd as well?

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I'm gonna agree with what Sunset said. You sure that your mind is on the right path, babe?

(Y/N): Why wouldn't it be?

Applejack: Well, yer face is kinda. . . not normal. Like yer smitten about something. . . or someone?

Applejack gives (Y/N) the stink eye on that last comment as it made him sweat a little before he nervously laughs.

(Y/N): If you're implying what I think you're implying, it's not true.

(Y/N) says this as he wraps an arm around Pinkie Pie before patting her head which she liked.

(Y/N): There is only one harem for me and it's the one right here.

Pinkie seem convinced as she smiles and gestures towards (Y/N) as if saying that they should believe him as well. The other girls were still a little bit suspicious on how (Y/N) was acting, but they all shrugged their shoulders. Sunset however, kept her eye on (Y/N) as she couldn't help, but feel something fishy about him.

Sunset Shimmer: (It's not like him to be so unfocused about a situation before. . . I'm sure I wasn't the only who noticed. . . Maybe he's right, maybe I'm looking too far into it.)

Meanwhile, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were standing outside the cafeteria doors peeking through to see the many students in the lunch room while coming up with a plan.

Adagio Dazzle: This is it, girls. The moment we've been waiting for.

Sonata Dusk: Lunch?!

Her eager excitement resulted in Adagio groaning wearily and facepalming.

Adagio Dazzle: *groans* The chance to get our true Equestrian magic back.

Sonata Dusk: Oh. Right.

Adagio Dazzle: Our voices are just strong enough to make them want something so badly, they'll fight to get it.

Aria Blaze: So we're just gonna do what we always do? Stir up some trouble and then feed off the negative energy? *sarcastically* Some plan, Adagio.

Adagio scowls at her.

Adagio Dazzle: It won't be the same as the times before! There is Equestrian magic here. Their negative energy will give us the power we need to get this entire world to do our bidding.

Sonata Dusk: But we can get lunch after though, right?

Adagio's narrowed red-violet eyes pop in surprise as Sonata is absolutely mooning over a poster.

Sonata Dusk: It's Taco Tuesday!

Adagio gets in her face.

Adagio Dazzle: Just follow my lead.

Aria Blaze: Or my lead.

Adagio quickly grabs the collar of her vest.

Adagio Dazzle: "My" lead!

That puts a good scare into the pigtailed upstart, but she quickly shifts back to her usual dissatisfied look upon seeing Sonata's big dopey smile.

Inside, the cafeteria doors are thrown open as the three girls stroll easily among the tables, vocalizing a melody before they started singing which got everybody's attention.

The Dazzlings: ♪ Ah, ah-ah, ah-ahh ♪

♪ Ah, ah-ah, ah-ahh ♪

♪ Ah, ah-ah, ah-ahh ♪

♪ Ah, ah-ah, ah-ahh ♪

Adagio Dazzle: ♪ We heard you want to get together ♪

Sonata passes Flash, caressing the guitar slung on his back to draw the focus of both him and his table-mate.

♪ We heard you want to rock this school ♪

Adagio lets her fingers run along the heads of several students, entrancing them.

♪ We've thought of something that is better ♪

♪ Something that changes all the rules ♪

Aria draws a few more eyes to herself.

♪ Why pretend we're all the same ♪

All three gather, back to back to back, and circle slowly as their pendants start to burn red.

♪ When some of us shine brighter? ♪

Aria Blaze & Sonata Dusk: ♪ Shine brighter ♪

Adagio then leans over the back of a student's chair.

Adagio Dazzle: ♪ Here's a chance to find your flame ♪

♪ Are you a loser or a fighter? ♪

The student smiles thoughtfully to himself, and the singers gather near the doors again and point around themselves.

The Dazzlings: ♪ Me and you, you and me ♪

♪ Why don't we see who is better? ♪

♪ We don't have to be one and the same thing ♪

A rocker and Sandalwood start to eye each other with distrust.

♪ Oh, what's so wrong with a little competition? ♪

The trio is then seen sitting in chairs as one by one, they uncross their legs and give a thumbs-down.

♪ Are you afraid of failing the audition? ♪

Adagio has then made her way over to lift Trixie's chin.

Adagio Dazzle: ♪ You're a star and you should know it ♪

Aria and Sonata take Adagio's arms and lift her onto a table as she walks it like a runway.

♪ Yeah, you rise above the rest ♪

She then kneels, strokes and flicks a boy's chin, making him forget his lunch altogether.

♪ It doesn't matter who you hurt ♪

Back to the floor, she sashays down an aisle, away from the camera.

♪ If you're just proving you're the best ♪

The Dazzlings: ♪ Ah, ahh-ahh-ahhh ♪

Sonata shoots a fist skyward, and Aria points at one knot of students to egg them on.

♪ Battle! You wanna win it ♪

Adagio raises a fist of her own.

♪ Let's have a battle, battle of the bands ♪

Now Aria pushes her way through the Crusaders, Snips, and Snails.

♪ Let's have a battle, we'll go all in it ♪

♪ Let's have a battle, battle, battle ♪

♪ Battle of the bands ♪

The Dazzlings & Students: ♪ Battle! ♪

After all of that, students all around the cafeteria started to act really competitive and get into arguments with each other.

Blueberry Cake: I can beat you!

The Dazzlings & Students: Battle!

Cherry Crash: Ha! You wish!

The Dazzlings & Students: Battle!

Trixie: I so want this!

The Dazzlings & Students: Battle!

Captain Planet: Not if I get it first!

The Dazzlings & Students: ♪ Me and you, you and me ♪

♪ Why don't we see who is better? ♪

Adagio is then seen in front as the arms of Aria and Sonata wave from behind her head, and they step out to either side.

♪ We don't have to be one and the same thing ♪

A lot of dirty looks were going back and forth between students and the same greenish mist from the restaurant was flowing around the students' ankles. Flash and Sandalwood are nearly ready to come to blows.

♪ Oh, what's so wrong with a little competition? ♪

Students: ♪ I'm going out and winning the audition ♪

While all of this was going on, the girls were staring at all of what was happening with worried or confused looks. However, (Y/N)'s reaction was different as his focus wasn't on the cafeteria, but on the trio instead as he kept his eyes trained on them the entire time looking rather entranced by them, yet he was unaffected by their spell. However, due to him being all the way at the back of the table, no one noticed. It doesn't take Adagio and the other two to notice staring at them from afar with his reaction and they slowly made their way towards him.

The Dazzlings & Students: ♪ Battle! We wanna win it ♪

Sunset throws a hard sidewise glance across the table before she notices (Y/N)'s expression and she suddenly realizes why the trio is making their way over to them. The Rainbooms kept their eyes on them and they make their way on over to (Y/N) which shocked them with their eyes shrinking and mouths open. (Y/N) was surprised as well as he kept complete still.

♪ Let's have a battle, battle of the bands ♪

♪ Let's have a battle, we'll go all in it ♪

Aria leans on the back of (Y/N)'s chair looking at him with a smirk, Sonata rests her elbow on his shoulder, and Adagio was just right in front of him as she strokes his chin and (Y/N) stared deep into her eyes with a blush on his face looking really nervous.

♪ Let's have a battle, battle, battle ♪

Feeling that that's all that they need to do, they part of him and the Rainbooms just stared at them in shock that they were literally trying to charm their boyfriend right in front of them.

♪ Battle of the bands! ♪

Their pendants glow once more absorbing all of the green energy that was scattered throughout the cafeteria. Down the main aisle, on both sides of it, students have lined up and are shouting challenges and derogatory remarks at each other.

Pinkie Pie: Ohhhh. They're that kind of "off".

(Y/N) eyes suddenly turned back into heart shapes for a second signaling that he was in lovesick mode again.

(Y/N): I have no idea what that was. . . but that was kind of an invigorating feeling.

Rainbow Dash deadpans at (Y/N).

Rainbow Dash: You're an idiot.

(Y/N) crosses his arms and looks at Rainbow Dash a little annoyed.

(Y/N): What would you say if I was the one doing those kind of gestures to you?

Rainbow Dash: An invigorating feeling.

Rainbow Dash said this with a smile before her eyes widen and she looks at (Y/N) who was smirking at her that he just played her. Rainbow rolls her eyes before punching (Y/N) on the shoulder. . . not in a playful way though.

(Y/N): Ow.

Applejack: Still think that there ain't anything odd about them girls, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) looks down with a slight nervous look.

(Y/N): I'd look kind of stupid if I said that I didn't. They're definitely up to something.

Sunset Shimmer: But why were they focused on you is the real question? Around many of the other students, they were just going around. . . I don't know what, but then they directed their attention to you.

(Y/N) shrugs his shoulders from that acting a little bit oblivious. However, Pinkie rushes up behind (Y/N) and wraps her arms around him to squeeze him like a teddy bear which makes (Y/N)'s eye bulge out a bit.

Pinkie Pie: If they're after what I think that they're after, I'm not going to let some new strangey strange girls lay a finger on you!

(Y/N): *straining* Y-Yeah, Pinkie! I-I think that I'm already getting the message for that!

Pinkie lets go of (Y/N) seeing that he couldn't breathe anymore with her squishing him.

Applejack: Well, either way, we need to get and let Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna know what's goin' on around here?

(Y/N)'s turns away a little bit disappointed from that, but he kept the look a little bit discreet so that no one would notice.

(Y/N): I guess if that's our only option.

Applejack: What? Ya got a better idea?

(Y/N): *sighs* No. . .

Applejack: Alright then. Let's hurry on over to them.

Everybody got up and made their way out of the lunchroom so that they could go and warn both Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna about the three strange girls who made their appearance in the cafeteria causing all of the students to fight.

The seven of them enter from a side hall and make their way through the lobby as Rainbow Dash was messing with a soccer ball and Pinkie was skipping merrily along as other students were still around acting competitive and distant.

Sunset Shimmer: Those three are definitely in possession of some kind of dark magic. How else could you explain what happened back there?

Applejack: Don't worry, y'all. We'll let Principal Celestia know all about this and those girls will be kicked to the curb in no time. Last thing she needs is another CHS event almost ruined by some power-crazed lunatic.

Too late she realizes that she has let honesty veer into tactlessness and she turns to a mildly irked Sunset.

Applejack: Er, no offense.

Sunset Shimmer: *sighs* None taken.

Up ahead Sunset notices (Y/N) up ahead whistling rather innocently as if he was in a happy mood and she leans over to whistle to Applejack.

Sunset Shimmer: *whispers* I told you though. He's been acting strange ever since those girls had their tour here with us.

Applejack nods as she noticed as well before she decides that she should test something on (Y/N). She walks up to him with a skeptical look.

Applejack: Sugarcube, I'll be blunt. Yer not. . . thinking about them girls now, are ya? Like. . . vividly?

(Y/N)'s eyes widen from that as he looks back and forth nervously before giving Applejack a smile while blushing a little.

(Y/N): N-No, of course not. Why would I be?

Applejack: Uh-huh. . .

Applejack doesn't really buy this, but she decides that she'll believe what (Y/N) is saying for now as they've got more dire things to worry about.

When they make their way inside of Principal Celestia's office, they were expecting her to give some feedback on what should do during the Musical Showcase. . . however, they said some things that the gang wasn't expecting at all.

Principal Celestia: Dark magic? I find that very hard to believe. Those girls came into my office earlier and were absolutely delightful.

Luna lets off a mild scoff.

Vice Principal Luna: Perhaps Sunset Shimmer is just eager to make someone else out to be a bad element, so that her actions at the Fall Formal will become old news.

Sunset Shimmer: I could see why you might think that, but-

(Y/N): What? Luna, you can't be serious. The both of you even see me standing here before you. How can you not tell that whatever we're saying is legitimate? You told me that ever since I attended here to come to you whenever I'm having a problem and this time it's not just me. Besides, how can you two. . . long time friends of my mother, act like Sunset is still going for something rather mischievous after everything she's done to try and help?

Neither of the two officials is buying what the male teen is saying.

Principal Celestia: *giggles* (Y/N), you are probably overreacting a little.

(Y/N): What? How is that overreacting?!

Principal Celestia: I was actually referring to how you're going through so much to defend your new band with your girlfriends. Speaking of which, isn't your band supposed to be part of the Musical Showcase?

(Y/N) and Rainbow Dash look at each other confused.

Rainbow Dash: Yes.

Vice Principal Luna: Perhaps you're all just worried that the Dazzlings will steal your spotlight.

Applejack: The "Dazzlings"?

Principal Celestia: It's the name of their musical group. That's why they came by my office earlier – to sign up for the Showcase. Even sang a little song to Vice Principal Luna and I.

(Y/N): *smirks* (Adagio totally stole that from me. I can feel it.)

Applejack: They did?

Principal Celestia: Yes. And we think having a Battle of the Bands instead is a marvelous idea.

All four eyes from the principals flash pale green as she finishes, leaving the group visibly unnerved and at a total loss for words.

When the Rainbooms left the office, they all decided to talk outside at the statue on the front lawn. Applejack was pacing and thinking, Fluttershy was standing and staring at a ladybug on one side of the base, Pinkie Pie was lying on her back atop the base and letting her head hang over the edge, Rainbow Dash was knee-kicking her soccer ball in place, Rarity was sitting near Fluttershy and painting her fingernails, (Y/N) was playing on his phone with a blank expression, and Sunset was standing slumped against another of the base's sides near Applejack.

Fluttershy: I can't believe they got to Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna too.

Rainbow Dash: They've gotten to everybody.

Pinkie Pie: Not everybody!

Applejack: Pinkie Pie's right. We were there when the Dazzlings were singin' and we weren't affected. It was like we were protected somehow.

This made a thought roll into (Y/N)'s mind as he stops looking at his phone and he turns to Applejack.

(Y/N): Remember when I said that when Twilight took her magic back to Equestria, it may have left an inch of it inside of us? That could be the reason that we were immune to the effects that the Dazzlings used with their singing.

Sunset heard that and while she did indeed believe what (Y/N) said was true, there was something else about him that (Y/N) himself was missing.

Sunset Shimmer: (Magicwise, yes? Mentally immune is debatable right now for you.)

Rarity: So, what you're saying darling is that the magic that appeared from when we played our instruments is somehow keeping us safe from the dark magic?

(Y/N): Pretty much. It's hypothetical, but it's a huge possibility.

Rainbow Dash: So let's take them down! It's not like we haven't tangled with dark magic before and totally whooped its sorry butt!

She flips the ball away as she finishes, catching it in one hand, then realizes that she has made the same colossal faux-pas that Applejack committed in the hall.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, no offense.

Sunset Shimmer: *sighs* None taken. Again.

Fluttershy: But that was when Twilight was here. There may be some kind of magic inside us, but it only comes out when we play music. I sure don't know how to use it to. . . whoop anybody's butt.

Rarity: *sighs* If only we could get a message to Twilight. Maybe she could tell us how to break the spell the Dazzlings have cast on our friends.

Rainbow Dash: Well, that's not gonna happen. The portal's closed.

The fashion-conscious teen has just enough time to gasp and duck before the sphere collides with the smooth stone surface and bounces away. However, the sudden disruption has caused her to paint a streak of nail polish along her arm and she gasps in horror at the slip, dropping her brush, as Rainbow Dash catches the ball.

(Y/N): She said thirty moons is when it'll be open again too. And we definitely don't have that kind of time.

Sunset then scratches a temple for a moment's hard thought, then snaps to with a smile.

Sunset Shimmer: I may have an idea how we can get in touch with Princess Twilight!

Back inside of the school, Sunset leads the group to her locker which she opens and she peers intently inside, then rummages through a box as the others gather behind. she stands up, holding a book bound in faded brown leather with her red and yellow sun Cutie Mark on its cover and brass accents on the spine.

Sunset Shimmer: When I was Princess Celestia's student back in Equestria, she gave me this.

She brushes a hand across the cover to wipe a layer of dust away.

Sunset Shimmer: Even after I abandoned my studies, I held onto it. Deep down, I guess I knew I was making a big mistake, and I wanted to still have a way to reach out to her.

She passes the last used pages and stops at a couple of blank ones, running a hand gently over the unmarked surface.

Sunset Shimmer: Maybe it still works.

Rarity: That's a book, darling. What do you mean, "maybe still works"?

(Y/N): Rarity, I think what Sunset means to say is that it's actually a magical book from where she comes from.

Sunset Shimmer: *nods* It used to be that if I wrote something here, it would appear in the pages of a book back in Princess Celestia's library. I get a message to her, then she can get a message to Princess Twilight.

Rainbow Dash: So what are you waiting for? Get to writing!

Sunset's perspective of the five, including one blue athlete with writing tool in hand whose challenging smile turns into a warmer one that matches those on the others' faces. Sunset regards the item with wide-eyed puzzlement for a second before (Y/N) places a hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N): Just do what you need to do. Besides, I'm actually kind of curious what the other me is doing down there as well.

This actually got a giggle out of Sunset as she was reassured before her focus turns back towards the book.

Sunset Shimmer: Been a long time since I've written these words.

She then brings the pen down and starts to write three iconic words.

Sunset Shimmer: Dear Princess Celestia. . .

Chapter 9 End.

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